ChemDraw Images
[edit]Use style sheet ACS Document 1996 Create SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) SVG vs PNG vs JPG: Image Format Pros & Cons
What Useful Sofware is on Library Computers?
[edit]- ChemDraw
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
draft process
[edit]- For PC save as a EPS image, edit in Adobe Illustrator, Constrain Porportions, save as a SVG
- for MAC save as a PDF, open in Inkscape, convert, save as SVG (How to download Inkscape is a puzzle for me)
One of my favorite magazines:
Cover of Chemical & Engineering News
Editing Wikipedia
[edit]Here is what we covered in class on 10/24/2022
Writing an Introduction
[edit]lead should stand on its own concise overview intro topic establish context why is it notable
[edit]Nice projects templates
[edit]Add as needed