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Jubilee Church Derby

Jubilee Church Derby
Jubilee Logo
July 2003 by Graham Pyman
Leadership Team
Lead Elder:
Graham Pyman
John Batten
Matt Waring
Small Groups
Across the city
(More information)
Contact Details:
0845 095 6710
PO Box 7736, Derby, DE1 0RY
Jubilee Church Derby
Registered Charity No.

Jubilee Church Derby (also commonly known as 'Jubilee Church' or simply 'Jubilee'), is an evangelical Christian church located in Derby, United Kingdom which currently meets at Quad in the city centre (map). It is part of the Newfrontiers family of charismatic churches. Jubilee is also part of Derby City Vision - a group of churches in Derby which work together[1].

Jubilee's five main priorities are: Loving God, Loving one another, Loving those who don't know Jesus yet, Serving the city and Going to the nations[2].

Vision & Values


Jubilee Church seeks to build a large and vibrant City Church which gathers centrally on a Sunday, with small groups which meet in and impact local communities across the City[3]. Jubilee seeks to see many come to faith in Jesus and as an outworking of this a growth in their relationship with Him. Jubilee also seeks to play their part in reaching the nation and the nations for Christ.

Loving God


Jubilee sees loving God as central to everything they do. Their desire is to give God the best of their time and energy.

Loving one another


Jubilee seeks to be a community of people who love one another, building relationships together and being part of life-giving communities.

Loving those who don't know Jesus yet


Jesus' final command was to "go and make disciples" Jubilee takes this command seriously prioritising reaching out to others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Serving the city


Jubilee believes that Christian's should have a positive effect upon the places they live. They desire to love and serve the City in order to demonstrate something of God's love in a practical way.

Going to the nations


Jubilee is a part of "a worldwide family together on a mission"[4], and has a vision to reach the nations for Christ and are committed to helping members and others find their place in this vision. It also means Jubilee has a vision to be a church embracing many nationalities. [2]



Jubilee Church was planted in the early 00's by Graham Pyman and a team of five people who moved with him to help plant the church in 1999 [5].

Jubilee Church does not own its own building but has always hired venues to meet in. This is something that many other churches are doing across the country[6].

Jubilee has held its Sunday meetings at a number of different venues over the years, their first public venue being the YMCA, then Bemrose Community School and The Waterfall Bar & Café.

Jubilee Church currently meets on Sundays at Quad a new Arts Venue in the centre of Derby [7].

Sunday Mornings


Jubilee currently holds Sunday services called celebrations between 10am and 11.45am[8].

The service typically begins with roughly an hour of musical worship using predominantly contemporary Christian music using songs written by artists such as Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, Hillsongs, other Newfrontiers artists, together with original songs written by members of Jubilee's worship team.

This is then followed by approximately 45 minutes of preaching by a church elder or visiting speaker, the sermon being centered on a passage of biblical scripture.

The service will then conclude with a period of prayer and worship. At the end of the service there is often an opportunity for members to be prayed for and receive prayer for healing by a member of the Jubilee Church team.

Following the service hot and cold drinks are served in a foyer area along with doughnuts, cakes or biscuits. People are encouraged to spend time building relationships and chatting. Often people will arrange to go for lunch together in the city.

Special Sundays[9]


These are key dates throughout the year which are given special significance due to one or more of the following reasons:

Guest Speakers

Jubilee regularly welcomes guest speakers from other churches, often leaders from other Newfrontiers Churches will come and preach the main sermon.

Guest Sundays

These are often associated with 'guest speaker' Sundays and are opportunities for members to invite visitors to church to hear a specfic theme.


Jubilee holds a number of baptismal services throughout the year. These are often held at one of the lesiure centre facilities in the city and are great celebrations.

Carol Services

As part of celebrating the Christmas season Jubilee holds a carol service, normally the Sunday closest to Christmas. These are generally family services where the children and adults participate together, with carols and a seasonal sermon.

Mid Week Small Groups


Jubilee's mid week small groups are known as 'life groups'. These groups are intended to be the social and spiritual hub of the church. Members and none members alike are encouraged to be a part of a small group. The groups meet in the homes of those who attend often at the small group leader’s home.

Life Groups are generally run by two people, often but not exclusively a married couple. Small group leaders are members of the church, with leadership ability and the desire to lead a group who with the eldership's blessing, encouragement and training have been brought into leadership.

Life Groups are intended to be the community structure of the church and are designed to help people integrate into the church. The groups will often meet together to eat meals, worship, pray and talk about subjects relating to the previous Sunday's sermon. However this is intended to come out of relationship and so a high value is placed on building relationships together. As these kinds of relationships do not normally come from a formal structure those who attend are encouraged to build community by natural social events that occur through these relationships. The desire for these groups is that they become a place where strong friendships are formed and where people can support one another in times of difficulty.

These groups meet 3 weeks in 4 with the fourth week being devoted to a central prayer meeting which is open to all. (REF)

Activities for Children & Young People


The Frog Club


The Frog Club

This is the name of Jubilee's 'Sunday school' or 'children’s church' available for children between the ages of ##### and ##### or school years ######. FROG stands for "Fully Rely on God".

The Frog Club is seen as a fun and safe place to learn about the gospel and for the children to undertake craft activities. They also have their own time of worship and prayer. (REF)



This is the name of Jubilee's youth activities. The young people gather during the main Sunday morning meeting, they sometimes gather for the whole of the service or leave the main meeting during the sermon for their own teaching. Rezound also regularly meets during the week and these events are designed to accommodate the needs of young people in the church but also to be a place where the young people can invite their friends. (REF)

Students & 20's




List of Teams at Jubilee






Newday in the City



  1. ^ Churches involved with Derby City Vision, Lists the steering group which serves the core City Vision churches in providing leadership to City Vision.
  2. ^ a b Values, www.jubilee.org.uk/aboutus/visionandvalues.php. Jubilee Church Webpage relating to their vision and values. Retrieved 2009-11-25.
  3. ^ Vision, www.jubilee.org.uk/aboutus/visionandvalues.php. Retrieved 2009-11-25.
  4. ^ Newfrontiers, http://www.jubilee.org.uk/aboutus/newfrontiers.php. Jubilee Church is a Newfrontiers Church. Retrieved 2009-11-25.
  5. ^ Our Story, Source to be added. Jubilee Church. Retrieved "DATE".
  6. ^ Churches Not Using Traditional Church Buildings, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_churches_in_London#Churches_which_do_not_meet_in_traditional_Church_buildings. Wikipedia. Retrieved 25/11/2009.
  7. ^ About Us, Source: http://www.jubilee.org.uk/aboutus/ Jubilee Church Derby Website. Retrieved 25/11/2009.
  8. ^ About Us, Information on what to expect at Jubilee - Retrieved 26/11/2009.
  9. ^ Events Page, See Jubilee Church Events page for more details about special sundays and specific speakers - Retrieved 26/11/2009.

  1. Jubilee Church Official Website
  2. Jubilee Church Videos
  3. Jubilee Church Registered Charity Number: 1097142 at the Charity Commission
  4. Derby City Vision