- a cruce salus
- a mensa et toro
- a vinculo matrimonii
- aachen (shrine)
- blessing of aaron
- abbacy of st. jerome
- absam (shrine)
- absolute good
- absolute miracle
- absolute tutiorism
- absolutely supernatural
- absolution from censure
- absolution of the dying
- abst
- acquired contemplation
- acquired habit
- act of charity
- act of faith
- act of hope
- act of man
- active life
- active unitive way
- active virtues
- acts of the penitent
- actual
- actual intention
- actus dei
- ad gentes divinitus
- ad nutum sanctae sedis
- ad pascendum
- ad totam ecclesiam
- addolorata
- addolorata institutes
- adjuration
- adoption canonical
- adoration of the eucharist
- our lady of africa
- age of discretion
- agere contra
- agnoetes
- agnus dei (liturgy)
- akathistos hymn
- morality of alcoholism
- allegorical sense
- all-powerful
- alms box
- alphabetic psalms
- altar bread
- altötting (shrine)
- altruistic hedonism
- ambulate in dilectione
- anacephalaeosis
- anagogical sense
- analecta bollandiana
- anastasimatarion
- anathema maranatha
- anchor-cross
- andacollo (shrine)
- angelism
- angels (symbols)
- anima christi (soul of christ)
- anno ineunte
- annual confession
- anselmian argument
- ante mortem
- antecedent conscience
- antecedent grace
- anthropological evolution
- anticamera
- antimoralism
- antiochene theology
- antipasch
- antipolo (shrine)
- anulus et baculus
- apocreas
- aposltes' creed
- apostasy (biblical)
- apostasy (clerical)
- apostasy (ecclesiastical)
- apostasy in faith
- apostolate
- apostolic churches
- apostolic curae
- apostolic indulgences
- apostolic procurators
- apostolic secularity
- apostolica sollicitudo
- apparent good
- appellants
- ara coeli
- arcanum divinae sapientiae
- archabbot
- archid
- archiep
- archiepiscopal cross
- archiprb
- arculae
- argument ad ignorantiam
- argument ad populum
- argument ex silentio
- arian churches
- ars (shrine)
- ars artium
- artophorion
- asceterion or ascetery
- blessed ashes
- assistants at the throne
- assumption chapel
- chapel of atonement
- attritionism
- papal audiences
- rule of st. augustine
- augustinianism
- aureole of the saints
- auri sacra fames
- auricular confession
- authentic interpreter
- authentic teaching
- auto-de fé
- autonomous morality
- avoiding sin
- bad example
- balsam balm
- councils of baltimore
- bannezianism
- bapistery
- baptism of martyrdom
- matter and form baptism
- baptismal covenant
- baptismal graces
- baptismal register
- bar-jonah
- barrettini
- rule of saint basil
- basilica of st. peter
- basin (ecclesiastical)
- bath-shbeba
- beata virgo maria
- beati possidentes
- beatty papyri
- st. anne de beaupré
- beauraing (shrine)
- being in time
- bell-book-candle
- blessing of bells
- bene esse
- rule of benedict
- benediction of the blessed sac- rament
- benemerenti award
- benevol
- berengarianism
- bergsonianism
- biblical commission
- biritualism
- black fast
- the black madonna
- black magic (animism)
- black scapular
- blessed bread
- scapular blessed trinity
- blessed virgin mary
- blondelianism
- blood of st. januarius
- blue army
- blue scapular
- bodily immortality
- bodmer codex
- body of the church
- our lady of bonaria
- bread (liturgical use)
- bread (symbolic)
- breaking of the host
- breastplate of st. patrick
- breeches bible
- broad interpretation
- broad mental reservation
- brothers' institutes
- cabrini shrine
- calced
- campo santo
- canc
- canonical doubt
- canonical life
- canonical penance
- canonicals
- canons secular
- cantat
- canticle of canticles
- cantorial staff
- cappa choralis
- cappa pueri jesu
- captious
- cardinal electors
- retired cardinals
- carecloth
- mount carmel
- case of conscience
- cases of conscience
- castel gandolfo
- casti connubii
- our lady of the catacombs
- catechetical synthesis
- cathedracticum
- catholic hermeneutics
- catholicam christi ecclesiam
- celestial hierarchy
- celtic rite
- censorship of media
- ecclesiastical censure
- centuriators
- certain conscience
- cessation of law
- chain prayer
- chained bibles
- chair of peter
- chaldean christians
- challoner's bible
- chanted mass
- chantry schools
- chapter of the bible
- ecclesiastical chapter
- legislative chapter
- liturgical chapter
- monastic chapter
- charism for miracles
- charisms
- charisms of administration
- charisms of knowledge
- charisms of prayer
- charisms of service
- act of charity
- cherubic contemplation
- childermas day
- childlikeness
- children's mass
- our lady of china
- chirographus
- choir religious
- choleric temperament
- chrismal or chrismatory
- christ candle
- new testament names and titles christ
- christe eleison
- christian brothers
- christian decalogue
- christian fortitude
- christian justice
- christian law
