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User:Pyxis Solitary

This user helped "Carol (film)" become a good article on 7 August 2017.
This user has pending changes reviewer rights on the English Wikipedia.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user has been on Wikipedia for 15 years, 10 months and 1 day.

This user has pending changes reviewer rights on the English Wikipedia. (verify)

This contributor to Wikipedia is female.

This user is a breast cancer survivor.

This user identifies as a lesbian.

This user thinks that marriage is the main reason for divorces.

This user really enjoys dark and stormy nights.



«»  p.s. ...   I'm not Queer  «»
I am a Lesbian.
I am not Gay
I am not Bisexual
I am not Transgender
I am not Non-binary
I am not Pansexual
I am a homosexual female
XX from spark with a twist of sapphistry
Kinsey 6 ... all the way.
The only thing fluid about me is blood, sweat, tears, and piss.
«»  Astrology  ...  shmology  «»
Monas Hieroglyphica
... in case you were wondering
  • Sun in Cancer
  • Moon in Sagittarius
  • Mercury in Leo
  • Venus in Cancer
  • Mars in Scorpio
  • Jupiter in Taurus
  • Saturn in Libra
  • Uranus in Cancer
  • Neptune in Libra
  • Pluto in Leo
  • Ascendant in Gemini
  • Midheaven in Pisces
  • True Node in Aquarius
  • South Node in Leo
  • Fortune in Sagittarius
  • Vertex in Scorpio
  • East Point in Gemini
I have absolutely no idea what any of this means. But whatever it does, it may be why I'm still around.
«»  Here, have some popcorn. It's on me ....  «»

Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae

Last night, ah, yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
There fell thy shadow, Cynara! thy breath was shed
Upon my soul between the kisses and the wine;
And I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
Yea, I was desolate and bowed my head:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

All night upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat,
Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay;
Surely the kisses of her bought red mouth were sweet;
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
When I awoke and found the dawn was grey:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind,
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
Yea, all the time, because the dance was long:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

I cried for madder music and for stronger wine,
But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire,
Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! the night is thine;
And I am desolate and sick of an old passion,
Yea, hungry for the lips of my desire:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

Ernest Dowson

«»  And if you simply must know what makes me tick  «»
When the bitch takes the wheels off ....
Some of my favorite songs & lyrics (Swagger 1)

I Wish I Were in Love Again
 perf. by Stacey Kent

The sleepless nights, the daily fights
the quick toboggan when you reach the heights
I miss the kisses and I miss the bites
I wish I were in love again!

The broken dates, the endless waits
the lovely loving and the hateful hates
the conversations with the flying plates
I wish I were in love again!

No more pain, no more strain
now I'm sane but ...
I would rather be gaga.

The pulled-out fur of cat and cur
the fine mismating of a h[er] and her
I've learned my lesson, but
I wish I were in love again!

The furtive sigh, the blackened eye
the words "I'll love you 'till the day I die"
the self-deception that believes the lie
I wish I were in love again!

When love congeals it soon reveals
the faint aroma of performing seals
the double-crossing of a pair of heels
I wish I were in love again!

No more care, no despair
I'm all there now,
but I would rather be punch-drunk.

Believe me sir I much prefer
the classic battle of a h[er] and her
I don't like quiet and
I wish I were in love again!

≈  Richard Rodgers (music) and Lorenz Hart (lyrics)
from Babes in Arms

Down in the Depths (On the Ninetieth Floor)
 perf. by Lisa Stansfield

With a million neon rainbows burning below me
And a million blazing taxis raising a roar
Here I sit, above the town
In my pet-pailletted gown
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

While the crowds in all the nightclubs punish the parquet
And the bars are packed with couples calling for more
I'm deserted and depressed
In my regal-eagle nest
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

When the only one you wanted wants another
What's the use of swank and cash in a bank galore?
Why, even the janitor's wife
Has a perfectly good love life.

And here am I
Facing tomorrow
Alone in my sorrow
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

When the only one you wanted wants another
What's the use of swank and cash in a bank galore?
Why, even the janitor's wife
Has a perfectly good love life.

And here am I
Facing tomorrow
Alone in my sorrow
I'm down in the depths on the ninetieth floor
Down in the depths on the ninetieth floor.

≈  Cole Porter (music and lyrics)

My Funny Valentine
 perf. by Ella Fitzgerald

My funny valentine
Sweet comic valentine
You make me smile with my heart.

Your looks are laughable
Yet you're my favorite work of art.

