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[edit]- (B, N) pair
- *-algebra
- 2 × 2 real matrices
- 2-category
- 2-transitive group
- 3-sphere
- Abelian category
- Abelian extension
- Abelian group
- Abelian variety
- Abel–Ruffini theorem
- Absolute value (algebra)
- Abstract nonsense
- Acceptable ring
- Ackermann function
- Adaptive control
- Additive category
- Additive inverse
- ADE classification
- Adjacency matrix
- Adjoint endomorphism
- Adjoint functors
- Adjoint representation
- Adjoint representation of a Lie group
- Adjugate matrix
- Adomian decomposition method
- Advection
- Affine geometry
- Affine group
- Affine Lie algebra
- Affine representation
- Affine space
- Affine transformation
- Airy function
- Alexander polynomial
- Algebra (ring theory)
- Algebra homomorphism
- Algebra over a field
- Algebra representation
- Algebraic closure
- Algebraic element
- Algebraic extension
- Algebraic geometry
- Algebraic group
- Algebraic integer
- Algebraic number field
- Algebraic number theory
- Algebraic structure
- Algebraic topology
- Algebraically closed field
- Algebraically compact module
- Almost periodic function
- Alperin–Brauer–Gorenstein theorem
- Alternant matrix
- Alternating group
- Alternating sign matrix
- Alternative algebra
- Amenable group
- Analytic function
- Analytic geometry
- Angular acceleration
- Angular displacement
- Angular momentum
- Angular velocity
- Annihilator (ring theory)
- Ansatz
- Anti-diagonal matrix
- Antifundamental representation
- Antisymmetric
- Antisymmetric tensor
- Anyon
- Aperiodic semigroup
- Arithmetic dynamics
- Arithmetic group
- Arity
- Arnold tongue
- Arnold's cat map
- Array data structure
- Arrowhead matrix
- Artificial intelligence
- Artinian module
- Artinian ring
- Artin–Rees lemma
- Artin–Schreier theory
- Artin–Wedderburn theorem
- Ascending chain condition
- Associated prime
- Associative algebra
- Associative property
- Associator
- Attractor
- Augmented matrix
- Auto magma object
- Automorphism
- Autonomous system (mathematics)
- Axiom
- Axiom of choice
- Axiomatic system
- B-theorem
- Baby Monster group
- Baer ring
- Baker's map
- Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula
- Balance theorem
- Ballistics
- Banach algebra
- Banach–Tarski paradox
- Band matrix
- Basis (linear algebra)
- Bass number
- Bendixson–Dulac theorem
- Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation
- Benjamin–Ono equation
- Bessel function
- Bialgebra
- Bicategory
- Bidiagonal matrix
- Bifundamental representation
- Bifurcation diagram
- Bijection
- Bilinear form
- Bilinear map
- Bimodule
- Bimonster group
- Binary operation
- Binary quadratic form
- Bioinformatics
- Bipartite graph
- Biproduct
- Bistable
- Bisymmetric matrix
- Black–Scholes
- Blob detection
- Block matrix
- Boolean algebra
- Boolean algebra (structure)
- Boolean ring
- Borel subgroup
- Borel–Weil theorem
- Borel–Weil–Bott theorem
- Born–Infeld model
- Bose–Einstein condensate
- Boundary (topology)
- Boundary value problem
- Boussinesq approximation (water waves)
- Braid group
- Braided monoidal category
- Brauer group
- Brauer–Fowler theorem
- Brauer–Suzuki theorem
- Brauer–Suzuki–Wall theorem
- Bra–ket notation
- Buchberger's algorithm
- Buchsbaum ring
- Burgers' equation
- Burnside's lemma
- Burnside's problem
- Bäcklund transform
- Bézier curve
- Bézout domain
- Bézout matrix
- CA-group
- Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix
- Caesar cipher
- Cahn–Hilliard equation
- Calabi conjecture
- Calabi flow
- Calabi–Yau manifold
- Camassa–Holm equation
- Cancellation property
- Cantor set
- Capable group
- Carathéodory's existence theorem
- Cardinality
- Carleman matrix
- Cartan matrix
- Cartan's criterion
- Cartan's theorem
- Cartesian product
- Casimir invariant
- Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity
- Category (mathematics)
- Category of abelian groups
- Category of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces
- Category of groups
- Category of magmas
- Category of medial magmas
- Category of metric spaces
- Category of relations
- Category of rings
- Category of sets
- Category of topological spaces
- Category of vector spaces
- Category theory
- Catenary ring
- Cauchy matrix
- Cauchy momentum equation
- Cauchy problem
- Cauchy–Binet formula
- Cauchy–Kowalevski theorem
- Cauchy–Riemann equations
- Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
- Cayley graph
- Cayley table
- Cayley's theorem
- Cayley–Dickson construction
- Cayley–Hamilton theorem
