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(∃x) If you are viewing this page somewhere other than on the Wikipedia, it is because someone has decided to mirror my Wiki page in order to drive traffic to their ad-revenue site. This helps them collect "view" money via some of the ridiculous ads that you are probably seeing in the <-- left or right --> margins or up there ^^ in the banner area. E.g., right *now* "www.ireference.ca" is using my collection of interesting pages to sell detox pills, 9mm handguns, and anti-cancer soft gels. Personally I couldn't care less if this information is appropriated; I'm pretty Copyleft as a rule, but I think that most of the stuff in those ads is bogus and shady and you should not click on the links or buy anything from a page that features this list. I have seen sites in Russian and sites from Nigeria mirroring my silly page. The Internet is really fascinating. Last time I counted (yesterday) I was watching 3505 pages on here so I imagine that I do help with the traffic! (∃x)

I have determined that my first edit was made to the Natural Science page on November 7, 2002. I added the MIT link at the bottom of the page, a link that is now defunct. Look at that page as it was then and think about how much the Wikipedia has grown!!!

I also wrote a very long entry on Sonya Rapoport an artist whose studio I visited in Berkeley and who I thought deserved a page. I am an art historian and I used materials from her archives to create all the sections and linked each with verifiable citations. In working on the page I got to know her, so what was not COI when I began writing the page might have become COI a year or so later, (though she has since died). I only used information from articles to write the entry, was strictly POV etc. I did not receive payment. I'm just putting this here to be transparent in case there is a question.

I also wrote an entire article on the artist Nick Fudge whose work I learned about in England. We do have mutual friends in common but I relied wholly on articles and published interviews and did not receive payment. I simply thought his work and story warranted an entry.

submitting photos

I was also a Wikipedia Campus Ambassador at the University of California, Berkeley for three separate classes.

Note: This page looks a little empty, but if you highlight it, you will find brief definitions for each entry / (or else, in the case of seemingly dull things, the thing about that dull thing that interested me.) At least in the beginning...I just haven't had time in the last six years to keep up with the maintenance as I should. Ahahaha I've been on here like 20 years now, so...

My Watchlist (which I couldn't organize on the Watchlist page, alas...)

Who Watches The Watchlist?

Animal painters and sculptors


Architecture and cities

  • Al Qal'a of Beni Hammad (the subject of my friend Imene’s dissertation)
  • Burj Dubai (the sailboat building)
  • Detournement (create a new work with a different message, often one opposed to the original)
  • Dérive (explore their environment ("psychogeography") without preconceptions, to understand their location, and therefore their existence)
  • Flamboyant (florid style of late Gothic architecture in vogue in France and Spain during the 15th century)
  • Franz Reichelt (died jumping with parachute from Eiffel Tower)
  • Gore (segment) (segment of a three-dimensional shape fabricated from a two-dimensional material)
  • Paris Meridian (a meridian line running through the Paris Observatory in Paris, France -- now longitude 2°20′14.025″)
  • Parkour (l'art du déplacement moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using the abilities of the human body)
  • Philippe Petit (French high wire artist who gained fame for his illegal walk between the former Twin Towers on August 7, 1974)
  • Sather Tower (a campanile (bell and clock tower) on the University of California, Berkeley campus)
  • University of Paris (How many are there?)

Art and art history





  • Advance fee fraud (Nigerian letters)
  • Charles Sobhraj (French serial killer of Indian and Vietnamese origin)
  • Elizabeth Báthory (most infamous serial killer in Hungarian and Slovak history and is remembered as the Bloody Lady of Čachtice)
  • Gilles de Rais (brother-in-arms of Joan of Arc. later convicted of torturing, raping and murdering young boys)
  • Hélène Jegado (French domestic servant and serial killer. She murdered at least 23 people with arsenic between 1833 and 1851)


American bison.