- christian life communities
- christian marxism
- christian temperance
- christians in israel
- christocentricity
- christocentrism
- christ's headship
- christus dominus
- church of silence
- church purgative
- church suffering
- church support
- church unity octave
- cilicium
- civil morality
- civitas dei
- clerical immunity
- clerics of the pontifical chapel
- clinical baptism
- closed times
- clothing of religious
- clothing of the dead
- cloud of unknowing
- order of cluny
- cobre
- codex sinaiticus
- codex vaticanus
- bodmer codex
- colettines
- collateral line
- apostolic college
- collegial person
- cologne (cathedral)
- letter to the colossians
- columbaria
- commanded act
- commercial work
- commission for migrants and tourism
- commission for religious relations with hebraism
- commission for social communications
- commission for the ecclesiastical archives
- committed secret
- committee for the family
- common error
- common life
- communal penance
- communicable attribute
- communication of properties
- communio et progressio
- communion cloth
- communion of children
- communion paten
- communion pause
- spiritual communion
- clerical community
- commutative justice
- compathy
- concelebrant
- concomitant grace
- concupiscence of the eyes
- concupiscence of the flesh
- conditional administration
- conditional morality
- conditional vow
- conference of charity
- confessions of faith
- confessions of st. augustine
- confessor (liturgical)
- confirmation character
- confirmation rite
- conflict of obligations
- conflict of rights and duties
- congregation for divine worship
- congregation for oriental churches
- congregation for religious and secular institutes
- congregation for the discipline of the sacraments
- congregation for the sacraments and divine worship
- congruent merit
- conjugal chastity
- conjugal love
- consecr
- consecrated altar
- consecration of virgins
- consecration to mary
- consecration to the sacred heart
- consequent conscience
- consistorial advocates
- our lady of consolation
- conciliar constitution
- papal constitution
- religious constitution
- consuetudinarian
- consummated marriage
- consummatum est
- contemplative life
- contraceptive culture
- contraceptive intercourse
- contraceptive sterilization
- control of passion
- controversial theology
- contumely
- convulsionaries
- co-operating grace
- co-operation in evil
- our lady of copacabana
- coptic rite
- coram populo
- corbona
- co-redemptrix
- letters to the corinthians
- corpus domini
- correct conscience
- cosmic christ
- council for the public affairs of the church
- council of episcopal conferences of europe
- councils of the church
- counsels
- co-veneration
- crass ignorance
- creationsim
- crescens matrimoniorum
- crimes of logic
- criteriology
- cross on staff
- crusader's cross
- crux ansata
- csiksomlyo-sumuleu
- cubicula
- cujus regio
- cum admotae
- diocesan curia
- cursillo movement
- custodia of the holy land
- custody of the senses
- custom book
- ecclesiastical custom
- daily communion
- daily sins
- damnification
- liturgical dancing
- morality of dancing
- dangerous occasions
- dark night of the senses
- dark night of the spirit
- days of abstinence
- de auxiliis
- de episcoporum muneribus
- de nihilo nihil
- de seq
- debitum
- marital debt
- declaration of nullity
- papal decoration
- decr
- ecclesiastical decree
- defensor vinculi
- definition essential
- accidental definition
- causal definition
- doctrinal definition
- initial definition
- real definition
- definitive presence
- delectation victrix
- demonic anger
- a posteriori demonstration
- a priori demonstration
- denial of faith
- deo favente
- deo gratias
- deo volente
- desire for beatitude
- determinants of morality
- absolute determinism
- natural determinism
- introduction to the devout life
- diakonia
- dialogue mass
- diana of the ephesians
- didascalia apostolorum
- accidental difference
- analogical difference
- essential difference
- diffinitive presence
- diocesan council
- diocesan patron
- diocesan presbyterium
- direct line
- direct suicide
- discursive prayer
- dismissorial letters
- dispositive sign
- disputed question
- doctrinal dissent
- logical distinction
- distinctive sign
- distribution of communion
- diversity of grace
- divine attributes
- divine decree
- divine election
- divine essence
- divine faith
- divine friendship
- divine glory
- divine ideas
- divine justice
- our lady of divine love
- divine mission
- divine notion
- divine operation
- divine plan
- divine positive law
- divine praises
- divine procession
- divine property
- divine relations
- divine touches
- docta ignorantia
- doctrinal demythology
- doctrinal interpretation
- doctrinal pluralism
- doctrinal spirituality
