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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/University of Michigan/Ancient Nubia (Fall 2024)

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Course name
Ancient Nubia
University of Michigan
Geoff Emberling
Wikipedia Expert
Ian (Wiki Ed)
Course dates
2024-08-26 00:00:00 UTC – 2024-12-21 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

Students will identify Wikipedia entries related to Nubia (or entries for which a section on Nubia might be appropriate) and then to develop a contribution to the entry, whether by creating a new entry or editing what is there already.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Emgbaron Nubian Museum Viceroy of Kush
Antiochos1soter George Andrew Reisner A-Group culture
OmphalosOfDelphi Viceroy of Kush Sanam
Nessaf1 Tombos (Nubia) Nubian pyramids
Lga919 Amenhotep called Huy C-Group culture
Forest2004 A-Group culture Nubian architecture
Ancieclas Amun Geoff Emberling
Joemdonovan0 Military of ancient Nubia George Andrew Reisner
Doctor Wawa Tattoo Military of ancient Nubia
Morihawk C-Group culture Amun
Funnymummy24 Nubian architecture Pan-Grave Culture
SuperDuperSmartGal Nubian pyramids, Nubian Pyramids Tattoo
Amehstris Pan-Grave Culture Amenhotep called Huy
Portable orbit Nubian pyramids Tombos (Nubia)
Nggiovi Nubian architecture Nubian Museum
Little.prince.001 Stele of Piye C-Group culture
A-M-A-M-57 Geoff Emberling Viceroy of Kush
Nubiainfo1ee Sanam A-Group culture