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User:Jane023/Grandma Moses, Otto Kallir, 1973

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image label description catalog RB nr. creator inception collection inventory number owned by main subject described at URL
Fireboard painting by Grandma Moses (1918) 1 Grandma Moses 1918
Tip-top table painting by Grandma Moses (1920) 2 Grandma Moses 1920 Bennington Museum 1984.516 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/D6B27EB7-DB7F-4676-9B56-399315218625
All Dressed Up for Sunday painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 3 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor dress clothes https://www.etsy.com/listing/1578850129/grandma-moses-all-dressed-up-for-Sunday
Apple Orchard painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 4 Grandma Moses 1940 Mary (Peters) Bilodeau
Apple Pickers painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 5 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor apple picking https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/apple-pickers-HiOFeoZSCwFiVYx4vvku1w2
The First Automobile painting by Grandma Moses (1939 or earlier) 6 Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor https://www.etsy.com/listing/1565377298/grandma-moses-first-automobile-extremely
Back Yard at Home painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 7 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/back-yard-at-home-1940-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398793
Autumn in the Berkshires painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 8 Grandma Moses 1940 Galerie St. Etienne Louis J. Caldor autumn leaf color https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall_b0w7/page/22/mode/2up
Autumn in the Berkshires painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 9 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor autumn leaf color
Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 10 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Cambridge in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 11 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor Cambridge https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.167932/page/n67/mode/1up
The Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 12a Grandma Moses 1940 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Cambridge
The Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 12 Grandma Moses 1940 Sidney Janis Cambridge https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5648260
Canoe on the River painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 13 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Church painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 14 Grandma Moses 1940 No/unknown value
The Old Churchyard on Sunday Morning painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 15 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-church-yard-on-sunday-morning-bZiXJym06dtp9rNTHL7Rpw2
Sawmill at the Connecticut painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 16 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor sawmill https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-saw-mill-at-the-connecticut
The Covered Wagon painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 17 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
The Dearest Spot on Earth painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 18 Grandma Moses 1940 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/68/mode/1up
Dorset Road painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 19 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor Dorset
Gathering up the Fagots painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 20 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor firewood gathering
Farm Along the River painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 21 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-3828544
A Fire in the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 22 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor forest fire https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/a-fire-in-the-woods-1940-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7305416
Down in the Glen painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 23 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
To Grandmother's House We Go painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 24 Grandma Moses 1940 No/unknown value winter landscape
Down at Grandpa's House painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 25 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
On the Road to Greenwich painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 26 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor Cambridge https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses00bira/page/65/mode/1up
The Old Home at Greenwich Road painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 27 Grandma Moses 1940 Greenwich
The Old Grist Mill in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 28 Grandma Moses 1940 Carolyn G. Haffner Thomas gristmill
The Guardian Angel painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 29 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses00bira/page/66/mode/1up
Bringing in the Hay painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 30 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor haymaking
Home painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1939) 31 Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor
Home painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 32 Grandma Moses 1940 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
Home for Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1932) 33 Grandma Moses 1932 family reunion https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/home-for-thanksgiving-QuQ0HscNabqgjKxaVHJHAA2
Home for Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 34 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.etsy.com/listing/922433770/grandma-moses-home-for-thanksgiving-1940
Home from the Honeymoon painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 35 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Home in Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 36 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Home in the Hills painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 37 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Home in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1938) 38 Grandma Moses 1938 Galerie St. Etienne https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/home-in-winter-c-1938-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7305417
Going Home painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 39 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
The Old House at the Bend in the Road painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 40 Grandma Moses 1940 Bennington Museum 1995.13 Louis J. Caldor https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/E6DE5BAA-CF19-4B61-9188-241225936951
The Huntsman's Dream painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 41 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1107283
Bringing in the Maple Sugar painting by Grandma Moses (1939) 42 Grandma Moses 1939 Otto Kallir sugaring season traditions https://mydailyartdisplay.uk/2012/11/09/bringing-in-the-maple-sugar-by-grandma-moses/
In the Maple Sugar Days painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1939) 43 Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor
No/unknown value
sugaring season traditions
My Forefather's Mill painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 44 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor gristmill
The Old Red Mill painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 45 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor gristmill
The Miller in the Dell painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 46 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-miller-in-the-dell-MqexCuyTtiDQ4JR--Kd8YA2
Where the Muddy Missouri Rolls painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 47 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/where-the-muddy-missouri-rolls-1940-oil-on-cardboard/oil-on-cardboard/asset/7340989
Hills of New England painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 48 Grandma Moses 1940 No/unknown value https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1711691
Owl Kill Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 49 Grandma Moses 1940 Fred E. Robertson Owl Kill Bridge
September Hills painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 50 Grandma Moses 1940
Shenandoah Valley, South Branch painting by Grandma Moses (1938) 51 Grandma Moses 1938 Louis J. Caldor Shenandoah Valley https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251590
Shenandoah Valley (1861 News of the Battle) painting by Grandma Moses (1938) 52 Grandma Moses 1938 Louis J. Caldor
No/unknown value
Shenandoah National Park https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/shenandoah-valley-1938
Starry Eyes painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 53 Grandma Moses 1940
Gypsy Hill Park, Staunton, Va. painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1924) 54 Grandma Moses 1924 Bennington Museum 2007.170 Gypsy Hill Park https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/ABC752D8-3A12-47A3-BF56-182276454370
Sugar House among the Trees painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 55 Grandma Moses 1940 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
Sugaring Off in Maple Orchard painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 56 Grandma Moses 1940 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis sugaring season traditions https://www.ebay.com/itm/295441303201
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 57 Grandma Moses 1940 Mary Lasker sugaring season traditions https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000otto/page/151/mode/1up
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (before 1940) 58 Grandma Moses 1940 Gerald Hugh Moses sugaring season traditions
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (latest date 1940) 58a Grandma Moses 1940 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis sugaring season traditions
The Old Swing at Home painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 59 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Going to Town painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 60 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5154257
Trail of the Lonesome Pine double sided painting with similar subjects (seasonally different) on two-sided board, by Grandma Moses (circa 1929) 61b Grandma Moses 1929 No/unknown value
Trail of the Lonesome Pine double sided with two paintings of similar subjects (seasonally different) on two-sided board, by Grandma Moses (circa 1929) 61a Grandma Moses 1929 No/unknown value
The Burning of Troy painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1939) 62 Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor Great Fire of Troy https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/893340565/grandma-moses-the-burning-of-troy-c1939
Turkey in the Straw painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 63 Grandma Moses 1940 Joseph Kelly Vodrey selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Catching the Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 64 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251643
Turkeys in the Snow painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940-41) 65 Grandma Moses 1940 Clare J. Hoffman selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
[Untitled] Waterfall double sided painting on glass by Grandma Moses (1925); reverse (66b) is a Waterfall 66b Grandma Moses 1925 Bennington Museum 2003.138 (reverse) waterfall https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/4B5D7BC3-8D74-4EFD-84BA-374222136370
[Untitled] Grazing Cattle, Early Fall two-sided painting on glass by Grandma Moses (1925); reverse (66b) is a Waterfall 66a Grandma Moses 1925 Bennington Museum 2003.138 autumn leaf color https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/4B5D7BC3-8D74-4EFD-84BA-374222136370
[Untitled] Landscape painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1929, Kallir 67) 67 Grandma Moses 1929 No/unknown value
[Untitled] Landscape painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1929) 68 Grandma Moses 1929 Margaret Alice Wolf Namm
[Untitled] Scottish Scene painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 69 Grandma Moses 1940 No/unknown value
The Village by the Brookside painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 70 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Village in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 71 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/79/mode/1up
The Waterfalls painting by Grandma Moses (early to 1940) 72 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
At the Old Well painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 73 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor water well
A Winter Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 74 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Chopping Wood for the Minister painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1940) 75 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Woodland painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1940) 76 Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
The Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 77 Grandma Moses 1941 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art 1957.609 Jane Perry Clark Carey https://5058.sydneyplus.com/argus/final/Portal/Public.aspx?lang=en-US&g_AABJ=final+%7cObject+%7cPortalAggr+%3d+%271957.609%27&d=d
Home in the Lodge painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 78 Grandma Moses 1941 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses
Ireland painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 79 Grandma Moses 1941 Baron Frederick von Soosten
Kinloch Rannoch, Perthshire, Scotland painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 80 Grandma Moses 1941 Kinloch Rannoch
The Old Blue Mill painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 81 Grandma Moses 1941 Marguerite F. McNally
The Old Brown Mill painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 82 Grandma Moses 1941 Ernest W. Meuser
Where the Muddy Missouri Rolls painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 83 Grandma Moses 1941 John P Chemidlin river https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09917/lot.62.html
Moonlight painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 84 Grandma Moses 1942 John P Chemidlin https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2019/important-americana-n10005/lot.1690.html
Myer's Castle, Whitehall, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 85 Grandma Moses 1941 Etta Goldstein Janis Skene Manor
Over the River Through the Snow to Grandmother's House We Go painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 86 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value winter landscape
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1941) 87 Grandma Moses 1941 winter landscape https://www.etsy.com/listing/879421340/grandma-moses-over-the-river-to-grandmas
Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 88 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value winter landscape
Storm in Camp painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 89 Grandma Moses 1941 Eleanor Robertson Potter
Burning of Troy Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 90a Grandma Moses 1941 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Great Fire of Troy
Burning of Troy Bridge painting by Grandma Moses 90b Grandma Moses 1941 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Great Fire of Troy
Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1941) 90c Grandma Moses 1941 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 90 Grandma Moses 1941 sugaring season traditions
[Untitled] Covered Bridge in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 91 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor covered bridge
[Untitled] Woman Washing painting by Grandma Moses (circa 1941) 92 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor laundering https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/wash-day-52PyaZUwxeR6L70ivTOu2Q2
Maple Sugar Orchard painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 93 Grandma Moses 1941 Thomas John Watson, Sr. sugaring season traditions https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/maple-sugar-orchard-9l35Zw6EaqBLJOwZ3oPKKQ2
Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 94 Grandma Moses 1941 John N. Irwin, II The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.discerningreaders.com/ibm-art-books-publications-home-page.html
Myer's Castle, Whitehall, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 95 115 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value Skene Manor
Autumn in Canastota painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 96 116 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value Canastota
After the Wedding painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 97 117 Grandma Moses 1941 Shelburne Museum 1965-59.1 Hiram Halle Checkered House https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/after-the-wedding-1942-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/2653726
The Old Southern Home painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 98 Grandma Moses 1941
My Hills of Home painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 99 Grandma Moses 1941 Memorial Art Gallery 1953.3 Fred E. Robertson Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://magart.rochester.edu/objects-1/info/584
The Spirit of the Cider Barrel painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 100 Grandma Moses 1941 cider https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-spirit-of-the-cider-barrel-NzuJp-H4gHRYpfmRlaA6lg2
Kinloch Rannoch painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 101 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value Kinloch Rannoch
The Old Brown Mill by Moonlight painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 102 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value gristmill
Maple Sugar Orchard painting by Grandma Moses (1941, Kallir 103) 103 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
The Old Old Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 104 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value gristmill
Over the Bridge and Home painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 105 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
The Pheasants painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 106 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
The Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 107 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
The Old Village Street painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 108 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
Sheep Pasture painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 109 2010 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor
Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 110 202 Grandma Moses 1941 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark rose garden
The Coming Storm in Camp painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 111 204 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor storm https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/150063
All is Still painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 112 207 Grandma Moses 1941 Galerie St. Etienne mill pond https://web.archive.org/web/20050310073643/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Total painting by Grandma Moses (about 1941) 113 208 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor horse https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2010/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08684/lot.48.html
The White Birches painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 114 212 Grandma Moses 1941 Albany Institute of History & Art 2018.49 Marian Potter
No/unknown value
The Old Blue Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 115 213 Grandma Moses 1941 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-blue-mill-99xzjzsiQgzPDcMbhTmteQ2
When the Cows Come Home painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 116 214 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor
Cold Morning on the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 117 216 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
A Cold Morning on the Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 118 220 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
The Church by the Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 119 2211 Grandma Moses 1941
Farm in Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 120 222 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor autumn leaf color https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28352/lot/67/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-farm-in-autumn-13-38-x-27-316-in-340-x-690-cm-framed-20-x-34-in-under-glass/
Belvedere in the Shenandoah Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 121 223 Grandma Moses 1941 Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
Home Sweet Home painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 122 227 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
A Debate painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 123 240 Grandma Moses 1941 Louis J. Caldor
King Church painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 124 240 Grandma Moses 1941 Sharon Robertson Curry and Carol Robertson Wakefield Site of King's Methodist Episcopal Church
Topsy painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 125 240 Grandma Moses 1941 Sharon Robertson Curry and Carol Robertson Wakefield
Old Covered Bridge, Waite's Corners painting by Grandma Moses (1941) 126 Grandma Moses 1941 No/unknown value
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Mainbocher) 127 Grandma Moses 1942 Mainbocher Main Bocher Cambridge
Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 128 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value
Anna Mary Robertson Moses Birthplace No. 1 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 129 Grandma Moses 1942 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Greenwich
Over the Bridge to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 130 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Kallir nr. 131) 131 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/24228949
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1942, H. Ralston) 132 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
A House by the Flat Wood painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 133 199 Grandma Moses 1942 Willard H. Sweet Jr.
On the Back Road painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 134 29 Grandma Moses 1942 Ina Mason Harrison winter landscape
Home Among the Snow Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 135 9 Grandma Moses 1942 Louis J. Caldor https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/home-among-the-snowhills-1942-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340998
Washington County, 1942 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 136 Grandma Moses 1942 Washington County https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
The Old Kenyon Home painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 137 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value saltbox
Lake Senepp [Sunapee] painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 138 Grandma Moses 1942 Lake Sunapee
The Checkered House of 1850, Cambridge, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 140, 30 Nov 1999) 139 Grandma Moses 1942 Checkered House
The Old Grist Mill in Shenandoah painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 140 Grandma Moses 1942 James Vigeveno gristmill https://www.bonhams.com/auction/21807/lot/69/anna-mary-grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-the-old-grist-mill-in-old-shandoah-18-x-18-12in/
Maple Orchard painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 141 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
Old Oven painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 142 248 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value masonry oven
Which Way painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 143 249 Grandma Moses 1942 David H. Griffin https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/which-way-yPKntSb8A9KSKgkiij6CNQ2
The Old Checkered House in 1860 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 144 Grandma Moses 1942 Checkered House https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251621
Wood Lane painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 145 260 Grandma Moses 1942 San Diego Museum of Art
The American British Art Center
James Vigeveno Galleries
Ala Story
No/unknown value
Burning of Troy, 1862 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 146 200 Grandma Moses 1942 Great Fire of Troy https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/burning-of-troy-ny-1862-b9n7lHoEuXAKBQJRq9ni_A2
November painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 147 203 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value winter landscape
Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 148 205 Grandma Moses 1942 Thomas G. Vitez Vermont
In Camp painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 149 208 Grandma Moses 1942
An Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 150 209 Grandma Moses 1942 covered bridge https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2023/modern-discoveries-8/an-old-covered-bridge
In Days Gone By painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 151 211 Grandma Moses 1942
Silvery Brook painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 152 224 Grandma Moses 1942 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/silvery-brook-6bvpuhsC53C187BKqGqFsw2
Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 153 224 Grandma Moses 1942 Allen Eaton selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Pouring the Wax painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 154 225 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
Thanksgiving, Nov. 27 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 155a 220 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark
In the Snow Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 155 Grandma Moses 1942 Willard H. Sweet Jr. winter landscape
It's Winter in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 156 228 Grandma Moses 1942 Hammer Galleries Jack Smyth Josey https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09404/lot.80.html
Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 157 225 Grandma Moses 1942 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses winter landscape
It's Haying Time painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 158 226 Grandma Moses 1942 haymaking https://www.ebay.com/itm/325247215732
Down the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 159 229 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/down-the-valley-by-mary-ann-robertson-grandma-mos-394-c-4ba4dd9b53
The Childhood Home of Anna Mary Robertson Moses painting by Grandma Moses 160 229 Grandma Moses 1942 Louis J. Caldor Greenwich https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/childhood-home-of-anna-mary-robertson-moses-1942-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7212325
So Cold painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 161 230 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape
Can a Duck Swim? painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 162 237 Grandma Moses 1942 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
Across the Lowlands painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 163 233 Grandma Moses 1942 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/across-the-low-lands-qLxq6PYcypyuw0qC4T0Q3g2
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses 164 234 Grandma Moses 1942 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2021.71.1 Cambridge
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 165 238 Grandma Moses 1942 Hammer Galleries Jack Smyth Josey sugaring season traditions https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09404/lot.76.html
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark) 166 239 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark sugaring season traditions
An Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark) 167 240 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark covered bridge
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 168 246 Grandma Moses 1942 Mainbocher Carter Burden
Main Bocher
Cambridge https://web.archive.org/web/20210130142258/https://www.gseart.com/artist/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses/artwork/inventory/3
The Home of Hezekiah King painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 169 248 Grandma Moses 1942 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Frank Jay Gould
Hezekiah King https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/american-art-2/the-home-of-hezekiah-king
The Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 170 280 Grandma Moses 1942 covered bridge
December painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 171 252 Grandma Moses 1942 Jean Virginia Campbell Leake winter landscape
December painting by Grandma Moses (1942, RB 251) 172 251 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value winter landscape
To Grandma's House We Go on Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 173 253 Grandma Moses 1942 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6169866
Hoosick Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 174 253 Grandma Moses 1942 Galerie St. Etienne Hoosick https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-hoosick-valley-1942-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340991
December painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark) 175 254 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark winter landscape
The Old Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (1942, Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark) 176 255 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark Checkered House
Aunt Polly's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1942, RB 256) 177 256 Grandma Moses 1942
By the Sea painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 178 257 Grandma Moses 1942 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/59/mode/1up
The Home of Mrs. Clark painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 179a 267 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark
In Maple Sugar Time painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 179 257 Grandma Moses 1942 David H. Griffin sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/7533537
Upper Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 180 268 Grandma Moses 1942 Rensselaer County
Black Horses painting by Grandma Moses 181 Grandma Moses 1942 Otto Kallir Cambridge https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/846049538/grandma-moses-black-horses-1942-vintage
Mt. Nebo painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 182 274 Grandma Moses 1942 The American British Art Center Ala Story Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
When the Leaves Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 183 278 Grandma Moses 1942 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Grand painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 184 271 Grandma Moses 1942 Fred E. Robertson
Roses painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 185 277 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value
December painting by Grandma Moses (1942, RB 300) 186 300 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value winter landscape
Home of Hezekiah King, 1776 painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 187 302 Grandma Moses 1942 Hezekiah King https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.167932/page/n76/mode/1up
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 105, 4 Dec 2003) 188 303 Grandma Moses 1942 Galerie St. Etienne
The American British Art Center
Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA) https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4194765
Pennsylvania painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 189 304 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape
Sunset Beyond Old Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 190 305 Grandma Moses 1942 Marguerite F. McNally
Cold So Cold painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 191 305 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value winter landscape
Night is Coming painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 192 306 Grandma Moses 1942 https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/53/mode/1up
Aunt Polly's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 193 311 Grandma Moses 1942 Lee Alois Doerr. Sr.