- dogmatic relativism
- seven dolors
- domestic oratory
- dominative power
- donkey bead
- holy doors
- confession of dositheus
- douay bible
- double consecration
- double-barred cross
- doubtful conscience
- doubting faith
- dowry of mary
- doxol
- morality of drug abuse
- easter communion
- easter duty
- easter water
- eastern churches
- eastern schism
- eastward position
- ecclesia discens
- ecclesia docens
- ecclesiae sanctae
- ecclesial
- ecclesiastical obedience
- ecclesiastical tradition
- eckhartism
- eclecticsm
- ecumenical theology
- edification
- egyptian cross
- our lady of einsiedeln
- el shaddai
- election by compromise
- elicited acts
- council of elvira
- eminent good works
- enchiridion symbolorum
- encounter with christ
- ends of the mass
- enthronement of the sacred heart
- entitative habit
- entrusted secret
- ephpheta
- epikeia
- episcopal curia
- episcopalis potestatis
- epistolarium
- spiritual espousals
- essential holiness
- eternal punishment
- ethical duty
- ethical holiness
- eubulia
- eucharistiae sacramentum
- eucharistic acclamation
- eucharistic congress
- eucharistic devotions
- eucharistic doxology
- eucharistic intercession
- eucharistic invitation
- eucharistic meal
- eucharistic oblation
- eucharistic readings
- eucharisticum mysterium
- evangelica testificatio
- evangelical obedience
- evangelist of mary
- evening prayer
- extrinsic evidence
- intrinsic evidence
- objective evidence
- subjective evidence
- evil desire
- evil habits
- evolutionary theology
- ex opere operantis
- ex opere operantis ecclesiae
- general examen
- particular examen
- exclaustration
- right of exclusion
- excuse from duty
- exemplarism
- exemplary cause
- exempt bishop
- clerical exemption
- existential ethics
- experimental spirituality
- exposition of the blessed sacrament
- external act
- external graces
- extraordinary jurisdiction
- extraordinary means
- extreme necessity
- faith versus fatalism
- act of faith
- virtue of faith
- the faithful
- fall of adam
- false conscience
- family rosary
- fantasm
- fathers of the church
- fátima invocation
- fátima secret
- our lady of the rosary of fátima
- feast of precept
- antonius felix
- ferule
- porcius festus
- fidejussor
- fides divina
- fides divina definita
- fifteen marks of the church
- fifth crusade
- filial fear
- filomteca vaticana
- final consummation
- final perseverance
- fire of hell
- fire of purgatory
- first century man
- first confession
- first fridays
- first grace
- first mass
- first parents
- first plank
- first saturdays
- fish with bread
- five scapulars
- five ways
- fixed altar
- fixed feasts
- flesh (biblical)
- flood or deluge
- flowering rod
- flowers (biblical)
- foreign missions
- forensic justification
- foreordination
- forgotten sins
- formal co-operation
- formal evil
- formal heresy
- forty hours devotion
- founder's charism
- fourvières
- fragrant odors
- franciscan crown
- fraternal charity
- free catholicism
- free cause
- freedom of contradiction
- freedom of god
- freedom of specification
- freedom of spontaneity
- friars minor
- friars minor capuchin
- friars minor conventual
- friars preachers
- fruits of the mass
- frustulum
- full of grace
- functional love
- fundamental option
- futurible
- galileo case
- gardarenes
- gaudete sunday
- gelasian sacramentary
- genealogy of jesus christ
- general catechetical directory
- general confession
- divine generation
- geneva bible
- gentlemen of his holiness
- gift of counsel
- gift of fear
- gift of fortitude
- gift of integrity
- gift of knowledge
- gift of piety
- gift of understanding
- gift of wisdom
- gloria patri
- glorious mysteries
- god the holy spirit
- golden legend
- golden sequence
- goodness of god
- gothic vestments
- grace at meals
- grace of christ
- grace of god
- grace of sanctification
- gradation of virtues
- roman gradual
- gratia gratis data
- gratuitous grace
- grave inconvenience
- gravissimum educationis
- great promise
- great relics
- great silence
- greater antiphons
- greater doxology
- greater litanies
- greek rites
- green scapular
- gregorian sacramentary
- gregorian water
- gregorianist
- grey nuns
- grievous matter
- guest master
- habitual grace
- habitual intention
- hac in urbe roma
- holy queen hail
- handbook of indulgences
- ecclesiastical hat
- headed cross
- healing ministry
- sacrament of healing
- health and apostolic benediction
- scapular hearts of jesus and mary
- hebd
- hebdomadarian
- heideggerianism
- help of christians
- scapular help of the sick
- law of heredity
- heresy in protestantism
- hermesianism
- herod antipas
- herod philip
- heroic act
- hierurgia
- high mass
- higher religions
- hindering impediment
- his holiness
- history of dogma
- essential holiness
