User:Michielverbeek/Fotoalbum-Baden Würtemberg
kreisfreie town Baden Baden
Baden Baden, tower of the Stiftskirche
Oos, church: Sankt Dionyskirche
Landkreis Biberach
Ellwangen, church: Pfarrkirche Sankt Kilian und Ursula
Rot ad Rot, church: Klosterkirche Sankt Verena (und Maria)
Landkreis Böblingen
near Unterjettingen, field with rapeseed
Unterjettingen, church: Michaelskirche
Oberjettingen, reformed church
between Herrenberg and Jettingen, field with rape seed
Haslach, church: Jakobskirche
between Herrenberg and Nebringen, panorama
Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald
Bötzingen, chaprl: die Sankt Alban Kapelle
Bötzingen, reformed church in the street
between Glottertal and Sankt Peter, road panorama
Oberried, hydroelectric power station
Landkreis Emmendingen
Emmendingen, Marktplatz with churchtower (Evangelische Stadtkirche)
Hecklingen, ruin: Ruine Burg Lichteneck
Wagenstadt, church: the Sankt Mauritiuskirche
Neuenbürg, hotel Eyachbrücke
Neuenbürg, church: Stadtkirche
kreisfreie town Freiburg
Freiburg, towngate: the Schwabentor
Landkreis Freudenstadt
Isenburg, chapel
Eutingen im Gäu, church: Kirche Sankt Stephanus
between Bildechingen and Eutingen im Gäu, rapeseed field
Horb am Neckar, view to the town with church (Stiftskirche)
Horb am Neckar, church (Stiftskirche) from the bridge (Neckarbrücke)
Altheim, l'eglise et l'hôtel de ville
Aach, l'église: Andreaskirche
Wittlensweiler, l'église: Sankt Galluskirche
Freudenstadt, Marktplatz (market square) with town hall
Freudenstadt, 60 years of connection with Courbevoie
Freudenstadt, town hall with fountain
Kniebis, reformed church
Kniebis, reformed church
kreisfreie town Heidelberg
Heidelberg, street view (Zieglhäuser Landstrasse) and Neckar river
Heidelberg, panorama to the city with bridge (the Alte Brücke) and church (Heilig Geistkirche)
Heidelberg, bridge: the Alte Brücke
Heidelberg, street view (Zieglhäuser Landstrasse) and Neckar river
Heidelberg, street view (Zieglhäuser Landstrasse) and Neckar river
Landkreis Karlsruhe
Bretten, street view Melanchtonstrasse
Bruchsal, sculptures at the Holzmarkt
Brucksal, churchtower (Stadtkirche Unsere Liebe Frau)
Landkreis Lörrach
Muggenbrunn, church (die Sankt Cornelius Kirche) in the street
Aftersteg, church: die Sankt Anna Kirche
Zell im Wiesental, church (Stadtpfarrkirche) in the street
Steinen, river: die Wiese
Brombach, view to a steet with church (die Germanuskirche) in background
Märkt, weir: Wehr Stauwehr am Altrhein (Barrage EDF de Kembs)
Efringen, reformed church
Istein, churchtower in the street
between Istein and Huttingen, panorama across the vineyards
Blansingen, church: the Peterskirche
Schopfheim, street view Hauptstrasse
Schopfheim, river: the Wiese
Hausen im Wiesental, former townhall
Zell im Wiesental, catholic Stadtpfarrkirche
Mambach, view to the village with church
Utzenfeld, chapel: the Sankt Apollonia Kapelle
Zell im Wiesental, chapel: the Kalvarien Kapelle
Atzenbach, sculpture
Schönau im Schwarzwald,church: Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt
Main-Tauber Kreis
between Dertingen and Bettingen, road panorama
between Boxtal and Freudenberg, panorama
Freudenberg, bridge across the Main
Freudenberg, vue to the Main
kreisfreie town Mannheim
Mannheim, the Quinto 2 in the Rhine river
Mannheim, bridge: the Konrad Adenauer Brücke
Mannheim, church: the Jesuitenkirche Sankt Ignatius and Franz Xaver from thebridge (Konrad Adenauer Brücke)
Kippenheim, church: the Friedenskirche
