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- Bhambra, Gurminder K., and John Holmwood. “Colonialism, Postcolonialism and the Liberal Welfare State.” New Political Economy, vol. 23, no. 5, 2018, pp. 574–87.

(This is an article published by the Routledge, and can be found in the Pollak Library Databases. This article focuses on the liberal welfare states of the United States and the UK, this article discusses the colonial and racial roots of the welfare state. Both are understood in terms of how labor power's traded positions, which expresses a logic of market interactions, is important to both. On the other hand, we contend that, when properly understood in the context of capitalism and colonialism, the selling of labor power as a commodity already signifies a departure from the enslaved form of commodified labor. The evolution of welfare states and the racialized forms of inclusion and exclusion that they maintain into the twenty-first century are directly linked to European colonialism.)



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