Cures, poisons

  • Bates method (or better eyesight)
  • Dimethylmercury (Karen Wetterhahn, died after spilling a few drops of this compound on her latex-gloved hand)
  • Gentian violet (an antifungal agent; stains things purple)
  • Tarantism (a deadly envenomation resulting from the bite of a kind of wolf spider called a "tarantula" )
  • Trepanation (a form of surgery in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull, thus exposing the dura mater)

End of the world


Environment and place


Food, drink and drugs

  • Biang biang noodles (touted as one of the "ten strange wonders of Shaanxi")
  • Brillat-Savarin cheese (goes well with medjool dates and also champagne)
  • Casu marzu (Some people clear the larvae from the cheese before consuming; others do not)
  • Durian (The odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels)
  • Entremet (food modeled into allegorical scenes)
  • Espelette pepper (Piment d'Espelette)
  • Horse meat (1807, surgeon-in-chief of Napoleon's Grand Army, told starving troops to eat the flesh of horses that had died on the battlefield)
  • King cake (festival of Epiphany, Mardi Gras and Carnival)
  • Matcha (green tea used particularly in the Japanese tea ceremony)
  • Meat (animal tissue used as food)
  • Miracle fruit (molecule binds to the tongue's taste buds, causing bitter and sour foods (such as lemons and limes) consumed later to taste sweet)
  • Mukhwas (colorful Indian after-meal snack or digestive aid)
  • Oliebol (because of the fat in the oliebollen, her sword would slide off the body of whomever ate them)
  • Orgeat syrup (sweet syrup made from almonds, sugar and rose water or orange-flower water)
  • Ortolan Bunting (the bird François Mitterand ate for his last meal)
  • Pastis (an anise-flavored liqueur and apéritif from France, typically containing 40–45% alcohol by volume)
  • Pierre Hermé (French pastry chef that Vogue called "the Picasso of Pastry")
  • Pimento cheese (core ingredients are grated cheddar cheese, chopped pimento, mayonnaise, hot sauce, and black pepper)
  • Pineau des Charentes (made from a blend of unfermented grape must and Cognac brandy. départements of Charente and Charente-Maritime)
  • Salad oil scandal (caused over $150 million in losses to corporations including American Express and Bank of America)
  • Subtlety (an entertainment dish used in the Middle Ages. It was a type of entremets; peafowl and swans)
  • The good version of Subtlety
  • Umami (similar to Brillat-Savarin's concept of osmazome)
  • Jenkem (people sniffing poop)
  • Paleolithic style diet (emulates the dietary patterns of the various human species living during the Paleolithic (the Old Stone Age))



History, myth


History of science

  • Anatomy Act 1832 (expanded the legal supply of cadavers for medical research and education)
  • Automaton (le Canard Digérateur)
  • Comparative anatomy (similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms)
  • Digesting Duck (Jacques de Vaucanson’s pooping automaton, 1739)
  • Dirk Jan Struik (mathematician and Marxist historian of 19th-century mathematics)
  • Edgar Zilsel (social and historic conditions of the development of modern science)
  • Évariste Galois (French mathematician, laid the foundations for Galois theory, died from wounds suffered in a duel at the age of 20)
  • Everything That Rises Must Converge (Jesuit paleontologist, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
  • Inception of Darwin's theory (how Darwin began to formulate his theory. Animal observations)
  • Jakob von Uexkull (the grandson, interesting in his own right)
  • Jakob von Uexküll (the Umwelt of different creatures such as ticks, sea urchins, amoebae, jellyfish and sea worms)
  • Jaquet-Droz automata (the musician, the drawer and the writer. still functional at the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland)
  • John George Wood (19th c. British lecturer on zoology, illustrated by drawing on black-board or large sheets of white paper with coloured crayons)
  • Maxwell's demon (meant to raise questions about the possibility of violating the second law of thermodynamics)
  • Giordano Bruno (Italian philosopher, priest, cosmologist, and occultist. first "martyr for science")
  • Henri Milne-Edwards (eminent French 19th c. zoologist)
  • History of anatomy in the 19th century
  • History of paleontology
  • Morphogenesis (concerned with the shapes of tissues, organs and entire organisms and the positions of the various specialized cell types)
  • Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (natural history museum in Paris)
  • Nikola Tesla in popular culture (Tesla in art, literature and film etc.)
  • Red Queen (For an evolutionary system, continuing development is needed just to maintain its fitness relative to the systems it is co-evolving with)
  • Richard Levins (his radical orthodox Marxism has made his analyses less well known than those of some other ecologists and evolutionists)
  • Shen Kuo (was a polymathic Chinese scientist and statesman of the Song Dynasty (960–1279). he was good at...EVERYTHING)
  • The Power of Movement in Plants (an 1880 book by Charles Darwin and his son Francis on phototropism in plants)
  • Vitalism (doctrine that the functions of a living organism are due to a vital principle distinct from physicochemical forces)