- Celestial mechanics
- Center (algebra)
- Center (group theory)
- Centering matrix
- Central series
- Central simple algebra
- Centralizer and normalizer
- Centrifugal force
- Centrifugal governor
- Centripetal force
- Centrosymmetric matrix
- Chain complex
- Change of basis
- Change of variables (PDE)
- Chaos theory
- Character (mathematics)
- Character theory
- Characteristic (algebra)
- Characteristic polynomial
- Characteristic subgroup
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Cholesky decomposition
- Circle group
- Circulant matrix
- Clairaut's equation
- Class field theory
- Class function
- Classical group
- Classical involution theorem
- Classical mechanics
- Classification of finite simple groups
- Clifford algebra
- Clifford module
- Clifford–Klein form
- Clone (algebra)
- Closed monoidal category
- Closed system
- Closed-form expression
- Closure (mathematics)
- CN-group
- Coalgebra
- Coding theory
- Coequalizer
- Cofactor (linear algebra)
- Cohen ring
- Cohen–Macaulay ring
- Coherent ring
- Cohomological dimension
- Coimage
- Cokernel
- Column space
- Combinatorial commutative algebra
- Combinatorial species
- Comma category
- Commensurability (mathematics)
- Commutation matrix
- Commutative algebra
- Commutative diagram
- Commutative property
- Commutative ring
- Commutator
- Commutator subgroup
- Compact group
- Compactly generated group
- Companion matrix
- Complete field
- Complete group
- Complete intersection ring
- Complete lattice
- Completion (ring theory)
- Complex analysis
- Complex conjugate
- Complex differential equation
- Complex dynamics
- Complex Hadamard matrix
- Complex number
- Complex quadratic polynomial
- Complex representation
- Complex squaring map
- Component theorem
- Composition series
- Computer algebra system
- Computer science
- Computer vision
- Concrete category
- Conference matrix
- Conformal group
- Congruence ideal
- Congruence relation
- Congruence subgroup
- Conic section
- Conjugacy class
- Conjugate closure
- Conjugate element (field theory)
- Conjugate transpose
- Conjugation of isometries in Euclidean space
- Constructible set (topology)
- Contact geometry
- Continuous function
- Continuous symmetry
- Continuum mechanics
- Control theory
- Convection–diffusion equation
- Convergent matrix
- Convolution
- Conway group
- Conway group Co1
- Conway group Co2
- Conway group Co3
- Coordinate space
- Coordinate system
- Coordinate vector
- Copositive matrix
- Coproduct
- Core (group)
- Coriolis effect
- Correlation and dependence
- Coset
- Coset enumeration
- Cotangent space
- Countable set
- Covariance
- Covariance and contravariance of vectors
- Covariance matrix
- Covariant derivative
- Covering group
- Covering groups of the alternating and symmetric groups
- Covering space
- Coxeter group
- Cramer's rule
- Cross product
- Cryptography
- Crystallographic point group
- Cycle graph (algebra)
- Cyclic group
- Cyclic module
- Cyclotomic field
- D'Alembert's formula
- D-module
- Dagger category
- Dagger compact category
- Dagger symmetric monoidal category
- Damping
- Darboux derivative
- Davey–Stewartson equation
- De Rham cohomology
- De Rham curve
- Dedekind domain
- Dedekind group
- Defective matrix
- Definite quadratic form
- Degasperis–Procesi equation
- Degree (mathematics)
- Degree matrix
- Degree of a field extension
- Degree of a polynomial
- Delay differential equation
- Density matrix
- Dependent and independent variables
- Depth (ring theory)
- Derivation of the Navier–Stokes equations
- Derivative
- Derived category
- Derived functor
- Descent (category theory)
- Determinant
- Deterministic system
- Diagonal matrix
- Diagonalizable matrix
- Diagonally dominant matrix
- Dicyclic group
- Diffeomorphism
- Differentiable function
- Differential (infinitesimal)
- Differential algebra
- Differential algebraic equation
- Differential equation
- Differential form
- Differential Galois theory
- Differential geometry
- Diffusion equation
- Dihedral group
- Dihedral group of order 6
- Dimension (mathematics and physics)
- Dimension (vector space)
- Dimension of an algebraic variety
- Dimension theorem for vector spaces
- Dimension theory (algebra)
- Dimensional analysis
- Diophantine equation
- Dirac delta function
- Direct limit
- Direct product
- Direct product of groups
- Direct sum
- Direct sum of groups
- Direct sum of modules
- Dirichlet boundary condition
- Dirichlet conditions
- Discontinuous Galerkin method
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Discrete group
- Discrete logarithm
