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List of endemic plants in Puerto Rico


The following is a list of plant species or subspecies endemic only to the island of Puerto Rico. This list was generated by Plants of the World Online in October 2024, but may change with taxonomic revisions and new discoveries.

Image Scientific name Common name(s) Order Native habitat Conservation status
Dicliptera krugii
Justicia culubritae
Justicia martinsoniana
Zephyranthes proctorii
Matelea sintenisii
Matelea variifolia (synonym: Matelea borinquensis)
Metastelma monense
Pinochia corymbosa subsp. portoricensis (synonym: Forsteronia portoricensis)
Plumeria krugii
Ruehssia elliptica (synonym: Marsdenia elliptica)
Ruehssia woodburyana
Ilex cookii Cook's holly
Xanthosoma acevedoi
Dendropanax laurifolius
Frodinia gleasonii
Agave minor
Asplenium corderoanum
Asplenium ocoense
Thelypteris abdita
Thelypteris brittoniae
Thelypteris hildae
Thelypteris inabonensis
Thelypteris namaphila
Thelypteris rheophyta
Thelypteris verecunda
Thelypteris yaucoensis
Ageratina resiniflua
Chromolaena borinquensis
Chromolaena geranifolia
Chromolaena oteroi
Critonia portoricensis
Koanophyllon dolicholepis
Koanophyllon droserolepis
Koanophyllon polyodon
Lepidaploa borinquensis
Lepidaploa proctorii (synonym: Vernonia proctorii)
Mikania fragilis
Mikania odoratissima
Mikania pachyphylla
Mikania porosa
Mikania stevensiana
Piptocarpha tetrantha
Piptocoma acevedoi
Begonia decandra
Crescentia portoricensis Higuero de sierra Endangered (ESA)
Tabebuia haemantha
Tabebuia karsoana
Tabebuia rigida
Tabebuia schumanniana
Cordia borinquensis
Varronia bellonis
Varronia wagnerorum
Tillandsia borinquensis
Werauhia proctorii
Wittmackia portoricensis
Buxus portoricensis
Leptocereus grantianus
Melocactus praerupticola subsp. pygmaeus
Lobelia portoricensis
Lobelia vivaldii
Pleodendron macranthum
Maytenus elongata
Maytenus ponceana
Clusia gundlachii
Garcinia hessii
Garcinia portoricensis
Alsophila aminta
Alsophila bryophila
Alsophila portoricensis
Cyathea borinquena
Cyathea ruttenbergiae
Cyperus pulguerensis
Cyperus urbani
Rhynchospora depressirostris
Scleria canescens
Dioscorea cordata var. cymulifera
Diospyros sintenisii
Gonocalyx concolor
Gonocalyx portoricensis
Lyonia truncata var. proctorii
Acalypha berteroana
Acalypha bisetosa
Alchorneopsis portoricensis
Croton glandulosus var. glabratus
Croton pavonianus
Croton poecilanthus
Euphorbia orbifolia
Sapium laurocerasus
Caesalpinia monensis
Calliandra haematomma var. locoensis
Chamaecrista glandulosa var. mirabilis
Dalea carthagenensis var. portoricana
Guilandina culebrae
Guilandina portoricensis
Mimosa quadrivalvis var. urbaniana
Poitea punicea
Rhodopis volubilis
Senna pendula var. stahlii
Lisianthius laxiflorus
Columnea ambigua
Gesneria citrina
Gesneria cuneifolia
Gesneria pauciflora
Gesneria pedunculosa
Gesneria sintenisii
Callicarpa ampla
Cornutia obovata
Ocotea portoricensis
Dendropemon bicolor
Dendropemon sintenisii
Magnolia portoricensis
Magnolia splendens
Byrsonima wadsworthii
Heteropterys wydleriana
Thespesia grandiflora
Marcgravia sintenisii
Henriettea membranifolia
Henriettea squamulosa
Miconia biflora
Miconia foveolata
Miconia karlkrugii
Miconia krugiana
Miconia pachyphylla
Miconia pycnoneura
Miconia pyramidalis
Miconia sintenisii
Miconia urbanii
Mouriri helleri var. helleri.
