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Articles for Research


Costs of a Healthy Diet Article: (PDF Download) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/costs-of-a-healthy-diet-analysis-from-the-uk-womens-cohort-study/892904335791E51D6601A7297CF6FEA8

Can Low-Income Americans Afford a Healthy Diet? Web Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2847733/

Diet Quality and Adolescent Mental Health Web Article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/00048670903571598

Relationship of Hunger and Food Insecurity to Food Availability and Consumption Web Article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002822396002714

Effects of Fast-Food Consumption on Energy Intake and Diet Quality on Children (PDF): https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mark_Pereira2/publication/295704475_Effects_of_Fast_Food_Consumption_on_Energy_Intake_and_Diet_Quality_Among_Children_in_a_National_Household_Study/links/02bfe5112a3b76c4d3000000/Effects-of-Fast-Food-Consumption-on-Energy-Intake-and-Diet-Quality-Among-Children-in-a-National-Household-Study.pdf

Eating Patterns, Dietary Quality and Obesity Web Article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07315724.2001.10719064

Article on effects of poor nutrition in low income countries; reduction in fertility, body composition, aging effects, ect. https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/52/9/285/1890842

Review of effects poor nutrition has on individuals: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/87/5/1107/4650128

Review on inequality between classes in food choice: https://www.bmj.com/content/314/7093/1545.short

Book on food Justice: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=76z2HF-tp7kC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=social+class+inequality+in+food+consumption&ots=T1T9DLgUoi&sig=4Wjx6PvXkIMX2CXTCyi1WwHtxTM#v=onepage&q=social%20class%20inequality%20in%20food%20consumption&f=false

Perspective on social inequality leading to poor food choices for caloric: requirementshttps://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/67/suppl_1/S36/1872742

Specific to Europe (ranges North to South) showing consumption of veggies and fruits: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/disparities-in-vegetable-and-fruit-consumption-european-cases-from-the-north-to-the-south/46AE951C118D73F04B1526E32B512640

Study done on 45 neighbors (all Women) to see how food conscious, aware and influenced by monetary status these women were: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/socioeconomic-inequalities-in-womens-fruit-and-vegetable-intakes-a-multilevel-study-of-individual-social-and-environmental-mediators/24DA84B9771329992A316D033D7374C7

Healthy Eating Plan https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/eat/calories.htm — Preceding unsigned comment added by VoidedComplication (talkcontribs) 21:36, 29 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Kahley's findings on middle class and lower class


Kahley's opinions on findings: very easy to find information regarding the lack on nutritional value in lower wage families and countries. Harder to find information supplying a opposing perspective. Info below supplies: tables, PDFs, novel on topic, articles with test results and families OWN perspective on topic. Please feel free to pick through.

https://sbctc-everettcc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma991284846202810&context=L&vid=01STATEWA_EVERETT:EVERETT&lang=en&search_scope=MyInstitution&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&tab=Everything&query=any,contains,%20food%20differences%20 — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maezo24 (talkcontribs) 00:26, 30 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]



https://watermark.silverchair.com/10-2-108.pdf token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAkUwggJBBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggIyMIICLgIBADCCAicGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMxK79XH-kr9TQX28IAgEQgIIB-AE_082pXFaZA8d3i47k-9-AFfBLh5PdtMf7FNErvWJhyKUVWpiUpDak8BO8fX9o6YlFbSLpo057OYNxN1jDehPKd0uE5pTk7jfu9sAuNU0glbhVY2Adws4Tke1o4RagiwcQwXN_Dm-buE7zkSS-mt-AHWLGbB1rJ9FlujR9BTuiohrO751hjN30DF7xnWiK4twxev9I1moGdqwRheNBfuSRTu7VaJF0NlNMLYo2j91Gdbh_ckckyWQ0YRrEgNA1D0gN972njzuJWVOVuK7Wz4JLPfr2weHAlCBND8H7NmZJbOJKxu5ElK4xsbPCBMJUvghp13bI4R5W8ikdKt9a-nhdaUr1RaUlEdYN5EaVVB0_7P4m3H7qAvguUc8EK2EncA566IPrBDKCM_n1jewbIYqC2kEJ48p3pMDOh3FhCb7wjUPw3CxAXRk9oDQ0vkq499eoNqYvidI-mEJEvgXIunLmkdjXfyncVLaMfxr4iX859vY-J3b3jcoGQ2rUvdmLXr8llhuXBqudSWC-KOEs-WlIlhu56i_QLccFstzLcAUZn-uQ4qjHU3dmNVlbfn_LAwXsGkedgAXwmkmVnHswRcztxMZlZ9A2DZlOIEgPoRoEMHrsnIe76dymnKeyq73HICMXxZ9-ejCxIpX8HL7D9JwsS4swoopgow



