User:Ssbjy/Space-based solar power
Space-based solar power
[edit]Space-based solar power (SBSP) is the concept[d 1] of collecting solar power in space (using an "SPS", that is, a "solar-power satellite" or a "satellite power system") for use on Earth. It has been in research since the early 1970s.
SBSP would differ from current[d 2] solar collection methods[d 3] in that the means used to collect energy would reside[d 4] on an orbiting satellite instead[d 5] of on Earth's surface. Some projected benefits[d 6] of such[d 7] a system are a higher collection rate[d 8] and a longer collection period due[d 9] to the lack[d 10] of a diffusing[d 11] atmosphere and night time in space.
Part of the solar energy is lost on its way through[d 12] the atmosphere by the effects of reflection[d 13] and absorption[d 14]. Space-based solar power systems convert[d 15] sunlight to microwaves outside the atmosphere, avoiding[d 16] these losses[d 17], and the downtime[d 18] (and cosine losses[d 19], for fixed[d 20] flat-plate[d 21] collectors) due to the Earth's rotation[d 22].
Besides[d 23] the cost of implementing[d 24] such[d 25] a system, SBSP also introduces several new hurdles[d 26], primarily[d 27] the problem of transmitting energy from orbit to Earth's surface for use. Since wires extending[d 28] from Earth's surface to an orbiting satellite are neither[d 29] practical[d 30] nor[d 31] feasible[d 32] with current technology, SBSP designs generally include the use of some manner[d 33] of wireless power transmission[d 34]. The collecting satellite would convert[d 35] solar energy into electrical energy on board, powering[d 36] a microwave transmitter or laser emitter[d 37], and focus[d 38] its beam[d 39] toward[d 40] a collector (rectenna[d 41]) on Earth's surface. Radiation[d 42] and micrometeoroid[d 43] damage could also become concerns for SBSP.
[edit]farsi translate
[edit]Dealing with launch costs
[edit]Building from space
[edit]Counter arguments
[edit]In fiction
[edit]See also
[edit]- ^ an abstract(مجرد) idea; a general(عمومی) notion(مفهوم).
- ^ belonging(متعلق) to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
- ^ a particular ویژه form of procedure روش for accomplishing انجام or approaching نزدیک something, especially ویژه a systematic or established تاسیس one.
- ^ have one's permanent دائمي home in a particular place.
- ^ as an alternative دیگر or substitute جانشین.
- ^ an advantage or profit سود gained به دست آورد from something.
- ^ of the type previously سابقا mentioned مذکور.
- ^ a measure, quantity مقدار, or frequency, typically به طور معمول one measured اندازه گیری against در برابر some other quantity or measure
- ^ expected انتظار می رود at or planned برنامه ریزی for at a certain خاص time.
- ^ the state حالت of being بودن without or not having enough of something.
- ^ spread گسترش or cause علت to (spread over) گسترش بیش از a wide وسیع area or among a large number of people.
- ^ moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening افتتاح, channel, or location)
- ^ the throwing پرتاب back by a body جسم or surface of light نور, heat, or sound without absorbing جذب کردن it.
- ^ the process فرایند or action عمل by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another.
- ^ cause علت to change in form شکل, character, or function کارکرد.
- ^ keep away from or stop oneself خود from doing (something).
- ^ the fact or process of losing زیان کردن something or someone.
- ^ time during which a machine, especially a computer, is out of action or unavailable for use.
- ^ cosine:کسینوس
- ^ fastened بسته securely ایمن in position موقعیت.
- ^ flat:smooth صاف and even; without marked مشخص شده lumps توده or indentations دندانه. plate: a flat dish, typically circular گرد and made of china ظروف چینی, from which food is eaten or served.
- ^ the action of rotating چرخیدن around an axis محور or center.
- ^ (in addition) بعلاوه to; apart جدا from.
- ^ put (a decision, plan, agreement توافق, etc و غیره.) into effect نتیجه.
- ^ of the type previously سابقا mentioned نام برده.
- ^ an obstacle مانع or difficulty.
- ^ first and foremost در درجه نخست.
- ^ cause to cover a larger area; make longer or wider.
- ^ used to introduce a further بیشتر negative statement بیانیه.
- ^ of or concerned علاقمند with the actual[real] doing or use of something rather ترجیحا than with theory [opinion] and ideas.
- ^ neither
- ^ practical
- ^ method
- ^ the action or process of transmittingانتقال something or the state of being transmittedانتقال.
- ^ cause to Change in form, character, or function.
- ^ supply تامین کردن (a device[machine]) with mechanical or electrical energy.
- ^ a machine, device, etc., that emits از خود ساطع میکند something
- ^ (of a person or their eyes) adapt وفق دادن to the prevailing غالب level of light and become able to see clearly به وضوح.
- ^ (v) transmit (a radio signal or broadcast پخش) in a specified مشخص direction جهت.
- ^ in the direction of.
- ^ rectifying:convert تبدیل (alternating متناوب current جریان) to direct current., antenna.
- ^ (n) the emission نشر of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic درون اتمی particles ذرات, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization یونش.
- ^ a tiny کوچک meteoroid شهابوار.