Pleroma diffusum
Trichilia triacantha
Myrica holdridgeana
Eugenia bellonis
Eugenia boqueronensis
Eugenia borinquensis
Eugenia eggersii
Eugenia fajardensis
Eugenia haematocarpa
Eugenia padronii
Eugenia serrasuela
Eugenia sintenisii
Eugenia stahlii
Eugenia stewardsonii
Eugenia woodburyana
Myrcia acevedoi
Myrcia estremerae
Myrcia krugii
Myrcia luquillensis
Myrcia margarettae
Myrcia martorellii
Myrcia peduncularis
Myrcia portoricensis
Myrcia sintenisiana
Myrcia tresantha
Myrcia woodburyi
Myrciaria borinquena
Myrciaria myrtifolia
Pimenta paganii
Pisonia horneae
Pisonia roqueae
Pisonia taina
Chionanthus holdridgii
Brachionidium ciliolatum
Epidendrum ackermanii
Epidendrum boricuomutelianum
Eurystyles luisortizii
Lepanthes caritensis
Lepanthes dodiana
Lepanthes eltoroensis
Lepanthes rubripetala
Lepanthes rupestris
Lepanthes selenitepala
Lepanthes selenitepala subsp. ackermanii
Lepanthes selenitepala subsp. selenitepala
Lepanthes stimsonii
Lepanthes veleziana
Lepanthes woodburyana
Psychilis kraenzlinii
Psychilis krugii
Psychilis monensis
Psychilis × raganii
Passiflora tulae
Ternstroemia heptasepala
Ternstroemia luquillensis
Ternstroemia stahlii
Ternstroemia subsessilis
Phyllanthus cuneifolius
Peperomia megalopoda
Peperomia robustior
Peperomia wheeleri
Peperomia yabucoana
Piper abajoense
Aristida chaseae
Tarigidia axelrodii
Phlebotaenia cowellii
Coccoloba sintenisii
Ctenitis hirta var. portoricana
Elaphoglossum serpens
Grammitis hanekeana
Grammitis liogieri
Polystichum calderonense
Tectaria estremerana
Portulaca caulerpoides
Ardisia glauciflora
Ardisia luquillensis
Bonellia pauciflora
Cybianthus sintenisii
Wallenia yunquensis
Adiantum vivesii
Auerodendron pauciflorum
Reynosia krugii
Reynosia vivesiana
Diodia mitens
Geophila cordata
Machaonia portoricensis
Mitracarpus maxwelliae
Mitracarpus portoricensis
Phialanthus grandifolius
Psychotria maleolens
Psychotria maricaensis
Randia portoricensis
Rondeletia inermis
Rondeletia portoricensis
Scolosanthus portoricensis
Stenostomum obtusifolium
Stenostomum portoricense
Stenostomum sintenisii
Ravenia urbani
Meliosma obtusifolia
Banara portoricensis
Banara vanderbiltii
Xylosma pachyphylla
Xylosma schwaneckeana
Dendrophthora bermejae
Thouinia striata
Thouinia striata var. portoricensis
Thouinia striata var. striata
Micropholis garciniifolia
Anemia portoricensis
Schoepfia arenaria
Selaginella krugii
Selaginella laxifolia
Simarouba tulae
Brunfelsia densifolia
Brunfelsia lactea
Brunfelsia portoricensis
Goetzea elegans
Solanum ensifolium
Solanum woodburyi
Styrax portoricensis
Symplocos lanata
Symplocos latifolia
Symplocos micrantha
Daphnopsis helleriana
Daphnopsis philippiana
Pilea krugii
Pilea leptophylla
Pilea multicaulis
Pilea yunquensis
Urera chlorocarpa
Priva portoricensis
Stachytarpheta × trimenii
Zamia portoricensis

Selected plants endemic to Puerto Rico and nearby islands


The following list is incomplete but includes some of the more recognized species that have a narrow endemic range around Puerto Rico.

Image Scientific name Common name(s) Order Native distribution Conservation status
Tabernaemontana oppositifolia Puerto Rico, Tobago, Trinidad
Ilex sintenisii Sintenis' holly Greater Antilles
Justicia culubritae

List of historical Spanish-language films


The following is a list of Spanish-language period films set in historical time periods in the Spanish-speaking world, or older films that address important contemporary historical events.