Movies, television, radio




Objects and products (things)

  • Argand lamp (Edgar Allan Poe’s favorite lighting (Theory of Furniture))
  • Klerksdorp Spheres (small, often spherical to disc-shaped objects, collected by miners and rockhounds; 3.0 billion year old pyrophyllite deposits)
  • Scrabble (so I can tell what those squares on Scrabulous are)
  • Thing theory (focuses on the role of things in literature and culture. It borrows from Heidegger's distinction between objects and things)
  • Treskilling Yellow (a postage stamp of Sweden, and as of 2004 the most valuable stamp in the world)
  • Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh (May of 1997 to mark the 20th anniversary of Apple Computer, not the Macintosh)
  • Vincent Motorcycles (Said red Molly to James, that's a fine motorbike...)

People's art, the

  • Snowman (the people’s art)
  • Sand art and play (Sand castles: a sandcastle is a type of sand sculpture resembling a miniature building, often a castle...the people's art)
  • Tree house (the people’s art)
  • Time capsule (trunks of cars, foundation stone, arctic ice caves, Noah's Ark)

Philosophers, theorists and critics

  • Al-Jazari (Arab Muslim scholar, artist, astronomer, inventor and mechanical engineer)
  • Alain Badiou (with Lacan dead and Althusser in an asylum)
  • Alan Turing (forced to inject estrogen into his thigh because he was gay)
  • Athanasius Kircher (one of the first people to observe microbes through a microscope)
  • Bill Brown (critical theory) (thing theory)
  • Georges Bataille (founded a secret society, Acéphale)
  • Giordano Bruno (Italian philosopher, priest, cosmologist, and occultist. first "martyr for science")
  • Michael Polanyi (opposed prevailing positivist account of science, arguing it failed to recognise the part which tacit knowing plays in science)
  • Paul de Man (Belgian-born deconstructionist literary critic and theorist)
  • Simone Weil (French philosopher, Christian mystic, and social activist)
  • Walter Benjamin (German-Jewish Marxist literary critic, essayist, translator, and philosopher)

Physics and maths

  • An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything (the surfer’s theory of physics G8)
  • Casimir effect (physical force exerted between objects due to resonance of all-pervasive energy fields in the space between the objects)
  • Clay Mathematics Institute (Millenium Prize Problems)
  • Knot theory (branch of topology that studies mathematical knots, defined as embeddings of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space)
  • Novelty theory (calculates the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. conceived of by Terence McKenna)
  • Osculating curve (an extension of the concept of tangent)
  • Spirograph (invented by British engineer Denys Fisher who exhibited it in 1965 at the Nuremberg International Toy Fair)

Plants and growing things

  • Biofouling (undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae, and animals on submerged structures)
  • Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (plants of my childhood: bush on corner of house)
  • Chamaecyparis thyoides (plants of my childhood: bush on corner of house)
  • Plant perception (paranormal) (Belief that plants are sentient, that they experience pain, pleasure, or emotions such as fear and affection, and that they have the ability to communicate)
  • Pyracantha (A genus of thorny evergreen large shrubs in the family Rosaceae, subfamily Maloideae. plants of my childhood. The Glenn’s yard)
  • Rapid plant movement (movement in plant structures occurring under one second. e.g., the Venus Flytrap closes its trap in 100 milliseconds)
  • Lantana camara (also known as Spanish Flag; plants of my childhood; Ellen Weinel’s yard)
  • The Secret Life of Plants (Plants may be sentient, despite their lack of a nervous system. Film with Stevie Wonder soundtrack)