- moral holiness
- objective holiness
- subjective holiness
- holy alliance
- holy childhood association
- holy chrism
- holy coat
- holy cross congregation
- holy days of obligation
- holy doors
- scapular holy face
- devotion to the holy family
- holy father
- holy hill
- holy innocents
- holy mary
- holy name society
- feast of the holy rosary
- holy saturday
- holy sepulcher
- holy shroud
- holy souls
- holy women
- holy year
- act of hope
- virtue of hope
- formula of hormisdas
- house of gold
- human act
- human positive law
- humanae personae dignitatem
- hypothetical morality
- icxc nika
- idiorrhythmic
- iesous hemeteros soter
- iesus hominum salvator
- iesus nazarenus rex iudaeorum
- ignorance of fact
- ignorance of law
- ignorantia juris
- igr
- il sasso
- illuminating grace
- veiling of images
- veneration of images
- imaginative vision
- imitation of saints
- scapular immaculate conception
- immaculate heart
- scapular immaculate heart of mary
- immanent theism
- immanentist apologetics
- immensity
- immodest looks
- immovable mover
- immuration
- immutability in creatures
- immutability of god
- original impassibility
- impeccability of christ
- impedient impediment
- impending death
- final impenitence
- imperfect divorce
- negative imperfection
- positive imperfection
- impetration
- imprecatory psalms
- imprudence
- impure desires
- impure thoughts
- imputability
- imputed justice
- in articulo mortis
- in globo
- in hoc signo
- in petto
- in se
- in synodo episcopali
- in the year of the (our) lord
- incarnational
- incense boat
- incommunicable attribute
- increase of merit
- inculpable
- indefectibility
- index expurgatorius
- indirect suicide
- indirect temporal jurisdiction
- indirect voluntary
- indissolubility
- indissoluble marriage
- indulgentiarum doctrina
- indwelling
- inefficacious graces
- episcopal infallibility
- infallible book
- anointing of infants
- eucharist to infants
- unbaptized infants
- infinity of god
- infirmus cum ecclesia
- infused contemplation
- infused habit
- infused knowledge
- infused science
- infused virtue
- inhibiting impediment
- inhibitive fear
- initiation of adults
- injurious words
- innate habit
- inspiring grace
- clerical institute
- diocesan institute
- exempt institute
- lay institute
- pontifical institute
- religious institute
- institutional revolution
- papal instruction
- parental instruction
- instrumental cause
- integrated personality
- integrity of confession
- intellectual miracle
- intellectual vision
- inter ea
- inter mirifica
- inter oecumenici
- inter pares
- eucharistic intercommunion
- interdate
- interior struggle
- interiorization
- internal grace
- internal peace
- internal sins
- international catholic organizations (ico)
- interpretative intention
- intrinsic goodness
- intrinsically evil
- inviolability of law
- invocation of saints
- ipsum esse
- irascible appetite
- missa est ite
- ithai
- ittai or ithai
- our lady of iviron (shrine)
- james the less
- jasna gora
- jeconias
- jehovah-yahweh
- jeroboam i
- jeroboam ii
- jeronymites
- fall of jerusalem
- root of jesse
- jesus christ the conqueror
- jewish decalogue
- popess joan
- johannine comma
- john mark
- joseph (barnabas)
- joseph (barsabbas)
- joyful mysteries
- joys of the blessed virgin mary
- book of jubilees
- judas maccabeus
- judicial work
- juridical duty
- juridical order
- juridical positivism
- juridical rights
- jus jurandum
- theology of justification
- justifying grace
- kerygmatic theology
- kevelaer (shrine)
- liturgical kiss
- knife and book
- our lady of knock
- knowledge of god
- know-nothingism
- koimesis
- la conquistadora
- our lady of la leche
- la negrita
- la purisima concepción
- la salette
- lacticinia
- lady day
- lady's chapel
- laetare sunday
- laic
- lamed vav
- lamentabili sane exitu
- lamentations of jeremiah
- the holy lance
- ecclesiastical languages
- our lady of las lajas
- last blessing
- last gospel
- last sacraments
- last things
- latin american episcopal conference
- latin architecture
- latin church
- lauda sion
- laudis canticum
- laus deo semper
- lavabo dish
- law of conscience
- law of moses
- law of nations (jus gentium)
- lax conscience
- lay intrusion
- le puy
- league of the sacred heart
- lectio brevis
- legal duty
- legal impediment
- legal justice
- legal morality
- legal relationship
- legend of the saints
- legion of mary
- legitimate marriage
- leonine prayers
- leonine sacramentary
- lesser doxology
- lesser sins
- lethargic temperament
- lex fundamentalis
- case of pope liberius
- liberty of contradiction
- liberty of exercise
- liberty of specification
- liceity
- licit
- life everlasting
- light sins
- litany of loreto
- litany of our lady
- litany of st. joseph