Over the River to Grandma's House on Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 194 315 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape https://web.archive.org/web/20141113222219/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Over-The-River-To-Grandmas-House-On-Thanksgiving-Day-6991.php
A Dream painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 195 Grandma Moses 1942
Old Kenyon Home painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 196 316 Grandma Moses 1942 Margaret J. Foster
Home in the Country painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 197 319 Grandma Moses 1942 Bennington Museum 2005.285 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/3B2C223E-52BB-410D-8FAB-849414157307
Childhood Memories painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 198 320 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value
To Grandma's House We Go painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 199 Grandma Moses 1942 Mrs. Malcolm MacGruer winter landscape
Merry Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 200a 321 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value Christmas
Bought with a Prize painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 200 Grandma Moses 1942
The Blue Sledge painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 201 324 Grandma Moses 1942 winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-blue-sledge-Z-Gp8799uS0MMV_Gk4iZvA2
The Haunted House painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 202 325 Grandma Moses 1942 haunted house https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2401906
The Dear Deers painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 203 Grandma Moses 1942 No/unknown value
Adirondacks painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 204 Grandma Moses 1942 Bruce McCart Adirondack Mountains
Camping painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 205 Grandma Moses 1942
Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses, dated 1942 206 Grandma Moses 1942 Marguerite F. McNally covered bridge
Grazing painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 207 Grandma Moses 1942 The American British Art Center Ala Story
In Olden Times painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 208 Grandma Moses 1942 Etta Goldstein Janis
The Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 209 Grandma Moses 1942 Helen E. Harrison Woodruff rose garden
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 210 Grandma Moses 1942 Jane White Canfield
Village Street painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 211 Grandma Moses 1942 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/village-scene-fJMDKw_57UY0vXZ4MytkwQ2
Grandma Moses's Birthplace painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 212 Grandma Moses 1942 Mary Cass Canfield Greenwich
Down in Shenandoah painting by Grandma Moses (1942) 213 Grandma Moses 1942 Museum of the Shenandoah Valley
James Vigeveno Galleries
2018.4.1 James Vigeveno Shenandoah Valley https://themsv.catalogaccess.com/objects/10128
Catching Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 214 327 Grandma Moses 1943 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2467850
Sycamore Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 215 328 Grandma Moses 1943 Aline Barnsdall farming https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-paintings-drawings-and-sculpture-n08096/lot.189.html
The Daughter's Homecoming painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 216 329 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-daughter-s-homecoming-1943-oil-on-canvas/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7305444
Home of Hezekiah King, 1776 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 217 331 Grandma Moses 1943 Phoenix Art Museum 1962.139 Hezekiah King https://phxart.org/arts/home-of-hezekiah-king-1776-casa-del-rey-ezequias-1776/
The Home of John Brown painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 218 332 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-350017
Sugaring Off, Maple painting by Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses 219 334 Grandma Moses 1943 Brandywine Museum of Art 2018.6 sugaring season traditions http://collections.brandywine.org/objects/20860/sugaring-off-maple
The Trappers painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 220 335 Grandma Moses 1943 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-trappers-i-b0P8wMQIP9Dcus17bq1qlQ2
The Trappers II painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 221 336 Grandma Moses 1943 Frank Jay Gould winter sport https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.167932/page/n78/mode/1up
The Daughter's Homecoming painting by Grandma Moses (12 Feb. 1943) 222 337 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value
Home of Hezekiah King painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 223 339 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Hezekiah King
Missouri painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 224 340 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne covered bridge https://www.etsy.com/listing/1581008597/grandma-moses-missouri-extremely-rare
Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 225 341 Grandma Moses 1943 Cleveland Earl Dodge Thanksgiving
Cambridge Valley in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 226 329 Grandma Moses 1943 Cambridge
Cambridge Valley Looking North painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 227 330 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, N0414.1967) 228 333 Grandma Moses 1943 Fenimore Art Museum N0414.1967 Susan Vanderpoel Hun The Old Oaken Bucket https://collections.fenimoreart.org/objects/345/the-old-oaken-bucket
Mt. Nebo painting by Grandma Moses (1943, sold June 3, 2005) 229 334 Grandma Moses 1943 Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/mount-nebo-JAGTTwuXi8G4U0qSkKAVXQ2
Village of Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 230 336 Grandma Moses 1943 Bennington Museum 1998.1 Hoosick Falls https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2293056
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1943, Kallir 231) 231 338 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne Geralda Pheatt Hoffman selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall_b0w7/page/55/mode/1up
Cambridge Valley, 1943 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 232 341 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne 232 Cambridge https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Mineyhaha [Minnehaha] Laughing Water painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 233 Grandma Moses 1943 Winona Fisher Minnehaha Falls
Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 234 Grandma Moses 1943 Thanksgiving
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (4 Mar. 1943) 235 342 Grandma Moses 1943 Charles J. Rosenbloom selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Sunday painting by Grandma Moses (1943, Record book nr. 343) 236 343 Grandma Moses 1943 Hildegard Bachert covered bridge
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 237 344 Grandma Moses 1943 Whyte Bookshop & Gallery Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 238 343 Grandma Moses 1943 Hildegard Bachert The Old Oaken Bucket
Old Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 239 344 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value covered bridge
In School Days painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 240 335 Grandma Moses 1943
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses 241 337 Grandma Moses 1943 Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sidney Janis Gallery
2024.72 Sidney Janis Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
Hezekiah King's Home in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 242 338 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Hezekiah King
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1943, RB 341) 243 341 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value
Lower Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 244 344 Grandma Moses 1943 Hammer Galleries Cambridge
Spring in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 245 346 Grandma Moses 1943 Clare J. Hoffman Cambridge
Mt. Nebo painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 246 344 Grandma Moses 1943 Avis Viola Dillant Dorr Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
Over the River Through the Snow, to Grandma's House We Go on Thanksgiving Day in the Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 247 345 Grandma Moses 1943 Aline Barnsdall winter landscape
A Day Before Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 248 350 Grandma Moses 1943 Avis Viola Dillant Dorr white Christmas
Summer in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 249 348 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne Avis Viola Dillant Dorr https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-summer-in-the-valley
[Untitled] A Winter Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 250 Grandma Moses 1943 Avis Viola Dillant Dorr winter landscape
Sunday painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 251 349 Grandma Moses 1943 Avis Viola Dillant Dorr covered bridge
In Days of Thrift painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 252 349 Grandma Moses 1943 Smith College Museum of Art SC 2004.33 https://museums.fivecolleges.edu/detail.php?t=objects&type=ext&id_number=SC+2004.33
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, Record book nr. 352) 253 352 Grandma Moses 1943 Fritz Henle The Old Oaken Bucket
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 18-jan-2023, lot 22) 254 383 Grandma Moses 1943 James Vigeveno The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2023/art-of-the-americas/the-old-oaken-bucket
Giving Thanks painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 255 347 Grandma Moses 1943
The 15th [or Tenth] of April painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 256 352 Grandma Moses 1943
In Klondike painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 257 350 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Klondike
Sycamore Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1943, M 350) 258 350 Grandma Moses 1943 Ernest A. Gross
Cambridge Valley in Fall painting by Grandma Moses 259 351 Grandma Moses 1943 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Sidney Janis Gallery
SN11154 Daniel Goldreyer Cambridge http://emuseum.ringling.org/emuseum/objects/28802/cambridge-valley-in-fall
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 260 353 Grandma Moses 1943 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/catching-the-thanksgiving-turkey-1943
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1943, RB 353) 261 353 Grandma Moses 1943 sugaring season traditions
Planting on Sycamore Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1943, M 354) 262 354 Grandma Moses 1943
Cambridge in May painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 11-dec-2020, lot 33) 263 355 Grandma Moses 1943 Cambridge https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/american-art-3/cambridge-in-may
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, M 357) 264 357 Grandma Moses 1943 The Old Oaken Bucket https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143880
Home of Hezekiah King in 1800, no.4 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 265 359 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/home-of-hezekiah-king-in-1800-no4-CHWYnAzteT2_tT8M9diZ0g2
The Old Oaken Bucket in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 266 382 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value The Old Oaken Bucket
Cambridge Village painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 267 430 Grandma Moses 1943 Hollis N. Todd Cambridge
Cambridge and Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 268 430 Grandma Moses 1943 Cambridge https://web.archive.org/web/20141113222046/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Cambridge-And-Valley-602.php
First Wagon on Cambridge Pike painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 269 431 Grandma Moses 1943 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis New York State Route 22
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 270 432 Grandma Moses 1943 Bennington Museum
Galerie St. Etienne
2024.4 Cambridge https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/35D36E26-32BA-409C-9323-475529821501
Automobile, 1913 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 271 433 Grandma Moses 1943 Artur Schnabel https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/339177415656823905/
Childhood Memories painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 272 434 Grandma Moses 1943 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis
School is Out painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 273 435 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/school-is-out-Sdk4kb4AusgIrhR-3HIndQ2
Mt. Nebo in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 274 440 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/189/mode/2up
Mt. Nebo in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 275 441 Grandma Moses 1943 Bennington Museum 2024.1 Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/mt-nebo-in-winter-1943-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7212327
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 276 442 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne sugaring season traditions https://www.high.org/exhibition/gatecrashers-the-rise-of-the-self-taught-artist-in-america/
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 119, 19 Nov 2015) 277 443 Grandma Moses 1943 Jack Kapp winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5946085
Grandma Going to the Big City painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 278 443 Grandma Moses 1943 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall/page/47/mode/1up
Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 279 444 Grandma Moses 1943 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Hoosick Falls https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000ketc/page/39/mode/1up
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1943, M 444) 280 444 Grandma Moses 1943 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
When the Leaves Turn painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 281 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value autumn leaf color https://twi-ny.com/2010/03/25/seventy-years-grandma-moses/
All is Still painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 282 445 Grandma Moses 1943 Avis Viola Dillant Dorr
Old King Church painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 283 446 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Site of King's Methodist Episcopal Church
February Moon painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 284 447 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value winter landscape
Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, M 448) 285 448 Grandma Moses 1943 The Old Oaken Bucket https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/6950972
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, RB 451) 286 451 Grandma Moses 1943 Mary Cass Canfield The Old Oaken Bucket
December painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 287 449 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/december-1943-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7212326
Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 288 453 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.amazon.com/Masterpieces-Grandma-Evening-Picture-16x24inch/dp/B0B2R7PDWQ
Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 289 454 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center Ala Story
It Will Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 290 455 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center
James Vigeveno Galleries
Ala Story
Leland Hayward
The Truants painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 291 456 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center Ala Story
The Home of Brother Joe's painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 292 457 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center Ala Story https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-350328
Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Anna Mary Robertson Moses 293 458 Grandma Moses 1943 Metropolitan Museum of Art 50.145.375 Mary Emma Stillman Harkness selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Beautiful Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 294 460 Grandma Moses 1943 Jay Orloff Slade winter landscape
A Mill in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 295 461 Grandma Moses 1943 Jay Orloff Slade winter landscape
Memories of my Girlhood painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 296 461 Grandma Moses 1943 Jay Orloff Slade
A Fire in the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 297 462 Grandma Moses 1943 Ala Story forest fire https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.167932/page/n70/mode/1up
The Burning of Troy in 1862 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 298 463 Grandma Moses 1943 Galerie St. Etienne Great Fire of Troy https://www.newyorkhistoryblog.com/tag/troy
The Old Oaken Bucket in 1800 painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 124, 28 Oct 2020) 299 464 Grandma Moses 1943 Winston Art Group Shirley Burden The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6286877
Mowing the Swale painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 300 464 Grandma Moses 1943 harvest
Over the River to Grandma's House on Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 301 465 Grandma Moses 1943 winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6037654
The Old Checkered House in Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 302 466 Grandma Moses 1943 Checkered House https://www.liveauctioneers.com/news/bid-smart/grandma-moses-what-a-farm-wife-painted/
The Old Pink Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 303 467 Grandma Moses 1943 Helen E. Harrison Woodruff winter landscape
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 303a 501 Grandma Moses 1943 spring
Going to Church painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 304 469 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/american-art/going-to-church
An Old Mill in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 305 500 Grandma Moses 1943 gristmill https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/modern-discoveries-2/an-old-mill-in-winter
So Cold (Frosty Morning) painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 306 510 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value candy pink house
The Sun Goes Down painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 307 513 Grandma Moses 1943 Milton E. Skiff
The Pheasants painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 308 514 Grandma Moses 1943 Marguerite F. McNally Common Pheasant
There is a Long Long Road painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 309 517 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value
Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 310 518 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center Kristina Barbara Johnson
I. A. R. Wylie
Ala Story
winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-covered-bridge-G7MeQ9eMpSKzIy9H-ff-aQ2
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 139, 30 Nov 2006) 311 517 Grandma Moses 1943 Cy Feuer
Cole Porter
sugaring season traditions https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4816730
The Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 312 517 Grandma Moses 1943 Cyril Jalon https://jewishjournal.com/culture/4670/
McDonnell Farm painting by Grandma Moses 313 518 Grandma Moses 1943 The Phillips Collection 1393 Old MacDonald Had a Farm https://www.phillipscollection.org/collection/browse-the-collection?id=1393
The Old Blue Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 314 522 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value gristmill
The Old Mill of 1843 painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 315 524 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value gristmill
In Alaska painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 316 524 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value Alaska
Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 21-nov-2016, lot 92) 317 Grandma Moses 1943 IBM Checkered House https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2016/american-art-n09580/lot.92.html
The Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 318 Grandma Moses 1943 Addie Burr Clark covered bridge
The Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (dated 1943) 319 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value covered bridge
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 320 345 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value winter landscape https://www.doyle.com/auction/lot/lot-112---grandma-anna-mary-robertson-moses/?lot=1343288
[Untitled] Winter Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 321 Grandma Moses 1943 Milton E. Skiff winter landscape
Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943, Kallir nr. 322) 322 Grandma Moses 1943 No/unknown value
Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 323 Grandma Moses 1943 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-art-n08911/lot.50.html
Scenes of My Childhood painting by Grandma Moses (1943) 324 Grandma Moses 1943 Etta Goldstein Janis
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses 325 Grandma Moses 1943 San Diego Museum of Art
James Vigeveno Galleries
1958.28 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1943, Kallir 326) 326 Grandma Moses 1943 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
The Village Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Kallir 327) 327 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Hoosick Falls
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 525) 328 525 Grandma Moses 1944 Galerie St. Etienne Clare J. Hoffman winter landscape https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/84/mode/1up
Belvedere, Virginia painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 329 526 Grandma Moses 1944 Israel Ber Neumann Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
Mowing of the Swamp painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 330 527 Grandma Moses 1944
In the Springtime painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 331 528 Grandma Moses 1944 Susan Vanderpoel Hun spring https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/in-the-springtime-1944-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/985279
In Summertime painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 332 529 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
In the Berkshires painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 333 530 Grandma Moses 1944 Ross L. Peacock Madison Avenue Gallery Berkshires
Early Morning Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 334 Grandma Moses 1944 Gihon Foundation Gihon Foundation sugaring season traditions https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-n08249/lot.96.html
Going to Grandma's painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 335 531 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape https://twi-ny.com/2010/03/25/seventy-years-grandma-moses/
December painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 336 532 Grandma Moses 1944 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/modern-day-auction/december
The Old Bridge in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 337 533 Grandma Moses 1944 Galerie St. Etienne winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-bridge-in-the-valley-GDgR0kxcn9Imp_1zPeK3Sw2
Sunrise painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 338 534 Grandma Moses 1944
Pharoah's Daughter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 339 Grandma Moses 1944 Bithiah
Mt. Vesuvius painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 340 546 Grandma Moses 1944
Hoosick Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 341 558 Grandma Moses 1944
The Last Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 342 559 Grandma Moses 1944 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2011/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture/lot.72.html
In the Park painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 343 600 Grandma Moses 1944 Galerie St. Etienne covered bridge https://www.etsy.com/listing/1566064020/grandma-moses-in-the-park-extremely-rare
Brother's Water Wheel painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 344 542 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
Storm in Camp painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 345 545 Grandma Moses 1944 storm
A Winter's Night painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 346 547 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value winter landscape
In the Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 347 548 Grandma Moses 1944 rose garden
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Record book nr. 550) 348 550 Grandma Moses 1944 Clare J. Hoffman winter landscape
The Birthplace of John Brown painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 349 Grandma Moses 1944
Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 350 553 Grandma Moses 1944 Hoosick Falls https://www.bonhams.com/auction/27288/lot/31/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-hoosick-falls-14-12-x-19-78-in-368-x-505-cm-painted-in-1944/
The Old Oaken Bucket in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 351 554 Grandma Moses 1944 The Old Oaken Bucket
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 352 553 Grandma Moses 1944 The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5154284
Cambridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 353 556 Grandma Moses 1944 Shelburne Museum Cambridge https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/cambridge-1944-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/2653727
Lake Eden, Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 354 Grandma Moses 1944 Lake Eden
A Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 355 555 Grandma Moses 1944 candy pink house https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6344145
The Falls of Mineyhaha [Minnehaha] painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 356 544 Grandma Moses 1944 Minnehaha Falls
A Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses (dated 1944) 357 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value candy pink house
A Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses 358 557 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value candy pink house
Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses 359 560 Grandma Moses 1944 candy pink house https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/frosty-morning-s0V9xt7aO14BmNIY7Q5nyw2
Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses dated 1944 360 Grandma Moses 1944 candy pink house
I Got him painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 361 Grandma Moses 1944 Ruth Lee Sherwood Slade https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/i-got-him-ZXlwCyOQlTm_9ZUCrDrK_Q2
The Old Brown Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 362 561 Grandma Moses 1944 Jay Orloff Slade gristmill https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-brown-mill-dT3WVO9UsjA8X_iyDTiyiA2
The Old Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 363 562 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value gristmill
The Old Red Mill in Springtime painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 364 567 Grandma Moses 1944 Ruth Lee Sherwood Slade gristmill
The Old Checkered House in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hope) 365 568 Grandma Moses 1944 Bob Hope Checkered House
Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Cat. nr. 366) 366 569 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Hoosick Falls https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/17074/lot/1069/
The Old Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses 367 570 Grandma Moses 1944 Sompo Museum of Art Checkered House https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251622
Over the River to Grandma's painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 368 563 Grandma Moses 1944 Setagaya Art Museum winter landscape https://tomzt.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/12/13/205358
Over the River to Grandma's House on Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 369 571 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 572) 370 572 Grandma Moses 1944 sugaring season traditions
The Old Oaken Bucket in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 572) 371 572 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story The Old Oaken Bucket https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000ketc/page/70/mode/1up
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 573) 372 573 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 373 576 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5436970
Hoosick Falls, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 374 576 Grandma Moses 1944 Southern Vermont Arts Center Hoosick Falls
Springtime painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 375 578 Grandma Moses 1944 Malabar Farm State Park Louis Bromfield https://malabarfarm.org/bromfields-home-artwork/
The Old Oaken Bucket of 1760 in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 376 577 Grandma Moses 1944 The Old Oaken Bucket https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/172/mode/2up
Cambridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 579) 377 579 Grandma Moses 1944 Cambridge
The Mill on the Lowlands painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 378 Grandma Moses 1944 gristmill
In Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 379 583 Grandma Moses 1944 harvest https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/in-harvest-time-1944-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7305457
The Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 584) 380 584 Grandma Moses 1944 covered bridge
The Village Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 381 585 Grandma Moses 1944 Ferargil Galleries Frederic Newlin Price gristmill
Quiet painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 382 586 Grandma Moses 1944 Whyte Bookshop & Gallery
Brother's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 383 586 Grandma Moses 1944 Artur Schnabel
It will Rain painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 384 580 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
Winter (Over the River to Grandma's House) painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 385 591 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Frank Jay Gould
Mlle Madeline Homo
winter landscape https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09484/lot.224.html
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 591) 386 591 Grandma Moses 1944 University of California, Los Angeles winter landscape
