The Flemish to the Negroes of the Congo (1885 Poster)
The great powers of Europe have decided that henceforth you will live under the scepter of Leopold II.
See here, among other things, what the happy consequences will be for you.
You will not understand the LAWS which they will impose upon you: we must also abide by laws which are only drawn up in the language of our so-called Walloon brethren. The GOVERNANCE will be entrusted to WALLOONS (Walloons are French speaking Belgians), who will no more need to know your language than ours.
To keep you restraint, they will send you an ARMY in which you will be forced to do the dirty work, as we do here, but whose officers will be WALLOONS, who will treat you IN FRENCH, as happens with our sons.
GENDARMS (Semi-Military Police) and JUDGES will also be sent to you, who you will not understand and who will detain, accuse and condemn you, in a language which you do not know. With us, the Flemish people are also sentenced to prison on a daily basis, often already sentenced to death without having understood a single word of the accusation and of the sentence.
Your children will be given a semblance of TEACHING in a language they do not understand; and after a few years of that sensible system you may also find WALLOON newspaper writers who will berate you for BEASTS and HORSESHEADS.
Behold, Black Brothers, the fate that awaits you under the reign of Leopold II; for he will certainly not want you to be treated better than us Flemings, who, since fifty-four years, have paid more than half of the millions he - and his father before him - costs us every year.
We envy you your black color and the unfamiliarity of your tribe. At least on YOUR jaws one cannot read the shame which makes US blush as we commemorate our glorious ancestors and compare our beautiful past with the humiliating condition in which we find ourselves today under the scepter of
Congolese independance speech
The Speech at the Ceremony of the Proclamation of the Congo's Independence was a political speech given by King Baudouin on 30 June 1960 at the ceremonies marking the independence of the Republic of Congo (the modern-day Democratic Republic of the Congo) from Belgium. [1]
King Baudouin, the last king of Belgian congo, gave the address during the official independence commemorations at the Palais de la Nation in Léopoldville (modern-day Kinshasa). The ceremony was intended to mark the harmonious end of Belgian rule and was attended by both Congolese and Belgian dignitaries, including The First Congolese priminister Patrice Lumumba and first Congolese president Joseph Kasa-Vubu
Certain creations, such as official documents by public authorities, speeches made in parliament, etc. are excluded from copyright protection (Article XI.172 Economic Law Code).
Article XI.172 of the Belgian Code on Economic Law excludes from protection official government acts. This article also states that speeches made in deliberative assemblies, in public hearings of the courts or in political meetings may be freely reproduced and communicated to the public.
The Speech
[edit]Mr president,
The independence of Congo is the end result of the work started with the exceptional personality of King Leopold II, which he tackled with determined courage and which has been continued with persistence by Belgium. It represents a defining moment in the destination, not only of Congo itself, but I have no hesitation in saying it, of all of Africa.
For 80 years, Belgium has sent the best of its sons to your country, first to liberate the Congo Basin from the horrible slave trade that thinned out your populations, later to bring the different peoples - who used to be enemies - closer together and present themselves. prepare to form together the largest of the independent African states; finally to bring a happier life to the different regions of Congo that you represent here in the same parliament.
At this historic moment, our thoughts must turn to the pioneers of the emancipation of Africa, and those who, after them, made Congo what it is today. They deserve our admiration and your appreciation, for it was they who, by sacrificing their best strengths and even their lives to a great ideal, brought you peace and enriched your moral and material possessions. They must never be forgotten, neither by Belgium nor by the Congo.
When Leopold II embarked on the great work that is being crowned today, he did not come here as a conqueror but as a bringer of civilization. From the start, Congo has opened its borders to international trade, without Belgium ever exercising an exclusive right focused solely on its own interests. Congo has been given railways, all kinds of sea and air lines, which, by connecting your populations with each other, have promoted their unity and expanded the countries to the world.
A medical service, which was set up several decades early, has been patiently organized and has delivered you from many devastating illnesses. Numerous and remarkably well-equipped hospitals have been built. Agriculture has been improved and modernized. Major cities have been built, and throughout the country, living conditions and hygiene are showing remarkable progress. Industrial companies have done justice to the natural resources of the soil. The expansion of economic activity has been significant; it has increased the prosperity of your population and has given the country the technicians indispensable to its development.
Thanks to the missionary schools, as well as those who established the public powers, basic education has expanded considerably; an intellectual elite is forming, and your universities will grow rapidly. An increasing number of qualified workers in agriculture, industry, crafts, commerce, administration, are beginning to introduce into all walks of life the individual emancipation that is the real basis of every civilization.
We are pleased that in this way we have given Congo - despite its greatest difficulties - the indispensable resources that lie at the foundation of a country on the road to development. The great independence movement that is dragging the whole of Africa with it has found the greatest understanding among the Belgian government officials. In the face of the united desire of your populations, we have not hesitated to grant you this independence from now on. It is up to you, gentlemen, to show now that we were right to trust you.
From now on, Belgium and Congo are side by side, as sovereign states, but bound by friendship and decided to help each other. Today we therefore return to your hands the administrative, economic, technical and social services, as well as the judicial organization, without which a modern state is not viable. The Belgian representatives are ready to lend you a loyal and open cooperation. Your task is immense and you are the first to realize it. The greatest dangers that threaten you are: the inexperience of the populations to govern themselves, the tribal quarrels that have caused so much evil in the past and cannot start again at any cost, the attraction that foreign superpowers can exert in certain regions, ready to take advantage of the slightest sign of weakness.
Your leaders will know the difficult task of governing. Whatever party they belong to, they will have to put the general interest of the country first of their concerns. They will have to teach the Congolese people that independence is not achieved through immediate pleasure gratification, but through work, through respect for the freedom of others and the rights of the minority, through tolerance and through order without which no democratic regime can survive.
I would like to pay a special tribute here to the armed forces who have accomplished their difficult task with courage and unwavering dedication. Independence will require effort and sacrifice from everyone. You will have to adapt the settings to your views and needs in a way that makes them stable and balanced. You will need to form experienced administrative frameworks, intensify the intellectual and moral education of the population, maintain currency stability, protect your economic, social and financial organizations.
Do not jeopardize the future with hasty reforms, and do not replace the institutions that Belgium hands over to you, as long as you are not sure that you can make better ones. Maintain with care the activities of the medical services, the interruption of which would have disastrous consequences and re-emerge those diseases in which we have succeeded in suppressing them. Caring for the scientific work that constitutes an invaluable intellectual heritage for you.
Do not forget that a serene and independent justice system is an element of social peace; the guarantee of respect for the right of all provides a state with great moral authority in international public opinion. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are ready to stand by your side to assist you with our counsel to train the technicians and officials you will need. Africa and Europe are mutually complementary and have been called together to the most brilliant development. Congo and Belgium can play a first-class role through constructive and fruitful cooperation, in mutual trust.
The eyes of the whole world are on you. The moment Congo independently chooses its own way of life, I wish that the Congolese people may preserve and develop all of their spiritual, moral and religious values, values that are common and that transcend political changes, racial differences or borders. Remain one, and you will prove worthy to play the great role you have been called to play in the history of Africa.
People of Congo, My country and I, we recognize with joy and emotion that Congo is granted access on this day, June 30, 1960, in complete harmony and friendship with Belgium, to independence and international sovereignty.
May God protect Congo!
[edit]Category:Political history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Category:1960 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Category:1960 in Belgium Category:Cold War speeches Category:Speeches about colonialism Category:Decolonisation Category:June 1960 events Category:1960 speeches