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== Areas of Expertise ==

  • Earned PhD in Philosophy & Theology. Specialities include Axiology, Metaphysics, Epistemology. Emphasis on aesthetics and its development affected by the governing philosophical worldviews through history.
  • MPhil in Philosophy with a focus on Western, Thomism, and so-called Post-Modern thought.
  • MA in Koiné Greek with a focus on the writings of the early church in Classical Antiquity and Post-Classical History.
  • ThM (120 hr program) with a focus on philosophy and ecclesial history. Advanced research on the problem of evil.
  • Spiritual Formation (Director of the largest graduate program at an accredited institution)

== Areas of Interest and Knowledge ==

And others. (Not entirely sure what the user page should contain, so I assumed bona fides in regards to credibility when making changes.)