Books to investigate:


"Marginalizing access to the sustainable food system" -Mata, Camille Tuason

"Eating Identities reading food in Asian American literature" -Xu, Wenying

"We are all fast-food workers now" -Orleck, Annelise

"Weighing In" - Guthman, Julie — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maezo24 (talkcontribs) 00:42, 30 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

How the other Half Ate (Book): https://sbctc-everettcc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?docid=alma991070664402810&context=L&vid=01STATEWA_EVERETT:EVERETT&search_scope=MyInstitution&tab=Everything&lang=en

More than Just Food (Book): https://sbctc-everettcc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=01STATEWA_EVERETT:EVERETT&search_scope=MyInstitution&tab=LibraryCatalog&docid=alma991126264402810&lang=en&context=L

A Sociology of Family Life (Book): https://sbctc-everettcc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay?vid=01STATEWA_EVERETT:EVERETT&search_scope=MyInstitution&tab=Everything&docid=alma991021334402810&lang=en&context=L — Preceding unsigned comment added by VoidedComplication (talkcontribs) 00:33, 30 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Niva's Notes/or important sections to focus on for some articles


Food Neglect and Infant development (Web Article):

Conclusion: (This is a direct copy from the site, so if you wish to use any of it please re-word it) Although it is difficult to infer specific biological or social mechanisms at play, we assume that the failure to provide nutritious food is likely to disrupt normal infant development both directly, by depriving infants of nutrients, and indirectly, by causing stress that interferes with brain development. Our results demonstrate that providing infants with adequate food is as critical to cognitive and language development as is the prevention of other forms of child abuse and neglect. Considering that both food‐related hardships and child neglect are products of poverty, family dysfunction, and parental mental health (Fallon, Ma, Black, & Wekerle, [ 27] ; Westad & McConnell, [ 61] ), it is critical to continue to study how family food problems affect child well‐being.

Costs of a healthy diet: analysis from the UK Women's Cohort Study

  • The majority of women that had a healthy diet and more balanced food intake were mostly vegetarian
  • Women with a healthy diet verse a women with an unhealthy or unbalanced diet, spent more money on food. The items that cost the most were the fruits and vegetables
  • All women had a difficult time eating the recommended amount of nuts and seeds
  • Their analysis leans more towards the conclusion that the healthier the diet a women had more expense was used to maintain the diet

Does social class predict diet quality? (Web Article)

  • Whole foods and a more balanced diet is usually consumed by the higher socioeconomic status (SES)
  • Processed foods, and foods with added fats are consumed mostly by the lower SES
  • Processed Foods are has higher levels of 'energy' and the Whole foods has lower energy but has nutritional value
  • Bulleted list item

Bogdan's proposed contributions below  LinchukB (talk) 23:38, 6 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]

1) Simplify and shorten title of article if possible

  • (potential new name 'Food consumption of social classes')

2) remove or rephrase introductory paragraph,

3) incorporate an outline organized by social classes

4) IDEA: Better, more clearly and thoroughly address how processed vs. unprocessed foods effect quality of typical American diet

  • refer to health effects of eating processed vs. unprocessed foods

5) IDEA: Address history of issue?

  • In the past, starvation was a problem of poor people; currently in the USA becoming overweight replaced the starvation issue for the poor

6) around the world?

7) Replace 'middle class family meal' photo with photo displaying food not just people smiling at a table and food blurred in the background

8) Address why, what, where, when questions in regards to each class. E.g.;

  • why does each class eat that way
  • what does each class eat?
  • examples with references and pictures
  • where do they eat? at home, restaurants, whenever and wherever possible - (homeless and poverty stricken)

Niva's 'work in progress' suggestion for lead of the article:

Much can be said about who a person is and where they come from by the food they eat. The quantity and most importantly the quality of food, is available at different amounts and levels depending on the social class a person belongs to.