Spanish name English name Released Setting Notes
Los Cántabros The Cantabrians 1980 29–19 BC Set during the Cantabrian Wars between Spanish tribes and Rome
La abadesa Holy Mother or The Abbess 2024 9th century
El Cid, la leyenda El Cid: The Legend 2003 1081
Reina santa The Holy Crown 1947 1297 Portrays the life of Isabel of Aragon
Inquisición Inquisition 1976 Medieval period Set in Medieval France
Tirant lo Blanc The Maidens' Conspiracy 2006 1401
La marrana The Sow 1992 1492
Alba de América Dawn of America 1951 1492
Juana la Loca... de vez en cuando 1983 1496 Based on the arranged marriage of Joanna of Castile in 1496
Juana la Loca Mad Love 2001 1496 & 1554
Teresa Teresa 2023 16th century The plot follows the dialectic duel between an inquisitor and mystic nun Teresa of Ávila, who lived from 1515 to 1582
Lázaro de Tormes 2001 16th century
El hombre que supo amar The Man Who Knew Love 1976 16th century Set in 16th-century Granada
Asesinato en la universidad 2018 16th century Set in the Universidad de Salamanca
La otra vida del capitán Contreras The Other Life of Captain Contreras 1955 16th century
Oro Gold 2017 16th century
La corona partida The Broken Crown 2016 1504 Focuses on the events after the death of Queen Isabella of Castile, who died in 1504
Locura de amor Madness for Love 1948 1504 Portrays Queen Joanna of Castile, whose reign began in 1504
El capitán de Loyola Loyola, the Soldier Saint 1509 Portrays the life of Ignatius of Loyola, who began his military career in 1509
La leona de Castilla The Lioness of Castille 1951 1521 Portrays María Pacheco, who was in office from 1521 to 1522
Alatriste 2006 1623 Set in the 17th century Spanish Netherlands (1556–1714) during the Dutch Revolt (1566–1648) during the reign of Philip IV (1621-1665)
El Dorado 1988 1560
Jeromin 1576 Portrays the early life of John of Austria, who was born in 1576
La dama del armiño Lady in Ermine 1947 1577 Takes place during the life of El Greco while painting Lady in a Fur Wrap (1577-1579)
La conjura de El Escorial The Escorial Conspiracy 2008 1578 Set in the reign of Philip II of Spain
Akelarre Coven 2020 1609 The film won five Goya Awards
Don Juan 1950 1630 Based on the legend of Don Juan, published 1630
Akelarre 1984 1700 Set in the end of 16th century
La princesa de los ursinos The Princess of the Ursines 1947 1700 Loosely based on real events that took place in the eighteenth century reign of Philip V of Spain
Dick Turpin 1974 1739 Portrays life of Dick Turpin (1705-1739)
Goya, historia de una soledad Goya, a Story of Solitude 1971 1746 Portrays the life of Francisco Goya, who lived from 1746 to 1828
Diego Corrientes 1959 1780
Goya's Ghosts 1792
El tambor del Bruch The Drummer of Bruch 1808
Sangre de mayo Blood in May 2008 1808
El abanderado 1943 1808
La guerrilla The Guerrilla 1973 1808-1814 Set during the Peninsular Wars
Aventuras de Juan Lucas Adventures of Juan Lucas 1949 1808
Los Guerrilleros 1863 1808
Carmen, la de Ronda A Girl Against Napoleon or The Devil Made a Woman 1959 1808
Agustina de Aragón Agustina of Aragon 1950 1808
Libertador The Liberator 2013 1810 Based on the life of Simón Bolívar, who started his military career in 1810
Simón Bolívar 1810 Based on the life of Simón Bolívar, who started his military career in 1810
Goya en Burdeos Goya in Bordeaux 1999 1824
Category:Peninsular War films
Cinco de mayo: La batalla May Fifth: The Battle 2013 1862 Documentary with reenactments of the Battle of Puebla
Category:Spanish historical films
Category:Spanish historical comedy films
Category:Spanish historical comedy-drama films
Category:Spanish historical thriller films
Category:Spanish historical drama films
Category:Spanish historical romance films
Category:Spanish historical musical films
Category:Spanish historical horror films
Category:Spanish historical adventure films
List of Spanish Civil War films 1936
Category:Documentary films about the Spanish Civil War 1936
