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Ministry Notes
1832 General Election
Grey Ministry (May 1832 - July 1834)
First Melbourne Ministry (July - November 1834)
First Peel Ministry (December 1834 - April 1835)
1835 General Election
Second Melbourne Ministry (April 1835 - August 1839)
1837 General Election
Second Melbourne Ministry (April 1835 - August 1839)
Third Melbourne Ministry (August 1839 - September 1841)
1841 General Election
Second Peel Ministry (September 1841 - July 1846)
First Russell Ministry (July 1846 - February 1852)
1847 General Election
First Russell Ministry (July 1846 - February 1852)
1852 General Election
Who? Who? Ministry (Lord Derby) (February - December 1852) [1]
Aberdeen Ministry (December 1852 - February 1855) Peelite-Whig coalition. [2]
First Palmerston Ministry (February 1855–February 1858) Minority government
1857 General Election
First Palmerston Ministry (February 1855–February 1858) gained majority in election.[3]
Second Derby Ministry (February 1858–June 1859) Minority government.[4]
1859 General Election
Second Palmerston Ministry (June 1859–October 1865)
1865 General Election
Second Palmerston Ministry (June 1859–October 1865) Palmerston died October 1865
Second Russell Ministry (October 1865–June 1866) [5]
Third Derby Ministry (June 1866–February 1868) Minority government. Derby retired February 1868
First Disraeli Ministry (February 1868–December 1868) Minority government.
1868 General Election
First Gladstone Ministry (December 1868–February 1874)
1874 General Election
Second Disraeli Ministry (February 1874–April 1880)
1880 General Election
Second Gladstone Ministry (April 1880–June 1885) Minority government.[6]
First Salisbury Ministry (June 1885–February 1886) Minority government.
1885 General Election
First Salisbury Ministry (June 1885–February 1886) Minority government.[7]
Third Gladstone Ministry (February 1886–August 1886) Minority Liberal administration supported by Irish Parliamentary Party.[8]
1886 General Election
Second Salisbury Ministry (August 1886–August 1892) Conservatives supported by Liberal Unionists
1892 General Election
Fourth Gladstone Ministry (August 1892–March 1894) [9]
Rosebery Ministry (March 1894–June 1895)
1895 General Election
Third Salisbury Ministry (June 1895–July 1902)
1900 General Election
Third Salisbury Ministry (June 1895–July 1902) [10]
Balfour Ministry (July 1902–December 1905) [11]
Campbell-Bannerman Ministry (December 1905–April 1908) Minority government.[12]
1906 General Election
Campbell-Bannerman Ministry (December 1905–April 1908) [13]
First Asquith Ministry (April 1908–May 1915) Called election following rejection of budget by The Lords
January 1910 General Election
First Asquith Ministry (April 1908–May 1915) Hung parliament
December 1910 General Election
First Asquith Ministry (April 1908–May 1915) Hung parliament, Liberal government with Irish Nationalist support
Second Asquith Ministry (May 1915–December 1916) Formed wartime coalition government in May 1915
First Lloyd George Ministry (December 1916–January 1919)
1918 General Election
Second Lloyd George Ministry (January 1919–October 1922)
1922 General Election
Bonar Law Ministry (October 1922–May 1923) [14]
First Baldwin Ministry (May 1923–January 1924) [15]
1923 General Election
First Baldwin Ministry (May 1923–January 1924) Minority government. [16]
First MacDonald Ministry (January 1924 –November 1924)
1924 General Election
Second Baldwin Ministry (November 1924–June 1929)
1929 General Election
Second MacDonald Ministry (June 1929–August 1931) [17]
First National Ministry (MacDonald) (August 1931 –November 1931)
1931 General Election
Second National Ministry (MacDonald) (November 1931–June 1935)
Third National Ministry (Baldwin) (June 1935–May 1937)
1935 General Election
Fourth National Ministry (Chamberlain) (May 1937–September 1939)
Chamberlain War Ministry (September 1939–May 1940) [18]
Churchill War Ministry (May 1940–May 1945)
Churchill Caretaker Ministry (May 1945–July 1945)
1945 General Election
Atlee Ministry (July 1945–October 1951)
1950 General Election
Atlee Ministry (July 1945–October 1951)
1951 General Election
Third Churchill Ministry (October 1951–April 1955)
Eden Ministry (April 1955–January 1957)
1955 General Election
Eden Ministry (April 1955–January 1957)
MacMillan Ministry (January 1957–October 1963)
1959 General Election
Macmillan Ministry (January 1957–October 1963)
Douglas-Home Ministry (October 1963–October 1964)
1964 General Election
First Wilson Ministry (October 1964–June 1970) [19]
1966 General Election
First Wilson Ministry (October 1964–June 1970)
1970 General Election
Heath Ministry (June 1970–March 1974)
February 1974 General Election
Second Wilson Ministry (March 1974–April 1976) Hung parliament
October 1974 General Election
Second Wilson Ministry (March 1974–April 1976) Narrow majority
Callaghan Ministry (April 1976–May 1979) By 1977 dependent on Lib-Lab pact for majority. Lost vote of confidence in 1979
1979 General Election
Thatcher Ministry (May 1979 –November 1990)
1983 General Election
Thatcher Ministry (May 1979 –November 1990)
1987 General Election
Thatcher Ministry (May 1979 –November 1990)
Major Ministry (November 1990–May 1997)
1992 General Election
Major Ministry (November 1990–May 1997)
1997 General Election
Blair Ministry (May 1997–June 2007)
2001 General Election
Blair Ministry (May 1997–June 2007)
2005 General Election
Blair Ministry (May 1997–June 2007)
Brown Ministry (June 2007–)

  1. ^ Followers of Derby and Disraeli disagreed over foreign policy, and ministry lost majority and collpased.
  2. ^ Aberdeen resigned following passing of a motion in the Commons for the appointment of a select committee to enquire into the Crimean War.
  3. ^ Resigned when failed to pass Conspiracy to Murder Bill
  4. ^ Derby resigned when a Whig resolution to widen the franchise was passed in the Commons.
  5. ^ Ministry collapsed over Second Reform Act
  6. ^ Gladstone resigned when his administartion lost a vote on the budget
  7. ^ Salisbury resigned when Liberals and Parnellites defeated on an agricultural measure.
  8. ^ Gladstone resigned when Liberals split over First Home Rule Bill
  9. ^ Gladstone resigned over naval rearmament
  10. ^ Salisbury resigned due to ill health
  11. ^ Balfour resigned over tariff reform
  12. ^ Campbell-Bannerman called an election on becoming premier.
  13. ^ Campbell-Bannerman resigned due to ill-health
  14. ^ Bonar Law resigned due to ill health
  15. ^ Called a general election on the issue of tariff reform
  16. ^ Lost vote of confidence in January 1924
  17. ^ Government fell over cuts in yumnemployment assistance
  18. ^ Chamberlian resigned in May 1940
  19. ^ Wilson called an election in order to gain an increased majority