  • Harry Harlow (American psychologist known for his maternal-deprivation and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys)
  • Helen Morrison (serial killers are adept at learning to mimic emotional human behavior, but they can only do so for a limited amount of time)
  • Histrionic personality disorder (excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness)
  • Hug machine (originally conceived and designed by Temple Grandin at the age of eighteen)
  • Ideomotor effect (a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. Automatic writing)
  • John Bowlby (British psychoanalyst, notable for his interest in child development and his pioneering work in attachment theory)
  • Kim Peek (savant with a photographic or eidetic memory and developmental disabilities, possibly resulting from congenital brain abnormalities)
  • Laughter (audible expression or appearance of merriment or amusement or an inward feeling of joy and pleasure)
  • Lilac chaser (a visual illusion, also known as the Pac-Man illusion)
  • List of cognitive biases
  • Macy conferences (1940s-50s. meetings of scientists and U.S. government officials; methods of mass psychological control and brainwashing)


  • Alice in Wonderland syndrome (subjects perceive humans, parts of humans, animals, and inanimate objects as much smaller than in reality)
  • Alien hand syndrome (one of the sufferer's hands seems to have a mind of its own)
  • Echolalia (present in autism, Tourette syndrome, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, developmental disability, schizophrenia)
  • Prosopagnosia (Sometimes known as face blindness) is a disorder of face perception where the ability to recognize faces is impaired Jane Goodall
  • Reduplicative paramnesia (Delusional belief that a place or location has been duplicated, existing in two or more places simultaneously)
  • Syndrome of subjective doubles (A person suffers from the delusion that he or she has a double or doppelgänger)

19th c. French psychology

  • Abbé de Coulmier (Director of the Charenton insane asylum, treated de Sade, possibly fictional)
  • Alexandre Jacques François Brière de Boismont (medical doctorate in Paris 1825, visions dreams somnambulism hypnotism mesmerism ecstasy hallucinations apparitions cholera)
  • Armand-Marie-Jacques de Chastenet, Marques of Puységur (one of the pre-scientific founders of hypnotism, animal magnetism, Mesmerism - magnetized elm tree near Buzancy, near Soissons)
  • Charles Lasègue (medical doctorate University of Paris 1847 Salpêtrière psychosomatic disorders, anorexia nervosa, delusions of persecution)
  • Étienne-Jean Georget (Salpêtrière religious obsession sexual obsession obsession with evil senseless murder 1820s commissioned Théodore Géricault to paint portraits of mental patients)
  • François Leuret (work in comparative anatomy of the brain with Louis Gratiolet, d.1851 early psychiatry)
  • Félix Voisin (advocate of phrenological theories of Franz Joseph Gall Research of satyriasis nymphomania hypersexuality hysteria.)
  • Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904 group mind herd mentality science-fiction novel entitled Underground Man. This novel tells the tale of a post-apocalyptic earth covered by ice)
  • George Romanes (laid the foundation of what he called comparative psychology)
  • Guillaume Ferrus ((1784-1861) psychiatrist. student of Philippe Pinel. somatic disorder relate to mental disorder)
  • Gustave Le Bon (theories of national traits, racial superiority, herd behaviour and crowd psychology, evolution of matter)
  • Jacques-Joseph Moreau (1804-1884) psychiatrist member of the Club des Hashischins first physician to do systematic work on drugs' effects book, Hashish and Mental Alienation)
  • Jean-Pierre Falret (Salpêtrière 1831-1867) influential psychiatrist mind/body dualist...a phenomenon he called novum organon...created disturbances of the soul and caused mental illness)
  • Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol (1799 Salpêtrière intensive study of insanity Rue de Buffon maison de santé passions considered as causes, symptoms and means of cure in cases of insanity)
  • Jules Baillarger (Salpêtrière 1840 involuntary nature of hallucinations dynamics of hypnagogic state intermediary stage between sleep and wakefulness bipolar disorder)
  • Louis-Florentin Calmeil (insanity psychiatry...book was a rational discourse of topics such as demonology, lycanthropy, religious obsession etc.)
  • Louis Delasiauve (Salpêtrière epileptic and mentally handicapped patients pioneer of child psychiatry advocated education for mentally handicapped)
  • Marie-Jean-Léon, Marquis d'Hervey de Saint Denys (painting his dreams)
  • Paul Sollier (1861-1943 hysteria, memory, emotions, and mental retardation, IQ. cognitive-behavioral therapies most famous patient Marcel Proust.)
  • Philippe Pinel (Classification of mental disorders "the father of modern psychiatry" disciple of the abbé de Condillac)
  • Pierre Janet (1859-1947) dissociation traumatic memory subject's past life trauma, dissociation subconscious Jean-Martin Charcot hysteria memory Salpêtrière true founder of psychoanalysis psychotherapy)
  • Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (the mentally disabled, criminally insane, epileptics, and the poor; was notable for its population of rats)
  • Théodule-Armand Ribot (1839-1916) Experimental Psychology at Sorbonne inherited peculiarities Psychologie anglaise sensationalist schoolHerbert Spencer's Principles Arthur Schopenhauer memory will)
  • Théophile Archambault (1806-1861 "Treatise on the Nature, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Insanity)
  • Valentin Magnan (1835-1916 alcoholism, epilepsy and general paralysis degeneration evolutionary biology delirious episodes absinthe decline of French culture hallucinations crawling foreign body being beneath the skin)
  • Wilhelm Griesinger (studied under Johann Lukas Schönlein at the University of Zurich and physiologist François Magendie in Paris)