The Old Checkered House in 1860 painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 30, 21 May 2015) 387 592 Grandma Moses 1943 The American British Art Center Ala Story Checkered House https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5897142
Cambridge Valley in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 388 594 Grandma Moses 1944
Haymaking painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 389 595 Grandma Moses 1944 haymaking
Home of Hezekiah King painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 390 595 Grandma Moses 1944 Maxwell Galleries
The Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 391 598 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story covered bridge
Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 392 600 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
The Old Mill in Shenandoah painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 393 601 Grandma Moses 1944 Shenandoah Valley
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 394 602 Grandma Moses 1944 Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA) https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-american-1860-1-%20%20%20%2021-c-8ae494cbb3
Church Among the Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 395 604 Grandma Moses 1944 Parrish Art Museum 1961.6 Otto Kallir church https://archive.org/details/americanlandscap0000parr/page/79/mode/2up
A Home in the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 396 606 Grandma Moses 1944
The Sun Has Gone Down painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 397 608 Grandma Moses 1944 https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall/page/49/mode/1up
Cambridge in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 398 669 Grandma Moses 1944 Ala Story Cambridge
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 399 700 Grandma Moses 1944 sugaring season traditions https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5379453
In the Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 400 702 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value spring
The Checkered House in Winter, 1853 painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 401 706 Grandma Moses 1944 Zanesville Museum of Art 1960.10854 Esther M. (Ransbottom) Nast Checkered House https://zanesvilleart.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/E5D623AF-18BB-4AFA-9287-123647652230
Mountain Top painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 402 777 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/mountain-top-mhI-dGv7J2oZ8r13J5eGuw2
Catching the Thanksgiving Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 403 778 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries
Hammer Galleries
Galerie St. Etienne
Louis B. Mayer
Allan Bluestein
selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5846407
The Cambridge Valley, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 404 781 Grandma Moses 1944 Cambridge
The Sycamore Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 405 782 Grandma Moses 1944 Jerome Hill https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2401907
The Church in the Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 406 Grandma Moses 1944 Owen Gallery
James Vigeveno Galleries
The American British Art Center
church https://cdaartauction.com/auction/2021-online/lot/20760
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Kallir 407) 407 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
The Checkered House in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 408 786 Grandma Moses 1944 Checkered House https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/136/mode/1up
In Spring painting by Grandma Moses, 1944 409 Grandma Moses 1944 spring
Over the River to Grandmother's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 410 Grandma Moses 1944 Sharon Robertson Curry and Carol Robertson Wakefield winter landscape https://www.etsy.com/listing/1745937117/superb-grandma-moses-art-over-the-river
January painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 411 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story winter landscape
February painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 789) 412 789 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story winter landscape
Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1944, Seiji Togo Memorial) 413 Grandma Moses 1944 Sompo Museum of Art Lilli Palmer Hoosick Falls https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall_b0w7/page/28/mode/1up
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 414 792 Grandma Moses 1944 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Cambridge
First Wagon on Cambridge Pike painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 415 793 Grandma Moses 1944 New York State Route 22 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/first-wagon-on-cambridge-pike-I9B3ou8vcC2aZtUWgmGryA2
The Old Mill in June painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 416 704 Grandma Moses 1944 Whyte Bookshop & Gallery gristmill
Gathering Sap painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 417 788 Grandma Moses 1944 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09125/lot.136.html
Over the River to Grandma's painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 794) 418 794 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 794 - not an original label but was attached to the painting in 1959) 419 794 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 795) 420 795 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/18489752
Gathering March Sap painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 421 797 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story sugaring season traditions
March painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 422 799 Grandma Moses 1944 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/american-art-2/march
Covered Bridge (Old Hoosick Bridge) painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 423 Grandma Moses 1944 covered bridge
The Old Red Mill in Winter painting by Grandma Moses 424 805 Grandma Moses 1944 Virginia Elvira Trowbridge Sibley https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2401905
Hoosick Falls in Winter painting by Grandma Moses 425 810 Grandma Moses 1944 The Phillips Collection 1392 Hoosick Falls https://www.phillipscollection.org/collection/browse-the-collection?id=1392
January painting by Grandma Moses (small, 1944) 426 1008 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
Gathering Sap painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 1005) 427 1005 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Cambridge Valley in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 2011, lot 121) 428 1011 Grandma Moses 1944 Louise Cole 'Beezie' Schmitt
Cole Porter
Cambridge https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2011/american-paintings-n08751/lot.121.html
Old Covered Bridge, Woodstock painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 429 1012 Grandma Moses 1944 Abraham Adler Taftsville Covered Bridge https://web.archive.org/web/20210130180153/https://www.gseart.com/artist/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses/artwork/inventory/4
All is Quiet painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 1014) 430 1014 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
The Duck Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 431 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
Over the River to Grandma's painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 120 instead of 1020) 432 120 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value winter landscape
Over the River painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 433 118 Grandma Moses 1944 https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143918
A Dream painting by Grandma Moses (1944), gifted to Grace M. Allen Qua, Eagle Bridge, together with matching stoneware pitcher also painted by GM 434 1022 Grandma Moses 1944 Grace Margarette Allen Qua https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/anna-mary-robertson-moses-grandma-1809482994
May painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 435 1026 Grandma Moses 1944 spring green
Over the Hills and Through the Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 436 1027 Grandma Moses 1944 Galerie St. Etienne
Saidenberg Gallery
Eleanore Block winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1778256
Cambridge Valley in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 437 1011 Grandma Moses 1944 Cole Porter Cambridge https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143914
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 438 1033 Grandma Moses 1944 Saidenberg Gallery Eleanore Block
April painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 439 1034 Grandma Moses 1944 Hildegard Bachert spring green
June painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 440 1035 Grandma Moses 1944 Whyte Bookshop & Gallery
Home for Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 441 1036 Grandma Moses 1944 Tiffin (Highleyman) Harper
Raymond Harper
Thanksgiving https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/100/mode/1up
The Old Automobile painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 442 1036 Grandma Moses 1944 motor car https://www.etsy.com/listing/259450590/grandma-moses-the-old-automobile-1944
Grandma goes to the City painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 443 1037 Grandma Moses 1944 Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York http://www.lunds.com/Auctions/TopNotch/2835/AmericanArt/2147456173/
Out for the Christmas Trees painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 444 1038 Grandma Moses 1944 Christmas tree https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/100/mode/1up
We Have A Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 445 1039 Grandma Moses 1944 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2010/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08684/lot.47.html
Great Grandfather's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 446 Grandma Moses 1944
Home to Grandpa's painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 447 1044 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 448 1045 Grandma Moses 1944 Katherine Rogan Gottry house
Summertime painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 449 1047 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
By the Road painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 450 1048 Grandma Moses 1944
An Old Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 451 1049 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story
An Old Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 452 1050 Grandma Moses 1944 gristmill
Mt. Anthony painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 453 1051 Grandma Moses 1944 The American British Art Center Ala Story Mount Anthony
The Sun Has Gone Down painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 1052) 454 1052 Grandma Moses 1944 Katherine Rogan Gottry house
The House in the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 455 1053 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
Home painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 456 1060 Grandma Moses 1944 James Vigeveno Galleries Laraine Day https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/modern-discoveries-7/home
Over the Bridge Through the Snow to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 457 1061 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Old Pink Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944, M 1062) 458 1062 Grandma Moses 1944 Rebekah Harkness winter landscape
The Beautiful painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 459 1063 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value
Out of the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 460 1064 Grandma Moses 1944 Katherine Rogan Gottry horse-drawn sleigh
In the Studio painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 461 1062 Grandma Moses 1944 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis Grandma Moses https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/in-the-studio-1944-oil-on-pressed-wood
Brotherhood Church painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 462a 1067 Grandma Moses 1944 Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hitchcock church
Quiet painting by Grandma Moses (1944, RB 1066) 462 1066 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
A-Hunting painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 463 1071 Grandma Moses 1944
Vermont Snow Plow painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 464 1080 Grandma Moses 1944 No/unknown value snow roller
Pull Hard painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 465 Grandma Moses 1944
Bringing in the Christmas Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 466 1082 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
All is Quiet painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 467 1083 Grandma Moses 1944 Helen E. Harrison Woodruff winter landscape
A-Skating We Will Go painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 468 1084 Grandma Moses 1944 ice skating
Hitchcock Home, Cambridge painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 469 1086 Grandma Moses 1944 Katherine Rogan Gottry house
Hitchcock Home, Cambridge, No. 2 painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 470 1087 Grandma Moses 1944 Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hitchcock
Home of Hitchcock, Florida painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 471 1088 Grandma Moses 1944 Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hitchcock
Hitchcock Home, Florida painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 472 1090 Grandma Moses 1944 Katherine Rogan Gottry house
Hoosick Falls in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 473 1091 Grandma Moses 1944 Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum Hoosick Falls https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/139/mode/1up
The Sale painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 474 1091 Grandma Moses 1944 Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hitchcock garage sale
Hitchcock in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 475 1093 Grandma Moses 1944 Hallmark Art Collection winter landscape
Hitchcock in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 476 1094 Grandma Moses 1944 summer
Bringing in the Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 477 1097 Grandma Moses 1944 Christmas tree https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/bringing-in-tree-1944-Qty3RwkyRkU2Tc6Lp6FffQ2
Checkered House in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 478 Grandma Moses 1944 Checkered House https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/checkered-house-in-winter-RFtLO9D5Ucg8ylyPu3-Q_A2
The Village of Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 479 Grandma Moses 1944 Hoosick Falls
Old Red Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 480 Grandma Moses 1944 Jane Elizabeth Gosden gristmill https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/92/mode/1up
Over the Bridge to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1944) 481 Grandma Moses 1944 Helen Huntington Hull winter landscape
So Cold painting by Grandma Moses (1944) 482 Grandma Moses 1944 winter landscape
The Lonely Tramp or Traveler painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 483 1003 Grandma Moses 1945 Christmas https://www.christies.com.cn/en/lot/lot-6410519
Picnic painting by Grandma Moses (sale date May 23, 1996) 484 1010 Grandma Moses 1945 picnic https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/picnic-hRYv5-qm2Qlglax5B5ec9g2
Haying Time painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 485 1011 Grandma Moses 1945 haymaking https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/haying-time-1945-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6379424
The First Skating painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 486 1013 Grandma Moses 1945 Renee Carhart Amory ice skating https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/71/mode/1up
The First Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 487 1013 Grandma Moses 1945 Joan Avnet winter landscape
The Old Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 488 1014 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape
The First Autumn Leaves painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 489 1015 Grandma Moses 1945
In the Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 490 1016 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
We Will Have Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 491 1017 Grandma Moses 1945 University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art 1997_160 https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Auima_13917
The Sun Has Gone Down painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 492 1018 Grandma Moses 1945
Going Home painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 493 1019 Grandma Moses 1945
Home in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 494 1020 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value winter landscape
Wild Roses painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 495 1022 Grandma Moses 1945
Wild Daisies painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 496 1022 Grandma Moses 1945
Bondsville Fair painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 497 1023 Grandma Moses 1945 Bondsville https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/118/mode/1up
Wash Day painting by Grandma Moses 498 1024 Grandma Moses 1945 Rhode Island School of Design Museum 46.342 laundering https://risdmuseum.org/art-design/collection/wash-day-46342
After the Snow Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 499 1025 Grandma Moses 1945 https://web.archive.org/web/20240708190051/https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/after-the-snow-storm-kdPQV55qqZDtAkUw6dxnvA2
Early Springtime on the Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 500 1026 Grandma Moses 1945 spring https://www.etsy.com/listing/1330085746/grandma-moses-vintage-book-page-print
A Wreath of Roses painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 501 1026 Grandma Moses 1945
Going to Church painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 502 1027 Grandma Moses 1945 church service https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/120/mode/1up
Flowers of Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 503 1028 Grandma Moses 1945 Vose Galleries of Boston spring
Home Dear Home painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 504 1030 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno https://web.archive.org/web/20170528194213/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Home-Dear-Home-22173.php
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 505 1030 Grandma Moses 1945 Fenimore Art Museum N0415.1967 Susan Vanderpoel Hun sugaring season traditions https://collections.fenimoreart.org/objects/346/sugaring-off
The Bridge in the Cove painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 506 1031 Grandma Moses 1945
In the Adirondacks painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 507 1036 Grandma Moses 1945 Bennington Museum 1971.142 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/A5AFED97-8CF5-408E-99C8-028245235726
The Lookout, 1777, Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 508 1032 Grandma Moses 1945 sentinel https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-lookout-1777-vermont-28th-march-1945-oil-tempera-on-board/oil-and-tempera-on-board/asset/332615
May: Making Soap, Washing Sheep painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 509 1033 Grandma Moses 1945 Miss Porter's School sheep dip https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28115/lot/66/grandma-moses-1860-1961-may-making-soap-washing-sheep-1870-7-14-x-24-in-438-x-608-cm-framed-23-14-x-29-14-x-2-in-under-plexiglass/
My Homeland painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 510 1034 Grandma Moses 1945 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/my-homeland-1945-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6422421
A Winter's Day, 1870 painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 511 1035 Grandma Moses 1945 Jane Winton winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000mose/page/116/mode/1up
Down in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 512 1041 Grandma Moses 1945 spring green https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/69/mode/1up
In the Adirondacks painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 513 1043 Grandma Moses 1945 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/16147/lot/235/
Spruce Mountain painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 514 1046 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Spruce Mountain https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/spruce-mountain-vermont-5e78ZD9K6_iwqU5BpfGB3g2
In May painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 515 1043 Grandma Moses 1945 Vose Galleries of Boston
June painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 516 1044 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
In June painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 517 1045 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value
Mt. Nebo painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 518 1052 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
Here We Go, High Oh painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 519 1051 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno winter landscape
The Young Skiers painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 520 1053 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape
Home of Childhood painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 521 1054 Grandma Moses 1945 Arthur Francis Magill https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/home-of-childhood-fzxk9ZdYVEoAVm8hfTpUGA2
There Goes the Bride painting by Grandma Moses (1945, RB 1058) 522 1058 Grandma Moses 1945
September painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 523 1048 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28287/lot/61/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-september-10-x-13-38-in-254-x-34-cm-painted-in-1945/
October painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 524 1049 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value
A Heavy Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 525 1050 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno winter landscape
A-Skating Let's Go painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 526 1002 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/a-skating-lets-go-qgCQwaS2r-oj-H27npxuCg2
July Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 527 1046 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2004/american-paintings-drawings-and-sculpture-n07997/lot.190.html
Down on the Farm in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 528 1060 Grandma Moses 1945 https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesstor0000unse/page/117/mode/1up
Out on the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 529 Grandma Moses 1945
Maple Sugar Time painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 530 1073 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
There Goes the Bride painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 531 1075 Grandma Moses 1945 The American British Art Center Ala Story
The Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 532 1076 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value rose garden
Down in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1945, RB nr 1077) 533 1077 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value spring green
Almost Home painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 534 1078 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-3893025952
Winter is Here painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 535 1054 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape
Jack-O'Lantern painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 536 1055 Grandma Moses 1945 Figge Art Museum 97.0002 https://figgeartmuseum.org/art/collections/item/jack-olantern-970002/817
In Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 537 1057 Grandma Moses 1945 harvest https://www.etsy.com/listing/1329411971/in-harvest-time-by-grandma-moses-giclee
Belvedere painting by Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses 538 Grandma Moses 1945 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 1981.66 Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA) http://art.famsf.org/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses/belvedere-198166
A Blanket of Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 539 1059 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/a-blanket-of-snow-VIQHCaa0NTWsyLkqOjDP-g2
The Apple Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 540 1060 Grandma Moses 1945 Louis B. Mayer
James Vigeveno
Our Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 541 1061 Grandma Moses 1945 barn
Berry Pickers painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 542 1062 Grandma Moses 1945 The American British Art Center Ala Story berry picker
Whiteside Church painting by Grandma Moses 543 1063 Grandma Moses 1945 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2021.71.2 Whiteside Church Cemetery
Down on the Farm in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 544 1073 Grandma Moses 1945 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 01378 Ala Story winter landscape https://www.gettyimages.be/detail/nieuwsfoto%27s/grandma-anna-mary-robertson-moses-born-in-1860-in-nieuwsfotos/97319875
Over the River to Grandma painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 545 1065 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4816731
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1945, RB 1066) 546 1066 Grandma Moses 1945 Saks Galleries The Old Oaken Bucket
The Tabor Home painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 547 1067 Grandma Moses 1945
A Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 548 1068 Grandma Moses 1945 William J. Donovan candy pink house
Home from Church painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 549 1069 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value winter landscape
Winter Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 550 1070 Grandma Moses 1945 winter landscape https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/american-art/winter-eve-86/31491
Oh See the New Colty painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 551 1071 Grandma Moses 1945
Moonlight Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 552 1073 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
The Checkered House in 1860 painting by Grandma Moses (1945, RB 1074) 553 1074 Grandma Moses 1945 Checkered House https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143929
Going to Vespers painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 554 1075 Grandma Moses 1945
After the Snow Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1945, M 1076) 555 1076 Grandma Moses 1945 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Mount Airy painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 556 1077 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Mount Airy
Arlington Green painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 557 1078 Grandma Moses 1945 Ala Story https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/arlington-green-Tr1n9rqJy2tBO604NX_HvQ2
Early Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 558 1079 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
The Fox Glen painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 559 1080 Grandma Moses 1945 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-fox-glen-S56J-w9It7f0yiyCysocRA2
The Spirit of the Cider Barrel painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 560 1081 Grandma Moses 1945 Gerald Hugh Moses cider
Woodfire painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 561 1082 Grandma Moses 1945 forest fire
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1945, sold March 10, 2019) 562 1083 Grandma Moses 1945 The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-old-oaken-bucket-JVX-ZVABvmtLcs9w6ZNSSg2
The Checkered House in 1860 painting by Grandma Moses (1945, RB 1084) 563 1084 Grandma Moses 1945 Checkered House
Down the Hill by Joshua's painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 564 1085 Grandma Moses 1945 Marshall Field V
Landscape with thunderstorm over farmhouses painting by Anna Mary Robertson-Moses 565 1086 Grandma Moses 1945 Belvedere 4595
Hurricane in Hoosick Falls painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 566 1087 Grandma Moses 1945 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Eleanore Barry Lowman
Hoosick Falls https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5477544
Bennington painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum, 1986.310) 567 1088 Grandma Moses 1945 Bennington Museum 1986.310 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/B049416D-0763-496A-94D9-964597332135
Let Me Drive painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 568 1089 Grandma Moses 1945 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
In the Twilight painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 569 1090 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value
[Untitled] Winter Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 570 1095 Grandma Moses 1945 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Harvest painting by Grandma Moses (1945) 570a Grandma Moses 1945 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis
The Old Checkered House, 1853 painting by Grandma (Anna Mary Robertson) Moses 571 1103 Grandma Moses 1946 The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 52-14 Joyce C. Hall Checkered House
Old Red Mill in Virginia painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 572 Grandma Moses 1946 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook gristmill
Halloween Pranks painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 573 Grandma Moses 1946 Sharon Robertson Curry and Carol Robertson Wakefield Halloween
The Cambridge Hospital painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 574 1091 Grandma Moses 1946 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Mary McClellan Hospital
Childhood Home painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 575 1092 Grandma Moses 1946 Greenwich https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1345383869/grandma-moses-grandma-moses-childhood
The Old Oaken Bucket, The Last painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 576 1093 Grandma Moses 1947 Garson Kanin The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-n08207/lot.180.html
Grandma Moses Goes to the Big City painting by Grandma Moses 577 1091 Grandma Moses 1946 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2016.51 Otto Kallir
Jane Kallir
Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
Christmas Tree in Church painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 578 1095 Grandma Moses 1946 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Christmas tree
Hurrah for Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 579 1096 Grandma Moses 1946 Christmas tree https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09844/lot.37.html
We Go Around by the Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 580 1097 Grandma Moses 1946 Ferargil Galleries Frederic Newlin Price gristmill
Here Comes Aunt Judith painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 581 1098 Grandma Moses 1946 Christmas tree https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.167932/page/n59/mode/1up
They Are Having Company At Jobs painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 582 1099 Grandma Moses 1946 James Vigeveno Galleries Eve Arden
James Vigeveno
winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2293055
Shoot, Daddy Shoot painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 583 1100 Grandma Moses 1946 Dorothy Gould Burns candy pink house https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/shoot-daddy-shoot-KVsC9RTB3RiEIVGP4J-MPQ2
Rabbit Hunting painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 584 1101 Grandma Moses 1946 Ferargil Galleries Frederic Newlin Price hunting
Whoa There painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 585 1102 Grandma Moses 1946 winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5768496
Christmas at Home painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 586 1103 Grandma Moses 1946 Fanny Kallir Santa Claus https://www.etsy.com/in-en/listing/670131981/grandma-moses-folk-art-print-christmas
Rabbits, Rabbits painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 587 1104 Grandma Moses 1946 Thomas E. Moses
Church Christmas Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 588 1105 Grandma Moses 1946 Christmas tree
Bringing in the Yule Log painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 589 1106 Grandma Moses 1946 Santa Barbara Museum of Art 2006.54.12 Yule log https://collections.sbma.net/objects/25230/bringing-in-the-yule-log
Fallen the Pine Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 590 1107 Grandma Moses 1946 The American British Art Center Ala Story
Christmas Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 591 1108 Grandma Moses 1946 George M. Foster winter landscape
A Christmas Gift painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 592 1109 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value winter landscape
Fredericktown, Jan 7, 1834 painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 593 1110 Grandma Moses 1946
The Lone Traveler painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 594 1111 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.ebay.com/itm/276243199985
A Tramp on Christmas Day painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 595 1112 Grandma Moses 1946 Shelburne Museum Christmas https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/a-tramp-on-christmas-day-1946-oil-on-academy-board/oil-on-academy-board/asset/2653725
How the Wind Blows painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 596 1113 Grandma Moses 1946 Galerie St. Etienne https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/how-the-wind-blows-1946-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7341010
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1946, Kallir nr. 597) 597 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook
sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/7109376
Old Carpenter's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 598 Grandma Moses 1946 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook
Moses Homestead in 1639, N.H., in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 599 1114 Grandma Moses 1946 Arthur K. Watson winter landscape
Moses Homestead in 1639 in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 600 1115 Grandma Moses 1946 Arthur K. Watson summer
Study for Miss Helen Frick's Residence, Bedford, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 601 Grandma Moses 1946 Tiffin (Highleyman) Harper Westmoreland Farm
Miss Helen Frick's Estate: Study of Waterfall painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 602 Grandma Moses 1946 waterfall
Miss Helen Frick's Residence in Bedford, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1946, RB 1116) 603 1116 Grandma Moses 1946 Helen Clay Frick Westmoreland Farm
Miss Helen Frick's Residence in Bedford, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1946, RB 1117) 604 1117 Grandma Moses 1946 Helen Clay Frick Westmoreland Farm
Service is Over painting by Grandma Moses (1860–1961), American Museum & Gardens 605 1117 Grandma Moses 1946 American Museum and Gardens 84.162 Margaret Mallory
Out for Christmas Trees painting by Grandma Moses 606 1118 Grandma Moses 1946 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2017.34.2 Christmas tree
The Hunter painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 607 1119 Grandma Moses 1946 Santa Barbara Museum of Art 1991.154.24 Margaret Mallory https://collections.sbma.net/objects/15512/the-hunters
Sly Fox painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 608 1120 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
An Autumn Day painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 609 1121 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
Beyond the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 610 1122 Grandma Moses 1946 Miss Porter's School https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28115/lot/68/grandma-moses-1860-1961-beyond-the-lake-17-78-x-23-78-in-453-x-607-cm-framed-under-glass-22-12-x-28-12-x-1-12-in/
Hoosick Valley (From the Window) painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 611 1123 Grandma Moses 1946 Hoosick https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/hoosick-valley-from-the-window-1946
Home for the Day painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 612 1124 Grandma Moses 1946 Jerome Hill house
The Postman painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 613 1125 Grandma Moses 1946 Malabar Farm State Park Louis Bromfield mail carrier https://malabarfarm.org/bromfields-home-artwork/
Staunton, Virginia painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 614 1126 Grandma Moses 1946 Rock Springs High School Staunton
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 615 1127 Grandma Moses 1946 The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6356347
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1946, M 1127, collection Helen Hayes) 616 1127 Grandma Moses 1946 Helen Hayes
James MacArthur
The Old Oaken Bucket https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/145/mode/1up
Williamstown painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 617 1128 Grandma Moses 1946 Alta Rockefeller Prentice Williamstown https://www.etsy.com/dk-en/listing/1345379825/grandma-moses-williamstown-1946-color
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 618 1129 Grandma Moses 1946 mill pond https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-paintings-n08883/lot.128.html
So Restful painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 619 1130 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.simpsongalleries.com/auction-lot/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-american-186_1B04A0F985
Back in the Lane painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 620 1132 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
The Country Road painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 621 1133 Grandma Moses 1946 Vose Galleries of Boston
Over Hill and Glade painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 622 1133 Grandma Moses 1946
Down by the Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 623 1134 Grandma Moses 1946 Marshall Field V
A Breakdown painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 624 1135 Grandma Moses 1946
He Has Fallen painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 625 1136 Grandma Moses 1946 James Vigeveno https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5928666
A Warning painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 626 1137 Grandma Moses 1946
The Potter Homestead painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 627 1138 Grandma Moses 1946 Hildegard Bachert
The Pink House painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 628 1141 Grandma Moses 1946 Susan Vanderpoel Hun candy pink house https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-pink-house-yELtafkFMKeDQAayTqYg1w2
Come with Me painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 629 1142 Grandma Moses 1946
Around the Bend painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 361, 19 Jan 2023) 630 1142 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6410517
Snowballing painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 631 1143 Grandma Moses 1946 snowball fight https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000otto/page/157/mode/1up
No Skating for Me painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 632 1144 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-times-record-moses-28-april-1961-p/27822049/
See Them Skate painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 633 1145 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
Beyond the River painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 634 1146 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2010/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08616/lot.100.html
Down by the River painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 635 1147 Grandma Moses 1946
Sunday Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 636 1148 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/17534/lot/103/
Monday Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 637 1149 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4446772
Hoosick Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 638 1150 Grandma Moses 1946 Hammer Galleries Rachel Lambert Mellon
Stacy Barcroft Lloyd III
Hoosic River https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09844/lot.40.html
Down in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 639 1151 Grandma Moses 1946
Which Way painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 640 1152 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/17074/lot/1071/
The State Line House painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 641 1153 Grandma Moses 1946 David Mathews House https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/two-centuries-american-art-2/the-state-line-house
Taking Leg Bale for Security painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 642 1154 Grandma Moses 1946 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5752493
Home in the Springtime painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 643 1155 Grandma Moses 1946
In the Green Mountains, 1946 painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 644 Grandma Moses 1946 Galerie St. Etienne Green Mountains https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Covered Bridge with Carriage painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 645 1158 Grandma Moses 1946 Shelburne Museum 210.3 Otto Kallir https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/covered-bridge-with-carriage-or-black-buggy-1946-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/2653728
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 646 1157 Grandma Moses 1946 Max Ascoli Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
Pond in Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 647 1159 Grandma Moses 1946
The Old Mill and Stage Coach painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 648 1160 Grandma Moses 1946 Santa Barbara Museum of Art 2012.28 https://collections.sbma.net/objects/30221/the-old-mill-and-stagecoach
We Love to Skate painting by Grandma Moses (1946) 649 Grandma Moses 1946 No/unknown value
Mary and Little Lamb painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 650 1161 Grandma Moses 1947 Fanny Kallir https://tictoc.org/portfolio-items/test-grandma-moses-mary-and-the-little-lamb-2/
Frosty Morn painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 651 1162 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value winter landscape
Old Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 652 1163 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
Apple Butter Making painting by Grandma Moses (March 20, 1947) 653 1164 Grandma Moses 1947 Forrest K. Moses apple butter https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/apple-butter-making-1947
Apple Butter Making painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 654 1165 Grandma Moses 1947 Galerie St. Etienne apple butter http://www.artnet.com/magazineus/features/karlins/grandma-moses3-15-10_detail.asp?picnum=4
On the Hudson painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 655 1166 Grandma Moses 1947 Mary Lasker Hudson River
The Old Bake Oven in Canada painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 656 1176 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6410522
Williamstown painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 657 1167 Grandma Moses 1947 Williamstown https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/91/mode/1up
Bought with a Prize painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 658 1168 Grandma Moses 1947 Tokyo Fuji Art Museum 01379 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/bought-with-a-prize-1947-oil-on-board/oil-on-board/asset/194573
Over the River to Grandma's House on Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 659 1169 Grandma Moses 1947 Hunter Museum of American Art 2007.8 winter landscape https://www.facebook.com/HunterMuseum/photos/this-painting-made-by-grandma-moses-in-1947-depicts-the-kind-of-nostalgic-scene-/10162820934205165/
Little Boy Blue painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 660 1170 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.etsy.com/listing/259551478/grandma-moses-little-boy-blue-1947
The Picnic painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 661 1171 Grandma Moses 1947
A Frosty Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 662 1172 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Old Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 663 1172 Grandma Moses 1947 The National Museum of Play https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/painting-the-old-hoosick-bridge/6AEAZRIINKQcUw
Little Boy Blue painting by Grandma Moses (1947, RB 1173) 664 1173 Grandma Moses 1947
Who is Afraid painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 665 1174 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
A Storm is on the Water Now painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 666 1175 Grandma Moses 1947 Santa Barbara Museum of Art 1991.154.23 Margaret Mallory storm https://www.sbma.net/sites/default/files/attachment/grandma_moses_2.pdf
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1947, RB 1177) 667 1177 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value mill pond
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 668 1177 Grandma Moses 1947 mill pond https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2013/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08969/lot.175.html
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 2, 20 Nov 2018) 669 Grandma Moses 1947 Galerie St. Etienne Dorothy J. Harrison Moses The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6169793
Old Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1947, RB 1179) 670 1179 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value covered bridge
Breaking the Roads painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 671 1180 Grandma Moses 1947
Sunshine painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 672 1180 Grandma Moses 1947
The Lake in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 673 1181 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-lake-in-summer-L3tr34DTD8Nx771eqpY24w2
The Lake in Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 674 1181 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
Over the River painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 675 1183 Grandma Moses 1947
A May Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 676 1184 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-paintings-n08883/lot.125.html
Away Down in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 677 1185 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
Going Out to Sea painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 678 1186 Grandma Moses 1947
A Trout painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 679 1187 Grandma Moses 1947 Lillian Gish fishing
The Wood Road painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 680 1188 Grandma Moses 1947 forest https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-wood-road-cQSCHW-EhdAwol2RFTdnBg2
Snow Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 681 1190 Grandma Moses 1947 Bennington Museum 1976.314 Harvey D. Carter, Sr. https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/0E5E69CD-AB29-461C-BAEC-684418870690
Harper's Ferry painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 682 1189 Grandma Moses 1947 The American British Art Center Arthur Francis Magill
Ala Story
Harpers Ferry https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/harpers-ferry-J-MkG4E7kAk2iP_ESZqg1A2
The Old Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1947, Mrs. Howard Harrington) 683 1190 Grandma Moses 1947 Jean Dorothy Moses Harrington covered bridge
By the Side of the River painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 684 1191 Grandma Moses 1947 Maxwell Galleries
My Geese painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 685 1192 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
A Ride in the Cutter painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 686 1193 Grandma Moses 1947 James Vigeveno https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28080/lot/88/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-a-ride-in-the-cutter-7-14-x-9-14-in-184-x-235-cm-painted-in-1945/
The Old Barn in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 687 1194 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/16083/lot/1094/
Away Back painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 688 1195 Grandma Moses 1947 Ala Story https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/away-back-CLNIPj35e5W_e1yQ-gHO9Q2
As I was Going Down the Street painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 689 1196 Grandma Moses 1947 Vose Galleries of Boston
East from Mt. Colefax painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 690 1197 Grandma Moses 1947 Walter J. Kohler, Jr.
West of Mount Colefax painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 691 1198 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-property-from-the-new-york-public-library-astor-lenox-and-tilden-foundations-n08134/lot.247.html
The Old Mill on Sunday painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 692 1199 Grandma Moses 1947 Max Ascoli https://web.archive.org/web/20020513223712/http://gseart.com/artists/artist_invt.asp?ArtistID=84&Page=INVT
The Old Hoosick Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1947, RB 1200) 693 1200 Grandma Moses 1947 covered bridge
A Fire in the Woods painting by Mary Anne Robertson (Grandma) Moses 694 1201 Grandma Moses 1947 National Gallery of Art 1999.81.1 Ala Story
Margaret Mallory
forest fire
A Nice Winter Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 695 1202 Grandma Moses 1947 Rebecca Willis Sealy Mallory winter landscape
Roanoke River painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 696 1203 Grandma Moses 1947
On the Banks of the Hudson River painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 697 1204 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
Arthur Francis Magill
Obadiah's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 698 1207 Grandma Moses 1947
The Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 699 1209 Grandma Moses 1947 rose garden https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-rose-garden-WZBD-uRApmOs6BAdO3mCIQ2
Winter Sports painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 700 1205 Grandma Moses 1947 Susan Vanderpoel Hun winter landscape
The Dividing of the Ways painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 701 1206 Grandma Moses 1947 American Folk Art Museum https://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g60763-d266582-i196397652-American_Folk_Art_Museum-New_York_City_New_York.html
The Salmon Place painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 702 1208 Grandma Moses 1947 Bennington Museum 1976.313 Harvey D. Carter, Sr. https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/0ED81D08-2F6A-4DD7-AB5B-428752741730
No School Today painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 703 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2011/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture/lot.70.html
Under the Butternut Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 704 1209 Grandma Moses 1947 Luci Baines Johnson
A Wish of Childhood painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 705 1210 Grandma Moses 1947
The Spring in Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 706 1211 Grandma Moses 1947 https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251623
Going from the Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 707 1212 Grandma Moses 1947 Chazen Museum of Art 1983.59 Katherine Harper Mead
Tiffin (Highleyman) Harper
Raymond Harper
winter landscape https://chazen.wisc.edu/collection/10010/going-from-the-mill
Winter Sport painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 708 1213 Grandma Moses 1947 winter landscape
When the Cows Come Home painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 709 1214 Grandma Moses 1947 Ala Story
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 710 1215 Grandma Moses 1947 https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/91/mode/1up
For This is the Fall of the Year painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 711 1216 Grandma Moses 1947 American Folk Art Museum 2007.8 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1310629730/grandma-moses-for-this-is-the-fall-of
The Old Kentucky Shore painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 712 1217 Grandma Moses 1947
The Potter Home painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 713 1218 Grandma Moses 1947 Ala Story
The Last Load painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 714 1219 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value
What a Pal is Mother painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 715 1220 Grandma Moses 1947
Waiting painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 716 1221 Grandma Moses 1947
Oh for a Slide painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 717 1222 Grandma Moses 1947 https://live.thomastonauction.com/auction-lot/grandma-anna-robertson-moses-ny-va-1860-1961_2AC407CAD3
Jack and Jill painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 718 1224 Grandma Moses 1947 Jack and Jill https://www.etsy.com/listing/1324657793/grandma-moses-jack-and-jill-1947
Brother's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 719 Grandma Moses 1947 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook winter landscape
Oh, Strawberries painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 720 Grandma Moses 1947 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook summer
No Game painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 721 Grandma Moses 1947 winter landscape
Around the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 722 Grandma Moses 1947
Get Along Topsy painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 723 Grandma Moses 1947 No/unknown value winter landscape
Gray Buildings painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 724 Grandma Moses 1947 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook winter landscape
Little Brown House painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 725 Grandma Moses 1947 Eleanor Robertson Potter winter landscape
Bridge, Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1947, Mrs. Howard Harrington) 726 Grandma Moses 1947 Jean Dorothy Moses Harrington winter landscape
In Olden Times on Hudson River painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 727 1225 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno Hudson River
Back from the Hudson River painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 728 1226 Grandma Moses 1948
The Thunderstorm painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 729 1227 Grandma Moses 1948 thunderstorm https://www.ebay.com/itm/403687902862
We are Swinging on the Gate painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 730 1228 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value
Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 731 1229 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2019/american-art-2/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-deep-snow
Back in the Country painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 732 1230 Grandma Moses 1948 Rose Art Museum 1991.97 village in the United States https://rosecollection.brandeis.edu/objects-1/info/8345?sort=0
The Prat Homestead painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 733 1231 Grandma Moses 1948
Come On Old Topsy painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 734 1232 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/come-on-old-topsy-Sih6c39LVgDd7O0OZH8-_Q2
White Birches painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 735 1233 Grandma Moses 1948
The Old Snow Roller painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 736 1234 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno snow roller https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2013/american-art-n09048/lot.62.html
A Fine Gobbler painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 737 1235 Grandma Moses 1948 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/17074/lot/1072/
The Old Automobile painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 738 1237 Grandma Moses 1948 Vose Galleries of Boston John Hay Whitney
Betsey Cushing Roosevelt Whitney
The Harvest painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 739 1238 Grandma Moses 1948 Parrish Art Museum harvest
The Old Shedd Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 740 1240 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value covered bridge
Scotland painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 741 1241 Grandma Moses 1948
September painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 742 1242 Grandma Moses 1948 Maxwell Galleries autumn leaf color
Mine Own Country painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 743 1243 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story
There Goes the Red Sledge painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 744 1244 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
The Lost Ox and Cart painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 745 1245 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
Bridge over Owl Kill painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 746 1246 Grandma Moses 1947 Galerie St. Etienne Owl Kill Bridge https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-oil-2030276129
John Going Home painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 747 1247 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
The Presbytarian Sledge Ride painting by Grandma Moses 748 1248 Grandma Moses 1948 sled https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1107284
The Baptist Sledge Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 749 1249 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value
We'll Be Back for Supper painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 750 1250 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
High Ho! Bob is Down painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 751 1251 Grandma Moses 1948 ice skating
Over to the Village painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 752 1252 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
Cold and Windy painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 753 1253 Grandma Moses 1948 candy pink house
The Hospital painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 754 1255 Grandma Moses 1948 William Benton
Chester J. LaRoche
Mary McClellan Hospital https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-hospital-CCAKYpqAb0xiKuHeDWB3Nw2
The Proposal painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 755 1254 Grandma Moses 1948 Galerie St. Etienne
Jenny McCree's Home, 1948 painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 756 1256 Grandma Moses 1948 Jane McCrea https://web.archive.org/web/20090519054651/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Going Home from Church painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 757 1257 Grandma Moses 1948
So Long painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 758 1258 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/so-long-YkkOlNIgu8L3s6QhZ0F1QA2
Williamstown in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 759 1259 Grandma Moses 1948 United States Department of State RR-1994.0004 Frederick John Haas
James Vigeveno
Williamstown https://www.diplomaticrooms.state.gov/objects/williamstown-in-winter/
Williamstown in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 760 1260 Grandma Moses 1948 Riverdale Drapery Fabrics Alta Rockefeller Prentice
Dorothy Liebes
Riverdale Drapery Fabrics
No/unknown value
Mount Hope Farm https://www.etsy.com/listing/1317979798/1950s-grandma-moses-williamstown
The Night Is Coming On painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 761 1261 Grandma Moses 1948
Oh Help Me, Bowser painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 762 1262 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
Goodbye All painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 763 1263 Grandma Moses 1948 The American British Art Center Ala Story
L. Arnold Weissberger
Will They Be Home? painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 764 1264 Grandma Moses 1948
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 765 1265 Grandma Moses 1948 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/over-the-river-to-grandmothers-house-JoAdrfKQ6nqpwQ5J3Un4HQ2
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1948, M 1266) 766 1266 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143519
Sugaring Off, Dark Sky painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 767 1267 Grandma Moses 1948 Portland Art Museum 2018.77.11 sugaring season traditions http://www.portlandartmuseum.us/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=78585;type=101
The Old Mill Below the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 768 1268 Grandma Moses 1948 gristmill
Through the Bridge by the Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 769 1269 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story