Food is an important part to not only the health of a person's body but also the health of their mind. Research and studies have shown that with a healthy diet a person can live a long life with relatively regular to high levels of energy. A well balanced diet can help prevent medical issues such as high cholesterol, heart attack and diabetes, and can also prevent mental issues such as depression or anxiety.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) a healthy diet includes: A heavy emphasis on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. It also includes proteins such as lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. It also requires the person to limit saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars. And above all, the portion size of each category must be balanced in the recommended amounts.

However, people who are considered to be in the working or lower class of society, usually do not have the means to attain the types of food that people in the upper class or even middle class have. As a result there is a shocking difference in the diets of people from different Social Classes.

The food quality and quantity of someone in the working class tends to lean more towards the saturated and trans fat, with high levels of sodium and added sugars foods, while someone from the upper class enjoys a more balanced diet. Many factors play into this comparison, however the main issues is the availability and quantity of a variety of food groups to each class.

The working class is confined by time, money, and/or location of markets. As a result, they tend to purchase the most convenient and cost effective food, which is processed, and cheap.

Whereas the upper classes has the means and ability to purchase a more balanced diet with grocery stores and markets more readily available in their neighborhoods, as well as having the income and time to support such a diet.


Social class differences in food consumption


The purpose of this article is to show how similarities and differences of what people eat amongst the upper, middle, and lower classes; however, there is no clear distinction where one class begins and where another class ends. One common preconception is that upper and middle class people eat better and more healthy foods than those of the lower class. The question is then what are healthy foods and what are unhealthy food; that seems subjective and relative to each individual. In history, lower class people died from hunger. Today that is much less common; many lower class people are overweight. People eat unhealthy foods in both the upper and middle classes as well. One nuance is that lower class people may lack access to many foods accessible to upper and middle class people.

Upper class luxury food

  • why they eat? for pleasure
  • where they eat?
  • when they eat?
  • How they obtain food?
  • Diet example + cited source
  • quality of diet
  • Food availability example + cited source

A customary form of eating for the royal upper class is a full course dinner[1]; However, not everyone always eats luxurious, healthy, privately catered meals like Queen Elizabeth II of England[2] and Kim Jong il of North Korea[3]; Warren Buffett, the third wealthiest person[4] has history of regularly eating fast food and soda.[5]





The highest-earning 10% of the urban Chinese drink over seven times as much wine and consume more than twice as much dessert as their counterparts at the bottom end of the wage scale; also fewer vegetables and rice, more fruits, nuts, beans, and tubers. The wealthy have been noted to drink less local beer while paying more for imported brands and craft brews.[6]



Upper class ancient Egyptians like King Tut and other Pharaohs ate various foods including meats, bread, fruit, fish, beer, dairy, and vegetables served on dish-ware made of precious metals.[7]



In the Victorian era, formal meals consisted of twelve or thirteen courses; informal meals of five or six courses. A single breakfast might have consisted of soup, roast turkey or pork with potatoes or rice, two vegetable side dishes, citrus ice, fresh rolls with butter, jams or jellies and sweet pickles, fancy cake and preserved fruit, coffee, hot punch and water. The regular food system was large breakfasts, small lunches followed by afternoon tea, and late suppers. [8]



Diets of the upper class such as King Solomon frequently included meats from sheep, deer, gazelle, roebuck, and fattened geese.[9]

Middle class family meal
  • How do middle class eat?+ example and cited source
  • How they obtain food? (self sustaining; in exchange for money)
  • Diet example + cited source
  • quality of diet (moderate overall quality; moderate variety)
  • Food availability example + cited source
Common lower class food in USA (Cheeseburger)

Kahley's research (open for review and input) Middle and Lower Class research and findings:

In regards to solely the “middle” and “lower” social classes, research has uncovered that most “middle” class citizens have the idea of “heath” in mind “more often” than the “lower”. However, in the same research study it was discovered that just because the purchaser “thought” of healthy options or the idea of health didn’t directly impact their food choices. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/10/2/108/461897 this article referse to a study done in Europe over a set number of households were the woman is the main purchaser of food. They find that the class didn’t impact what they purchased but more “thought of health” more frequently.

https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/eb013092 on the contrary to the last cas of evidence, this article revealed that one’s “social class” almost suggests what diseases the person or persons are prone to, and in deeper study it is based on “foods consumed” it highlights the fine difference in even “middle” class to “working” class.