- Discrete series representation
- Discrete space
- Discrete valuation
- Discrete valuation ring
- Discriminant
- Dispersive partial differential equation
- Dissipative system
- Distance matrix
- Distributive property
- Divisible group
- Division algebra
- Division ring
- Divisor
- Divisor (algebraic geometry)
- Dodgson condensation
- Domain (ring theory)
- Donaldson theory
- Dot product
- Double pendulum
- Doubly stochastic matrix
- Drinfeld module
- Dual (category theory)
- Dual number
- Dual space
- Dualizing module
- Duffing equation
- Duffing map
- Dunkl operator
- Duplication and elimination matrices
- Dyadic transformation
- Dyadics
- Dym equation
- Dynamical system
- Dynamical system (definition)
- Dynamical systems theory
- Dynamics (mechanics)
- Dynkin diagram
- E6 (mathematics)
- E7 (mathematics)
- E8 (mathematics)
- Edmonds matrix
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Eikonal equation
- Einstein field equations
- Einstein notation
- Eisenstein integer
- Eisenstein's criterion
- Elasticity (physics)
- Electrical impedance
- Electrical reactance
- Electromagnetism
- Electronic oscillator
- Element (mathematics)
- Elementary divisors
- Elementary matrix
- Elementary symmetric polynomial
- Elimination theory
- Elliptic curve
- Elliptic partial differential equation
- Embedding
- Endomorphism
- Endomorphism ring
- Energy
- Enriched category
- Epimorphism
- Equaliser (mathematics)
- Equation of state
- Equations of motion
- Equivalence class
- Equivalence of categories
- Equivalence relation
- Equivariant map
- Ergodic theory
- Erlangen program
- Ernst equation
- Essential extension
- Euclidean algorithm
- Euclidean distance matrix
- Euclidean domain
- Euclidean group
- Euclidean space
- Euclidean subspace
- Euclidean vector
- Euler angles
- Euler's theorem
- Euler–Lagrange equation
- Euler–Tricomi equation
- Exact differential equation
- Exact functor
- Exact sequence
- Examples of differential equations
- Examples of groups
- Examples of vector spaces
- Excellent ring
- Exchange matrix
- Exponential dichotomy
- Exponential function
- Exponential growth
- Exponential map (discrete dynamical systems)
- Exponential object
- Exponentiation by squaring
- Ext functor
- Extended finite element method
- Extension and contraction of ideals
- Extension of scalars
- Exterior algebra
- Exterior derivative
- F4 (mathematics)
- Feedback
- Feigenbaum constants
- Feit–Thompson theorem
- Fermat's little theorem
- Fibred category
- Field (mathematics)
- Field (physics)
- Field extension
- Field norm
- Field of fractions
- Field theory (mathematics)
- Field trace
- Filtration (mathematics)
- Finitary
- Finite difference
- Finite difference method
- Finite element method
- Finite field
- Finite field arithmetic
- Finite group
- Finite-volume method
- Finitely generated algebra
- Finitely-generated abelian group
- Finitely-generated module
- First-order partial differential equation
- Fischer group
- Fischer group Fi22
- Fischer group Fi23
- Fischer group Fi24
- Fisher information
- Fisher's equation
- Fitting ideal
- Fitting lemma
- Fitting subgroup
- FitzHugh–Nagumo model
- Five lemma
- Fixed point (mathematics)
- Flat map
- Flat module
- Flat morphism
- Flexible identity
- Floquet theory
- Fluid
- Fluid dynamics
- Flywheel
- Flywheel energy storage
- Forgetful functor
- Formal group
- Formal power series
- Formal system
- Formally real field
- Formally étale morphism
- Foucault pendulum
- Fourier series
- Fourier transform
- Fractal
- Fractional ideal
- Frattini subgroup
- Free abelian group
- Free algebra
- Free group
- Free module
- Free monoid
- Free object
- Free product
- Frieze group
- Frobenius group
- Frobenius matrix
- Frobenius normal form
- Fuchsian group
- Full and faithful functors
- Function (mathematics)
- Function composition
- Function space
- Functional analysis
- Functor
- Functor category
- Fundamental frequency
- Fundamental group
- Fundamental matrix (computer vision)
- Fundamental representation
- Fundamental solution
- Fundamental theorem on homomorphisms
- Fuzzy associative matrix
- G2 (mathematics)
- Galilean transformation
- Galois cohomology
- Galois connection
- Galois extension
- Galois group
- Galois module
- Galois theory
- Gamma matrices
- Gauge theory
- Gauss iterated map
- Gaussian elimination
- Gaussian integer
- Gauss–Codazzi equations
- Gauss–Jordan elimination
- GCD domain
- Gell-Mann matrices
- General covariance
- General linear group
- General relativity
- Generalized inverse
- Generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation
- Generalized permutation matrix
- Generating set of a group
- Generator matrix
- Geodesic
- Geometric algebra
- Geometric group theory
- Geometry
- Gilman–Griess theorem
- Gingerbreadman map
- Ginzburg–Landau theory
- Global dimension
- Global field
- Glossary of commutative algebra
- Glossary of field theory
- Glossary of group theory
- Glossary of module theory
- Glossary of ring theory
- Glossary of scheme theory
- Glossary of tensor theory
- Gluing axiom
- Going up and going down
- Gorenstein ring
- Gorenstein–Harada theorem
- Gorenstein–Walter theorem
- Graded algebra
- Graded Lie algebra
- Graded vector space
- Gradient conjecture
- Gramian matrix
- Gram–Schmidt process
- Grand Unified Theory
- Graph (mathematics)
- Graph dynamical system
- Graph theory
- Green's relations
- Griess algebra
- Gross–Neveu model
- Gross–Pitaevskii equation
- Grothendieck local duality
- Grothendieck's Galois theory
- Group (mathematics)
- Group action
- Group algebra
- Group cohomology
- Group extension
- Group homomorphism
- Group isomorphism
- Group object
- Group of GF(2)-type
- Group of Lie type
- Group representation
- Group ring
- Group scheme
- Group theory
- Group with operators
- Groupoid
- Growth rate (group theory)
- Gröbner basis
- Gyrocompass
- Gyroscope
- Hadamard matrix
- Hall subgroup
- Hall–Higman theorem
- Hall–Janko group
- Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)
- Hamiltonian matrix
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Hamilton–Jacobi equation
- Hankel matrix
- Harada–Norton group
- Harish-Chandra homomorphism
- Harmonic function
- Harmonic map
- Harmonic oscillator
- Hartree equation
- Hasegawa–Mima equation
- Hat matrix
- Hausdorff space
- Haynsworth inertia additivity formula
- Heap (mathematics)
- Heat equation
- Hecke operator
- Height (ring theory)
- Heisenberg group
- Held group
- Helmholtz equation
- Hensel's lemma
- Henselian ring
- Hereditary ring
- Hermitian adjoint
- Hermitian matrix
- Herzog–Schönheim conjecture
- Hessenberg matrix
- Hessian matrix
- Heyting algebra
- Higher-order singular value decomposition
- Higman–Sims group
- Hilbert matrix
- Hilbert series and Hilbert polynomial
- Hilbert space
- Hilbert's basis theorem
- Hilbert's fifth problem
- Hilbert's Nullstellensatz
- Hilbert's syzygy theorem
- Hilbert–Smith conjecture
- History of topos theory
- Hodge algebra
- Hodge dual
- Hodgkin–Huxley model
- Hollow matrix
- Hom functor
- Homeostasis
- Homogeneous polynomial
- Homogeneous space
- Homography
- Homological algebra
- Homological conjectures in commutative algebra
- Homological dimension
- Homology (mathematics)
- Homomorphism
- Homotopy analysis method
- Homotopy perturbation method
- Homotopy principle
- Hopf algebra
- Hopkins–Levitzki theorem
- Horseshoe map
- Householder transformation
- Hp-FEM
- Hunter–Saxton equation
- Hurwitz matrix
- Hurwitz quaternion
- Hyperbolic geometry
- Hyperbolic motion
- Hyperbolic partial differential equation
- Hypercomplex number
- Hypergeometric function
- Hénon map
- Ideal (ring theory)
- Ideal class group
- Ideal quotient
- Ideal theory
- Idempotent element
- Idempotent matrix
- Identity element
- Identity matrix
- Ikeda map
- Image (category theory)
- Image (mathematics)
- Implicit function
- Implicit function theorem
- Improper rotation
- Incidence matrix
- Incompressible flow
- Indecomposable module
- Indefinite orthogonal group
- Induced representation
- Infinite group
- Infinitesimal character
- Infinitesimal strain theory
- Infinitesimal transformation
- Initial and terminal objects
- Initial value problem
- Injective cogenerator
- Injective function
- Injective hull
- Injective module
- Inner automorphism
- Inner product space
- Instanton
- Integer
- Integer matrix
- Integer programming
- Integrable system
- Integral domain
- Integral element
- Integral equation
- Integral transform
- Intelligent control
- Interval exchange transformation
- Invariant (mathematics)
- Invariant basis number
- Invariant theory
- Inverse element
- Inverse Galois problem
- Inverse limit
- Inverse scattering transform
- Inverted pendulum
- Invertible matrix
- Invertible module
- Involutory matrix
- Irreducible element
- Irregular matrix
- Irrelevant ideal
- Ishimori equation
- Isometry group
- Isomonodromic deformation
- Isomorphism
- Isomorphism class
- Isomorphism of categories
- Isomorphism theorem
- Iterated function
- Iterated function system
- Iwasawa group
- Jacobi identity
- Jacobian matrix and determinant
