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[edit]numerical analysis number theory multi-dimensional geometry
- Abramowitz and Stegun
- Adaptive stepsize
- Adjoint state method
- Aeroacoustic analogy
- Affine arithmetic
- Aitken's delta-squared process
- Applied element method
- Approximation
- Approximation error
- Approximation theory
- Artificial precision
- Basis function
- Bellman pseudospectral method
- Bernstein polynomial
- Bernstein's constant
- Bi-directional delay line
- BKM algorithm
- Blossom (functional)
- Boundary knot method
- Boundary particle method
- Butcher group
- Chebyshev nodes
- Chebyshev pseudospectral method
- Clenshaw algorithm
- Closest point method
- Complementarity theory
- Computational electromagnetics
- Computational magnetohydrodynamics
- Computational statistics
- Condition number
- Continuous wavelet
- Coopmans approximation
- Curse of dimensionality
- Curve fitting
- De Boor's algorithm
- De Casteljau's algorithm
- Density matrix embedding theory
- Difference quotient
- Differential algebraic equation
- Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Discrete wavelet transform
- Discretization
- Discretization error
- Dynamic relaxation
- Equioscillation theorem
- Error analysis (mathematics)
- Estrin's scheme
- Explicit algebraic stress model
- False precision
- Fast multipole method
- FEE method
- Finite Legendre transform
- Finite volume method
- Flat pseudospectral method
- Gal's accurate tables
- Galerkin method
- Generalized Gauss–Newton method
- GetFEM++
- Guard digit
- Hermes Project
- Horner's method
- Hundred-dollar, Hundred-digit Challenge problems
- Hypot
- Identifiability Analysis
- International Workshops on Lattice QCD and Numerical Analysis
- Interval arithmetic
- Interval contractor
- Interval propagation
- Isotonic regression
- Iterative method
- Jenkins–Traub algorithm
- Kahan summation algorithm
- Kempner series
- Lady Windermere's Fan (mathematics)
- Lanczos approximation
- Legendre pseudospectral method
- Level set (data structures)
- Level set method
- Levinson recursion
- Linear algebra
- Linear approximation
- List of finite element software packages
- List of numerical analysis topics
- List of uncertainty propagation software
- Local convergence
- Loss of significance
- Low-discrepancy sequence
- Material point method
- Matrix analysis
- Mean field particle methods
- Mesh generation
- Meshfree methods
- Method of fundamental solutions
- Minimax approximation algorithm
- Minimum polynomial extrapolation
- Model order reduction
- Modulus of smoothness
- Monte Carlo method
- Movable cellular automaton
- Multigrid method
- Multilevel fast multipole method
- Multiphysics
- ND4J
- ND4S
- Nearest neighbor search
- Newton fractal
- Non-linear least squares
- Nonstandard finite difference scheme
- Numeric precision in Microsoft Excel
- Numerical analysis
- Numerical continuation
- Numerical differentiation
- Numerical error
- Numerical integration
- Numerical methods in fluid mechanics
- Numerical model of the Solar System
- Numerical smoothing and differentiation
- Numerical stability
- Nyström method
- Order of accuracy
- Orders of approximation
- Overlap–add method
- Overlap–save method
- Padé approximant
- Padé table
- Pairwise summation
- Parareal
- Partial differential algebraic equation
- Particle filter
- Piecewise linear continuation
- Predictor–corrector method
- Propagation of uncertainty
- Pseudo-spectral method
- Pseudospectral knotting method
- Radial basis function
- Rate of convergence
- Regularized meshless method
- Relative change and difference
- Remez algorithm
- Residual (numerical analysis)
- Richardson extrapolation
- Riemann solver
- Rigorous coupled-wave analysis
- Ross' π lemma
- Ross–Fahroo lemma
- Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral method
- Round-off error
- Scale co-occurrence matrix
- Scarborough criterion
- Semi-infinite programming
- Series acceleration
- Shanks transformation
- Sigma approximation
- Significance arithmetic
- Significant figures
- Simpson's rule
- Sinc numerical methods
- Singular boundary method
- Smoothed finite element method
- Sparse grid
- Spectral method
- Stiffness matrix
- Successive parabolic interpolation
- Superconvergence
- Surrogate model
- Symbolic-numeric computation
- Timeline of numerical analysis after 1945
- Trajectory (fluid mechanics)
- Transfer matrix
- Trigonometric tables
- Truncated power function
- Truncation
- Truncation error
- Uncertainty and errors in cfd simulation
- Unisolvent functions
- Uzawa iteration
- Van Wijngaarden transformation
- Vector field reconstruction
- Von Neumann stability analysis
- Weakened weak form
- Well-posed problem
- Whitney inequality
- Wilkinson's polynomial
- Ziff–Gulari–Barshad model
- Abc conjecture
- ABC@Home
- Abel's summation formula
- Abelian variety of CM-type
- Amenable number
- Amicable numbers
- An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
- Arithmetic derivative
- Arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold
- Arithmetic topology
- Arithmetic variety
- Arithmetic zeta function
- Artin conductor
- Artin–Hasse exponential
- Aurifeuillean factorization