https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/87/5/1107/4650128 this article states their is a difinative difference in food consumption, accessibility and the way social class dictates what a person or persons views food. It does however HIGHLIGHT the idea of what the “standards” of said community is and if the demographic is uneducated versus a demographic that is well educated these test may find the uneducated to have no “significant” influence in social class versus food consumed. Middle class: In regards to solely the “middle” and “lower” social classes, research has uncovered that most “middle” class citizens have the idea of “heath” in mind “more often” than the “lower”. However, in the same research study it was discovered that just because the purchaser “thought” of healthy options or the idea of health didn’t directly impact their food choices in one article, the author refers to a study done in Europe over a set number of households were the woman is the main purchaser of food. They find that the class didn’t impact what they purchased but more “thought of health” more frequently.

https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/87/5/1107/4650128 this article states their is a difinative difference in food consumption, accessibility and the way social class dictates what a person or persons views food. It does however HIGHLIGHT the idea of what the “standards” of said community is and if the demographic is uneducated versus a demographic that is well educated these test may find the uneducated to have no “significant” influence in social class versus food consumed. https://www.bmj.com/content/314/7093/1545.short here an article offers ideas of more than just food associated with SES, it reverse to the general lifestyle and effects of poor health on lower class and even middle class persons. Delving deeper into the idea of effects on social class.

Global https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/52/9/285/1890842 Article on effects of poor nutrition in low income countries https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/87/5/1107/4650128 Review on inequality between classes in food choice https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=76z2HF-tp7kC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=social+class+inequality+in+food+consumption&ots=T1T9DLgUoi&sig=4Wjx6PvXkIMX2CXTCyi1WwHtxTM#v=onepage&q=social%20class%20inequality%20in%20food%20consumption&f=false entire book written on the inequality between SES,

Book on food Justice https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/67/suppl_1/S36/1872742 Perspective on social inequality leading to poor food choices for caloric requirements https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/disparities-in-vegetable-and-fruit-consumption-european-cases-from-the-north-to-the-south/46AE951C118D73F04B1526E32B512640 Specific to Europe (ranges North to South) showing consumption of veggies and fruits https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/public-health-nutrition/article/socioeconomic-inequalities-in-womens-fruit-and-vegetable-intakes-a-multilevel-study-of-individual-social-and-environmental-mediators/24DA84B9771329992A316D033D7374C7 Study done on 45 neighbors (all Women) to see how food conscious, aware and influenced by monetary status these women were

(Kahley's edits to for Moving Day) below are 2 paragraphs on general "global" information. along with 5 sources and listed 1 -5) if anything else can be adjusted please let me know, thank you)

(As a general consensus, as it appears in most middle classes that have established SES, food is of lower quality and the likelihood of disease, illness, short term longevity, decreased fertility, childhood obesity and fetal impairment are akin to this lifestyle. This can be clearly seen in the differences of general health between an average adult in the middle SES and someone from the upper SES. The main issue stems from the education a person receives. A more “educated” person thinks about healthy food options (1) Whereas someone “uneducated”, in a balanced diet, consumes what is easily accessible. It appears at a young age humans are influenced by what options are presented to them, which is ultimately dictated by the amount of monetary value coming into the household. (2) Which in turn is correlated to the SES of said group of peoples and food pressures of certain demographics(3)

The portrayal of “Social Class Differences” and its correlations to “Food Consumption” is one of global debate. In reference, here an article reflects this relationship of being “no influence” Simply, that people of a higher class “thought” of healthy options more frequently than those of the lower (4). Yet, it’s counterpart debates that this is nullified by the notion that it may depend on that specific geological location and its own general awareness of food and the implications of what nutrients are in certain foods or lack thereof (ie. quality)(5) )

-End Kahley's Section-

  • How do lower class eat? + example and cited source
  • How is food obtained? (food stamps, government help, etc.)
  • Diet example + cited source
  • quality of diet (poor overall quality; lacking in variety)
  • Food availability example + cited source





Category:Food politics Category:Social classes

  1. ^ "Queen Elizabeth II hosts multi-course meal". hellomagazine.com.
  2. ^ "The Telegraph". The Telegraph.
  3. ^ "The Telegraph". The Telegraph.
  4. ^ "Forbes". Forbes. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  5. ^ "Fox Business". Fox. Retrieved April 27, 2019.
  6. ^ "Tastes changing more among upper-class as Chinese experience greater wealth". foodnavigator-asia.com.
  7. ^ "Egyptian Food". Historyembalmed.org.
  8. ^ "Victorian era England & Life of Victorians". victorian-era.org.
  9. ^ "1 Kings 5". mechon-mamre Hebrew-english bible.