User talk:Ajahnjohn
On the 8888 (or 8-8-88 page): the popular uprising of August 8, 1988, there is a text box at the top of the page that indicates that there is not enough documentation for this article. My contributions primarily involved adding scholarly references to claims made in the previous article.
How and when is the decision made to remove such a claim about meager scholarly references?
Thank you.
Ajahnjohn (talk) 19:18, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
I looked up "uprising" in the dictionary:
"uprising: an act or instance of rising up; especially : a usually localized act of popular violence in defiance usually of an established government."
To refer to the 8-8-88 popular uprising as a series of riots diminishes it. This is especially relevant when considering quotations like this one: "On August 8, 1988, Burma was swept by a massive wave of antigovernment strikes, marches, and demonstrations, as hundreds of thousands festively demanded the end of 26 years of oppressive military dictatorship. The military regime reacted with fury. The tatmadaw (army) indiscriminately massacred thousands of dissidents in the streets, but protests incredibly continued undeterred. (Ferrara “Why Regimes Create Disorder” 302-303)