Oh Wait for Me painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 770 1270 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value winter landscape
Home of Susan B. Anthony painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 771 1271 Grandma Moses 1948 Elwood Whitney Anthony House
I'm Coming Pop painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 772 1272 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/american-art-online/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-im-coming-pop
I Love to Fish painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 773 1273 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-art-n01768/lot.112.html
Go for Him, Rover painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 774 1274 Grandma Moses 1948
I'll Meet You by the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 775 1275 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value meeting https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/ill-meet-you-by-the-woods-xra2i_8LzA__tdTD2sduaA2
We'll Go Brodyes painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 776 1276 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno winter landscape
The Betsy Russell Home in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 777 1277 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.book530.com/painting/130192/Betsey-Russell-Home.html
The Betsy Russell Winter House painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 778 1278 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-betsey-russel-house-winter-lPgbDfgvMUimVPraIBvkRg2
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 779 1279 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story mill pond
The Breakdown painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 780 1280 Grandma Moses 1948 winter landscape
The Frog Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 781 1281 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value mill pond
The Winner painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 782 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value winter landscape
Home by the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 783 1282 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
We Will Go for a Walk painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 784 1283 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value
The Hitching Post painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 785 1285 Grandma Moses 1948
Hunting for water painting by Grandma Moses 786 1286 Grandma Moses 1948 Art Gallery of New South Wales 9153 https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/collection/works/9153/
A Beautiful World painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 787 1286 Grandma Moses 1948 Galerie St. Etienne Fanny Kallir https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall_b0w7/page/77/mode/1up
The Church in the Wild Wood painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 788 1286 Grandma Moses 1948
The Old Ox Cart painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 789 1288 Grandma Moses 1948 Bennington Museum 2003.136 Beatrice Clafin https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/1198604B-96DF-4D52-9C20-676724994409
The Old Grist Mill in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 790 1289 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story gristmill
Over the Bridge, Home painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 791 1290 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Dead Tree painting by Grandma Moses 792 1291 Grandma Moses 1948 National Museum of Modern Art AM 3328 P https://www.photo.rmn.fr/C.aspx?VP3=SearchResult&IID=2C6NU00NJ6FZ
Haying in Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 793 1294 Grandma Moses 1948 haymaking https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/haying-in-vermont-fzW3iJbJ-5GVs6L0xoAu_Q2
Harvesting in Olden Times painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 794 1295 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story
At the Bend of the River painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 92, 23 May 2001) 795 1296 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.christies.com/lot/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-at-2050550
Community Chest, No. 1 painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 796 1297 Grandma Moses 1948 Galerie St. Etienne
Community Chest, No. 2 (The Red Feather) painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 797 1298 Grandma Moses 1948 United Way of America Grandma Moses https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/39/mode/1up
Going Home painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 798 1299 Grandma Moses 1948 https://www.bonhams.com/auction/28115/lot/67/grandma-moses-1860-1961-going-home-7-12-x-5-34-in-190-x-145-cm-framed-11-34-x-10-x-1-14-in-under-glass/
Almost Home painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 799 1300 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
Spring in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 800 1301 Grandma Moses 1948 Glenda J. Harrington Hamilton
Grand Skating painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 801 1301 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value ice skating
Casanova Lake, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 802 1302 Grandma Moses 1948 Everson Museum of Art Cazenovia Lake https://thedavidsnider.com/local/grandma-moses-in-the-everson-museum-of-art/
Greenwich, N.Y. painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 803 1303 Grandma Moses 1948 Greenwich https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/greenwich-ny-1948-A19Yda_YMKaJPKMLAxyWhA2
The Old School painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 804 1304 Grandma Moses 1948 one-room school
The Old Kitchen painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 805 1305 Grandma Moses 1948 kitchen
The Old Grist Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 806 1806 Grandma Moses 1948 gristmill
Beautiful Thanksgiving Day painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 94, 30 Nov 2011) 807 1307 Grandma Moses 1948 Francois Dupre https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5508993
On the Road to North Adams painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 808 1308 Grandma Moses 1948 Galerie St. Etienne winter landscape
I'm Milking My Cow painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 809 1309 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
The Mill by the Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 810 1311 Grandma Moses 1948 James Vigeveno https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5928626
In the Glen with the Deer painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 811 1312 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value deer
Getting Ready for Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses 812 1313 Grandma Moses 1948 Worcester Art Museum 2006.20 https://worcester.emuseum.com/objects/39138/getting-ready-for-thanksgiving
The Day after Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 813 1314 Grandma Moses 1948 No/unknown value
Which Turkey? painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 814 1315 Grandma Moses 1948 Turner Microphone Company selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
The Old Home on the Hill painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 815 1316 Grandma Moses 1948 Vose Galleries of Boston winter landscape
Topsy and Total painting by Grandma Moses (1948) 816 1317 Grandma Moses 1948 Ala Story horse
Give Us a Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 817 1318 Grandma Moses 1949 Vose Galleries of Boston
Galerie St. Etienne
winter landscape https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-give-us-a-ride
The Mailman Has Gone painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 818 1319 Grandma Moses 1949 Shelburne Museum https://www.etsy.com/no-en/listing/1298566302/grandma-moses-the-mailman-has-gone-1949
The Checkered House in 1717 painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 545, 20 Jan 2023) 819 1320 Grandma Moses 1948 Buddy DeSylva Checkered House https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6410667
Did You See Uncle John? painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 820 1321 Grandma Moses 1949 winter landscape
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 821 1322 Grandma Moses 1949 The Old Oaken Bucket
The First Fall of Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 822 1323 Grandma Moses 1949 Pamela Joan Woolworth winter landscape
Very Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 823 1324 Grandma Moses 1949 Galerie St. Etienne https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-property-from-the-new-york-public-library-astor-lenox-and-tilden-foundations-n08134/lot.242.html
Now for the Harvest painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 824a 1339 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno harvest
A Little Ball Game painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 824 1325 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
Home by the Brook painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 825 1340 Grandma Moses 1949 Davis Museum and Cultural Center 2022.1 https://www1.wellesley.edu/davismuseum/explore-the-collections/recent-acquisitions/node/195181
Out for the Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 826 1341 Grandma Moses 1949 Davis Museum and Cultural Center 2022.1 https://www1.wellesley.edu/davismuseum/explore-the-collections/recent-acquisitions/node/195181
A Winter Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 827 1326 Grandma Moses 1949 Ala Story winter landscape
Everyone is Gone painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 828 1338 Grandma Moses 1949 Blanden Art Museum winter landscape
We Will Celebrate painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 829 1327 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
Near Dorset, March 10, 1949 painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 830 1337 Grandma Moses 1949 Ronald Reagan
James Vigeveno
winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6018261
Down Out of the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 831 1328 Grandma Moses 1949 Rebecca Willis Sealy Mallory winter landscape
A Parade painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 832 1329 Grandma Moses 1949 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09939/lot.24.html
Going for the Mail painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 833 1330 Grandma Moses 1949 mail
We Are Camping painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 834 1342 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143655
At the Camp painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 835 1343 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno summer camp program https://www.freemansauction.com/auctions/american-art-and-pennsylvania-impressionists-1736/lot/42
The Old Home, 13 March 1949 painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 836 1344 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6061914
The Swimming Pool painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 837 1345 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
The Alan House painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 838 1346 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-alan-house-IhisznyVvdjOt9Tl5B06yg2
The Village Store painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 839 1331 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value general store
The Last Load of Wood painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 840 1332 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Harrington House painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 841 1333 Grandma Moses 1949 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-harrington-house-SbXf5BTadg72U0RxfzP3pQ2
A Wild Winter Day painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 842 1334 Grandma Moses 1949 winter landscape
All Out for Sport painting by Anna Mary Robertson (Grandma) Moses 843 1335 Grandma Moses 1949 New Britain Museum of American Art 1984.02 https://ink.nbmaa.org/objects/2524/all-out-for-sport
We Are Coming to Church painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 844 1336 Grandma Moses 1949 Ala Story https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/american-paintings-n08322/lot.192.html
All is Quiet painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 845 1352 Grandma Moses 1949 Ina Mason Harrison mill pond https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/all-is-quiet-jqcT_PZqhxs6SDTBdroKpQ2
Falls of Minniehaha [Minnehaha] painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 846 Grandma Moses 1949 Fred E. Robertson Minnehaha Falls
Year 1860, Year 1940 painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 847 1347 Grandma Moses 1949 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/year-1860-year-1940-lc-JwTarHc8ToGL87830gg2
The Old Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 848 1349 Grandma Moses 1949 James Vigeveno Checkered House https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2050546
Ho Well Go Sailing painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 849 1351 Grandma Moses 1949 Russell Sage College
The Old Oaken Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1949, M 1351) 850 1351 Grandma Moses 1949 Belinda Jelliffe (Dobson) The Old Oaken Bucket https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/143719
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 851 1352 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value
A Winter Day painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 852 1353 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
A Winter's Day painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 853 1354 Grandma Moses 1949 winter landscape
Thomas Moses, Norfolk, Conn. painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 854 1355 Grandma Moses 1949 https://web.archive.org/web/20141013023228/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Thomas-Moses-Norfolk-Conn-7038.php
So Dreary painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 855 1356 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
Now We Can Skate painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 856 1357 Grandma Moses 1949 Ala Story ice rink https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/now-we-can-skate-iI3umP40zaF0ByINiNlBYg2
Scotland painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 857 1358 Grandma Moses 1949 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/scotland-A0sEegwhBOW7fDP6-lk25Q2
Out of my Window painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 858 1359 Grandma Moses 1949 John Kallir
The Old Home painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 859 1360 Grandma Moses 1949 Vose Galleries of Boston
Lake George painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 860 1361 Grandma Moses 1949 Maxwell Galleries Lake George
Carpet Pattern double-sided painting with similar circular design by Grandma Moses (1949) 861 1361 Grandma Moses 1949
Over the River painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 862 1362 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Harrington Home painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 863 1364 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value
The Schoolhouse painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 864 1364 Grandma Moses 1949 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-schoolhouse-qH60edq0vwfGHIW7ifDgVg2
Through the Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 865 1365 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value covered bridge
Bringing the Sheep Home painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 866 1366 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value
Quiet Winter Day painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 867 1367 Grandma Moses 1949 winter landscape
Mountain Village painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 868 1368 Grandma Moses 1949
Home in Manchester painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 869 1369 Grandma Moses 1949 https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/american-art-online/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-105/70250
On Lake George painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 870 1370 Grandma Moses 1949 Dalzell Hatfield Galleries Dalzell Hatfield Lake George
Sheehy Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 871 1371 Grandma Moses 1949 covered bridge https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/sheehy-bridge-HeKyGKlPEHtQVn-RD4vbiQ2
The Archer painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 872 1372 Grandma Moses 1949 Maxwell Galleries
Road Above Village painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 873 Grandma Moses 1949 Viola Brownell Baldwin
Mary McClellan Hospital painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 874 Grandma Moses 1949 Mary McClellan Hospital
Old Stone Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 875 Grandma Moses 1949 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook https://fineart.ha.com/itm/paintings/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-old-stone-bridge-1949-tempera-on-masonite-4-1-8-x-9-inches-105-x-229/a/8043-67157.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515
Watering the Horses painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 876 Grandma Moses 1949 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5631660
The Hay is In painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 877 Grandma Moses 1949 No/unknown value
The Meeting House painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 878 Grandma Moses 1949 Maxwell Galleries meeting house https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/125/mode/1up
Over the River to Grandma's House painting by Grandma Moses (1949) 879 1265 Grandma Moses 1949 winter landscape
From My Window painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 880 253 Grandma Moses 1950 Thomas G. Vitez
Follow Me painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 881 1236 Grandma Moses 1950
Grandmother painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 882 1373 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6356346
The Quilting Bee painting by Grandma Moses 883 1374 Grandma Moses 1950 quilting bee https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-quilting-bee-1950-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7108204
The Dairy Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 884 1375 Grandma Moses 1950 dairy
The Counting of the Geese painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 885 1376 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story
At the Well painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 886 1377 Grandma Moses 1950 Bennington Museum 2001.1 Jack and Jill https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/2AE3FCDD-6862-4081-A840-273913393250
The Wind in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 887 1378 Grandma Moses 1950
On the Hudson Many Years Ago painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 888 1381 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story Hudson River
One Little Hut Among the Bushes painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 889 1382 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Apple Blossom Time at Home painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 890 1383 Grandma Moses 1950 Maxwell Galleries
A January Thaw painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 891 1384 Grandma Moses 1950 Sara Mar Cadwell winter landscape
Down by the Old Stone Wall painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 892 1385 Grandma Moses 1950 Marjorie Millace Whiteman
Better Going over the Hill painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 893 1386 Grandma Moses 1950
The Mail Is Here painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 894 1387 Grandma Moses 1950
The Norton Home painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 895 1388 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/two-centuries-american-art/the-norton-home
The Snow So Deep painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 896 1389 Grandma Moses 1950 Sordoni Art Gallery Sordoni Art Gallery winter landscape
We'll Go to the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 897 1390 Grandma Moses 1950 winter landscape
The Witch's Castle painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 898 1391 Grandma Moses 1950
I'll Mail the Letter painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 899 1392 Grandma Moses 1950 Vose Galleries of Boston winter landscape
Haw, Haw, Now it Snows painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 900 1393 Grandma Moses 1950 Russel Crouse winter landscape
Down by the Old Rail Fence painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 901 1394 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Ice Is Thick painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 902 1395 Grandma Moses 1950 winter landscape
Building the Fence painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 903 1396 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1077032
On the Watch painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 904 1397 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value winter landscape
Our Old Saw Mill painting by Grandma Moses 905 1398 Grandma Moses 1942 Maxwell Galleries No/unknown value Greenwich https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2019/important-americana-n10005/lot.1682.html
The Owlkill painting by Anna Mary Robertson Moses 906 1401 Grandma Moses 1950 Dallas Museum of Art 1996.215 Greer Garson Owl Kill
The Old Plank House painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 907 1402 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story
The Spotted Horses painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 908 1403 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story https://www.etsy.com/listing/178431806/grandma-moses-spotted-horses-1991
A Herd of Jerseys painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 909 1405 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story cattle husbandry
When the Leaves have Fallen painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 910 1406 Grandma Moses 1950 https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/151/mode/1up
A Quilting Bee painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 911 1407 Grandma Moses 1950
The Old Oaken Bucket in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 912 1408 Grandma Moses 1950 The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.etsy.com/listing/936368953/grandma-moses-the-old-oaken-bucket-in
The Old Checkered House in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 913 1409 Grandma Moses 1950 Currier Museum of Art 2014.32 Otto Kallir Checkered House https://currier.org/collection/grandma-moses/
Down the Road painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 914 1410 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/170/mode/1up
Sunday Skating painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 915 1411 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value winter landscape
Laundry Day painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 916 1412 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/laundry-day-IEqUYKSTZt-D3A6zIODxHA2
Dorset painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 917 1413 Grandma Moses 1950 Dorset
The Ranch painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 918 1414 Grandma Moses 1950
Hoosick Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 919 1415 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value Hoosick
Barn Dance painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 920 1416 Grandma Moses 1950 Hammer Galleries https://eu.palmbeachdailynews.com/story/news/local/2016/09/04/palm-beach-gallery-acquires-famous/9674121007/
Country Fair painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 921 1417 Grandma Moses 1950 David H. Griffin fête https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2009/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08555/lot.47.html
The Back Yard painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 922 1418 Grandma Moses 1950
In the Rose Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 923 1423 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value rose garden https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/in-the-rose-graden-l7gxgsyi1KKyYYZ0QuGeKg2
Over Land painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 924 1419 Grandma Moses 1950
The Yellow Birds painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 925 1420 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5290723
The Work to Do painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 926 1421 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story farmworker
In Autumn Time painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 927 1422 Grandma Moses 1950 Maxwell Galleries autumn leaf color
In the Camp painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 928 1424 Grandma Moses 1950 Harry Peterzell Gelles https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/grandma-anna-mary-robertson-moses-1860-1961-in-th-120-c-70a44eea30?objectID=187588448&algIndex=upcoming_lots_prod&queryID=6a5498550b6b1f52d2e8830a3f04d92f
The Plow Boy painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 929 1425 Grandma Moses 1950 Dalzell Hatfield Galleries Dalzell Hatfield ploughing https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/not_detected_251609
A Boy with Oxen painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 930 1426 Grandma Moses 1950 Maxwell Galleries
Going for the Mail painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 931 1427 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value winter landscape
Going for a Buggy Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 932 1428 Grandma Moses 1950 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno
In the Blacksmith Shop painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 933 1429 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Aunt Margret's painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 934 1430 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Jane Forbes Clark
The Duck Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 935 1431 Grandma Moses 1950 Maxwell Galleries
On the Other Side of the River painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 936 1432 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/on-the-other-side-of-the-river-GjoGB9pMHtRwlunz6wz-xw2
Down the Hudson Many Years Ago painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 937 1433 Grandma Moses 1950 James Vigeveno Hudson River https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/down-the-hudson-many-years-ago-ohmFb3uYniLOdcEEArhhSQ2
Happy Days painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 938 1434 Grandma Moses 1950 Dalzell Hatfield Galleries Dalzell Hatfield
See Old Topsy painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 939 1435 Grandma Moses 1950 Jacob Baart de la Faille
The Old Checkered House of N.H. 1800 painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 940 1436 Grandma Moses 1950 The Hyde Collection 1996.2 Checkered House of New Hampshire https://emuseum.hydecollection.org/objects/373/the-old-checkered-house-1880-nh
Candle Dip Day in 1800 painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 941 1437 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/candle-dip-day-in-1800-1950-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286731
That Happy Land painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 942 1438 Grandma Moses 1950
Here Comes Daddy painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 943 1439 Grandma Moses 1950 winter landscape https://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/65193976_grandma-moses-anna-robertson-here-comes-dady
The Long Cold Road painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 944 1440 Grandma Moses 1950 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno winter landscape
The Descent painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 945 1441 Grandma Moses 1950 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno winter landscape
Belvedere painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 946 1442 Grandma Moses 1950 Belvedere (farm near Staunton, VA)
Hoosick River painting by Grandma Moses (1950, RB 1443) 947 1443 Grandma Moses 1950 Morris Ernst Hoosic River
Covered Wagon painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 948 1444 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story wagon train
The Saddle Bags painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 949 1446 Grandma Moses 1950 Rebecca Willis Sealy Mallory
Skating on the Mill Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 950 1399 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5928625
The Town Hall painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 951 1400 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/american-art-3/the-town-hall
Now for a Quail painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 952 1404 Grandma Moses 1950 Ala Story candy pink house
Hoosick River painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 953 1447 Grandma Moses 1950 Shirley Marie Harrison Moses Hoosic River
Saddle Bags painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 954 1448 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Arthur Francis Magill
saddlebag https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-art-n08860/lot.59.html
Saddle Bags painting by Grandma Moses (1950, RB 1449) 955 1449 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Podunk painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 956 1450 Grandma Moses 1950 Podunk
The Doctor painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 957 1451 Grandma Moses 1950 Otto Kallir
The Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 958 1452 Grandma Moses 1950 Fanny Kallir https://web.archive.org/web/20020513223712/http://gseart.com/artists/artist_invt.asp?ArtistID=84&Page=INVT
In 1671 painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 959 1453 Grandma Moses 1950 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/in-1671-IsdMLpKxtlBAC13GKUp34Q2
[Untiltled] Winter Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 960 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value winter landscape
[Untiltled] Autumn Picture painting by Grandma Moses (1950) 961 Grandma Moses 1950 No/unknown value
Untitled: Sugaring Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 962 Grandma Moses 1950 Galerie St. Etienne Elizabeth "Betty" Moses McCart sugaring season traditions https://gothamtogo.com/the-winter-show-at-park-avenue-armory/
Over in the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 963 1454 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Building a Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 964 1455 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5199727