- Jacobson density theorem
- Jacobson radical
- Jacobson ring
- Janko group
- Janko group J1
- Janko group J3
- Janko group J4
- Join
- Join and meet
- Jordan algebra
- Jordan normal form
- Julia set
- Kac–Moody algebra
- Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation
- Kan extension
- Kaplan–Yorke map
- Kaup–Kupershmidt equation
- Kernel (algebra)
- Kernel (category theory)
- Kernel (matrix)
- Kernel (set theory)
- Kicked rotator
- Killing form
- Killing spinor
- Kinematics
- Kirillov character formula
- Klein four-group
- Kleinian group
- Klein–Gordon equation
- Knapsack problem
- Knot theory
- Koch snowflake
- Kolmogorov–Arnold–Moser theorem
- Korteweg–de Vries equation
- Koszul complex
- Krohn–Rhodes theory
- Kronecker delta
- Krull dimension
- Krull's principal ideal theorem
- Krull–Schmidt theorem
- Krylov–Bogoliubov averaging method
- Krylov–Bogolyubov theorem
- Kummer theory
- Kähler differential
- Künneth theorem
- L-balance theorem
- Lagrange's theorem (group theory)
- Lagrangian
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Lagrangian point
- Landau–Lifshitz model
- Langlands program
- Laplace formula
- Laplace operator
- Laplace transform applied to differential equations
- Laplace's equation
- Laplacian matrix
- Lasker–Noether theorem
- Latin square
- Lattice (discrete subgroup)
- Lattice (group)
- Lattice (order)
- Lattice of subgroups
- Lattice theorem
- Laurent polynomial
- Laws of Form
- Lax pair
- Least squares
- Leech lattice
- Legendre polynomials
- Lehmer matrix
- Lemma (mathematics)
- Length of a module
- Levi-Civita symbol
- Levitzky's theorem
- Lewy's example
- Lie algebra
- Lie algebra cohomology
- Lie algebra representation
- Lie derivative
- Lie group
- Lie group decomposition
- Lie groupoid
- Lie ring
- Lie superalgebra
- Lie theory
- Lie's third theorem
- Limit (category theory)
- Limit cycle
- Linear algebraic group
- Linear code
- Linear combination
- Linear differential equation
- Linear equation
- Linear form
- Linear function
- Linear independence
- Linear least squares (mathematics)
- Linear map
- Linear programming
- Linear programming relaxation
- Linear regression
- Linear span
- Linear subspace
- Linear system
- Linearity
- Linearization
- Linearly disjoint
- Lin–Tsien equation
- Liouville's equation
- Liquid crystal
- List of abstract algebra topics
- List of chaotic maps
- List of commutative algebra topics
- List of finite simple groups
- List of first-order theories
- List of group theory topics
- List of mathematical symbols
- List of matrices
- List of nonlinear partial differential equations
- List of small groups
- List of things named after Leonhard Euler
- Lists of mathematics topics
- Liénard equation
- Local analysis
- Local cohomology
- Local field
- Local ring
- Localization of a module
- Localization of a ring
- Locally cyclic group
- Logical consequence
- Logical matrix
- Logistic function
- Logistic map
- Loop algebra
- Loop group
- Lorentz group
- Lorentz transformation
- Lorenz system
- Lorenz-95
- Lotka–Volterra equation
- Lp space
- LU decomposition
- Ludwig von Bertalanffy
- Lumped capacitance model
- Lyapunov fractal
- Lyons group
- M-matrix
- Macaulay computer algebra system
- Magma (algebra)
- Main diagonal
- Malthusian catastrophe
- Malthusian growth model
- Mandelbrot set
- Manifold
- Many-body problem
- Map (mathematics)
- Map of lattices
- Markov chain
- Maschke's theorem
- Mathematical analysis
- Mathematical logic
- Mathieu group
- Mathieu group M11
- Mathieu group M12
- Mathieu group M22
- Mathieu group M23
- Mathieu group M24
- Matlis duality
- Matrix (mathematics)
- Matrix addition
- Matrix congruence
- Matrix consimilarity
- Matrix decomposition
- Matrix difference equation
- Matrix differential equation
- Matrix equivalence
- Matrix exponential
- Matrix multiplication
- Matrix of ones
- Matrix representation of conic sections
- Matrix ring
- Matrix similarity
- Maurer–Cartan form
- Max-plus algebra
- Maxima and minima
- Maximal ideal
- Maximal torus
- Maxwell's equations
- McLaughlin group (mathematics)
- Measure-preserving dynamical system
- Mechanical equilibrium
- Menger sponge
- Meshfree methods
- Metastability
- Method of characteristics
- Method of quantum characteristics
- Metric tensor
- Metzler matrix
- Minimal ideal
- Minimal polynomial
- Minimal surface
- Minkowski's theorem
- Minor (linear algebra)
- Mitchell's embedding theorem
- Mixed tensor
- Mixing (mathematics)
- Model category
- Model theory
- Modular arithmetic
- Modular form
- Modular group