Lahr, churchtower (Stiftskirche)
Oberschopfheim, Christ statue along the road
Oberschopfheim, sculpture of Christ on the Cross by the road
Offenburg, townhall
Appenweier, churchtower (Sankt Michaelkirche)
Bad Griesbach, view to the village from the mountains
Bad Griesbach, church: Antoniuskirche
near Bad Griesbach, the Rench river along the Schwarzwalderstrasse
Bad Peterstal, churchtower (Kirche Sankt Peter und Paul)
between Löcherberg and Ibach, panorama
Ibach, the Rench river along the Schwarzwalderstrasse
Oppenau, river: the Rench
Lautenbach, church (Kirche Mariä Krönung)
Oberkirch, churchtower (Sankt Cyriak Kirche)
Nussbach, church (Kirche Sankt Sebastian)
Nesselried, church (Wallfahrtskirche)
Ebersweier, church (Heilig Kreuz Kirche) in the street
between Altenheim and Goldscheur, rapeseed field with a view to Schwarzwald
Kehl, church (Sankt-Nepomukkirche)
Kehl, reformed church (Friedenskirche)
Kehl, two churches (Sankt-Nepomukkirche and Friedenskirche) from the bridge (Brücke der Zwei Ufer)
Landkreis Rastatt
Ottersweier, catholic Pfarrkirche Sankt Johannes
Iffezheim, sculptures at the roundabout
Iffezheim, townhall
Rastatt, chapel (Einsiedelner Kapelle), watertower, Pagodenburg and the chimney of the brewery
Rastatt, church: the Sankt-Alexander-Kirche
Oberndorf, church: the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche
Bad Rotenfels, church: the Sankt Laurentiuskirche
Gaggenau, river the Murg from the bridge (Rotherma Brücke)
Gernsbach, view to the town with the church (Sankt Jakobskirche)
between Loffenau and Gernbach, panorama
Landkreis Ravensburg
Isny im Allgäu, gate: das Wassertor
Ratzenhofen, chapel
Schwanden, chapel
Landkreis Rhein-Neckar
Neulussheim, reformed church
Reilingen, church: Kirche Sankt Wendelin
Sankt Leon-Rot, church: Sankt-Mauritiuskirche
between Balzfeld and Tairnbach, panorama
Zuzenhausen, reformed church
Neckargemünd, catholic church: Pfarrkriche Sankt Johannes Nepomuk
near Neckargemünd, river: the Neckar
between Ladenburg and Dossenheim, river the Neckar from Neckarhausen
Landskreis Rottweil
Rottweil, view from the bridge to the east
Rottweil, view to a street: Hochbrücktorstrasse
Rottweil, view to a street: Hauptstrasse
Rottweil, tower: Thyssengrupp Testturm
Rottweil, towngate: Schwarzes Tor
Rottweil, sculpture of a Rotweiler in front of the Stadtmuseum (town museum)
between Rottweil and Villingen Dorf, rapeseed field
Talhausen, view to the village
Epfendorf, street view along the railway line
between Epfendorf and Irslenbach, river the Neckar
between Epfendorf and Irslenbach, river the Neckar
probably Bochingen, view to the vilage
probably Bochingen, view to the vilage
Aistaig, reformed church
Fischingen, church (Kirche Sankt Margaretha)
Schwarzwald Baar Kreis
between Fützen and Beggingen, panorama
Fützen, church: Kirche Sankt Vitus
between Fützen and Zollhaus, panorama
Landkreis Tuttlingen
Aulfingen, church: Kirche Sankt Nikolaus
Kirchen Hausen, church: Pfarrkirche Sankt Marien
Immendingen, church: Kirche Sankt Peter und Paul
Immendingen, the Danube from Kreuz am Wasserfall
Immendingen, the Danube from the bridge (Holzbrücke)
Tuttlingen, churchtower (Kirche Sankt Peter und Paul)
Wurmlingen, church: Sankt Galluskirche
Weilheim, chapel: Silvester Kapelle
Spaichinen, church: Kirche Sankt Josef
Spaichinen, church: Kirche Sankt Josef
Aldingen, church: Mauritiuskirche
Aldingen, church; Mauritiuskirche
kreisfreie town Ulm
Ulm, sculpture
Ulm, tower: der Gänsturm