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MoneyTrack is a weekly half-hour public television series about personal finance and investing airing on PBS stations [[1]]. It was created, produced and co-hosted by investment expert Pam Krueger and launched in 2005 with 13 episodes. Now in its second season, the show is seen on more than 135 PBS stations. Season Three is now in development.

MoneyTrack's take on finance is to feature real people, show how they relate to money, and demystify the process of investing[1]. Pam Krueger and co-host Jack Gallagher ask “average Joe” style questions of financial experts to draw viewers who normally would feel intimidated - or bored - by a television show about investing. Past episodes have addressed issues such as planning for college, finding a financial advisor, investing in the stock market, buying and selling real estate and how to make of a 401(k) plan[2].

While Krueger delivers the key concepts, she brings in top financial specialists, such as Warren Buffett [2] and John Bogle [3]] to discuss people's real-life situations on every episode. By extracting the essential information and putting it into layman’s terms, the audience can better relate to their own situations.

Besides the TV show, video segments of MoneyTrack are on MSN Money.

Krueger and Gallagher also emcee live investor education seminars across the country, highlighting real-life stories from MoneyTrack episodes.

In October 2008, the companion book The MoneyTrack Method: A Step-by-Step Guide to Investing Like the Proswill be published by Wiley [[4]].

MoneyTrack is produced at Beyond Pix Studios [5]in San Francisco.

MoneyTrack is made possible by funding from the Investor Protection Trust [6], a not-for-profit organization devoted to investor education, and support from . state securities regulators.


The MoneyTrack website [7]
MoneyTrack TV schedule [8]
MoneyTrack episodes on MSN Money [[9]]
MoneyTrack promotion on PBS station WHYY in Philadelphia [10]



1. http://www.sacbee.com/103/story/861978.html - MoneyTrack Host Seeks 'Everyday' People
2. http://www.investorprotection.org/downloads/pdf/learn/money/MoneyTrack_Brochure.pdf - MoneyTrack brochure on Investor Protection Trust website
3. http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2008/apr08/04-15MoneyTrackPR.mspx - MSN Money Press Release

  1. ^ http://www.sacbee.com/103/story/861978.html - MoneyTrack host seeks everyday folks
  2. ^ http://www.investorprotection.org/downloads/pdf/learn/money/MoneyTrack_Brochure.pdf -- MoneyTrack brochure on Investor Protection Trust website