Template:Di-fails NFCC/testcases
This is the template test cases page for the sandbox of Template:Di-fails NFCC. to update the examples. If there are many examples of a complicated template, later ones may break due to limits in MediaWiki; see the HTML comment "NewPP limit report" in the rendered page. You can also use Special:ExpandTemplates to examine the results of template uses. You can test how this page looks in the different skins and parsers with these links: |
{{Di-fails NFCC|yes|yes|3a=yes |3b=yes}}
{{Di-fails NFCC}}
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This file does not appear to comply with the non-free content criteria, specifically: Unless this concern is addressed by adding an appropriate explanation or rationale addressing why it does not fail the above criterion/criteria, the file will be deleted or removed from some uses after Tuesday, 4 July 2017. Please remove this template if you are an administrator and have determined it does not fail the criteria in question.
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