Category:Films about Francisco Franco 1936
Category:Films about the Spanish Maquis 1939
Category:Films about ETA (separatist group) 1959
Category:Films about the Spanish Transition 1975
Chavela Vargas 2017 1919 Documentary about the Costa Rican-Mexican singer, Chavela Vargas
Solos en la madrugada Alone in the Dark 1978 1978 Set in the Spanish democratic transition of the late 1970s
Sombras en una batalla Shadows in a Conflict 1993 1975–1982 Set in the Spanish democratic transition (1975-1982)
Siete días de enero Seven Days in January 1979 1977 Film about the 1977 Atocha massacre
Los años desnudos. Clasificada S Rated R 2008 1975 Set in the Spanish democratic transition (1975-1982)
Modelo 77 Prison 77 2022 1976–1978 Set in the Spanish democratic transition (1975-1982)
La mujer del ministro The Minister’s Wife 1981 1975-1981 Set in the Spanish democratic transition (1975-1982)
La isla mínima Marshland 2014 1975–1982 Set in the Spanish democratic transition (1975-1982)
Mambrú se fue a la guerra Mambru Went to War 1986 1975 Set after Francisco Franco's death in 1975
Te estoy amando locamente Love & Revolution

19th century

Date Category Origin
1800s New potato varieties are brought from Chile to Europe, in an attempt to widen disease resistance of European potatoes. The import could have instead introduced or heightened vulnerability to the fungus Phytophthora infestans.[1] Vegetables Chile
1801 G. H. Bent Company starts producing Bent's water crackers, one of the earliest branded foods.[2] Grains USA
1802 First modern production process for dried milk was invented by the Russian physician Osip Krichevsky in 1802. The first commercial production of dried milk was organized by the Russian chemist M. Dirchoff in 1832. In 1855, T.S. Grimwade took a patent on a dried milk procedure, though a William Newton had patented a vacuum drying process as early as 1837. Dairy Russia
1809 Gyuhap chongseo ("Women's Encyclopedia"), including many recipes, published in Korea Cookbooks Korea
1824 The Virginia House-Wife cookbook published. Includes recipe for "Mary Randolph's Transparent Pudding," an early version of chess pie Cookbook USA
1835 Baking powder is invented by food manufacturer, Alfred Bird.[3] Technology England
1837 Soufflé potatoes invented by accident.[4] Vegetables France
1837 Bird's Custard invented by Alfred Bird Confections England
1841 Edmond Albius, a 12-year-old slave who lived on the French island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, discovered that vanilla could be hand-pollinated. Hand-pollination allowed global cultivation of the plant.[5] Technology Réunion
1843 Nancy M. Johnson invents the hand cranked freezer, credited for the fast diffusion of ice cream.[6] Technology USA
1845 1845-1852: Potato blight infection leads to famine in Ireland, killing or forcing the emigration of 1.5 million Irish people.[7] Vegetables Ireland
1847 The Carolina Housewife cookbook published, including one of the earliest recipes for peanut brittle, referred to as "groundnut candy" (the term "peanut brittle" was not used until 1892).[8] Cookbooks, Confections USA
1848 One of the earliest recipes for butterscotch, in the Liverpool Mercury Confections England
1848 John Curtis introduces the first commercially produced chewing gum, State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum[9][10] Chewing gum USA
1850 John Curtis introduces the first flavored paraffin chewing gum[9] Chewing gum USA
1860s Earliest known fish and chips shops were opened in London during the 1860s by Eastern European Jewish immigrant Joseph Malin,[11] and by John Lees in Mossley, Lancashire.[12][13] Seafood England
1867 Charles Feltman invented the hot dog in his stall in Coney Island, New York by pairing a frankfurter with a bread bun.[14] Meat USA