Random people


Reading and writing, sorta




Stores of my childhood

  • AJ Bayless (stores of my childhood)
  • Revco (stores of my childhood)
  • TG&Y (stores of my childhood)

Things from / in / about outer space

Lunar libration
  • 2007 Peruvian meteorite event (the meteorite that made everyone sick)
  • Alien language (xenolinguistics, exolinguistics and astrolinguistics)
  • Jérôme Lalande (According to Roland Barthes in "Sade Fourier Loyola", Lalande liked to eat live spiders
  • Lucien Rudaux (French artist and astronomer, who created famous paintings of space themes in the 1920s and 1930s)
  • Solar power satellite (a satellite built in high Earth orbit uses microwave power transmission to beam solar power to a large antenna on Earth)
  • Spacing (A theoretical method of execution (or other sort of killing) by vacuum exposure in space)
  • The Colour Out of Space (H. P. Lovecraft. meteorite crashed - metallic and contained a substance of an indescribable colour, that proved toxic)

Words and ideas

  • Emic and etic (two different kinds of data concerning human behavior)
  • Glabrousness (hairlessness)
  • Saudade (Portuguese word for a feeling of longing for something that one is fond of, which is gone, but might return in a distant future)
  • Schadenfreude (German word meaning 'pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune')
  • Commodity fetishism (social relationships are transformed into apparently objective relationships)
  • Critical theory (differences and similarities between the two senses of the term)
  • Fallacy (logic)
  • Heuristic (method to help solve a problem, commonly informal. "rules of thumb", educated guesses, intuitive judgments)
  • Undark luminous paint made of radioactive radium and phosphorus between 1917 and 1938)

Writers and written things

  • Camp Concentration (this book is set during a war, projected from the Vietnam War, in which the United States is apparently criminally involved)
  • Emily Dickinson (one of the most original and influential poets of the 19th century)
  • George Sand (French novelist and feminist)
  • Georges Simenon (noir novels in French)
  • Guy Davenport (American writer, translator, illustrator, painter, intellectual, and teacher)
  • H. P. Lovecraft (invention was cosmic horror: life is incomprehensible to human minds and the universe is fundamentally alien)
  • Honoré de Balzac (100 novels and plays collectively entitled La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of French life 500)
  • Ian Hamilton Finlay (Scottish poet, writer, artist. a penchant for Virgil; a concern with the sea; an interest in the French Revolution)
  • Jean Lorrain (French poet and novelist; dedicated disciple of dandyism, introduced Moreau to Huysmans.)
  • Les Bienveillantes (how to get French citizenship)
  • List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
  • Little Nemo (main fictional character in a series of weekly comic strips by Winsor McCay)
  • Philip Larkin (an English poet, novelist and jazz critic. He spent his working life as a university librarian)
  • Sergei Yesenin (Russian lyrical poet. died at 30 "Stars little stars, you’re so high and so clear!")
  • Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson's third novel, published in 1992. Cyberpunk)
  • Tel Quel (an avant-garde journal for literature, founded in 1960 in Paris by Philippe Sollers. influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • Weekly World News (tabloid newspaper published by American Media Inc.)
  • William Makepeace Thackeray (English novelist of the 19th century)
  • Wu Ming (a pseudonym for a group of Italian authors formed in 2000 from a subset of the Luther Blissett community in Bologna)


