Nikki Fernandez and Paulo are fictional minor characters on the ABC drama television series Lost, played by American actress Kiele Sanchez and Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro(pictured). The show chronicles the lives of over forty people after their plane crashes on a remote island somewhere in the south Pacific. Before boarding the plane, Paulo is a con artist working with his girlfriend Nikki. He murders a wealthy television executive, stealing the man's bag of diamonds with Nikki. The producers of the show were often asked what the rest of the plane-crash survivors were doing because the show only focuses on approximately fifteen of the survivors, and the characters of Nikki and Paulo were created in response. The couple is introduced early in the third season. Reaction to the characters was generally negative because of their abrupt introduction. Lost's show runnerDamon Lindelof even acknowledged that the couple are "universally despised" by fans. As a result of this, the couple was killed off later in the same season. Both Nikki and Paulo are buried alive, with the diamonds, when they are thought to be dead after being paralyzed by venomous spiders. (Full article...)
... that Criss Angel has been on primetime television more than any other magician, including his series Criss Angel Mindfreak – the first weekly magic show to air in over 40 years?
The Great Shearwater (Puffinus gravis) is a large shearwater in the seabird family Procellariidae which feeds on fish and squid, which it catches from the surface or by plunge-diving. It is one of the few birds which migrate from breeding grounds in the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern Hemisphere. It flies by dipping from side to side on stiff wings, the wingtips almost touching the water, with few wingbeats.
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