1869 Thomas Adams buys chicle, the milky latex of the sapodilla tree, from exiled Mexican President, Antonio López de Santa Anna, in the hopes of processing it for use as an alternative to rubber, but later sold it for its original purpose as chewing gum Chewing gum Mexico
1869 Thomas Adams markets “New York Chewing Gum”[9] Chewing gum USA
1869 Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès invents margarine,[15] winning the prize offered by Napoleon III to invent a suitable substitute for butter. The original substitute however used beef suet rather than vegetable oils.[16] Fats and oils France
1871 Thomas Adams patents first chewing gum-making machine and begins producing chicle-based gum as a novelty item with no flavorings or additives.[9][17] Chewing gum USA
1879 William White discovers how to flavor chicle, using peppermint, and marketing it as Yucatan chewing gum[9] Chewing gum USA
1879 Wheatena first advertised by George H. Hoyt Grains USA
1884 Thomas Adams begins adding licorice flavoring to his chicle gum, marketed as Adams Black Jack. Chewing gum USA
1885 1885-1904: Depending on claims, range for the invention of the modern hamburger.[18] Meat
1886 Jonathan Primely makes the first fruit-flavored chewing gum, sold as Kis-Me[9] Chewing gum USA
1886 Canada bans margarine.[16] Fats and oils Canada
1888 Thomas Adams' “Tutti Frutti” becomes first chewing gum sold in vending machines, which were placed in NYC subway stations.[9] Chewing gum USA
1890 Beeman's gum invented[19] (elsewhere reported as 1882[9]) Chewing gum USA
1890 Henry Fleer purportedly invents Chiclets, the first commercially available candy-coated chewing gum[9] Chewing gum USA
1891 William Wrigley Jr. introduces the Vassar, Lotta, and Sweet 16 chewing gum brands.[9] Chewing gum USA
1892 William Wrigley Jr. introduces Spearmint Pepsin gum[9] Chewing gum USA
1892 Experimental plantations of rice in Australia begin, in New South Wales.[20] Grains Australia
1893 Cream of Wheat introduced by Scottish-born chief miller, Tom Amidon Grains USA
1893 Juicy Fruit gum introduced Chewing gum USA
1894 Walker's Nonsuch toffee manufacturer founded Confections England
1896 First self-service restaurant (the "Stollwerck-Automatenrestaurant") opens in Berlin's Leipziger Straße.[21] Fast food Germany
1897 Machine-spun cotton candy invented by dentist William Morrison and confectioner John C. Wharton, and first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair as Fairy Floss Confections USA
1897 Gallo (Famosa) Guatemalan beer introduced Alcoholic beverages Guatemala
1897 Grape Nuts introduced Grains
1897 Al Ahram brewery founded Alcoholic beverages Egypt
1897 Dos Equis first brewed by the German-Mexican Wilhelm Hasse Alcoholic beverages Mexico
1898 Brunswick stew introduced Soups and stews
1898 Walkers Shortbread introduced Breads
1898 Tarte Tatin introduced Confections
1898 Lane cake introduced Confections
1898 Barq's Root Beer introduced Beverages
1898 Gin sour introduced Alcoholic beverages
1898 Pepsi Cola introduced Beverages
1898 Perrier mineral water Beverages
1899 Dentyne gum created by New York druggist, Franklin V. Canning[9] Chewing gum USA
1899 Licorice Allsorts introduced Confections England
1899 Oysters Rockefeller introduced Seafood USA
1899 Club sandwich introduced Sandwiches USA
1899 Maltex introduced[22] Grains USA
1899 Dentyne gum introduced[9] Confections USA
1899 American Chicle Company founded[9] Chewing gum USA

20th century

Date Category Origin
1900 Clark's Teaberry chewing gum invented by Charles Burke Chewing gum USA
1905 Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the lactic acid-producing bacteria, discovered by Stamen Grigorov as the true cause for the existence of natural yogurt.[23] Dairy Bulgaria
1907 Gumballs and gumball machines introduced[24] Chewing gum USA
1912 Bread-slicing machine invented by Otto Rohwedder, although it would not enter use before 1928 however.[25] Technology USA
1914 Wrigley introduces [24] Chewing gum USA