- Modular representation theory
- Module (mathematics)
- Molecular dynamics
- Molecular symmetry
- Moment matrix
- Moment of inertia
- Momentum
- Monad (category theory)
- Monge–Ampère equation
- Monoid
- Monoid (category theory)
- Monoid factorisation
- Monoid ring
- Monoidal category
- Monomial
- Monomial basis
- Monomorphism
- Monster group
- Monster Lie algebra
- Monstrous moonshine
- Moore matrix
- Mori domain
- Morita equivalence
- Morphism
- Multidimensional systems
- Multigrid method
- Multilinear algebra
- Multilinear map
- Multilinear subspace learning
- Multiplication table
- Multiplicative group
- Multiplicative inverse
- Multivariable calculus
- Multivector
- Multivibrator
- Musical tuning
- MV-algebra
- Möbius transformation
- N-body problem
- N-group (finite group theory)
- N-sphere
- Nagata ring
- Nakayama lemma
- Natural number
- Natural number object
- Natural transformation
- Navier–Stokes equations
- Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness
- Near-ring
- Necessity and sufficiency
- Negative feedback
- Neoclassical growth model
- Network analysis
- Network theory
- Neumann boundary condition
- Newton fractal
- Newton's laws of motion
- Nielsen transformation
- Nil ideal
- Nilpotent
- Nilpotent group
- Nilpotent ideal
- Nilpotent matrix
- Nilradical
- Nilradical of a ring
- Nimber
- Nine lemma
- Noether normalization
- Noether normalization lemma
- Noether's theorem
- Noetherian module
- Noetherian ring
- Non-associative algebra
- Non-linear sigma model
- Nonassociative ring
- Noncommutative ring
- Nonlinear control
- Nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Nonlinear system
- Nonnegative matrix
- Normal basis
- Normal extension
- Normal matrix
- Normal morphism
- Normal subgroup
- Normal-form game
- Normed vector space
- Nova fractal
- Novikov–Veselov equation
- Nuclear physics
- Nullity
- Nullity theorem
- Number
- Numerical analysis
- Numerical linear algebra
- Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
- Numerical partial differential equations
- Nutation
- O'Nan group
- Octonion
- Omega equation
- One-parameter group
- Operation (mathematics)
- Opposite ring
- Optimal control
- Orbit
- Orbit method
- Orbital overlap
- Orbital resonance
- Order isomorphism
- Order theory
- Ordered field
- Ordered ring
- Ordinary differential equation
- Origin (mathematics)
- Orthogonal complement
- Orthogonal group
- Orthogonal matrix
- Orthogonality
- Orthonormality
- Oscillation
- Outer automorphism group
- Outer product
- Outline of algebraic structures
- Overdetermined system
- P-adic analysis
- P-adic number
- P-group
- Parabolic partial differential equation
- Parafactorial local ring
- Parity of a permutation
- Partial derivative
- Partial differential algebraic equation
- Partial differential equation
- Partially ordered group
- Particle swarm optimization
- Pascal matrix
- Pauli matrices
- Peakon
- Peano axioms
- Peano existence theorem
- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
- Pendulum
- Pentadiagonal matrix
- Perfect group
- Perfect matrix
- Perfect ring
- Permutation
- Permutation group
- Permutation matrix
- Permutation representation
- Perron–Frobenius theorem
- Persymmetric matrix
- Perturbation theory
- Peter–Weyl theorem
- Pfaffian
- Phasor
- Picard group
- Picard–Lindelöf theorem
- Pick matrix
- Pin group
- Piñor
- Plasma oscillation
- Poincaré conjecture
- Poincaré group
- Poincaré half-plane model
- Poincaré–Bendixson theorem
- Point group
- Point groups in three dimensions
- Point source
- Pointless topology
- Pointwise
- Poisson bracket
- Poisson's equation
- Poisson–Boltzmann equation
- Polar decomposition
- Polyhedron
- Polynomial
- Polynomial matrix
- Polynomial ring
- Pontryagin duality
- Population dynamics
- Positive feedback
- Positive semidefinite
- Positive-definite matrix
- Power associativity
- Pre-abelian category
- Preadditive category
- Precession
- Precision (statistics)
- Presentation of a group
- Primary ideal
- Prime element
- Prime ideal
- Prime number
- Prime ring
- Primitive equations
- Primitive ideal
- Primitive ring
- Primordial element (algebra)
- Principal homogeneous space
- Principal ideal
- Principal ideal domain
- Principal indecomposable module
- Principal series representation
- Probability
- Probability distribution
- Probability theory
- Product (category theory)
- Product of group subsets
- Product of rings
- Product topology
- Profinite group
- Projection (linear algebra)
- Projective cover
- Projective geometry
- Projective linear group