- litany of the dying
- litany of the holy name
- litany of the precious blood
- litany of the sacred heart
- litany of the saints
- literal sense
- lithostrotos
- little flower shrine
- the little flowers of st. francis
- little hours
- little office of our lady
- liturgiae instaurationes
- liturgical dramas
- liturgy of the eucharist
- liturgy of the word
- local congregation
- logical method
- longanimity
- lord's prayer (mass)
- house of loreto
- lough derg
- love of enemies
- low sunday
- luciferites
- our lady of luján
- lumen gloriae
- luminous rays
- lux in tenebris
- our lady of madhu
- maestro di camera
- mary magdalene
- major sacraments
- major superior
- malabar christians
- malo animo
- manifestation of conscience
- marian art
- marian literature
- mariazell (shrine)
- maronite liturgy
- marriage bond
- marriage encounter
- martyrs' shrine
- st. mary of the crib
- name of mary
- the blessed virgin mary
- mary's death
- mary's lent
- mary's sinlessness
- mary's virginity
- mass for the people
- mass intention
- mass obligation
- mass of the presanctified
- mass penny
- mass ritual
- mass stipend
- conclusion of mass
- introductory rite mass
- massa candida
- material co-operation
- material heresy
- material sin
- materially evil
- matrimonia mixta
- matrimonial contract
- matrimonial court
- matrimonial jurisdiction
- matrimonii sacramentum
- matrimonium non consummatum
- matter of a sacrament
- sacramental matter
- means of social communication
- means-end
- mechitarists or mekhitarists
- mediator dei
- melancholic temperament
- melitian schism
- memento of the dead
- memento of the living
- menticide
- messianic banquet
- meta-ousiosis
- metaphysical certitude
- metaphysical dualism
- metaphysical evil
- metaphysical unit
- methodical doubt
- migne patrologia
- commission for migrants and tourism
- milanese rite
- mildness
- militant church
- military vicariate
- mind dust
- mind of the church
- ministeria quaedam
- ministerial priesthood
- ministeriorum disciplina
- ministry of the word
- miracle of grace
- miracles of christ
- miraculous medal (shrine)
- mirae caritatis
- missale romanum
- mitigated tutiorism
- mixed contemplation
- mixed marriage promises
- modern arianism
- mokameh (shrine)
- moment of truth
- monastic congregation
- monistic evolution
- monstrance (emblem)
- dedication of the months
- montserrat (shrine)
- moral act
- moral argument
- moral cause
- moral certitude
- moral determinants
- moral forces
- moral freedom
- moral good
- moral holiness
- moral miracle
- moral positivism
- moral unit
- moral virtue
- morality in media
- morality of music
- morning prayer
- morose pleasure
- mortuarium
- mother of god
- mother of good counsel scapular
- mother of the church
- motherhouse
- mothering sunday
- motivated error
- motivational hierarchy
- motives of credibility
- mount carmel scapular
- movable altar
- movable feasts
- mprop
- muratorian canon
- musicam sacram
- mysteries of the rosary
- mystery of faith (liturgy)
- mystery of the holy spirit
- mystery theology
- mystical body
- mystical interpretation
- mystical rose
- mystici corporis christi
- holy nails
- names of christ
- narrow interpretation
- national conferences of bishops
- national synod
- natrual religion
- natural contemplation
- natural end
- natural international law
- natural knowledge of god
- natural precepts
- natural secret
- natural sins
- natural temperance
- natural virtue
- nature and grace
- ne temere decree
- necessary cause
- necessary faith
- necessary revelation
- negative attribute
- neglect of prayer
- neo-modernism
- net with fish
- new christianity
- new community
- new covenant
- new earth
- new heaven
- new law
- night of the senses
- night of the spirit
- night prayer
- nihil sine deo
- nine choirs
- nine fridays
- nine offices
- noble guards
- non expedit
- non placet
- nonbaptized
- non-catholic
- non-christian
- non-dualistic illusionism
- noninfallible
- norm of morality
- norm of truth
- norms of orthodoxy
- nossa senhora aparecida
- nostr
- notes of the church
- notitiae
- notre dame
- noviceship
- ntri
- religious numbers
- nup
- nuptial blessing
- nuptial mass
- o salutaris hostia
- oath against modernism
- obediential potency
- vatican obelisk
- objective end
- objective guilt
- objective holiness
- lay oblate
- oblations
- clerical obligation
- obligatory sign
- observantines
- obsession diabolical
- obstinacy
- offering communion
- office of readings
- ecclesiastical office
- loss of office
- oil of the sick
- oil stock
- old catholics
- old law
- olea sancta
- oleum catechumenorum
- oleum infirmorum
- omn
- open placement
- operating grace
- operative habit
- oppression of the poor
- optatam totius
- optima interpres legum