Is your figure less than Greek?
Is your mouth a little weak?
When you open it to speak, are you smart?

Don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little valentine stay.

Each day is Valentine's day.

≈  Richard Rodgers (music) and Lorenz Hart (lyrics)
from Babes in Arms

Some of my favorite songs & lyrics (Swagger 2)

There Will Never Be Another You
 perf. by Julie London

There will be many other nights like this,
and I'll be standing here with someone new.
There will be other songs to sing,
another fall, another spring,
but there will never be another you.

There will be other lips that I may kiss,
but they won't thrill me like yours used to do.
Yes, I may dream a million dreams
but how can they come true,
If there will never ever be another you.

≈  Harry Warren (music) and Mack Gordon (lyrics)

Time After Time
 perf. by Margaret Whiting

Time after time,
I tell myself that I'm
So lucky to be loving you.

So lucky to be
the one you run to see
In the evening, when the day is through

I only know what I know,
the passing years will show,
You've kept my love so young, so new

And time after time,
You'll hear me say that I'm
So lucky to be loving you.

≈  Jule Styne (music) and Sammy Cahn (lyrics)

God Bless the Child
 perf. by Billie Holiday

Them that's got shall have
Them that's not shall lose
So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got h[er] own, that's got h[er] own

Yes, the strong gets more
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got h[er] own, that's got h[er] own

Money, you've got lots of friends
They're crowding 'round your door
But when you're gone and spending ends
They don't come no more

Rich relations give crust of bread and such
You can help yourself, but don't take too much
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got h[er] own, that's got h[er] own

Money you've got lots of friends
They're crowding 'round your door
But when you're gone and spending ends
They don't come no more

Rich relations give crust of bread and such
You can help yourself, but don't take too much
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child that's got h[er] own, that's got h[er] own

S[h]e just don't worry 'bout nothing cause [s]he's got h[er] own
Yes, [s]he's got h[er] own

≈  Arthur Herzog Jr. (music) and Billie Holiday (lyrics)

«»  Whatever happens, we'll always have ...   Bossa Nova  «»

Chega de Saudade
 perf. by Gal Costa

Vai minha tristeza e diz a ela
Que sem ela não pode ser
Diz-lhe numa prece que ela regresse
Porque eu não posso mais sofrer

Chega de saudade a realidade é que
Sem ela não há paz, não há beleza
É só tristeza e a melancolia que não sai de mim
Não sai de mim, não sai

Mas se ela voltar, se ela voltar
Que coisa linda, que coisa louca
Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar
Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca

Dentro dos meus braços
Os abraços hão de ser milhões de abraços
Apertado assim, colado assim, calado assim
Abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim
Que é pra acabar com esse negócio de você viver sem mim
Não quero mais esse negócio de você longe de mim

Chega de saudade a realidade é que
Sem ela não há paz, não há beleza
É só tristeza e a melancolia que não sai de mim
Não sai de mim, não sai

Mas se ela voltar, se ela voltar
Que coisa linda, que coisa louca
Pois há menos peixinhos a nadar no mar
Do que os beijinhos que eu darei na sua boca

Dentro dos meus braços
Os abraços hão de ser milhões de abraços
Apertado assim, colado assim, calado assim
Abraços e beijinhos e carinhos sem ter fim
Que é pra acabar com esse negócio de você viver sem mim
Não quero mais esse negócio de você longe de mim
Vamos deixar desse negócio de você viver sem mim

Antônio Carlos Jobim (music) and Vinicius de Moraes (lyrics)

Quiet Nights of Quiet Stars (Corcovado)
 perf. by Astrud Gilberto

Quiet nights of quiet stars
Quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us

Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams
quiet walks by quiet streams
And a window that looks out on Corcovado
Oh, how lovely

This is where I want to be
Here with you so close to me
Until the final flicker of life's ember

I who was lost and lonely
Believing life was only a bitter tragic joke
Have found with you the meaning of existence
Oh, my love

Antonio Carlos Jobim (music and lyrics | orig. Portuguese)

O Que Será (À Flor da Pele) (third version)
 perf. by Simone

O que será que será
Que andam suspirando pelas alcovas
Que andam sussurando em versos e trovas
Que andam combinando no breu das tocas
Que anda nas cabeças, anda nas bocas
Que andam acendendo velas nos becos
Que estão falando alto pelos botecos
Que gritam nos mercados, que com certeza
Está na natureza, será que será
O que não tem certeza, nem nunca terá
O que não tem conserto, nem nunca terá
O que não tem tamanho

