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User:TotoBaggins/find words.pl

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Data::Dumper;
use strict;

our @GRID;
our $NUM_COLS;
our $NUM_ROWS;

sub four_connected_line
    my ($row, $col, $row_step, $col_step) = @_;

    my $word = '';
    while (   $row >= 0 && $row <= $BOTTOM_ROW
           && $col >= 0 && $col <= $RIGHT_COLUMN)
        $word .= $GRID[$row]->[$col];
        $row += $row_step;
        $col += $col_step;
    return $word;

sub get_lines
    my %steps = (
        WE => [  0, 1  ],
        SE => [  1, 1  ],
        NE => [ -1, 1  ],
        NS => [  1, 0  ],
        SE => [  1, 1  ],
        SW => [  1, -1 ],
    my @lines;
    foreach my $dir (qw(WE SE NE))
        foreach my $row (0 .. $BOTTOM_ROW)
            next if $row == 0           && $dir eq 'NE';
            next if $row == $BOTTOM_ROW && $dir eq 'SE';
            push @lines, four_connected_line($row, 0, @{$steps{$dir}});
    foreach my $dir (qw(NS SE))
        foreach my $col (0 .. $RIGHT_COLUMN)
            next if ($col == 0 || $col == $RIGHT_COLUMN) && $dir eq 'SE';
            push @lines, four_connected_line(0, $col, @{$steps{$dir}});
    foreach my $dir (qw(SW))
        foreach my $row (1 .. $BOTTOM_ROW - 1)
            push @lines, four_connected_line($row, $RIGHT_COLUMN, @{$steps{$dir}});
    return @lines;

sub get_length_perms
    my $word = shift;
    my @words;
    my $length = length $word;
    foreach my $start (0 .. $length - 1)
        foreach my $seglen (1 .. $length - $start)
            push @words, substr $word, $start, $seglen;
    return @words;

sub get_perms
    my $word = shift;
    my @len_perms = get_length_perms($word);
    my @reverse_perms = map { scalar reverse } grep { length > 1 } @len_perms;
    return @len_perms, @reverse_perms;

@GRID = map { [ split ] } map { split /\n/ } <DATA>;
$NUM_COLS = @{$GRID[0]};

my %dict;
die "pipe in your dictionary\n" if -t;
while (<STDIN>)
    $dict{lc $_}++;

my %printed;
foreach my $line (get_lines())
    foreach my $perm (get_perms($line))
        print "$perm\n" if $dict{$perm} && ! $printed{$perm}++;

    h e r e
    e d r h
    i a o x
    p n a g