Dr. Justin Percival Phillips (1940-2019)
[edit]Born in London 26, July 1940, to Dr. Laurance & Sophie Phillips (formerly: Kossenzoff). He grewup with his three older sisters Melna, Esmie and Juliet at their home in 17, Alexander Avenue,London.
Early Life And Education
[edit]Justin studied at 1964 Graduated M.D.,B.B. from Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University
of London
Education And Zionist Activisem
[edit]1966 - Fully Emigrated to Israel
- duly - 1967, August Junior Resident in Internal Medicine Dept. C, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem
- August - 1968 engaged in setting up [[WUJS Institute, in Arad, an institute and
programme for recent university graduates to help and encourage them to settle in Israel.
1960, May - 19701 May visiting physician, kibbutz Ein Gedi
I960, Bopt. - 1970! May physician to asthmatic childrens* sanatorium, Arad
1969! May - 1970, May general practitioner, Kupat Holim Clalit clinic, Arad
- - 197? Master of Public Health course at the Hadassah Medical Centre,
Hebrew University. Granted M.P.H. degree 1981•
=== Milatary Service ===# -
[edit]Served in the Israeli Army Medical Corps
June — 1971» After concluding his Medical Officers coarse he was stationed in the Arava Valley. where he also gave medical services to the local settlements such as: (Ein Gedi, Mitzpe Shalem and Ein Yahav At Ein Gedi he releived the former
Medical Career
[edit]1970 - 1979 Medical Director, Arad Clinic.
(Arad in a development town in the Negev. During the time I lived there it grew from 2^00 to some 15000 inhabitants.
The clinic grew accordingly, from a staff of one doctor — myself - to right, with ancillary staff and services as well as numerous consultants. It also served, at one period, over 1000 of the local Boduin. It is also one of the teaching clinics of the Medical School of the Ben- Gurion University and recognised by ־the Scientific Council of the Israel Medical Association for the purpose of specialisation in Family Medicine - myself being tho Tutor.) 1974 - 1938 Lectin•׳ r ill General Medicine on the Faculty of Primary Medicine of
th׳ M dical Bchool of the Ben-Gurion University, Beersheva 1974, 1935 - 1937 member 0T the Student Selection Board of the medical
2976 Recognised as Specialist in Family Medicine by the Ministry of Health
1970 - now Fxnmin r for tho Final Examination for specialisation in Family Medicine 1982 _ 19O4 "Infernation.11 Follow״ participating in the Robert Hood Johnson
programme for Family Medicine at the Case Western Reserve University Medical Bchool, graduating Master of Science in 1ייam 1 l.y Med ר c ine •
1933 Panned tho Vina Qualifying Examination (VQE)
1984 Passed tho Ohio Fedora! Licensing Examination (FLEX) .׳
1984 - 1986־ in charge of Clerkship in Primary Medicine of the Ben-Gurion Medical
1.137 - now Medical Director of the Kupat Cholirn Clinic in south Herzlia, a
miyod community primary and regional specialist clinic.
It too in a recognised teaching clinic of the Tel Aviv University Medical Bchool and training clinic for specialisation in Family Medicine, visiting physician, Kibbutz B11*fayim
During the years I have attended various courses in Administration and in Health Education, at Ben-Gurion University, at’Cano Western Reserve University and those run by Kupat Cholirn.
See Also
[edit]- Numbered list item
- In memory of Jack Madley - Dr. Phillips's tutoir at "Case Western Reserve" (Hebrew) -