- Projective module
- Projective representation
- Projective space
- Prüfer domain
- Pseudo algebraically closed field
- Pseudo-ring
- Pseudogroup
- Pseudoscalar
- Pseudovector
- Pullback (category theory)
- Pure submodule
- Pushout (category theory)
- QR decomposition
- Quadratic form
- Quadratic pair
- Quadric
- Quantum chemistry
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum mechanics
- Quartic interaction
- Quasi-Frobenius ring
- Quasi-isomorphism
- Quasidihedral group
- Quasigroup
- Quasisimple group
- Quasithin group
- Quasivariety
- Quaternion
- Quaternion group
- Quaternionic matrix
- Quaternionic representation
- Quillen–Suslin theorem
- Quiver (mathematics)
- Quotient group
- Quotient module
- Quotient ring
- Rabinovich–Fabrikant equations
- Racks and quandles
- Radical of a module
- Radical of an ideal
- Radioactive decay
- Raising and lowering indices
- Random matrix
- Random variable
- Range (mathematics)
- Rank (linear algebra)
- Rank of a group
- Rank of an abelian group
- Rank–nullity theorem
- Rational difference equation
- Rational function
- Rational number
- Rational point
- Reaction wheel
- Real closed field
- Real form (Lie theory)
- Real number
- Real representation
- Recurrence plot
- Recurrence relation
- Redheffer matrix
- Reduced ring
- Ree group
- Rees algebra
- Regular local ring
- Regular representation
- Regular ring
- Regular sequence
- Replicator equation
- Representable functor
- Representation of a Lie group
- Representation of a Lie superalgebra
- Representation theory
- Representation theory of diffeomorphism groups
- Representation theory of finite groups
- Representation theory of Hopf algebras
- Representation theory of SL2(R)
- Representation theory of SU(2)
- Representation theory of the Poincaré group
- Representation theory of the symmetric group
- Resolution (algebra)
- Resolvent (Galois theory)
- Resonance
- Restricted representation
- Restriction of scalars
- Riccati equation
- Ricci calculus
- Ricci flow
- Richards equation
- Ring (mathematics)
- Ring homomorphism
- Ring theory
- RLC circuit
- Robin boundary condition
- Robust control
- Root
- Root of unity
- Root system
- Rotation around a fixed axis
- Rotation group SO(3)
- Rotation matrix
- Rotational energy
- Rotational invariance
- Row echelon form
- Row equivalence
- Row space
- Rubik's Cube group
- Rudvalis group
- Rössler attractor
- S-matrix
- Scalar multiplication
- Schanuel's lemma
- Schoenflies notation
- Schreier refinement theorem
- Schreier's lemma
- Schreier–Sims algorithm
- Schrödinger equation
- Schur complement
- Schur decomposition
- Schur multiplier
- Schur orthogonality relations
- Schur's lemma
- Sedenion
- Segre embedding
- Seiberg–Witten invariant
- Seidel adjacency matrix
- Seifert surface
- Self-propelled particles
- Semi-local ring
- Semiautomaton
- Semidirect product
- Semigroup
- Semigroupoid
- Semilattice
- Semiperfect ring
- Semiprime ring
- Semiprimitive ring
- Semiring
- Semisimple algebra
- Semisimple Lie algebra
- Semisimple module
- Separable extension
- Separable partial differential equation
- Separable polynomial
- Separation of variables
- Sequence alignment
- Sequential dynamical system
- Serre's multiplicity conjectures
- Serre–Swan theorem
- Set (mathematics)
- Set theory
- Sethi model
- Shallow water equations
- Sharkovskii's theorem
- Sheaf (mathematics)
- Sheaf cohomology
- Shear mapping
- Shear matrix
- Shift matrix
- Shor's algorithm
- Short five lemma
- Sierpinski carpet
- Sierpinski triangle
- Sign (mathematics)
- Signalizer functor
- Signature (logic)
- Signature matrix
- Similarity matrix
- Simple extension
- Simple group
- Simple harmonic motion
- Simple Lie group
- Simple module
- Simple ring
- Simplex algorithm
- Sine–Gordon equation
- Singular solution
- Singular submodule
- Singular value decomposition
- Skew lattice
- Skew-Hermitian matrix
- Skew-symmetric matrix
- Skolem–Noether theorem
- Skyline matrix
- SL2(R)
- Smooth morphism
- Snake lemma
- SO(8)
- Sobolev space
- Socle (mathematics)
- Solenoid (mathematics)
- Solenoidal vector field
- Soliton
- Solvable group
- Space group
- Sparse matrix
- Special functions
- Special linear group
- Special unitary group
- Spectral element method
- Spectral sequence
- Spectral theorem
- Spectrum of a ring
- Sphere
- Spherical pendulum
- Spin group
- Spin structure
- Spin wave
- Spinor
- Spinor field
- Split-quaternion
- Split-step method
- Splitting field
- Splitting lemma
- Splitting of prime ideals in Galois extensions