  • Angel hair (alleged substance of unknown origin, said to be dispersed from UFOs as they fly)
  • Count of St Germain (immortal, the Wandering Jew, alchemist of "Elixir of Life", Rosicrucian)
  • Eiserne Mann (old iron pillar partially buried in the ground)
  • Dropa (alleged race of dwarf-like extraterrestrials )
  • Eltanin Antenna (unusual object photographed on the sea floor by the Antarctic oceanographic research ship USNS Eltanin in 1964)
  • Favomancy (divination by beans)
  • Frank Edwards (writer and broadcaster) (paranormal books I read in 7th grade algebra)
  • Gil Pérez (Spanish soldier of the Filipino Guardia Civil who teleported to the Plaza Mayor of Mexico City on October 24, 1593)
  • Gloria Ramirez ("the toxic lady"; exposure to her body and blood sickened several hospital workers)
  • Hollow Earth (a hollow interior and, possibly, a habitable inner surface)
  • Jinx (odd that my parents named by first dog this. like someone naming a child "Gerson")
  • João de Deus (medium) ("psychic surgeon" in Brazil)
  • Ka-Bala (Mysterious Game that Tells the Future)
  • Mad scientist (insane, eccentric, or simply bumbling, often working with fictional technology in order to forward their schemes)
  • Manastash Ridge (location of Mel’s Hole)
  • Manna (coriander seed; same colour as bdellium; tasted like olive oil; plant lice; crystallized honeydew of scale insects; psilocybin mushrooms)
  • Motif of harmful sensation (physical or mental damage that a person suffers merely by experiencing what should normally be a benign sensation)
  • Psychic surgery (a conjuring trick, create an incision using only the bare hands, to remove pathological matter)
  • Sailing stones (define)
  • Star jelly (a compound deposited on the earth during meteor showers. foul-smelling, gelatinous substance; evaporates shortly after falling)
  • Sungazing (practice of staring directly at the sun. to receive nourishment from it to either complement or replace eating food)
  • Tentacle rape (concept found in some horror hentai titles; various tentacled creatures / fictional monsters rape or otherwise penetrate women)
  • Tummo (drying wet sheets with your own body heat, sitting in the snow)

Remaining to be sorted


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  • Snipe hunt (inexperienced campers told about a bird ridiculous method of catching it, such as running around woods carrying bag making strange noises.)
  • Superseded scientific theories (Lamarckism Maternal impression Miasma theory of disease Spontaneous generation ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny)
  • Thaumatrope (disk card with picture on each side attached to string twirledtwo pictures appear to combine into a single image due to persistence of vision)
  • The Artist's Studio (A Real Allegory of a Seven Year Phase in my Artistic and Moral Life 1855 Gustave Courbet Musée d'Orsay)
  • The God Makers (film) (anti-Mormon film produced in 1982 by Ed Decker and Jeremiah Films)
  • The Revolution of Everyday Life (1967 book by Raoul Vaneigem, Belgian author, philosopher and former member of the Situationist International)
  • The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Grace Llewellyn's autodidactic book about unschooling)
  • Therianthropy (part man and part beast, metamorphosis of humans into other animals)
  • Treasure (a concentration of riches, often one which is considered lost or forgotten until being rediscovered)
  • Unconscious mind (habit being unaware and intuition awakening, implicit memory, the subconscious, subliminal messages, trance, and hypnosis)
  • Unschooling (allow children to learn through their natural life experiences play, household responsibilities, and social interaction)
  • Unsolved problems in philosophy (Essentialism Gettier Molyneux Pyrrhonian regress Perception of color Moral luck Problem of evil induction Counterfactuals Mind-body etc)
  • V838 Monocerotis (reason for the outburst still uncertain theories include eruption related to stellar death processes star)
  • Valensole UFO Incident (1965, in a lavender field next to Valensole, located in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France)
  • Wing (singer) (a New Zealand singer of Hong Kong origin)
  • Zoonosis (a disease that can be transmitted from other vertebrate animals to humans)
  • Aby Warburg (define)

