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Draft talk:Martti Syrjä

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Need help with the sources


I keep trying to fix the errors with the sources, but since they are from the Finnish version of the page, I'm not sure how to. Could someone advise me on how to fix it? 3SiameseCats (talk) 02:25, 28 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Information sources


Here is a list of articles and things I have compiled in order to make improving this article easier.

For examples of other artist biographies, see featured articles of musicians
For examples of good-class finnish musician articles, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juha_Vainio

Good sources

ONLY source eppunormaali.net for things indexed in their juttuarkisto "story archive". Please indicate in your citation who originally published whatever article it is.

  1. https://www.eppunormaali.net/juttuarkisto/index.php
  2. https://yle.fi/t/18-178945/fi
  3. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/aihe/eppu-normaali/2839394 eput general category
  4. https://ylojarvenuutiset.fi/kategoriat/martti-syrja/
  5. https://www.soundi.fi/artistit/martti-syrja/
  6. https://www.rumba.fi/artistit/martti-syrja/

  1. https://www.ita-savo.fi/aihe/Martti_Syrj%C3%A4
  2. https://www.ess.fi/aihe/Martti_Syrj%C3%A4
  3. https://www.tamperelainen.fi/aihe/Martti_Syrj%C3%A4
  4. https://seura.fi/asiasana/martti-syrja/
  5. https://www.kymensanomat.fi/aihe/Martti_Syrj%C3%A4

Low content
  1. https://www.rakennuslehti.fi/avainsanat/martti-syrja/
  2. https://www.radionova.fi/aihe/martti-syrja
  3. https://www.etlehti.fi/avainsana/martti_syrja
  4. https://www.iijokiseutu.fi/aihe/martti-syrja/27136


Quality articles:

  1. https://www.hameensanomat.fi/kanta-hame/juha-torvinen-ja-martti-syrja-mahtuvat-edelleen-samalle-sohvalle-177273/ Juha Torvinen and Martti Syrjä can still fit on the same couch
  2. https://www.savonsanomat.fi/paikalliset/3024159 "It happened when the circular saw had destroyed my nerves," Martti Syrjä recalls his accident.

HS (Paywalled):

  1. https://www.hs.fi/taide/art-2000010448054.html "Martti Syrjä invited HS to his legendary home"
  2. https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000004004046.html


  1. https://www.is.fi/musiikki/art-2000001186547.html Martti Syrjä got fired from the band in 1977 – Eppu Normaali
  2. https://www.is.fi/viihde/art-2000010530977.html Kirsi Kunnas came to haunt her son Martti Syrjä after his death

iltalehti (tabloid):

  1. https://www.iltalehti.fi/julkkisarkisto/a/201003110103752 about Syrjä
  2. https://www.iltalehti.fi/viihdeuutiset/a/76c21232-60df-4bcd-a1ae-f888ead29387 This is why Martti Syrjä avoids social media - "It's a national security issue that I'm not on Facebook"


  1. https://kulttuuritoimitus.fi/artikkelit/artikkelit-henkilot/punk-on-martti-syrjalle-vapautta-soittaa-juuri-sita-mita-han-haluaa-soittaa/ Punk is the freedom for Martti Syrjä to play exactly what he wants to play.
  2. https://www.tamperelainen.fi/paikalliset/1802138 Do you remember, when Martti Syrjä found balance? (Alexander technique)
  3. https://www.kokemaenjokilaakso.fi/2024/04/03/mikko-ja-martti-syrjan-suosikkikirjoja-pukstaavissa/ Mikko and Martti Syrjä's favorite books in Pukstaavi exhibition
  4. https://alueviesti.fi/2024/04/06/mikko-ja-martti-syrjan-suosikkikirjoja-pukstaavissa/ (same subject as above)
  5. https://www.apu.fi/artikkelit/martti-syrja-kiertaminen-erilaista-kuin-nuorempana Martti Syrjä: "Touring is different than when I was younger"
  6. https://www.motouutiset.fi/fi/moottoripyorat/uutiset/386/Julkkiskisan-voitti-Eppu-Normaalin-Martti-Syrj%C3%A4.htm Martti Syrjä wins motorcycle compition (short reference for his motorcycle hobby)
  7. https://www.ksml.fi/paikalliset/2388952 The previous three were Heikki Salo, Hector and Martti Syrjä – who will get the next lyricist award?
  8. https://anna.fi/ihmiset/martti-syrjan-aiti-kirsi-kunnas-asui-viimeiset-ajat-poikansa-luona-laulaja-toivoo-perineensa-aidiltaan-kadehdittavan-ominaisuuden Martti Syrjä's mother Kirsi Kunnas lived with her son for the last time - the singer hopes he inherited an enviable trait from his mother

Unreliable sources:

  1. https://www.iskelma.fi/aihe/martti-syrja
  2. https://www.seiska.fi/listaus/sana/martti%20syrj%C3%A4 sources wikipedia

3SiameseCats (talk) 01:00, 25 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]