This may be a good page for holding prior comments related to editing activities.
Personal activities
[edit]- ( separate the next postings into Personal versus Wiki )
Wikipedia activities
[edit]- ...
These year sections are each in chronological sequence.
[edit]- Refining this page as part of a learning-to-edit-wikipedia exercise.
- gmMenu can be used to create a personal siteAnchor, effectively providing a personal landingSite.
- Allow this page to become relatively large in order to determine the practical limits to page size in this environment.
- ... GoalsH, at least for this environment.
[edit]- Hoping to increase my Edits in this environment
[edit]- Re-organize the these Time periods in an appropriate chronological sequence.
- Only bookmark static Section numbers since subsequent intervening edits will re-number them.
- Determine if localAnchors can be used to work around this restriction.
- Only bookmark static Section numbers since subsequent intervening edits will re-number them.
[edit]- Considering the relative merits of this WikiPedia page as a portal to some of my sites.
- Try linking to TS-
[edit]- Costa Rica trip
[edit]- Assessed Evernote as a publication tool.
- Recreational vehicles.
[edit]- Reviewed Building code in anticipation of building a new home.
[edit]- Travel preparations included buying a Mercedes-Benz_Sprinter motorhome.
[edit]- The San Antonio trip included a visit to The Alamo.
[edit]- TiddlyWiki was being considered for deletion, which struck me as inappropriate.
- 2011-02: This seems to have blown over, but the page could definitely be improved.
- I likely need to...
- research the DeletionPolicy before engaging in the discussion.
- learn more about the conventions here at wikipedia.
[edit]- Inactive.
[edit]- re-visiting MediaWiki.
[edit]070617 - considering interlinking this wiki with FlickR a bit more.
- This site's Featured Pictures could be upgraded with some of the images available there if their Owners agree to contribute them.
- review the MediaWiki date formats and compare them to the UTS standard.
- contrast MediaWiki's page segments and the OddMuse TransClusion(s) design.
- review the more extensive WysiWyg controls of MediaWiki.
- investigate PrettyLinks to define a LowestCommonDenominator markup (considering the emerging WikiCreole issues).
- start applying DiiGo annotations to this site's pages.
- use tags that will also drive integrate with the ProtoPage(s)
[edit]- I really need to make an effort to contribute a bit more here.
- ...
- ...
[edit]061210 Adding the POTD actually tends to bring me back to this page.
- add links the section(s) of this page.
- It is probably un-necessary to timestamp these pages given the capabilities of this version of mediaWiki.
- confirm this, before stopping the habit.
- consider linking via the Hb:transclusion.
- at the least, this will be an (adequate?) inducement to learn more about the mediaWiki markup.
- purpleNumbers or localAnchors or bi-directional links or DiigoService are essential, if this page is to grow.
- consider the relative merits of each in this environment and within the virtualUniverse.
- links to external pages are essential, making it quite practical to use bidirectional links with Bh:calendars, (assuming that a local intermap is not possible).
061209 visit suggests it may be time to become more active.
- Learn about ...
- page layout considerations, especially within the richer MediaWiki software.
- the GUI controls.
- the "insert:" options.
- the extended characters set support.
- Consider the "Watch this page" feature with respect to RssFeeds.
[edit]add PoTd. -- hwo 2004-12-13
What I have seen so far is sufficiently interesting that (for the first time in may years) I will not be renewing my Encarta subscription. -- hwo 2004-09-05.
HansWobbe is a newcomer who will be quiet at least until he finishes looking around. -- hwo 00:37, 2004 May 24 (UTC)
[edit]This section could house content that no longer "fits" onto my Userpage.