- optional celibacy
- oratio imperata
- order of charity
- sacrament of orders
- ordinary means
- ordinary power
- ordinem baptismi
- ordinis baptismi adultorum
- ordo celebrandi matrimonium
- ordo synodi
- organic unit
- orientalium ecclesiarum
- original justice
- orthophony
- osculatorium
- l'osservatore romano
- our lady of ransom scapular
- our lord
- rule of st. pachomius
- padua (shrine of st. anthony)
- pain of loss
- pain of sense
- blessed palms
- panaya kapulu (shrine)
- pan-satanism
- pansexualism
- papal choir
- papal flag
- papal letter
- papal secretary of state
- beatty papyri
- paraliturgical
- parareligious
- paray le monial
- pardoners
- parental obedience
- duties of parents
- parochial mass
- partner in sin
- parvitas materiae
- paschal meal
- paschal time
- passing bell
- passion narrative
- passion scapular
- passion symbols
- passionate anger
- passive recollection
- passive unitive way
- parochial pastor
- pastorale munus
- patr
- patriarchal theory
- patrimony of st. peter
- patrimony of the poor
- patrini
- patristic philosophy
- patristic theology
- patronage of st. joseph
- peace plate or tablet
- peccatophobia
- peculium
- pederneira
- penal sterilization
- ecclesiastical penalties
- penalty remedial
- penitential penalty
- punitive penalty
- penetrability
- penitential act
- penitential chain
- penitential rite
- penitents
- pent
- people of god
- perfect happiness
- perfectae caritatis
- periodic continence
- permissivism
- our lady of perpetual help
- perpetual vows
- perplexed conscience
- roman persecutions
- ecclesiastical person
- moral person
- personal law
- pertinacity
- epistles of peter
- petitions to the holy see
- pew rents
- pharisaic conscience
- pharisaical scandal
- philosopher of protestantism
- philosophical truth
- philosophy of man
- photianism
- physical certitude
- physical evil
- physical freedom
- physical miracle
- physical solitude
- pilgrim church
- the holy pillar
- pious association
- pious belief
- pious union
- placet juxta modum
- plague medal
- plough monday
- doctrinal pluralism
- theological pluralism
- pluriformity
- pointe aux trembles
- polyglot bible
- pontifical chapel
- pontifical commission for russia
- pontifical commission for sacred art
- pontifical commission of sacred archaeology
- pontifical committee for historical sciences
- prefecture of pontifical household
- pontifical masters of ceremonies
- pontificalia insignia
- pontificalis romani
- poor box
- poor clares
- poor men of lyons
- poor souls
- election pope
- popular consent
- port royal
- positive international law
- possessive instinct
- post litteras apostolicas
- postconciliar
- poverty evangelical
- poverty of dispossession
- poverty of sharing
- power of jurisdiction
- powers of evil
- powers of the soul
- practical doubt
- praef
- praises of god
- archconfraternity of prayer and penance
- prayer of christ
- prayer of recollection
- prayer of simplicity
- prayer of the faithful
- prayer of union
- constant prayer
- prayers over the people
- preacher apostolic
- pre-adamites
- preambles of faith
- precepts of charity
- precepts of the church
- precious blood
- precious blood (worship)
- precious blood scapular
- society of precious blood
- preconciliar
- precular
- pre-evangelization
- prefect apostolic
- preparation of the gifts
- preparing for communion
- mass of the presanctified
- presbyteri sacra
- presbyterorum ordinis
- prescribed prayer
- feast of presentation
- preservation of life
- prestige motive
- preternatural gifts
- preventing grace
- pride of life
- priesthood of christ
- priesthood of the faithful
- priests' council
- priests' senate
- prime matter
- primitive religion
- primogenitus
- principle and foundation
- principle of evil
- private baptism
- private confession
- private mass
- private oratory
- privileged altar
- pro armenis
- pro comperto sane
- pro life movement
- probablilism
- procreative love
- professionis ritus
- prohibitive impediment
- promised secret
- propagation of the faith
- proper cause
- proper of the saints
- proper of the season
- prophecies of st. malachy
- propostion
- propr
- proprio motu
- our lady protectress of rome
- protocanoncial
- protoevangelium
- pro-vicar apostolic
- provisionalism
- proxima fidei
- proximate occasions
- prudential certitude
- psalm tones
- psalter of mary
- psychological freedom
- public oratory
- public penitents
- public propriety
- public revelation
- pure nature
- purificator
- purity of body
- purity of intention
- purpose of amendment
- pusillanimity
- qoheleth or koheleth
- quadrag
- quasi parish
- quasi-domicile
- queen of virtues
- quesnellianism
- our lady of quinche
- quinguagesima
- quinquag
- quirinal palace
- qumran documents or scrolls
- quo vadis?
