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Rolls Royce B Engine

B Series of Military Engines The B series was a range of modular petrol engines, produced from the early 1950s onwards, which powered numerous British Military and civilian vehicles, as well as generators and other auxiliary equipment. All of the engines were petrol powered, inline engines of the IOE or "F" head configuration. They were available in I4, I6 and I8 variants and options included alloy or iron heads, screened ignition systems and wet or dry sumps.

The ‘B’ range became the standard power unit for all the British Army’s wheeled combat vehicles, and full-scale production of the engines began at the Crewe factory in 1947.

Petrol Down-draught carburetor Cross flow F-head wet liners inline high level of parts commonality 3750 rpm redline

small to medium vehicles (~2 to 14 tons).

The B range of rationalised engines were designed in 1946 and were to power military vehicles, these engines were designed to have most parts interchangeable between each other.

The B80 seen here has the 3.5" bores and gives a swept volume of 5675cc RAC rating was 39.2hp or 165BHP with 280lbft torque the overhead inlet side exhaust was done for quietness as it made for less valvetrain noise and also because the exhaust valves are water cooled around the seats to facilitate cooling and lubrication under high revs.

The B81 was a direct spin off of the B80 the 1 indicates 3.75"bore size giving a swept volume of 6522cc power ratings ranged from 180bhp to 235bhp depending on cylinderhead carburettor and inlet valve/manifold sizes thes featured 3/4 length liners and an extra compression ring this engine produced 336lb/ft of torque at 3800 rpm compression was 6.5-1 or 7.25-1

The Ferret uses a Solex 40 NNIP carb whilst the Solex 48 NNIP carbs is used on B80 engines

All B range RR engines, 4's, 6's and 8's, Champs to 432's, are set 0º to 2º AFTER, I repeat AFTER, TDC and can only be set statically. The centrifugal advance operates from 300RPM upwards so a strobe timing light can NEVER be used, nominal idle is 450 to 600RPM. The timing after TDC means the engine cannot kick at start.

http://www.kda132.com/pdfs/technical/engine/B-Series-Engine.pdf http://www.fire-engine-photos.com/picture/number14013 http://members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/tech001.html http://members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/octane2.html http://members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/images2/10514.jpg http://www.rrec.org.uk/History/Clan_Foundry_Belper.php