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  • Henry More Smith (a confidence man, master puppeteer, hypnotist, seer, liar, and above all else a superlative escape artist who lived for a while in New Brunswick, Canada)
  • If You Go Away (a song in English based upon the French song "Ne Me Quitte Pas" (1959), written by Jacques Brel)
  • Jesusland map (Internet meme, created shortly after the 2004 US Presidential election, which satirizes the red/blue states scheme)
  • Jurgis Baltrušaitis (son) (a Lithuanian art historian, art critic and a founder of comparative art research. He was the son of the poet and diplomat Jurgis Baltrušaitis.)
  • KEO (name of proposed space time capsule to be launched in 2010 or 2011 carrying messages from the citizens of Earth to humanity 50,000 years from now, when it will reenter Earth's atmosphere)
  • Le Train de Nulle Part (233-page French novel, written in 2004 by a French doctor of letters, Michel Dansel / Michel Thaler entire novel is written without a single verb.)
  • List of characters in the Doctor Dolittle series (self-explanatory)
  • List of common misconceptions (self-explanatory)
  • List of trees (self-explanatory)
  • Lluvia de Peces (The Rain of Fish is common in Honduran Folklore. It occurs in the Departamento de Yoro, between the months of May and July.)
  • Local gigantism (a certain part of the body acquires larger than normal size. excessive growth of anatomical structures or abnormal accumulation)
  • Lorem ipsum (graphic design, placeholder text used to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document such as font, typography, and layout)
  • Machine elf (coined by the ethnobotanist Terence McKenna to describe the entities one becomes aware of after taking tryptamine based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT.)
  • Madame Bovary (virtually unchallenged not only as a seminal work of Realism, but as one of the most influential novels ever written)
  • Marlovian theory (Christopher Marlowe is main author of the poems and plays typically attributed to William Shakespeare.)
  • Mehran Karimi Nasseri (Iranian refugee who lived in the departure lounge of Terminal One in Charles de Gaulle Airport from 8 August 1988 until July 2006)
  • Mexican Perforation (French artistic movement by the group les UX that seeks to express their ideas by larcenic (illegal) occupation of underground places)
  • Mike the Headless Chicken (a Wyandotte rooster that lived for 18 months after its head had been cut off)
  • Minor White (American photographer who thought that people could tell he was gay by looking at his abstract photos of broken windows and peeling paint)
  • Mistpouffers (unexplained sounds like a cannon or a sonic boom. heard in many waterfront communities such as the banks of the river Ganges, inland Finger Lakes of the United States, etc.)
  • Mojave phone booth (lone telephone booth placed circa 1960 in what is now the Mojave National Preserve in California which attracted an online following in 1997 due to its unusual location)
  • Nancy Green (a storyteller, cook, activist, and one of the first African-American models hired to promote a corporate trademark as "Aunt Jemima")
  • Paraponera clavata (the so-called bullet ant, named on account of its powerful and potent sting, which is said to be as painful as being shot with a bullet)
  • Patricia Piccinini (artworks reflect her interest in issues such as bioethics, biotechnologies and the environment. undergraduate work focused on hyperreal life science illustrations)
  • Psychogenesis (Nima's dissertation? re: Whitney)
  • Raclette (cheese round is heated in front of a fire, then scraped onto diners' plates; name derives from the French racler, meaning "to scrape")
  • Rennes-le-Château (known internationally, and receives tens of thousands of visitors per year, for being at the center of various conspiracy theories)