- implicit quotations
- ras shamra
- rash judgment
- ratified marriage
- rational freedom
- real doubt
- real vow
- realtivism
- reasonableness of faith
- reconciliationem
- recto tono
- red mass
- red sacapular
- paraguay reductions
- reformation dogma
- reformation theology
- regenia coeli
- regimini ecclesiae universae
- parochial registers
- regulae juris
- relative mystery
- relatively supernatural
- religion as feeling
- religionum laicalium
- religious apostasy
- religious fugitive
- religious institute
- religious rule
- religious state
- remission of sin
- remote occasions
- remythology
- renewal of consent
- renouncing satan
- renovationis causam
- repairing scandal
- reprehension
- rescripts
- reservation of the blessed sacrament
- residential see
- resisting aggression
- resolution of amendment
- responsoiral psalm
- restition
- restored nature
- resurrection of christ
- retributism
- retrogression
- revealed law
- revealing secrets
- private revelations
- revivfication
- right to life movement
- righteous anger
- risus paschalis
- rite of exorcism
- ritibus exsequiarum
- ritual unionism
- rivers of paradise
- roasry
- robber council of ephesus
- roman canon
- roman rota
- roman vestments
- romanian rite
- rosac
- rota "studium"
- rules of conscience
- ruthenian rite
- sacram liturgiam
- sacram unctionem infirmorum
- sacrament house
- sacrament of confession
- sacrament of god
- sacrament of salvation
- sacrament of the altar
- sacrament of the apostolate
- sacramental confession
- sacramental dispositions
- sacramental grace
- sacramental presence
- sacramental seal
- sacramental sign
- sacramentali communione
- sacraments of the dead
- sacraments of the living
- sacred college
- sacred congregations
- sacred consistory
- sacred heart badge
- sacred heart devotion
- sacred heart of jesus scapular
- sacred penitentiary
- sacrifice of the mass
- sacrifice of the new law
- new testament sacrifice
- old testament sacrifice
- sacrum chrisma
- sacrum diaconatus ordinem
- saec
- sainte-anne-de-beaupré
- salmant
- salutary act
- mass salutation
- salvific will
- district of samaria
- sanating grace
- sance bell
- sanctoral cycle
- right of sanctuary
- sanctus pontifex
- sanguine temperament
- santa maria ad nives
- santa maria ad praesepe
- santa maria maggiore
- sarabites
- saragossa (shrine)
- satanaël
- scandal of the weak
- scapular medal
- monastic schola cantoru
- science of faith
- science of the saints
- sciosophy
- scroll (symbol)
- scrupulous conscience
- seal of confirmation
- second adam
- second order
- second plank
- secondary cause
- secret prayer
- secretariat for christian unity
- secretariat for non-believers
- secretariat of central america and panama
- secular arm
- see of peter
- segnatura apostolica
- seleucianism
- self-fulfillment
- semid
- seminal principle
- semi-public oratory
- sense of sin
- book of sentences
- sententia communis
- separated brethren
- septuag
- seraphic blessing
- seraphic contemplation
- coiled serpent
- serra international
- servile fear
- servile work
- seven churches of asia
- seven councils
- seven dolors
- seven dolors scapular
- seven gifts
- seven words of christ
- sexag
- sharing in guilt
- shepherd of hermas
- sigilum
- our lady of siluva
- simple ignorance
- simple intelligence
- simple unitive way
- simple validation
- simpliciter
- simplicity of god
- sacramental simulation
- sin against faith
- sin against religion
- sin against the holy spirit
- sin of ommission
- sine com
- sinful joy
- sings of the times
- sinlessness
- sinlessness of christ
- sinlessness of mary
- sins crying to heaven
- sins of frailty
- sisitne chapel
- slain in the spirit
- social sin
- society for the propagation of the faith
- society of st. vincent de paul
- solemn baptism
- solemn blessing
- solemn profession
- exterior solitude
- interior solitude
- sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarium
- solo spiritu
- solovyevism
- sons of god
- sorrow for sin
- sanctuary of sorrowful mother
- sorrowful mysteries
- soul of the church
- source of sin
- sovereign pontiff
- speciali modo
- specialissimo modo
- speculative doubt
- spiritual communion
- spiritual indifference
- spiritual life
- spiritual relationship
- spiritual solitude
- spiritual vessel
- spiritus domini
- liturgical sponge
- spouse of christ
