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According to PsychCentral Bipolar disorder,is also known by its older name "manic depression," is a mental disorder that is characterized by serious mood swings. A person with bipolar disorder experiences alternating “highs” (what clinicians call “mania“) and “lows” (also known as depression).

During a depressed phase, symptoms include: -feelings of sadness or hopelessness -loss of interest in pleasurable or usual activities -Difficulty sleeping; early-morning awakening -loss of energy and constant lethargy -sense of guilt or low self-esteem -difficulty concentrating -negative thoughts about the future -weight gain or weight loss -talk of suicide or death

During a manic phase, symptoms include: -heightened sense of self-importance -exaggerated positive outlook -significantly decreased need for sleep -poor appetite and WEIGHT LOSS -racing speech, flight of ideas, impulsiveness -ideas that move quickly from one subject to the next -poor concentration, easy distractibility -increased activity level -excessive involvement in pleasurable activities -poor financial choices, rash spending sprees -excessive irritability, aggressive behavior

A wide range of mental health professionals help treat bipolar disorder. It is is usually provided by a psychologist or licensed clinical social workerto treat this disorder.