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  • AM broadcasting (47 During day, AM signals travel by groundwave; after sunset, skywave)
  • A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (47 the phenomenon of the Professional Smile)
  • Ableism (47 inaccessibility, isolation, pity, paternalism)
  • Amanita muscaria (47 fly agaric, a poisonous and psychoactive basidiomycete fungus)
  • Artificial neural network (47 mathematical or computational model inspired by biological neural networks)
  • Arundhati Roy (47 criticizes Narmada Dam project and Enron in India)
  • Autism Spectrum Quotient (47 33)
  • Blood Falls (47 the tongue of the Taylor Glacier, East Antarctica.)
  • British television science fiction (47 first SF TV ever was BBC 11 February 1938)
  • Chivito (sandwich) (47 national dish in Uruguay)
  • Dracaena cinnabari (47 Dragon Tree native to the Socotra archipelago)
  • Egodystonic (47 dreams, impulses, compulsions, desires, etc.) that are in conflict with needs / goals of the ego)
  • Fear of being touched (47 also known as aphephobia, haphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, haptophobia, thixophobia)
  • First Earth Battalion (47 idea of a new military to be organized along New Age lines)
  • Fruits Basket (47 when things in paintings are signs of sad love affairs)
  • Gu (poison) (47 a venom-based poison made by mixing several venomous creatures (e.g., centipede, snake, scorpion)
  • Helicobacter pylori (47 More than 50% of the world's population harbor H. pylori in their upper gastrointestinal tract)
  • Hiroshi Teshigahara (47 Woman in the Dunes (砂の女) (1964); The Face of Another (他人の顔 Tanin no Kao) (1966)
  • Juliana Berners (47 English writer on heraldry, hawking and hunting; prioress of Sopwell nunnery. First book on fishing by a woman.)
  • Karakuri ningyō (47 mechanized puppets or automata from Japan from the 17th century to 19th century)
  • Kruder & Dorfmeister (47 Sabine likes Austrian duo most known for their downtempo-dub remixes of pop, hip-hop and drum and bass songs)
  • Laphroaig (47 Stink bugs smell like Islay single malt Scotch whisky)
  • Liu Xiaobo (47 During his 4th prison term, he was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize)
  • Mad Love (1935 film) (47 first beast with five fingers...with Peter Lorre)
  • Magellanic Clouds (47 irregular dwarf galaxies visible in the southern hemisphere)
  • Map–territory relation (47 "the map is not the territory")
  • Mouflon (47 subspecies group of the wild sheep Ovis aries)
  • Never Let Me Go (2010 film) (47 Brit dystopian organ harvesting love story)
  • Olmec (47 Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico; colossal homes)
  • Personal life of Wilt Chamberlain (47 "I was just doing what was natural—chasing good-looking ladies, whoever they were and wherever they were available")
  • Petiole (insect) (47 the constricted metasomal segment of members of the Hymenopteran suborder Apocrita)
  • SOS Pacific (47 1959 film the realization soon dawns that they are in the midst of a H-Bomb testing range)
  • Scolopendra gigantea (47 Peruvian giant yellowleg centipede)
  • Shanghaiing (47 the practice of conscripting men as sailors by coercive techniques such as trickery, intimidation, or violence in port cities like San Francisco)
  • Shape (47 The shape of an object located in some space is the part of that space occupied by the object, as determined by its external boundary)
  • SoundCloud (47 George Baker house music remix)
  • Tanaka Hisashige (47 (1799-1881) The "Thomas Edison of Japan" or Karakuri Giemon)
  • Tasmanian Globster (47 Cryptozoologic monster on beach in Tasmania aka a whale)
  • The Face of Another (film) (47 a man "buried alive behind eyes without a face", the film adresses the illusive nature of identity and the agony of its absence.")
  • The Tao of Physics (47 Ivan likes An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism)
  • Toilets in Japan (47 an amazingly exhaustive overview)
  • Whale tail (47 The thong above your pants (happily a trend that has passed)
  • White Noise (novel) (47 airborne toxic event)
  • Yad (13 ritual pointer, used to point to the text during the Torah reading from the parchment Torah scrolls)

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Interesting things that don't have pages




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Other folks



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