- st. andrew's cross
- st. benedict scapular
- st. benedict's medal
- st. blaise blessing
- st. christopher medal
- st. dominic scapular
- rite of st. james
- rite of st. john chrysostom
- st. john lateran
- st. joseph scapular
- devotion to st. joseph
- st. joseph's oratory
- st. lawrence outside the walls
- st. michael scapular
- st. paul's outside the walls
- st. peter's
- st. peter's cross
- vow of stability
- sterility tests
- strict mental reservation
- strict mystery
- striking the breast
- stripping the altar
- suarezianism
- sub sigillol
- subapostolic age
- subdelegation
- subjective end
- subjective holiness
- subjective morality
- subprior
- episcopal subsidies
- substantial error
- substantial holiness
- substantial presence
- subtility
- sufficient grace
- sufficient sorrow
- suffr
- sunday (biblical)
- sunday observance
- sunday rest
- sung mass
- superchurch
- ecclesiastical superior
- supernatural contemplation
- supernatural courage
- supernatural end
- supernatural merit
- supernatural theology
- supernatural words
- supplied jurisdiction
- support of religion
- supposit
- supralapsarians
- supreme dominion
- supreme end
- supreme evil
- sweet quietude
- syllabus of pius ix
- syllabus of pius x
- synagogue (biblical)
- synderesis or synteresis
- synod of bishops
- syrian rite
- systems of probability
- feast of tabernacles
- tables of the law
- talebearing
- tametsi decree
- tant
- tantum quantum
- te deum laudamus
- teilhardism
- temerarious
- the knights templars
- temple (biblical)
- temporal cycle
- temporal punishment
- temporary vow
- tempting god
- tender conscience
- terminus a quo
- territorial law
- the following of christ
- theandric
- theocentricity
- theocrasy
- theol
- theolgocial truth
- theologian of the pontifical household
- theological commission
- theological conclusions
- theological notes
- theologice certa
- theophany (biblical)
- therapeutic sterilization
- epistles to the thessalonians
- three chapters
- ecclesiastical time
- epistles to timothy
- biblical tithe
- titular sees
- to the greater glory of god
- tomb of mary
- tome of leo
- total good
- toties quoties
- tower of ivory
- traditio symboli
- transfiguration of our lord
- transfinalization
- transplantation of organs
- transverse cross
- tre ore
- treasure boxes
- treasury of merits
- tres abhinc annos
- tridentine theology
- triple autonomy
- triple candle
- triptuch
- triumphant church
- truce of god
- true conscience
- true good
- council of trullo
- tutiotism
- tutular name
- twelve promises
- twofold effect
- scriptural types
- ubiquitarianism
- unbaptized infants
- unconscious motivation
- uncreated grace
- underground church
- uniat churches
- unicity of god
- unimpaired nature
- universal bishop
- universal doubt
- biblical universalism
- doctrinal universalism
- university of the faithful
- unjst damage
- unjust aggressor
- unmoral
- schism of utrecht
- vagi
- vain observance
- st. valentine's day
- valid form
- valid matter
- vatican basilica
- vatican chant
- vatican extraterritorial possessions
- vatican office of statistics
- vatican palace
- vatican polyglot press
- vatican prefecture of economic affairs
- veil of prelature
- liturgical veil
- religious veil
- venereal pleasure
- veni sanctae spiritus
- venite seorsum
- vernacular in liturgy
- veronica's veil
- biblical verses
- vesp
- vessel of honor
- sacred vessels
- vicar capitlar
- vicar of christ
- vicariate of rome
- vicars for religious
- vidi aquam
- vigil light
- vincentian canon
- vine and the branches
- vired
- virginity of mary
- virtue of virginity
- consecration of virgins
- virtual intention
- vision of god
- feast of the visitation
- our lady of vladimir
- vocal prayer
- volto santo
- voluntariety
- voluntary doubt
- ecclesiastical vote
- vow of hospitality
- our lady of walsingham
- washing of the hands
- the national shrine of the immaculate conception washington
- blessed water
- liturgical use of water
- wheat and grapes
- white friars
- white ladies
- white monks
- white russian byzantines
- white sisters
- whole christ
- whore (biblical)
- will of god
- winepress (biblical)
- winged man
- winged ox
- wonder-working
- word and deed
- words of absolution
- world mind
- written word
- wyclifism
- zamboanga (shrine)
- our lady of zapopan
- our lady of zoce