:who is mousey.mouse?:
- A mouse. How dare you suggest otherwise?
- I'm new here, so please be nice to me. Seems like I'll enjoy my time here, and do as much as possible.
- It seems like people are fairly nice here (with the exception of the ones that tried to eat me), and I'd like to learn as much as I can here, and help out too.
- If you would like to talk to me, please leave me a comment here, and I'm sure I'll get back to you. If you're nice, I might just share my cheese with you. :) Maybe.
- I like average mice things, such as gnawing on cheese, scampering through holes, and scaring the occasional vandal. ;)
- But, I also like grammar, editing (I do it for a living, you know! Where do you think I get my cheese?), and talking to other friendly mice.
- So, again, be nice. Or else. I might just have to get Toto out on you. (He's vicious, I tell you! VICIOUS!)
The current time in Chicago is 09:09.