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Sporadic group
- Spread of a matrix
- Squeeze mapping
- Stability theory
- Stable polynomial
- Stably free module
- Standard basis
- Standard map
- Stanley–Reisner ring
- State-transition matrix
- Statistics
- Steiner system
- Steinitz exchange lemma
- Stochastic control
- Stochastic differential equation
- Stochastic matrix
- Stochastic partial differential equation
- Stochastic process
- Stochastic processes and boundary value problems
- Stone–von Neumann theorem
- Strassen algorithm
- Stress–energy tensor
- String (computer science)
- Strong generating set
- Strongly embedded subgroup
- Strongly ribbon category
- Structure (category theory)
- Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain
- Sturm–Liouville theory
- Subalgebra
- Subcategory
- Subgroup
- Subobject
- Subobject classifier
- Subring
- Subset sum problem
- Substitution matrix
- Superconductivity
- Superposition principle
- Support of a module
- Surjective function
- Suzuki groups
- Suzuki sporadic group
- Swarm intelligence
- Swift–Hohenberg equation
- Sylow theorems
- Sylvester matrix
- Symbolic computation
- Symbolic dynamics
- Symbolic method
- Symmetric algebra
- Symmetric function
- Symmetric group
- Symmetric matrix
- Symmetric tensor
- Symmetry
- Symmetry group
- Symplectic group
- Symplectic manifold
- Symplectic matrix
- Symplectic representation
- Syntactic monoid
- System analysis
- System dynamics
- System of linear equations
- Table of Lie groups
- Takens' theorem
- Tangent space
- Tarski monster group
- Tate module
- Tensor
- Tensor (intrinsic definition)
- Tensor algebra
- Tensor contraction
- Tensor density
- Tensor field
- Tensor product
- Tensor product of algebras
- Tensor product of fields
- Tensor product of modules
- Tent map
- Tetration
- Thermodynamics
- Thin group
- Thirring model
- Thompson groups
- Thompson sporadic group
- Tidal resonance
- Tietze transformations
- Tight closure
- Time-scale calculus
- Tinkerbell map
- Tits group
- Toda lattice
- Todd–Coxeter algorithm
- Toeplitz matrix
- Top
- Topological dynamics
- Topological group
- Topological quantum field theory
- Topological space
- Topological vector space
- Topos
- Tor functor
- Torque
- Torsion (algebra)
- Torsion subgroup
- Torsion-free module
- Torsionless module
- Torus
- Total order
- Total quotient ring
- Totally positive matrix
- Trace (linear algebra)
- Transcendence degree
- Transfer (group theory)
- Transformation matrix
- Transformation semigroup
- Transonic
- Transpose
- Transversal (combinatorics)
- Triality
- Triangular matrix
- Triangulated category
- Trichotomy theorem
- Tridiagonal matrix
- Triple DES
- Triple product
- Trivial representation
- Turbulence
- Tutte matrix
- Twin prime
- Twistor
- Unary operation
- Uncountable set
- Underdetermined system
- Uniform convergence
- Uniform module
- Unimodular matrix
- Unipotent
- Unique factorization domain
- Uniqueness case
- Uniqueness quantification
- Unit (ring theory)
- Unit interval
- Unitary group
- Unitary matrix
- Unitary representation
- Universal algebra
- Universal differential equation
- Universal enveloping algebra
- Universal property
- Up to
- Valuation (algebra)
- Valuation ring
- Van der Pol oscillator
- Vandermonde matrix
- Variable (mathematics)
- Variety (universal algebra)
- Vector space
- Vector-valued function
- Vectorization (mathematics)
- Verdier duality
- Vertex (graph theory)
- Vertex operator algebra
- Virasoro algebra
- Von Neumann algebra
- Von Neumann regular ring
- Wallpaper group
- Walsh matrix
- Walter theorem
- Wave equation
- Weak derivative
- Weak dimension
- Weak operator topology
- Weak solution
- Wedderburn's little theorem
- Weierstrass preparation theorem
- Weierstrass ring
- Weighing matrix
- Weight (representation theory)
- Well-defined
- Wess–Zumino–Witten model
- Weyl character formula
- Weyl group
- Whitehead problem
- Whitham equation
- Wiener process
- Wigner quasiprobability distribution
- Wigner's classification
- Wigner–Eckart theorem
- Wigner–Weyl transform
- Wind wave
- Witt algebra
- WKB approximation
- Word problem for groups
- Wreath product
- Wronskian
- X–Y–Z matrix
- Yamabe problem
- Yang–Mills theory
- Yoneda lemma
- Young tableau
- Z* theorem
- Z-matrix (chemistry)
- Z-matrix (mathematics)
- Zakharov system
- Zakharov–Schulman system
- Zariski ring
- Zariski tangent space
- Zaslavskii map
- Zassenhaus lemma
- Zero divisor
- Zero matrix
- Zero morphism
- Zero ring
- ZJ theorem
- Zorn's lemma
- Étale cohomology
- Étale morphism