1914 Thomas Adams introduces Clove brand gum[24] Chewing gum USA
1913 Violet Crumble chocolate bar introduced by Hoadley's Chocolates in South Melbourne Confections Australia
1912 The first domesticated blueberries reach the market.[26] Fruits USA
1918 Fox's Glacier Mints introduced as "Acme Clear Mint Fingers" by Eric Fox, later named Fox's Glacier Mints in 1919 Confections England
1919 Campbell Cereal Company, maker of Malt-O-Meal, founded. Companies USA
1920s French fries introduced in the United States by returning First World War soldiers.[27] Vegetables Belgium or France
1920 Flake chocolate bar introduced by Cadbury Confections England
1922 Minties candy invented by James Noble Stedman Confections Australia
1928 One of the earliest references to lucky tattie candy, in the Dundee Evening Telegraph[28] Confections Scotland
1924 Botan Rice Candy invented by Seika Foods Confections Japan
1924 Red River Cereal introduced by the Red River Grain Co. Grains Canada
1927 Wrigley introduces PK Gum (discontinued in 1975) Chewing gum USA
1928 Heath chocolate toffee bar introduced by the Heath Brothers Confectionery Confections USA
1928 Walter Diemer, working for the Fleer Chewing Gum Company in Philadelphia, invents Dubble Bubble, the first bubble gum[24] Chewing gum USA
1929 Crunchie chocolate-covered honeycomb toffee candy bar introduced by J. S. Fry & Sons Confections England
1930s Gum trading cards introduced Chewing gum USA
1933 Peter Paul Co. sells a charcoal gum, advertising on Mounds box Chewing gum USA
1934 Farex baby cereal first produced by the company Glaxo. Grains USA
1936 Quality Street first produced by Mackintosh's Confections England
1940 The McDonalds brothers open their first McDonald's restaurant on May 15 in San Bernardino, California.[29] Fast food USA
1943 White Rabbit Creamy Candy introduced Confections China
1947 Bazooka Bubble Gum introduced Chewing gum USA
1948 Polo breath mint introduced by Rowntree's Factory, York Confections England
1948 Canada lifts the ban on margarine.[30] Fats and oils Canada
1950 Harvey’s Sugarless Gum introduced Chewing gum USA
1951 Maypo introduced by the Maltex Corporation Grains USA
1953 First commercial fish fingers. The American company Gorton-Pew Fisheries, now known as Gorton's, was the first company to introduce a frozen ready-to-cook fish finger; the product, named Gorton's Fish Sticks, won the Parents magazine Seal of Approval in 1956.[31][32] The developer of those fish sticks was Aaron L. Brody. Seafood USA
1958 The instant noodle was invented by Momofuku Ando of Nissin Foods in Japan, and launched the same year. Grains Japan
1958 The first conveyor belt sushi restaurant, Mawaru Genroku Sushi, opens in Higashiosaka.[33] Fast food Japan
1953 Daim chocolate caramel almond bar introduced Confections Sweden
1958 Nestle Nestum introduced Grains Portugal
1959 Caramac caramel bar introduced by Mackintosh's Confections England
1960s Dalgona candy becomes a popular street food in Korea Confections South Korea
1960 The invention of the potato water gun knife facilitates the mass production of French fries by fast food restaurants.[27] Technology
1961 Invention of the Chorleywood bread process.[34] Grains England
1964 Toffo toffee (originally named Toff-O-Lux until 1975) introduced by Mackintosh’s[35] Confections England
1964 The iconic Australian biscuit Tim Tam enters the market.[36][37] Confections Australia
1976 Pop Rocks fizzing candy introduced by General Foods (although it had been invented and patented earlier, in 1961) Confections USA
1981 Skor chocolate toffee bar introduced by The Hershey Company Confections USA
1983 Fruit Roll-Ups introduced Confections USA
1995 McFlurry soft serve dessert introduced by McDonald's Fast Food USA
  1. ^ "Palm Oil". The Cambridge World History of Food. Archived from the original on 20 October 2012. Retrieved 15 August 2013.
