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User:MikeyMikey667/Cheese or Font?

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Cheese or Font?
DesignersRichard Chiclets, Jr
Players1 or more
Age rangeAny

Cheese or Font? is a word game imagined by Richard Chiclets, Jr and made by Tony Gambone. The player(s) are presented with a name, and must guess if it belongs to a cheese or a font. The game can be played online on its official website; the words are given to the player in random order. The player clicks a link either cheese or font, and it told whether or not they were correct and given the next word. This online version can be played in practice mode, in which words keep being presented for as long as the game is played, or in game mode, in which the game ends after all the names have been shown and a final score is given.

(1) http://cheeseorfont.com/