User talk:Unvoyou
An article you created is about to be deleted: Tools which can help you
[edit]The article you created, Harvest_Home_(film) is about to be deleted from Wikipedia.
There is an ongoing debate about whether your article should be deleted here:
The faster your respond, the better chance the article you created can be saved. This is because deletion debates only stay open for a few days, and the first comments are usually the most important.
There are several tools and other editors who can help you keep the page from being deleted forever:
- You can list the page up for deletion on Article Rescue Squadron. If you need help listing your page, add a comment on the Article Rescue Squadron talk page.
- You can request a mentor to help explain to you all of the complex rules that editors use to get a page deleted, here: Wikipedia:Adopt-a-User. But don't wait for a mentor to respond on the deletion page.
- When try to delete a page, veteran editors love to use a lot of rule acronyms. Don't let these acronyms intimidate you.
Here is a list of your own acronyms you can use yourself: WP:Deletion debate acronyms which may support the page you created being kept.
Acronyms in deletion debates are sometimes incorrectly used, or ignore rules or exceptions. - You can merge the article into a larger article.
If your page is deleted, you still have many options available. Good luck! travb (talk) 18:24, 29 December 2008 (UTC)