  2. ^ Andrew F. Smith (2 December 2011). Fast Food and Junk Food: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat: An Encyclopedia of What We Love to Eat. ABC-CLIO. pp. 176–. ISBN 978-0-313-39394-5. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  3. ^ Campbell, G. (1999). "Creation and characterisation of aerated food products". Trends in Food Science & Technology. 10 (9): 283–296. doi:10.1016/S0924-2244(00)00008-X.
  4. ^ Linda Civitello (16 February 2011). Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 98–. ISBN 978-0-470-41195-7. Retrieved 16 August 2013.
  5. ^ Silver Cloud Estates. "History of Vanilla". Silver Cloud Estates. Retrieved 2008-07-23. In 1837 the Belgian botanist Morren succeeded in artificially pollinating the vanilla flower. On Reunion, Morren's process was attempted, but failed. It was not until 1841 that a 12-year-old slave by the name of Edmond Albius discovered the correct technique of hand-pollinating the flowers.
  6. ^ Anne Cooper Funderburg (1995). Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla: A History of American Ice Cream. Popular Press. pp. 34–. ISBN 978-0-87972-692-8. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
  7. ^ "Potato (white)". The Cambridge World History of Food. Archived from the original on 11 May 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2013.
  8. ^ "The Food Timeline: history notes-candy". www.foodtimeline.org. Retrieved 2024-11-25.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n "History of Chewing Gum". www.usmintindustry.com. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  10. ^ "John B. Curtis". www.chewinggumfacts.com. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  11. ^ Rayner, Jay (3 November 2005). "Enduring Love". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 19 January 2003. In 1860 a Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe called Joseph Malin opened the first business in London's East End selling fried fish alongside chipped potatoes which, until then, had been found only in the Irish potato shops.
  12. ^ Hyslop, Leah (30 October 2013). "Potted histories: fish and chips". Daily Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Archived from the original on 11 January 2022. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  13. ^ "Federation of Fish Friers - Serving the Fish and Chips Industry - History". www.federationoffishfriers.co.uk. Retrieved 4 September 2018.
  14. ^ Bly, Robert W. (2007). All-American Frank: A History of the Hot Dog (1st ed.). New York: PublishAmerica. ISBN 978-1-4137-5062-1.
  15. ^ Pompeo Capella (1997). Manuale degli oli e grassi. Tecniche Nuove. pp. 10–. ISBN 978-88-7081-979-3. Retrieved 15 August 2013.
  16. ^ a b W. H. Heick (1991). A Propensity to Protect: Butter, Margarine and the Rise of Urban Culture in Canada. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0-88920-994-7. Retrieved 15 August 2013.
  17. ^ "History". Vintage Gums. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  18. ^ Smith, Andrew F. (November 2008). Hamburger: A Global History (1st ed.). Reaktion Books. ISBN 978-1-86189-390-1.
  19. ^ "BEEMAN, EDWIN E. | Encyclopedia of Cleveland History | Case Western Reserve University". case.edu. 2024-04-14. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  20. ^ "Rice". The Cambridge World History of Food. Retrieved 4 July 2013.
  21. ^ Grothe, Solveig (2013-08-15). "Automatenrestaurants: Klapp satt". Spiegel Geschichte (in German). Retrieved 2023-06-20.
  22. ^ "History of Chewing Gum". www.usmintindustry.com. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  23. ^ Grigoroff, Stamen, 1905. Étude sur une lait fermentée comestible. Le “Kissélo mléko” de Bulgarie. Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande. Genève. Georg&G., Libraires-Éditeurs. Librairie de L’Université.
  24. ^ a b c d "History of Chewing Gum". www.usmintindustry.com. Retrieved 2024-12-05.
  25. ^ "fob.co.uk: "History of bread – 20th century"". Archived from the original on 19 April 2019. Retrieved 14 May 2018.
  26. ^ Jim Minick (June 29, 2016). "The Delicious Origins of The Domesticated Blueberry". JSTOR News. Archived from the original on February 8, 2018. Retrieved June 30, 2016.
  27. ^ a b Linda Civitello (16 February 2011). Cuisine and Culture: A History of Food and People. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 98–. ISBN 978-0-470-41195-7. Retrieved 16 August 2013.
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