Moving Day on the Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 965 1456 Grandma Moses 1951 Galerie St. Etienne https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/morning-day-on-the-farm-1951
The Family Picnic painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 966 1457 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-family-picnic-1951-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286732
Taking in the Laundry painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 967 1458 Grandma Moses 1951 laundering https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/taking-in-the-laundry-1951
A Country Wedding painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 968 1459 Grandma Moses 1951 Bennington Museum 1998.79 wedding https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/4977CD5A-628F-408C-B3AA-549320005983
The Departure painting by Grandma Moses Anna Mary Robertson 969 1460 Grandma Moses 1951 Philadelphia Museum of Art 2009-125-1 family reunion
We Are Resting painting by Grandma Moses 970 1461 Grandma Moses 1951 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2019.55
It Snows, Oh It Snows painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 971 1462 Grandma Moses 1951 Fanny Kallir https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/it-snows-oh-it-snows-1951-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7212334
Battle Hill painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 972 1463 Grandma Moses 1951
The Old Shop painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 973 1464 Grandma Moses 1951
A Pink House painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 974 1465 Grandma Moses 1951 James Vigeveno Galleries James Vigeveno candy pink house
England painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 975 1466 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
A Church painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 976 1467 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Down Home painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 977 1468 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
A Winter Road painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 978 1469 Grandma Moses 1951 James Vigeveno https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/a-winter-road-ALEC1FGNTlCfJ9sDcykxPw2
On the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 979 1470 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Plowing in May painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 980 1471 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Flying Kites painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 981 1473 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/flying-kites-1951-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398763
Harvest Home painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 982 1476 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story harvest
The Brown Mills painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 983 1477 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Trout Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 984 1472 Grandma Moses 1951
A Frosty Day painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 985 1474 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/a-frosty-day-1951-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7212335
Barn Roofing painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 986 1475 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story https://www.etsy.com/listing/1565380916/grandma-moses-barn-roofing-extremely
Husking Bee painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 987 1478 Grandma Moses 1951 Hammer Galleries https://www.etsy.com/listing/1579566247/grandma-moses-husking-bee-extremely-rare
Out to Vote painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 988 1479 Grandma Moses 1951 winter landscape
Golden Sunset painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 989 1480 Grandma Moses 1951
Ripe Pumpkins painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 990 1481 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/ripe-pumpkins-1951-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398764
Lazy Brook painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 991 1482 Grandma Moses 1951 James H. Binger
Cutting Ice painting by Grandma Moses, 1951 992 1483 Grandma Moses 1951 James H. Binger ice cutting
Country Store painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 993 1484 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
The Old Carpenter Home painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 994 1485 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Grandpa’s House painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 995 1486 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1317833811/grandma-moses-grandpas-house-vintage
Blacksmith Shop painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 996 1487 Grandma Moses 1951 Forrest K. Moses smithy https://www.paintingstar.com/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-blacksmith-shop-s160740.html
Poor Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 997 1488 Grandma Moses 1951 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
The Willows painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 998 1489 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value winter landscape
July Fourth painting by Grandma Moses 999 1490 Grandma Moses 1951 White House Independence Day https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouseHistory/photos/this-1951-landscape-is-by-anna-mary-robertson-moses-a-self-taught-american-folk-/1330052010353392/
Winter Twilight painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1000 1491 Grandma Moses 1951 winter landscape https://www.ebay.com/itm/166758489437
The Village Clock painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1001 1492 Grandma Moses 1951
Early Skating painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1002 1493 Grandma Moses 1951 Brooklyn Museum 83.122.2 ice skating https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/1674
The Gray House painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1003 1494 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Rainbow painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1004 1495 Grandma Moses 1951 Galerie St. Etienne rainbow https://www.etsy.com/listing/1581020083/grandma-moses-the-blacksmith-extremely
The Flower Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1005 1496 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-property-from-the-new-york-public-library-astor-lenox-and-tilden-foundations-n08134/lot.246.html
The Bonfire painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1006 1497 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value winter landscape
Imagination painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1007 1498 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story
The Landing painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1008 1499 Grandma Moses 1951 Addison Gallery of American Art 2016.6 https://addison.andover.edu/search-the-collection/?embark_query=/artist-maker/info/3305?artistName=Grandma%20Moses%20(aka%20Anna%20Mary%20Robertson%20Moses)
The Checkered House of N.H., 1800 painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1009 1500 Grandma Moses 1951 Checkered House of New Hampshire https://www.bonhams.com/auction/21026/lot/17/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-the-checkered-house-of-nh-1800-8-x-13in/
A Beautiful Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1010 1501 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/A-beautiful-Morning-New-York-1951
Quiet Day painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1011 1502 Grandma Moses 1951 Dr. Clayton E. Shaw, Jr. mill pond https://veryimportantlot.com/en/lot/view/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-382603
Over the Stile painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1012 1503 Grandma Moses 1951
Goodbye painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1013 1504 Grandma Moses 1951 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/goodbye-aKwclD0mEL20hpaIadJcFQ2
Building Fence painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1014 1505 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story
Beautiful Clouds painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1015 1506 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value
Mount Airy painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1016 1507 Grandma Moses 1951 Galerie St. Etienne Mount Airy https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/mount-airy-mEE1-2j-v_O8lG9WEA5SVw2
Ice Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1017 1508 Grandma Moses 1951 Alex Vömel storm
Sleet Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1018 1509 Grandma Moses 1951 No/unknown value storm
My Sheep painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1019 1510 Grandma Moses 1951 Ala Story mill pond
Cutting Ice painting by Grandma Moses (1951) 1020 1511 Grandma Moses 1951 ice cutting https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-1792211
Grandma Moses's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1021 1512 Grandma Moses 1952 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
Home, 1925 painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1022 1513 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/grandma-moses-home-1952-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398765
Blue Sleigh painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1023 1514 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value winter landscape
Turkey Roost painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1024 1515 Grandma Moses 1952 Forrest K. Moses winter landscape
Old Water Wheel painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1025 1516 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Plantation painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1026 1517 Grandma Moses 1952 Harry S. Truman
Bess Truman
Margaret Truman
Come On painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 30, 22 May 2018) 1027 1518 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6141187
Snow Plowing painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1028 1519 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Old Oak painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1029 1520 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value
Horseshoeing painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1030 1521 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value horseshoeing
Hoosick River, Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1031 1522 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/hoosick-river-winter-1952-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398766
Hoosick River, Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1032 1523 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/hoosick-river-summer-1952-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398767
Busy Day painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1033 1524 Grandma Moses 1952
The Hoosick in March painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1034 1525 Grandma Moses 1952 W.H. Perry Hoosic River
In 1800 painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1035 1526 Grandma Moses 1952 Queensland Art Gallery & Gallery of Modern Art 1:0726 No/unknown value https://collection.qagoma.qld.gov.au/objects/3369
Good Fishing painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1036 1527 Grandma Moses 1952
Children Haying painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1037 1528 Grandma Moses 1952 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook
The Willow Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1038 1529 Grandma Moses 1952 Hammer Galleries Alfreda Rochelle-Thomas https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-art-n08911/lot.49.html
September painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1039 1530 Grandma Moses 1952 Alice Thayer Brown Moses
Cross Roads painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1040 1531 Grandma Moses 1952 Galerie St. Etienne
Hammer Galleries
The American British Art Center
Ala Story intersection https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5846471
Stone Boat painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1041 1532 Grandma Moses 1952 stone-boat
New Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1042 1533 Grandma Moses 1952 Hammer Galleries Armand Hammer
The Purple House painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1043 1534 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value
Staunton, Va. painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1044 1535 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value Staunton
A Toll Gate, 1952 painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1045 1536 Grandma Moses 1952 tollgate https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Want a Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1046 1537 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value
Campfire painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1047 1538 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value
Forrest Moses's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1048 1539 Grandma Moses 1952 Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/196/mode/1up
Poesenkill painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1049 1540 Grandma Moses 1952 Galerie St. Etienne Kallir 1049 Poestenkill https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-poesenkill
King Church painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1050 1541 Grandma Moses 1952 Gertrude Schweitzer Site of King's Methodist Episcopal Church https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2401908
Gray Day painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1051 1542 Grandma Moses 1952 Hallmark Art Collection https://www.hallmarkartcollection.com/artwork/grey-day/
Pink Sunset painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1052 1543 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value winter landscape
Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1053 1544 Grandma Moses 1952 M. Knoedler & Co. winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-sleigh-ride-KfXXHtarF8fHdwbM44p3bg2
Busy Street painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1054 1545 Grandma Moses 1952 Hallmark Art Collection https://www.hallmarkartcollection.com/artwork/busy-street/
The Sheep painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1055 1546 Grandma Moses 1952
Father's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1056 1547 Grandma Moses 1952
Birthday Cake painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1057 1548 Grandma Moses 1952 birthday cake https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6188141
Lakeside painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1058 1549 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value
October painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1059 1550 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/american-art-online/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-october
The Old Oaken Bucket in Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1060 1551 Grandma Moses 1952 The Old Oaken Bucket https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-175639
Old Oaken Bucket in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1952, M 1552) 1061 1552 Grandma Moses 1952 The Old Oaken Bucket https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/6981520
Home for Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1062 1553 Grandma Moses 1952 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/home-for-thanksgiving-1952-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286734
Catching the Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1063 1554 Grandma Moses 1952 No/unknown value selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
White Creek painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1064 1555 Grandma Moses 1952 Elizabeth "Betty" Moses McCart White Creek
How Much Pay? painting by Grandma Moses (1952) 1065 1556 Grandma Moses 1952
Let Me Help painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1066 1557 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/let-me-help
Dog Churn painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1067 1559 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value Dog-Powered Butter Churn
Birthday Cake painting by Grandma Moses 1068 1560 Grandma Moses 1953 birthday cake https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/birthday-cake-2nd-february-1953-oil-tempera-on-board/oil-and-tempera-on-board/asset/314088
Church in Dell painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1069 1561 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Bennington painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1070 1562 Grandma Moses 1953 Bennington Museum 1986.347 Bennington https://benningtonmuseum.org/portfolio-items/grandma-moses/
Moses painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1071 1555 Grandma Moses 1953 https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/110/mode/1up
Dark Sky painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1072 1558 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5631659
White Birch painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1073 1563 Grandma Moses 1953 Eduardo Propper de Callejón
Now We Can Skate painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1074 1564 Grandma Moses 1953 ice rink https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4489118
Canada painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1075 1565 Grandma Moses 1953
Brick Church painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1076 1566 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
We Go for a Walk painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1077 1567 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2019/american-art-n10074/lot.32.html
Swans painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1078 1568 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Joy Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1079 1569 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/joy-ride-1953
Springtime painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1080 1570 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/spring-time-WbbUV7aXVCyMfStRDwB7zQ2
My Horse painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1081 1571 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/my-horse-4nP7c-JVxWBRmD5ApwBgXQ2
In the Woods painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1082 1572 Grandma Moses 1953 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6410521
Deep Hole painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1083 1573 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Depot painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1084 1574 Grandma Moses 1953
Between Seasons painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1085 1575 Grandma Moses 1953
In the Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1086 1576 Grandma Moses 1953 Cambridge
Sap Gathering painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1087 1577 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
Maple Bush painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1088 1578 Grandma Moses 1953 Louis J. Caldor sugaring season traditions https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/maple-bush-1953-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398770
Green Pasture painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1089 1579 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value pasture
A Gay Time, March 27, 1953 painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1090 1580 Grandma Moses 1953 Ronald Reagan winter landscape https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6018262
Oh It Snows painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1091 1581 Grandma Moses 1953 Eric Berne winter landscape
Our Son painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1092 1582 Grandma Moses 1953 https://web.archive.org/web/20141113222654/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Our-Son-2763.php
Our Son painting by Grandma Moses (27 March 1953) 1093 1583 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Home from School painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1094 1584 Grandma Moses 1953 winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/home-from-school-n9rX6K2EG3j1pDHDP_BGLw2
Harpers Ferry painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1095 1585 Grandma Moses 1953 Louis J. Caldor Harpers Ferry https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/70/mode/1up
Thrashing Cane painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1096 1586 Grandma Moses 1953
In Mischief painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1097 1587 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Over the Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1098 1588 Grandma Moses 1953 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nakamura lake
Before the Battle of Bennington painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1099 1589 Grandma Moses 1953 Bennington
The Battle of Bennington painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum, 2014.40) 1100 1590 Grandma Moses 1953 Bennington Museum 2014.4 Battle of Bennington https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/Webobject/D42D8741-56EB-4EBA-822A-158046979500
Out on the Porch painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1101 1586 Grandma Moses 1953 porch
Mount Airy, 1953 painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1102 1591 Grandma Moses 1953 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses Mount Airy https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
When the Apples are in Blossom painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1103 1592 Grandma Moses 1953 flower https://www.christies.com/lot/lot-6466028
Back in the Lane painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1104 1593 Grandma Moses 1953
Old House painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1105 1594 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
The Last Load painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1106 1595 Grandma Moses 1953 hay wagon https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2013/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09018/lot.161.html
Plow Boy painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1107 1596 Grandma Moses 1953 Caldwell Gallery Hudson No/unknown value ploughing https://www.caldwellgallery.com/artists/grandma-moses
Horses Horses painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1108 1597 Grandma Moses 1953
Twilight painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1109 1598 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
No Fish painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1110 1599 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
See the Kite painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1111 1600 Grandma Moses 1953 No/unknown value
Last Load Hay painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1112 1601 Grandma Moses 1953 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Firmenich haymaking
Battle of Bennington painting by Grandma Moses (1953) 1113 1602 Grandma Moses 1953 DAR Museum 03825.1 Battle of Bennington https://www.facebook.com/TodaysDAR/posts/tbt-the-battle-of-bennington-was-fought-in-august-1777-anna-mary-robertson-grand/6662870147071922/
The Oaks painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 2011, lot 122) 1114 1603 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2011/american-paintings-n08751/lot.122.html
Look Ye There painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1115 1604 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-art-n09229/lot.69.html
Quack Quack painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1116 1605 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/quack-quack-LJgkad84MBcPr2Gbz3OjqA2
May painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1117 1606 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
August painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1118 1607 Grandma Moses 1954
So Busy painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1119 1608 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
Turk Turk painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1120 1609 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
An Artist painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1121 1610 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
In Summertime painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1122 1611 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
A Load of Logs painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1123 1612 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-paintings-n08883/lot.126.html
Going Home, 1954 painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1124 1613 Grandma Moses 1954 https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Gathering Sap painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1125 1614 Grandma Moses 1954 M. Knoedler & Co. sugaring season traditions
Back Country painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1126 1615 Grandma Moses 1954
Long Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1127 1616 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.groganco.com/auction-lot/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-american-1_C354F57894
Winter Scene painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1128 1617 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value winter landscape
In Snow Drift painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1129 1618 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value winter landscape
Green Pasture painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1130 1619 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/green-pasture-ANMTB65Tew31fmlgAelrDw2
Father's Home painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1131 1620 Grandma Moses 1954 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook
Pennsylvania Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1132 1621 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2013/american-art-n09048/lot.63.html
October painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1133 1622 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2016/american-art-n09580/lot.44.html
Lauderdale painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1134 1623 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value Lake Lauderdale
Sap Gathering painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1135 1624 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value sugaring season traditions
My Flowers painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1136 1625 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5897181
Block House painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1137 1626 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
Old Water Wheel painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1138 1627 Grandma Moses 1954 Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College M.1976.9 water wheel https://collections.maiermuseum.org/mDetail.aspx?rID=M.1976.9&db=objects&dir=maier
Hill Road painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1139 1628 Grandma Moses 1954 State University of New York Alice Thayer Brown Moses winter landscape https://archives.albany.edu/concern/images/44558m762
Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1140 1629 Grandma Moses 1954 George L. Schultz https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-western-art-from-the-collection-of-7-eleven-inc-n08224/lot.148.html
The Spillway painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1141 1630 Grandma Moses 1954 Mary Lasker https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/the-spillway-1954-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398773
Last Run of Sap painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1142 1631 Grandma Moses 1954 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook sugaring season traditions
Lattice Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1143 1632 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value winter landscape
Sugaring Time painting by Grandma Moses (Sotheby's 13-11-2017, lot 59) 1144 1633 Grandma Moses 1954 sugaring season traditions https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2017/american-art-n09689/lot.59.html
Apple Pickers painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1145 1634 Grandma Moses 1954 White House Foods apple picking https://virginialiving.com/culture/sos-1235-am/
Virginia painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1146 1635 Grandma Moses 1954 Rachel Lambert Mellon Shenandoah Valley
Frisky Horses painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1147 1636 Grandma Moses 1954 Frye Art Museum 1988.004 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook horse-drawn vehicle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qENkl16N_AE
The Thrashers painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1148 1637 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-the-thrashers
Watering Hole painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1149 1638 Grandma Moses 1954
Baker Home painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1150 1639 Grandma Moses 1954 Bennington Museum 2003.27 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/13D381ED-6ADD-486E-A722-661472237590
Home Again painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1151 1640 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
No, I Would Not painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1152 1641 Grandma Moses 1954 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/no-i-would-not-VHfw6N75O-eBA9bOAVDpmA2
Old Stone Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1153 1642 Grandma Moses 1954 gristmill
It is Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1154 1643 Grandma Moses 1954 harvest
Whoa There painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1155 1644 Grandma Moses 1954 Edith Evans Asbury horse https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/whoa-there-SkTBGQQBugTVH0flYZpkfQ2
Still Waters painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1156 1645 Grandma Moses 1954
Moses painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1157 1646 Grandma Moses 1954 Lillian Gish Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York
A Snowy Morn painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1158 1647 Grandma Moses 1954 Forrest L. Willis https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09917/lot.60.html
Fall in the Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1159 1648 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
Hang On painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1160 1649 Grandma Moses 1954 No/unknown value
Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1954, estate of Constance Stern Flaum of New York City and Scarsdale, N.Y.) 1161 1650 Grandma Moses 1954 Constance Stern Flaum harvest https://www.liveauctioneers.com/news/auctions/upcoming-auctions/roland-auctions-ny-to-sell-notable-estate-collection-nov-10/
White Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1162 1651 Grandma Moses 1954 Irving Berlin white Christmas https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/white-christmas-1954-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398774
A Blizzard painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1163 1652 Grandma Moses 1954 Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Firmenich winter landscape
Logging painting by Grandma Moses (1954) 1164 1653 Grandma Moses 1954 Dr. Helen Schur (Kraus)
Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1165 1654 Grandma Moses 1955 Checkered House https://www.etsy.com/listing/879429774/grandma-moses-checkered-house-vintage
Sugaring Off painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1166 1655 Grandma Moses 1955 Bennington Museum 2024.2.1 sugaring season traditions https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/sugaring-off-1955
Bringing in the Christmas Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1167 1656 Grandma Moses 1955 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook winter landscape
Blacksmith Shop painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1168 1657 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
Deep Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1169 1658 Grandma Moses 1955 Louise Broomall Elkins Sinkler
Red Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1170 1659 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
Yellow House painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1171 1660 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
Catchin' the Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1172 1661 Grandma Moses 1955 Bennington Museum 2007.41 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/B01CEC1E-11EE-45B4-B352-553174419014
Family Party painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1173 1662 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value festive meal
Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1174 1663 Grandma Moses 1955 Lindsay A. Lovejoy Vermont https://www.freemansauction.com/auctions/american-art-pennsylvania-impressionists-1462/lot/138
Out the Window painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1175 1664 Grandma Moses 1955 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09404/lot.87.html
Hi There painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1176 1665 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value winter landscape
Building Fence painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1177 1666 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
My Pets painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1178 1667 Grandma Moses 1955 Lillie Sornik child https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/my-pets-O74geC-BGTNFM9ClCld8YA2
Open Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1179 1668 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
Catching the Turkey painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1180 1669 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Horseshoeing painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1181 1670 Grandma Moses 1955
Baking Bread painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1182 1671 Grandma Moses 1955 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nakamura festive meal
Old Automobile painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1183 1672 Grandma Moses 1955 Lurline Matson Roth motor car https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/old-automobile-SqNDBZPCUd3rmzATcLibow2
Load of Oats painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1184 1673 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value harvest
Baker Boy painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1185 1674 Grandma Moses 1955 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nakamura gristmill
June Bride painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1186 1675 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value wedding
Winter Bride painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1187 1676 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value wedding
Halloween painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1188 1677 Grandma Moses 1955 Halloween https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/halloween-1955-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398776
Christmas Trees painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1189 1678 Grandma Moses 1955 Lenore P. Millhollen Christmas tree https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/american-art/christmas-trees
Sugaring painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1190 1679 Grandma Moses 1955 sugaring season traditions https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/1328782005/grandma-moses-sugaring-1955-color
Old Carriage painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1191 1680 Grandma Moses 1955 https://fineart.ha.com/itm/paintings/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-the-old-carriage-august-2-1955-oil-on-masonite-16-x-18-inches-406-x-457/a/5404-68191.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515
Buskirk Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1192 1681 Grandma Moses 1955 Buskirk Bridge https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-art-n09229/lot.67.html
Milking painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1193 1683 Grandma Moses 1955 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/milking-IwLFWyMeQ2tOuwelm7A2uw2
Cambridge Valley painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 164, 24 May 2007) 1194 1685 Grandma Moses 1955 Galerie St. Etienne Jack Smyth Josey
Harvest Time painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1195 1686 Grandma Moses 1955 Barbara Sinatra
Frank Sinatra
The Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1196 1687 Grandma Moses 1955 Grand Valley State University Art Gallery 2013.68.28 Stuart Padnos storm https://sharedpassion.gvsuartgallery.org/collection/2013.68.28
November painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1197 1688 Grandma Moses 1955 Roy W. Moses
March painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1198 1689 Grandma Moses 1955 sugaring season traditions
Apple Blossoms painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1199 1692 Grandma Moses 1955 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4489114
Calhoun painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1200 1693 Grandma Moses 1955 National Museum of Women in the Arts Forrest K. Moses Calhoun County https://nmwa.org/art/collection/calhoun/
[Untitled] White House with Cupola painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1201 Grandma Moses 1955 No/unknown value
September painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1202 1695 Grandma Moses 1955
The Oxen painting by Grandma Moses (1955) 1203 1696 Grandma Moses 1955 Thomas John Watson, Sr. winter landscape
Eisenhower Home painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1204 1697 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/eisenhower-home-1956-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7341008
The Eisenhower Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1205 1698 Grandma Moses 1956 Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home Dwight D. Eisenhower https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/181199584987311243/
September painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1206 1699 Grandma Moses 1956 Eda Newhouse
October painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1207 1700 Grandma Moses 1956 Lily McCall Davis autumn leaf color
November painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1208 1701 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5752492
December painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1209 1702 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/13784/lot/1073/
January painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1210 1703 Grandma Moses 1956 Jane Forbes Clark winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/49/mode/1up
February painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1211 1704 Grandma Moses 1956 winter landscape
March painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1212 1705 Grandma Moses 1956 sugaring season traditions https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2018/american-art-n09867/lot.2.html
Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1213 1706 Grandma Moses 1956 Mary O'Brien Perazzo autumn leaf color
Coming Home painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1214 1707 Grandma Moses 1956
Fishing painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1215 1708 Grandma Moses 1956 Mary O'Brien Perazzo
Green Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1216 1709 Grandma Moses 1956 Mary O'Brien Perazzo https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09203/lot.103.html
Too Cold painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1217 1710 Grandma Moses 1956 Mary O'Brien Perazzo winter landscape
Hoosick Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1218 1711 Grandma Moses 1956 Cheney Library
Bennington Museum
Cheney Library
Bennington Museum
Hoosick https://local.aarp.org/place/cheney-library-hoosick-falls-ny.html
June painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1219 1712 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
July painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1220 1713 Grandma Moses 1956 Hammer Galleries Rachel Lambert Mellon https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2008/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08495/lot.183.html
August painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1221 1714 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bonhams.com/auction/27288/lot/80/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-august-16-18-x-24-in-41-x-61-cm-painted-in-1956/
Upland painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1222 1715 Grandma Moses 1956 Lurline Matson Roth gristmill https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-art-n09148/lot.83.html
I'll Catch painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1223 1682 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5534054
March, No. 2 painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1224 1684 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
April painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1225 1690 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Sunshine painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1226 1691 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
May painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1227 1691 Grandma Moses 1956 Jane Forbes Clark https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/50/mode/1up
Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1228 1717 Grandma Moses 1956 Ruth Einsiedel https://web.archive.org/web/20180328201842/http://www.gseart.com/Artists-Gallery/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma/Artworks/Moses-Anna-Mary-Robertson-Grandma-Thanksgiving-7745.php
Hoosick Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1956, RB 1718) 1229 1718 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1230 1719 Grandma Moses 1956 Christmas
Wintery painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1231 1720 Grandma Moses 1956 Jane Kallir winter landscape
O, a Colt painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1232 1721 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bonhams.com/auction/22488/lot/120/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-o-a-colt-6-x-8-78in/
The Village painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1233 1722 Grandma Moses 1956
Home painting by Grandma Moses (1956, RB 1723) 1234 1723 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Help painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1235 1724 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2401909
Thanksgiving painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 1, 20 Nov 2018) 1236 1725 Grandma Moses 1956 Thanksgiving dinner https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6169792
Black Colt painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1237 1726 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1238 1727 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2020/american-art-2/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-spring
The Flag painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1239 1728 Grandma Moses 1956
Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1240 1729 Grandma Moses 1956 High Museum of Art https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4055526
Foot Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1241 1730 Grandma Moses 1956 Galerie St. Etienne
Hammer Galleries
Mary Orr https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-n08249/lot.99.html
Shenandoah painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1242 1731 Grandma Moses 1956 Marion A “Cancy” Cancelliere Shenandoah Valley
Old Fort painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1243 1732 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Home painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1244 1733 Grandma Moses 1956 Ruth Einsiedel https://www.bonhams.com/auction/20075/lot/13/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-home-12-x-16in/
Sailing painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1245 1734 Grandma Moses 1956 Constance Hahn sailing https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4446775
Brown Church painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1246 1735 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Gray House painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1247 1736 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bonhams.com/auction/23275/lot/28/anna-mary-robertson-grandma-moses-1860-1961-gray-house-6-x-8-34in/
Halloween painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1248 1737 Grandma Moses 1956 Bennington Museum 1999.71 Meri Jaye Halloween https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/7B057516-BF43-4CF7-8A62-582582912920
A Blizzard painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1249 1738 Grandma Moses 1956 http://www.artnet.com/magazineus/features/karlins/grandma-moses3-15-10.asp
Wind Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1250 1739 Grandma Moses 1956 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/wind-storm-1956-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340992
Logging, 1956 painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1251 1740 Grandma Moses 1956 logging https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Tandem painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1252 1741 Grandma Moses 1956
Bridge Builders painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1253 1742 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Campfire painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1254 1743 Grandma Moses 1956 https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/144223
Hello painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1255 1744 Grandma Moses 1956
Red Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1256 1745 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Early Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1257 1746 Grandma Moses 1956 autumn leaf color https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/modern-discoveries-2/early-fall
Stone Church, Va. painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1258 1747 Grandma Moses 1956 Germaine A. Grum church
Old Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1259 1748 Grandma Moses 1956 Ernest A. Gross gristmill
Haying painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1260 1749 Grandma Moses 1956 Shelburne Museum haymaking https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/haying-1956-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/2653729
Traveling painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1261 1750 Grandma Moses 1956 No/unknown value
Colts painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1262 1751 Grandma Moses 1956 Harvey D. Carter, Sr.
Sap Pouring painting by Grandma Moses (1956) 1263 1752 Grandma Moses 1956 Harvey D. Carter, Sr. sugaring season traditions
Lattice Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1264 1753 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/52/mode/2up
Logging painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1265 1754 Grandma Moses 1957 winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/164/mode/2up
My Dog painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1266 1755 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Batten Kill painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1267 1756 Grandma Moses 1957 Batten Kill
May painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1268 1757 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Sleet Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1269 1758 Grandma Moses 1957 Joan Dorothy Harris Stratton winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/sleet-storm-Vu86xF2F7NaNpoUkWKHXOA2
Red Sunset painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1270 1759 Grandma Moses 1957 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook
Hurry Up painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1271 1760 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
Black Horse painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1272 1761 Grandma Moses 1957
Snowed In painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1273 1762 Grandma Moses 1957 inclement weather closure https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/snowed-in-1957-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340999
Run Pig Run painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1274 1763 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Cheerful Fire painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1275 1764 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/cheerful-fire-NgYq0mAVyQZnFWHI5yu6-Q2
Christmas, 1860 painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1276 1765 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value Christmas decoration
Snow Balling painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1277 1766 Grandma Moses 1957 snowball fight https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5994744
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1278 1767 Grandma Moses 1957
The Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1279 1768 Grandma Moses 1957 https://arthive.com/artists/12969~Grandmother_Anna_Mary_Moses/works/320314
Plowing painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1280 1769 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value harvest
Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1281 1771 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/18845975
Lilacs painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1282 1772 Grandma Moses 1957 Mr. and Mrs. George O. Cook Syringa vulgaris https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6410520
Yellow Cutter painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1283 1773 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value cutter sleigh
Feeding Time painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1284 1774 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Empty Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1285 1775 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-2467851
Scotland painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1286 1776 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.freemansauction.com/auctions/american-art-and-pennsylvania-impressionists-featuring-the-papageorge-family-collection-1772/lot/60
Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1287 1777 Grandma Moses 1957 Carolina Coleman Denham Taylor winter landscape
The Train painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1288 1778 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-train-DwK9XvR9ERqUauumaXT2wg2
Balloon painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1289 1780 Grandma Moses 1957 Otto Kallir hot air ballooning https://www.etsy.com/listing/936430895/grandma-moses-balloon-1957-color
Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1290 1781 Grandma Moses 1957 winter landscape https://eu.mansfieldnewsjournal.com/story/news/2021/09/07/today-is-grandma-moses-day/5586847001/
Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1957, RB 1782) 1291 1782 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/212/mode/2up
Sunset painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1292 1783 Grandma Moses 1957 winter landscape
Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1293 1784 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
To Janie painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1294 1785 Grandma Moses 1957 Jane Kallir
Apple Butter painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1295 1786 Grandma Moses 1957 W.H. Perry apple butter
Old Times painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1296 1787 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum 2024.2.2 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/old-times-1957-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286737
The Ferry painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1297 1788 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
The Gate painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's 23 Mar 2016, lot 74) 1298 1789 Grandma Moses 1957 Hammer Galleries
Galerie St. Etienne
Alfreda Rochelle-Thomas https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/american-art/gate-74/25350
Cold Day painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1299 1790 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Dam painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1300 1791 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Jersey Cows painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1301 1792 Grandma Moses 1957 W.H. Perry cattle husbandry
Croquet painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1302 1793 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-4715364
Rockabye painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1303 1794 Grandma Moses 1957 lullaby https://www.high.org/exhibition/gatecrashers-the-rise-of-the-self-taught-artist-in-america/
Mother painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1304 1795 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/anna-mary-robertson-moses-grandma-moses-american--47-c-ea58fb69c8?objectID=73342424&algIndex=archive_lotNumber_asc_prod&queryID=d12f7f8bd81dcfefe193171181acacbf
Lincoln painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1305 1796 Grandma Moses 1957 assassination of Abraham Lincoln https://www.etsy.com/listing/259600564/grandma-moseslincoln-1957-color
Ball Game painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1306 1797 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value ball game
Sugar House painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1307 1798 Grandma Moses 1957 David H. Griffin sugaring season traditions https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2017/american-art-n09633/lot.122.html
Daisies painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1308 1799 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2019/american-art-n10048/lot.130.html
Balloon Landing in Cambridge painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1309 1800 Grandma Moses 1957
Good Fun, 1957 painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1310 1801 Grandma Moses 1957 Arthur R. Armstrong https://web.archive.org/web/20090519054651/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Old Home painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1311 1802 Grandma Moses 1957 Shelburne Museum Electra Havemeyer Webb winter landscape https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/old-home-1957-oil-on-masonite/oil-on-masonite/asset/2653730
Most There painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1312 1803 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
The Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1313 1804 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum 1998.5 Margaret Muller Carr https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/5B5E5D32-3A3A-4D77-AF80-999376475588
Lilacs painting by Grandma Moses 1314 1805 Grandma Moses 1957 Syringa vulgaris https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5599555
Hurry painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1315 1806 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value
Whoa! painting by Grandma Moses (1957, RB 1807) 1316 1807 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
Get Along painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1317 1808 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
First Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1318 1809 Grandma Moses 1957 No/unknown value winter landscape
Pull Boys painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1319 1810 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum 1998.4 Margaret Muller Carr https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/B7350587-647D-48EF-87B9-130412205518
Whoa! painting by Grandma Moses (1957) 1320 1811 Grandma Moses 1957 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-n09330/lot.131.html
Get Along painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1321 1812 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum 1962.98 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/6A9E5D46-4511-4832-84B9-422244402623
First Snow painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1322 1813 Grandma Moses 1957 Bennington Museum 2003.133 Beatrice Clafin https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/702D5F64-F411-4ED4-BF3B-863950559521
The Deer painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1323 1814 Grandma Moses 1958
The Pump painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1324 1815 Grandma Moses 1958 winter landscape
Turkeys painting by Grandma Moses 1325 1816 Grandma Moses 1958 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2017.34.1 selecting a turkey or goose for dinner
Going Fishing painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1326 1770 Grandma Moses 1958
Toboggan painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1327 1817 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value winter landscape
The Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1328 1818 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
The Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1329 1819 Grandma Moses 1958 Hildegard Bachert winter landscape
Skating painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 66, 16 May 2012) 1330 1820 Grandma Moses 1958 ice skating https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5561291
Ox Cart painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1331 1821 Grandma Moses 1958 Otto Kallir winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/ox-cart-jQDlycJ-FtZdQCaIU4QGxQ2
Haying painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1332 1822 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value harvest
Take us painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1333 1823 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value winter landscape
Big Tree painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1334 1824 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
Gleaners painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1335 1825 Grandma Moses 1958 Carolina Coleman Denham Taylor https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2016/american-art-n09503/lot.65.html
Long Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1336 1826 Grandma Moses 1958
Bob Sled painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1337 1827 Grandma Moses 1958 winter landscape
Red Barn painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1338 1828 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/american-paintings-n08322/lot.204.html?locale=en
Birches painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1339 1829 Grandma Moses 1958
The Valley painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1340 1830 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
Blue Birds painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1341 1831 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
The Bride painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1342 1832 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
A Blizzard painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1343 1833 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/a-blizzard-1958-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/6398782
Vermont painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1344 1834 Grandma Moses 1958 Bennington Museum 1998.8 Margaret Muller Carr Vermont https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/31C27F02-31EF-45BF-AC9E-861991222097
Stage Stop painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1345 1835 Grandma Moses 1958 Bennington Museum 1998.7 Margaret Muller Carr https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/AE6BDFCC-D0CC-4100-BA52-326544983979
Mill Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1346 1836 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value mill pond
Busy Folks painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 54, 19 Nov 2014) 1347 1837 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5846406
Whoa! painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1348 1838 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value winter landscape
My Cows painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1349 1839 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
Big Rock painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1350 1840 Grandma Moses 1958
Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (Christie's lot 87, 22 Sep 2016) 1351 1841 Grandma Moses 1958 Galerie St. Etienne Elizabeth "Betty" Moses McCart autumn leaf color https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/american-art/autumn-87/31492
Waiting painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1352 1842 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
Halloween painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1353 1843 Grandma Moses 1958 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nakamura Halloween
Green Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1354 1844 Grandma Moses 1958
Oxen painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1355 1845 Grandma Moses 1958 Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Nakamura sugaring season traditions
Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1356 1846 Grandma Moses 1958