- Auxiliary function
- Barnes G-function
- Basel problem
- Bernoulli number
- Bernoulli polynomials
- Bhargava cube
- Binomial number
- Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Bost–Connes system
- Brandt matrix
- Brewer sum
- Brjuno number
- Büchi's problem
- Cabtaxi number
- Casas-Alvero conjecture
- Champernowne constant
- Change-making problem
- Character group
- Coin problem
- Cole Prize
- Collatz conjecture
- Composition (combinatorics)
- Compositorial
- Computational number theory
- Congruent number
- Contou-Carrère symbol
- Coprime integers
- Covering set
- Covering system
- Crank conjecture
- Crank of a partition
- Cube (algebra)
- Cunningham number
- Cunningham project
- Cyclic number
- Cyclic number (group theory)
- Cyclotomic polynomial
- Dedekind sum
- Deformation ring
- Digit sum
- Digital root
- Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
- Distribution (number theory)
- Ducci sequence
- Durfee square
- E-function
- Egyptian fraction
- Eichler order
- Eisenstein–Kronecker number
- Elkies trinomial curves
- Elliptic divisibility sequence
- Erdős arcsine law
- Eta function
- Euclid–Euler theorem
- Euler function
- Euler's totient function
- Eventually (mathematics)
- Farey sequence
- Feit–Thompson conjecture
- Fermat number
- Fermat Prize
- Fermat quotient
- Fifth power (algebra)
- Fontaine–Mazur conjecture
- Formulas for generating Pythagorean triples
- Fourth power
- Frey curve
- Friendly number
- Frobenioid
- Gauss's diary
- Generalized taxicab number
- Gillies' conjecture
- Glaisher–Kinkelin constant
- Golomb ruler
- Granville number
- Greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions
- Grothendieck–Katz p-curvature conjecture
- Grothendieck–Teichmüller group
- Hall's conjecture
- Hall–Higman theorem
- Haran's diamond theorem
- Harmonic divisor number
- Harmonic number
- Hecke character
- Height of a polynomial
- Hilbert's inequality
- History of the Theory of Numbers
- Hodge–Arakelov theory
- Hodge–Tate module
- Hurwitz class number
- Hyperharmonic number
- Ideal lattice cryptography
- Ideal number
- Integer square root
- Integer-valued polynomial
- Inter-universal Teichmüller theory
- Irrationality sequence
- Iwasawa algebra
- Jacobsthal sum
- Journal of Number Theory
- Knödel number
- Legendre relation
- List of mathematical functions
- List of number theory topics
- List of recreational number theory topics
- List of types of functions
- Local analysis
- Lonely runner conjecture
- Lychrel number
- Manin conjecture
- Mirimanoff's congruence
- Multipartition
- Multiplicative digital root
- Multiplicative partition
- N conjecture
- Natural density
- Natural number
- Niven's constant
- Noncommutative unique factorization domain
- Normal number
- Number theory
- Number Theory Foundation
- Numerical semigroup
- Néron model
- Néron–Tate height
- P-adic analysis
- P-adic distribution
- P-adic gamma function
- P-adic number
- P-adic Teichmüller theory
- Paley graph
- Partition (number theory)
- Perfect digit-to-digit invariant
- Perfect power
- Pernicious number
- Persistence of a number
- Portal:Number theory
- Postage stamp problem
- Poussin proof
- Prime geodesic
- Prime signature
- Primecoin
- Primefree sequence
- Primon gas
- Probabilistic number theory
- Proofs of Fermat's little theorem
- Prosolvable group
- Proth number
- Prouhet–Thue–Morse constant
- Q-Pochhammer symbol
- Quadratic irrational
- Quadratic reciprocity
- Ramanujan's sum
- Random Fibonacci sequence
- Rank of a partition
- Rational reconstruction (mathematics)
- Remainder
- Residue-class-wise affine group
- Schanuel's conjecture
- Schnorr group
- Schoof's algorithm
- Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm
- Schwartz–Bruhat function
- Selmer group
- Sidon sequence
- Sierpinski number
- Singmaster's conjecture
- Skew binary number system
- Skewes' number
- Sociable number
- Solid partition
- Sparse ruler
- Square number
- Square-free integer
- Squared triangular number
- Stern–Brocot tree
- Stoneham number
- Strict differentiability
- Sums of powers
- Supernatural number
- Sylvester's sequence
- Szpiro's conjecture
- Tate twist
- Tate's algorithm
- Tate–Shafarevich group
- Taxicab number
- Timeline of number theory
- Unitary divisor
- Upper half-plane
- Vieta jumping
- Vojta's conjecture
- Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie
- Weil–Châtelet group
- Znám's problem
- Apeirotope
- Centerpoint (geometry)
- Convex body
- Cross-polytope
- Demihypercube
- Edge (geometry)
- Eight-dimensional space
- Five-dimensional space
- Four-dimensional space
- Fourth dimension in art
- Hexany
- Hyperboloid model
- Hypercone
- Hypercube
- Hyperrectangle
- Hypersphere
- Hypersurface
- John ellipsoid
- List of regular polytopes and compounds
- Menger curvature
- N-dimensional sequential move puzzle
- N-sphere
- Parallel coordinates
- Pentagonal polytope
- Poincaré disk model
- Polytope families
- Proprism
- Regular polytope
- Seven-dimensional space
- Simplex
- Six-dimensional space
- String theory
- Three-dimensional space (mathematics)
- Transversal plane
- Triaprism
- Two-dimensional space
- Uniform 1 k2 polytope
- Uniform k 21 polytope
- Volume of an n-ball