O que será que será
Que vive nas idéias desses amantes
Que cantam os poetas mais delirantes
Que juram os profetas embriagados
Que está na romaria dos mutilados
Que está na fantasia dos infelizes
Que está no dia a dia das meretrizes
No plano dos bandidos, dos desvalidos
Em todos os sentidos, será que será
O que não tem decência, nem nunca terá
O que não tem censura, nem nunca terá
O que não faz sentido

O que será que será
Que todos os avisos não vão evitar
Porque todos os risos vão desafiar
Porque todos os sinos irão repicar
Porque todos os hinos irão consagrar
E todos os meninos vão desembestar
E todos os destinos irão se encontrar
E o mesmo Padre Eterno que nunca foi lá
Olhando aquele inferno, vai abençoar
O que não tem governo, nem nunca terá
O que não tem vergonha nem nunca terá
O que não tem juízo

O que não tem governo, nem nunca terá
O que não tem vergonha nem nunca terá
O que não tem juízo

Chico Buarque (music and lyrics)
OST versionDona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos

«»  Where else am I an active editor  «»
Lost Girl Wiki

I am the Admin of the Lost Girl Wiki.
What I have contributed to Lost Girl articles on Wikipedia – I have also contributed to the Lost Girl Wiki. More often than not, what I provided Wikipedia appeared first in the wiki.

The Lost Girl Wiki was established on September 14, 2010. Articles (pages) of the wiki are supported with reliable sources, episodes, dialogue, interviews, screenshots, videos.

As with Wikipedia, knowledgeable members of the public are editors of the Lost Girl Wiki. As with Wikipedia, there is zero tolerance for vandals. Wikia may consist of fan communities, but the Lost Girl Wiki is taken seriously.

If you are interested in a comprehensive, all-encompassing source of information about Lost Girl, visit http://lostgirl.wikia.com/wiki/Lost_Girl_Wiki.

In case someone questions my connection to Lost Girl:

I am not and have never been involved in the production of Lost Girl, nor its official publicity and promotion. Neither am I associated with Prodigy Pictures Inc., Showcase, Shaw Media ... or anyone connected to said companies.
re ^ Statement

I have added the above statement because an aggressive and contentious editor (User:Skyerise) — that has been warned multiple times about her attitude and behavior towards other editors — accused me of having a "conflict of interest" [1] and addressed me with use of profanity. [2] She was warned about her conduct and inappropriate tagging of my Talk page. [3]

This same editor:

Engaged in edit warring, personal attacks, and reporting good faith editors as vandals. She was warned and temporarily blocked. [4] [5] [6] [7]
«»  Tinkers  «»

How precious time was burned at the pyre....

Copy Editor
  Editor (Publishing)
     Newswriter (Print / Wire service / Television)

I fix
I add
I stay behind the curtain.

«»  A Tale of Two Titties  «»

I used to have two titties. Named them Shirley and Bassey. Oh, how they loved going au naturel in ocean waves. Two peas in a lacy black pod.

In late 2010 I had my annual mammogram. No concerns. Then one day, about seven months later, during a road trip in the middle of nowhere, I checked into a motel room. It was a hot day. 99 degrees in the shade. Top and bra came off asap. When I fell on the hard mattress, exhausted after hours of driving, my right shoulder blade rested on the edge of the mattress and my right breast was raised a little. I started to rub my chest, moved my hand to my armpit ... and felt a hard lump. I couldn't exactly feel it again when I stood up. When I returned home I made an appointment with my primary doc right away and after the examination she immediately set the wheels into motion. My band of medical angels came together as one: primary, surgeon, gynecologist, cardiologist (yeah, the ticker has its own personal issues).

Bassey had to go. It had invasive cancer that spread to one lymph node and required an axillary lymphadenectomy. Into the trash can went 36 lymph nodes (my surgeon was an eager beaver). My condition was Stage 2B, HR+ cancer.

I went through all of it alone (well, except for my two dogs and the occasional helper that did a grocery run for me during the first month after surgery and gave the furries a bath). I'm not kidding. Any remnants of family lived almost 3,000 miles away. Closest friends had long ago high-tailed it to distant regions. I didn't involve local breast cancer support networks or the American Cancer Society. Doctor appointments, surgery, chemotherapy. Before-during-after. All of it. It was just me, Shirley, and eight paws.