Making Apple Butter painting by Grandma Moses 1357 1847 Grandma Moses 1958 Art Institute of Chicago 1976.428 Katherine H. (Kulik) Jelinski apple butter https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09484/lot.92.html
Old Darkey Cabin painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1358 1848 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5530261
Come Up, Joe painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1359 1849 Grandma Moses 1958 Zoeanna Ruth Moses Koloseus winter landscape
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1360 1850 Grandma Moses 1958 Zoeanna Ruth Moses Koloseus
Stump Fence painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1361 1851 Grandma Moses 1958 Rachel Lambert Mellon
Corn painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1362 1852 Grandma Moses 1958 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts https://www.ebay.com/itm/275906976339
Sleepy Cow painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1363 1853 Grandma Moses 1958
Snow Storm painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1364 1854 Grandma Moses 1958 Pamela Curran winter landscape
Come Bossy painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1365 1855 Grandma Moses 1958 Walter Buhl Ford II https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-n08207/lot.184.html
Christmas painting by Grandma Moses 1366 1856 Grandma Moses 1958 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2015.49 Christmas tree
Sugar House painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1367 1857 Grandma Moses 1958 sugar house https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/the-sugarhouse-xHhwVraLbiqq3orZ0sj9Pg2
Old Glory painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1368 1858 Grandma Moses 1958 flag of the United States of America
The Flag, 1958 painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1369 1859 Grandma Moses 1958 https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Snow Ball painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1370 1860 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5534053
Foothills painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1371 1861 Grandma Moses 1958 No/unknown value
Dark Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1372 1868 Grandma Moses 1959 W.H. Perry
Callers painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1373 1869 Grandma Moses 1959 Montclair Art Museum 1970.17 George L. Schultz https://www.montclairartmuseum.org/sites/default/files/2022-02/MAMAnnualReportFY21final.pdf
Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1374 1870 Grandma Moses 1959
Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1375 1871 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value winter landscape
Soft Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1376 1872 Grandma Moses 1959
Soft Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1958) 1377 1862 Grandma Moses 1958 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2007/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08368/lot.108.html
Checkered House (in the Year 1841) painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1378 1863 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 1986.130.1 Arthur R. Armstrong Checkered House https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/333008C1-1DAF-43DC-AE23-947669158655
Dalton House painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1379 1865 Grandma Moses 1959 Gertrude Schweitzer Eagle Bridge https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/dalton-house-ikAmXY4etEpOYtR60LcikA2
Pumpkins painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1380 1866 Grandma Moses 1959 threshing https://www.etsy.com/listing/1345374571/grandma-moses-pumpkins-1959-color
Fishermen painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1381 1867 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/56/mode/2up
Plowing painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1382 1876 Grandma Moses 1959 Galerie St. Etienne
Hammer Galleries
Ruth Einsiedel ploughing https://www.bonhams.com/auction/21026/lot/19/grandma-moses-american-1860-1961-plowing-12-x-16in/
Skiing painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1383 1869 Grandma Moses 1959 W.H. Perry
Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1384 1873 Grandma Moses 1959 George L. Schultz https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2006/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-western-art-from-the-collection-of-7-eleven-inc-n08224/lot.149.html
Chickens painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1385 1875 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Early Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1386 1878 Grandma Moses 1959 Sarah Elizabeth Love Appleget winter landscape https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/early-snow-ZDa5TYv4cY1E-hup2LCvuA2
Eagle Bridge Hotel painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1387 1864 Grandma Moses 1959 Eagle Bridge https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=122130996800109587
Snowballs painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1388 1870 Grandma Moses 1959 snowball
The Last Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1389 1902 Grandma Moses 1959 snow
Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1390 1879 Grandma Moses 1959 Checkered House https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/7244180
Old Checkered House painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1391 1880 Grandma Moses 1959 Checkered House https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/7244181
Hurrah painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1392 1881 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesgran0000mose/page/58/mode/1up
Church Time painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1393 1882 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value church
Look Out There painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1394 1883 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Grandma's Birthplace painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1395 1884 Grandma Moses 1959 https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/240/mode/1up
Ice Houses painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1396 1885 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Pond painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1397 1886 Grandma Moses 1959 Rachel Lambert Mellon
My Span painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1398 1887 Grandma Moses 1959
Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1959, RB 1888) 1399 1888 Grandma Moses 1959
The Farm painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1400 1889 Grandma Moses 1959 Carl King Moses farm
My Birthplace painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1401 1890 Grandma Moses 1959 Greenwich
Home painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1402 1891 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Picnic painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1403 1892 Grandma Moses 1959 Alice Thayer Brown Moses picnic
House on the Hill painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1404 1893 Grandma Moses 1959 Birmingham Museum of Art 1960.2 Forrest K. Moses https://www.artsbma.org/collection/house-on-the-hill/
Wild Horse painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1405 1895 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value level crossing
Mill Stream painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1406 1897 Grandma Moses 1959 W.H. Perry
Great Fire (The Burning of Troy in 1862) painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1407 1911 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 2024.3 Great Fire of Troy https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/A5ABF6C7-6315-45DB-B8E5-448896596500
Mountains painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1408 1894 Grandma Moses 1959 https://onlineonly.christies.com/sso?ObjectID=16472.140&LotNumber=140
Champlain painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1409 1896 Grandma Moses 1959 Carl King Moses Lake Champlain
Plowing painting by Grandma Moses (1959, M 1905) 1410 1905 Grandma Moses 1959 ploughing https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/plowing-48qrVMBuCQmBfFcD70sV2Q2
Early Settlers painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1411 1910 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Soft Spring painting by Grandma Moses (1959, RB 1918) 1412 1918 Grandma Moses 1959
Snow Flakes painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1413 1919 Grandma Moses 1959 https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/snow-flakes-k-1413-R7ZTCvuAjGgn-FWHMvJ2sw2
Early Summer painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1414 1921 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Visitors painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1415 1898 Grandma Moses 1959 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2012/american-art-n08860/lot.31.html
Haying Time painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1416 1899 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 2003.135 Arthur R. Armstrong haymaking https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/7CBF1E47-E8CB-4DCA-9CA8-166280708461
Noon Time painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1417 1900 Grandma Moses 1959 https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2021/american-art/noon-time
Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1418 1903 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Holiday painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1419 1907 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value
Autumn painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1420 1912 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 1998.3 Margaret Muller Carr autumn leaf color https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/3D11C6D6-F15D-441B-8B88-818708824200
The Old Inn painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1421 1913 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 1998.2 Margaret Muller Carr https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/C574DD86-B682-40A4-9B46-464479111036
Countryside painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1422 1914 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 1998.6 Margaret Muller Carr https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/2DD72CC4-0718-48F3-B50E-104210781148
Snow Flakes painting by Grandma Moses (1959, RB 1915) 1423 1915 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value winter landscape
Eagle Bridge School painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1424 1916 Grandma Moses 1959 one-room school https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesamer0000ketc/page/77/mode/1up
Whiteside Church painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1425 1917 Grandma Moses 1959 Whiteside Church Cemetery
Snow Squalls painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1426 1920 Grandma Moses 1959 Dorothy J. Harrison Moses winter landscape
Arthur painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1427 1929 Grandma Moses 1959 Arthur R. Armstrong
Early Fall painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1428 1901 Grandma Moses 1959 Dr. Clayton E. Shaw, Jr. autumn leaf color https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5683375
Busy Time painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1429 1904 Grandma Moses 1959
Early Morning painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1430 1906 Grandma Moses 1959
Grist Mill painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1431 1922 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 2011.152 gristmill https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/EFD3FDEC-2360-4FAA-9E68-615932201520
Autumn Leaves painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1432 1923 Grandma Moses 1959 autumn leaf color http://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/autumn-leaves-bKyqUVGre3yP3jlt3G8W5Q2
November painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1433 1908 Grandma Moses 1959 winter landscape
Early Evening painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1434 1909 Grandma Moses 1959 No/unknown value winter landscape
Summer Party painting by Grandma Moses 1435 1924 Grandma Moses 1959 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 84.445 David R. Wintermann
Busy Winter Day painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1436 1925 Grandma Moses 1959 Hammer Galleries
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum
Armand Hammer
Pat Nixon
winter landscape
Summer Days painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1437 1926 Grandma Moses 1959
Last Snowfall painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1438 1927 Grandma Moses 1959
Going Fishing painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1439 1928 Grandma Moses 1960
Sugar Time painting by Grandma Moses (1960, M 1930) 1440 1930 Grandma Moses 1960 sugaring season traditions https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/144/mode/1up
All Is Quiet, 1960 painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1441 1932 Grandma Moses 1960 https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Pink Sunset painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1442 1936 Grandma Moses 1960 No/unknown value winter landscape
One Horse Sleigh painting by Grandma Moses (1959) 1443 1941 Grandma Moses 1959 Bennington Museum 2003.26 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/84A9D2A3-650F-4687-AA6C-155126423973
Sleigh Ride painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1444 1942 Grandma Moses 1960 winter landscape
Maple Sugar painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1445 1931 Grandma Moses 1960 sugaring season traditions
Stone Mill painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1446 1933 Grandma Moses 1960 gristmill
Lake Village painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1447 1934 Grandma Moses 1960
Sugaring Off, 1960 painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1448 1943 Grandma Moses 1960 sugaring season traditions https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Green Sleigh painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1449 1944 Grandma Moses 1960 https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/1505123113/grandma-moses-green-sleigh-custom-framed
Flowering Trees painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1450 1945 Grandma Moses 1960 Arthur R. Armstrong
First Snowfall painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1451 1935 Grandma Moses 1960 No/unknown value winter landscape
Big Fish painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1452 1937 Grandma Moses 1960 No/unknown value
River painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1453 1946 Grandma Moses 1960
Arbor Day painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1454 1938 Grandma Moses 1960 No/unknown value Arbor Day
Santa Claus I painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1455 1939 Grandma Moses 1960 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/santa-claus-i-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7341015
Santa Claus II painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1456 1940 Grandma Moses 1960 Santa Claus
Sketches for the Night Before Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1457 Grandma Moses 1960 Christmas decoration
Here Comes Santa Claus painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1458 1947 Grandma Moses 1960 Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses Properties (1860-1961) Santa Claus https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/here-comes-santa-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340997
Santa Claus is Here painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1459 1948 Grandma Moses 1960 Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses Properties (1860-1961) Santa Claus https://www.etsy.com/listing/1621821552/santa-claus-is-here-grandma-moses-fine
Down the Chimney He Goes painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1460 1949 Grandma Moses 1960 https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/232/mode/1up
So Long till Next Year painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1461 1950 Grandma Moses 1960 Santa Claus https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/so-long-till-next-year-1960
Night Before Christmas painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1462 1951 Grandma Moses 1960 Christmas Eve https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/123/mode/1up
Waiting for Santa Claus painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1463 1952 Grandma Moses 1960 https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/waiting-for-santa-claus-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286739
Christmas Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1464 1953 Grandma Moses 1960 winter landscape
Fall Color painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1465 1956 Grandma Moses 1960 Brenda Faye McCart White autumn leaf color
The Old Bucket painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1466 1957 Grandma Moses 1960 No/unknown value The Old Oaken Bucket https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/241/mode/1up
Lake Front painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1467 1967 Grandma Moses 1960
Sugar Time painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1468 1958 Grandma Moses 1960 sugaring season traditions https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/sugar-time-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7340987
Spring Flowers painting by Grandma Moses 1469 1961 Grandma Moses Harmo Museum garden
Farming Country painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1470 1966 Grandma Moses 1960
Horseshoeing painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1471 1960 Grandma Moses 1960 Alice Thayer Brown Moses
Lost Calf painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1472 1962 Grandma Moses 1960 Harry L. Moses
Trout Brook, 1960 painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1473 1963 Grandma Moses 1960 Gerald Hugh Moses https://web.archive.org/web/20030625142855fw_/http://gseart.com/moses.html
Get Out the Sleigh painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1474 1965 Grandma Moses 1960 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1257568951/folk-art-picture-grandma-moses-print-for
Jolly Old Santa painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1475 1954 Grandma Moses 1960 Anna Mary Robertson ("Grandma") Moses Properties (1860-1961) https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/jolly-old-santa-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7286741
You Better Be Good painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1476 1955 Grandma Moses 1960 Santa Claus https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/you-better-be-good-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood/oil-on-pressed-wood/asset/7341007
Witches painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1477 1959 Grandma Moses 1960 Halloween https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en/moses/witches-1960-oil-on-pressed-wood
Wagon Repair Shop painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1478 1964 Grandma Moses 1960 Bennington Museum 2003.134 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/608F3808-FC27-4DDD-AE0D-927434011352
Over the Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1479 1968 Grandma Moses 1960 winter landscape https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2015/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09404/lot.77.html
Santa Claus, No. 3 painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1480 1969 Grandma Moses 1960 Santa Claus
Santa Claus, No. 4 painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1481 1970 Grandma Moses 1960 Santa Claus
Home Sweet Home painting by Grandma Moses (1960) 1482 Grandma Moses 1960 Martha Eaton
Soft Green painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1483 1971 Grandma Moses 1961 Bennington Museum https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/modern-day-auction/soft-green
Blue Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1484 1972 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2004/american-paintings-drawings-and-sculpturebr-including-property-from-the-collection-of-rita-and-daniel-fraad-n08032/lot.276.html
Waterfalls painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1485 1973 Grandma Moses 1961 No/unknown value
The Deep Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1486 1980 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1589143182/grandma-moses-the-deep-snow-1961-color
More Fun painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1487 1982 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2005/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-including-property-from-the-new-york-public-library-astor-lenox-and-tilden-foundations-n08134/lot.241.html
The Guard painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1488 1986 Grandma Moses 1961
White Birches painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1489 1991 Grandma Moses 1961
Falling Leaves painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1490 1993 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/936442061/grandma-moses-falling-leaves-1961-color
Making Horseshoes painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1491 1974 Grandma Moses 1961 Elizabeth "Betty" Moses McCart https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2004/american-paintings-drawings-and-sculpturebr-including-property-from-the-collection-of-rita-and-daniel-fraad-n08032/lot.277.html
Catching Fish painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1492 1975 Grandma Moses 1961
On the Move painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1493 1976 Grandma Moses 1961
Quiet Village painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1494 1979 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2014/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n09125/lot.134.html
Sugar Candy painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1495 1989 Grandma Moses 1961 sugaring season traditions
Vermont Sugar painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1496 1990 Grandma Moses 1961 sugaring season traditions https://www.etsy.com/listing/1348270771/grandma-moses-vermont-sugar-1961-vintage
Flax Farm double-sided painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1497a 1985 Grandma Moses 1961 Allen Eaton
[Untitled] Landscape double-sided painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1497b Grandma Moses 1961 Allen Eaton
Lots of Fun, 1961 painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1498 1977 Grandma Moses 1961 https://web.archive.org/web/20050310073643/http://gseart.com/moses.html
The Ice is Good painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1499 1978 Grandma Moses 1961 winter landscape https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesin210000kall/page/248/mode/2up
Going to Church painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1500 1981 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-5508994
The Deep River painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1501 1983 Grandma Moses 1961 https://onlineonly.christies.com/s/american-art-online/deep-river-102/41128
Cutting Wood painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1502 1984 Grandma Moses 1960 Bennington Museum 1978.44 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/D4672211-F6A3-4A9D-AD88-461529977540
Boat Sailing painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1503 1987 Grandma Moses 1961 Galerie St. Etienne Carl King Moses sailing https://onlineonly.christies.com/sso?ObjectID=17662.135&LotNumber=135
More Snow painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1504 1988 Grandma Moses 1961 No/unknown value winter landscape
Happy Days painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1505 1992 Grandma Moses 1961 Muscarelle Museum of Art 2020.040 https://catalogue.swanngalleries.com/Lots/auction-lot/ANNA-MARY-ROBERTSON--GRANDMA--MOSES-Happy-Days?saleno=2542&lotNo=205&refNo=768360
Invisible painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1506 1994 Grandma Moses 1961 winter landscape
The Old Home painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1507 1996 Grandma Moses 1961
Auction, No. 2 painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1508 1995 Grandma Moses 1961 garage sale https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesstor0000unse/page/136/mode/2up
The Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1509 1998 Grandma Moses 1961 https://www.bonhams.com/auction/26629/lot/62/grandma-moses-1860-1961-the-lake-unfinished-16-x-24-in-406-x-61-cm-painted-in-1961/
School painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1510 1999 Grandma Moses 1961 Bennington Museum 2007.172 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/00D7564D-79F5-4F2C-9F93-265068729353
Rainbow painting by Grandma Moses (1961) 1511 1997 Grandma Moses 1961 rainbow https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/the-rainbow-1961
All is Calm painting by Grandma Moses (1940-1953) 1512 1090 Grandma Moses 1945 Fred E. Robertson
The Church by the Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1513a Grandma Moses 1950s No/unknown value church
Blue water painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1513 Grandma Moses 1950 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis
Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1514 Grandma Moses 1950s No/unknown value covered bridge
The Daughter's Homecoming painting by Grandma Moses (1947) 1514a Grandma Moses 1947 Lauren Rogers Museum of Art
Hammer Galleries
76.14 James Vigeveno family reunion https://lrma.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/52B8EE56-6856-49A4-A975-341590459224
The Whispering Hills painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1517 Grandma Moses 1950s Jay Orloff Slade
Self Portrait painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1522 Grandma Moses 1933 Bennington Museum 1961.169.2 Grandma Moses https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/BAD8F32F-F230-4097-A289-231142414104
Just Roses painting by Grandma Moses (1940-1953) 1523 Grandma Moses 1945 Fred E. Robertson
Scotland painting by Grandma Moses (undated 1950s) 1526 Grandma Moses 1955 Dean Park Taylor New Scotland
A Shiner painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1527 Grandma Moses 1940s Cora Amanda Potter Taber
So Cold painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1528 Grandma Moses 1950 Mary Josephine Brown Moses candy pink house
The Spirit of the Cider Barrel painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1529 Grandma Moses 1950 Meshulam Riklis cider https://www.sothebys.com/en/auctions/ecatalogue/2009/american-paintings-drawings-sculpture-n08570/lot.183.html
The Old Stage Coach painting by Grandma Moses (1940s) 1531 Grandma Moses 1945 George Perkins Marsh Boyhood Home MABI 6195 Laurance Rockefeller Checkered House https://www.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/landscape_art/exb/Eminent_Americans_At_Home/Pastoral_Landscapes/MABI6195_Grandma_Moses.html
Stone Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1532 Grandma Moses 1950 Carl King Moses stone bridge
Sugaring painting by Grandma Moses (undated, Kallir nr. 1533) 1533 Grandma Moses 1950s Galerie St. Etienne sugaring season traditions https://publicrecords.copyright.gov/detailed-record/7728056
Taber Homestead painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1534 Grandma Moses 1940s Cora Amanda Potter Taber White Creek
Untitled (Indians on horses) painting by Grandma Moses (Bennington Museum) 1536 Grandma Moses 1920 Bennington Museum 2007.171 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/7A1FC62C-69A5-43E5-BF45-703612622672
[Untitled] White Horse and Sleigh painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1537 Grandma Moses 1950 Carl King Moses horse-drawn sleigh
Homestead in Wales painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1539 Grandma Moses 1950 Sharon Robertson Curry and Carol Robertson Wakefield Wales
A Welcome in the Window painting by Grandma Moses (undated) 1540 Grandma Moses 1950 Sidney Janis Gallery Sidney Janis
Autumn in the Berkshires embroidery by Grandma Moses (1940) 1W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor autumn leaf color https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/74/mode/1up
Cairo painting by Grandma Moses (1933) 3W Grandma Moses 1933 Bennington Museum 1961.169.1 Zoeanna Ruth Moses Koloseus https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/205053DB-4539-4D61-A13E-106180349470
An Old Castle on a Lake painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 5W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Cottage in Winter painting by Grandma Moses (1939-1950) 10W Grandma Moses 1945 Bennington Museum 2004.513 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/296C0B92-93CA-4272-A14E-437360204162
The Covered Bridge painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1939) 13W Grandma Moses 1939 Galerie St. Etienne https://archive.org/details/grandmamoses0000kall_b0w7/page/24/mode/1up
The Roadside Garden painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 17W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://archive.org/details/artlifeofgrandma00mose/page/74/mode/1up
My Old Homestead painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 20W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
Hoosick Bridge, 1818 painting by Grandma Moses (1940 or earlier) 22W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor https://archive.org/details/designsonheartho0000marl_b3l6/page/117/mode/1up
The Old Hoosick Bridge, 1818 painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 23W Grandma Moses 1940 https://mydailyartdisplay.uk/2012/11/06/the-old-hoosick-bridge-by-grandma-moses/
Along the Hoosick River painting by Grandma Moses (1939) 25W Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor Hoosic River https://www.artsy.net/artwork/grandma-moses-along-the-hoosick-river
House and Flower Garden painting by Grandma Moses (c. 1931) 26W Grandma Moses 1931 https://archive.org/details/grandmamosesarti0000kall/page/58/mode/1up
Mountain Landscape painting by Grandma Moses (1939) 33W Grandma Moses 1939 Louis J. Caldor https://www.artnet.com/artists/grandma-moses/mountain-landscape-g_ToKZprdAJvnQ9B11doZQ2
Mt. Nebo on the Hill embroidery by Grandma Moses (1940) 34W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor Mount Nebo, Eagle Bridge, New York https://www.wikiart.org/en/grandma-moses/mt-nebo-on-the-hill-1940
The Shepherd Comes Home embroidery by Grandma Moses 36W Grandma Moses 1935 Bennington Museum 2003.137.1 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/336803FA-D0D2-434A-9572-331905536400
The Shepherd Comes Home from the Hills painting by Grandma Moses (1935) 37W Grandma Moses 1935 Bennington Museum 2003.137.2 https://bennington.pastperfectonline.com/webobject/92F8949E-6B27-46CB-8FB8-267464220680
Sunset in Virginia painting by Grandma Moses (1940) 48W Grandma Moses 1940 Louis J. Caldor
End of auto-generated list.