alias: umlcat
interests: Software Development
(Note: A Tribute to Tolkien)
The world has changed.
I feel it, in the water I drink.
I feel it, in the earth I walk over.
I feel it, in the air I breath, and, in the fire that warms my hands.
Much that once was is lost. For none now live who remember it.
It began with the design of the Great Standards.
Three Standards where assigned to the I.T. Architects, untouchable, wisest and fairest of all I.T. people.
Five Standards, given to the Programmers, great codifiers y constructors of the applications, we all used.
Seven Standards for the Infraestructure people, that make sure, that the machines keep working.
And Nine, nine Standards where given, to the Project Management people, who above all else desired power.
For within each one of these standards, was designed the capacity to manage, all of this work groups.
But, they were all of them deceived, because, another standard, was made.
In the land of the Monopoly, in the blinking led lights of The Server, the dark lord, which name, we don't dare to mention, modeled in secret, a master standard.
Yes. A master standard, that can control the other standards, and its respective implementors.
And, in that standard, he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all I.T. people.
One standard to rule the I.T. Architects.
One standard to rule the Software Programmers.
One standard to rule the I.T. Infraestructure people.
One standard to rule the Project Managers.
One standard to rule them all.
And to control all, by the power of the Monopoly.