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User:Nathan37567741234/Sample page

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Hi,this article is 5 Fun Facts about Penguins! I hope that you enjoy from this and learn facts.

Fact 1


Penguins can get from as tall as a 6 year old to as small as a foot fully grown.

This is the Little Blue penguin the smallest type of penguin.
This is the tallest penguin it is about the height of a 6 year old.

Fact 2


There are 18 types of penguins but only 2 types live in Antarctica. The 2 types that live there are the Emperor penguin, and the Adélie penguin.People always think that penguins are animals that love the cold but some penguin live in Africa. Like the African penguin. This shows how not all penguins like the cold, and some like the heat

Fact 3

This is the African penguin. A penguin that lives in Africa in the hot sandy climate.
This penguin is a very fast swimmer

Penguins can fly. People say they are birds that can't fly. They fly but not in the air, They fly through the water. They are very fast flyers on the water, and they have to be to get away from there predators. The Gentoo penguin is the fastest swimmer. It can swim at the speed of 22 MPH.

Fact 4


Penguins have no teeth. They get there food smaller by using there spiky tongue.

Fact 5


Penguins poop every 20 minutes.