I didn't feel pain after the decatittation and did not need to take pain killers. Because when you perform a mastectomy you cut through the nerves. When the nerves are injured they don't send pain signals to the brain. The chemo was almost endurable, except for the Neupogen injections afterwards. Save for the nether region I lost hair from head to toe, facial skin peeled, toe nails fell off, and developed neuropathy as a side effect. (I kept a large toe nail as a reminder of those days.)

I did not opt for breast reconstruction. I stopped wearing a falsie. Tops and shirts no longer fit well. They wouldn't anyway because I developed lymphedema in the arm that gave up lymph nodes; one side of me is noticeably larger than the other. Crowning glory grew back thinner, eyebrows never returned to the thickness they once were, legs and underarms remain hairless, and the neuropathy has never completely gone away. But all things considered, I aint's complaining.

Shirley is content. Growing older and hanging lower little by little. But I imagine her mythical Amazon tittie cousins are watching over her while she bounces along in a sports bra.

So ...

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer or are afraid your lump might result in a real downer ... I'm here to tell you that you, too, have the strength in you to battle cancer, even if at first you don't think so.

If you're female, check your bazookas regularly. Feel yerself up, girrl. Get annual mammograms. Feel a lump after you had a mammo? To the doctor you go.

(And if you're a male with enlarged breast tissue you also can develop breast cancer, don't mess around with reality.)

I didn't go for it, but, hey,  do what makes you smile ....

«»  Remembrance of friends gone long ago  «»

Lies of Handsome Men
 perf. by Fawn Fritzen

I believe in star signs
and I believe in film romances
I believe in fantasy
and I believe with just one glance he's crazy for my eyes
'Cause I believe the lies of handsome men

I believe in witchcraft
and I believe in Cinderella
I believe in gypsies
and I believe I cast a spell that sends him to the skies
'Cause I believe the lies of handsome men

Somewhere in a corner of my mind
I'm not a fool, completely blind
but even though he's hooked me on his line
I find the pleasure has been mine

I believe in love songs,
they seem to know just what I'm feeling
I believe Prince Charming
I never guess he's double dealing
How my spirits rise
Believing in the lies of handsome men

Sometimes in a dark and quiet place
the truth and I meet face to face
and even if His Highness disappears
I keep some stunning souvenirs

So I believe in heroes
and I expect my happy ending
wishing on some rainbow
I pretend he's not pretending
How my spirits rise
Believing in the lies of handsome men

Someday I'll get wise
but for now I need the lies of handsome men

~ Francesca Blumenthal (music and lyrics)

«»  Girls Girls Girls  «»

Um, Kim Novak!
We are such stuff / As dreams are made on
≈  from Picnic

....every little step....
≈  from Vertigo

Ahh, Sophia!
Tu vuò fà l'americano
≈  from It Started in Naples

Almost in Your Arms
≈  from Houseboat

«»  Articles this and that and this and  «»
Examples of 'Before' & 'After':

Cold Squad

  1. on 29 May 2016 (image file was uploaded and revised on 15 September 2016)
  2. on 9 September 2016 (my first edit of the article)
  3. on 31 October 2016 (after numerous edits and contributions) [e.g. WP:MOSTV style, original title screen file, infobox, main/recurring cast & characters, series overview, list of episodes, awards & nominations, reliable sources]
  4. on 22 June 2018

Desert Hearts

  1. on 7 January 2017 (between 6 October 2006 and 7 January 2017‎ — 10.3 years — the revision history totaled 149 edits)
  2. on 12 February 2017


  1. on 10 June 2018 (before my first edit)
  2. on 23 June 2018 (first edit)
  3. on 30 June 2018

"11% of all references linked on Wikipedia are no longer accessible. On about 2% of source pages containing reference links, every link on the page was broken or otherwise inaccessible, while another 53% of pages contained at least one broken link."
When Online Content Disappears, Pew Research Center, May 17, 2024

The beat goes on, the beat goes on. Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain. La de da de dee, la de da de da.
     Wikipedia editors are a dying breed. The reason? Mobile, The Guardian, 2015.
       Wikipedia's Hostility to Women, The Atlantic, 2015.
         Why Do So Few Women Edit Wikipedia?, Harvard Business Review, 2016.
           Why we need to close Wikipedia's gender page gap, The Telegraph, 2018.
             Women are launching a Wikipedia food fight against male-heavy cookery content, The Big Issue, 2018.
               Inside the Fight to Change Wikipedia's Gender Problem. Inverse, 2018.