User:GoddessCMD/Books/Plant Life, Herbs, Spices, flowers, and trees
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[edit]- Abelmoschus moschatus
- Abrus precatorius
- Acacia
- Acca sellowiana
- Acer pseudoplatanus
- Acer rubrum
- Acer saccharinum
- Acer saccharum
- Acer spicatum
- Achene
- Achillea millefolium
- Ackee
- Acmella oleracea
- Aconitum
- Acorn
- Acorn squash
- Acronychia acidula
- Acronychia oblongifolia
- Acrotriche depressa
- Actinidia
- Actinidia arguta
- Actinidia chinensis
- Actinidia deliciosa
- Actinidia kolomikta
- Actinidia polygama
- Actinidiaceae
- Adansonia digitata
- Adansonia gregorii
- Adoration (Tomato)
- Adoxaceae
- Aegle marmelos
- Aesculus glabra
- Aesculus hippocastanum
- Aframomum corrorima
- Aframomum melegueta
- Agathis
- Agave
- Aizoaceae
- Ajwain
- Aleurites moluccanus
- Alicante (tomato)
- Alkanna tinctoria
- Alligator pepper
- Allium tuberosum
- Allspice
- Almond
- Aloe
- Aloe aculeata
- Aloe africana
- Aloe albida
- Aloe albiflora
- Aloe arborescens
- Aloe arenicola
- Aloe argenticauda
- Aloe aristata
- Aloe bakeri
- Aloe ballii
- Aloe ballyi
- Aloe barberae
- Aloe brevifolia
- Aloe broomii
- Aloe buettneri
- Aloe camperi
- Aloe capitata
- Aloe ciliaris
- Aloe commixta
- Aloe comosa
- Aloe corallina
- Aloe decumbens
- Aloe dewinteri
- Aloe dichotoma
- Aloe dinteri
- Aloe eminens
- Aloe erinacea
- Aloe excelsa
- Aloe ferox
- Aloe forbesii
- Aloe gracilis
- Aloe haemanthifolia
- Aloe helenae
- Aloe hereroensis
- Aloe inermis
- Aloe inyangensis
- Aloe jawiyon
- Aloe jucunda
- Aloe juddii
- Aloe khamiesensis
- Aloe kilifiensis
- Aloe maculata
- Aloe marlothii
- Aloe namibensis
- Aloe nyeriensis
- Aloe pearsonii
- Aloe peglerae
- Aloe perfoliata
- Aloe perryi
- Aloe petricola
- Aloe pillansii
- Aloe plicatilis
- Aloe polyphylla
- Aloe ramosissima
- Aloe rauhii
- Aloe reynoldsii
- Aloe scobinifolia
- Aloe sinkatana
- Aloe sladeniana
- Aloe squarrosa
- Aloe striata
- Aloe striatula
- Aloe succotrina
- Aloe suzannae
- Aloe tenuior
- Aloe thraskii
- Aloe variegata
- Aloe vera
- Aloe viridiflora
- Aloe wildii
- Aloysia citrodora
- Alpinia galanga
- Alpinia officinarum
- Alstroemeria
- Alternanthera
- Ambrosia trifida
- Amelanchier
- Amelanchier alnifolia
- American chestnut
- Ampelocissus acetosa
- Amygdalin
- Anacardiaceae
- Angel Oak
- Angelica
- Anise
- Annatto
- Annona
- Annona glabra
- Annona montana
- Annona scleroderma
- Annonaceae
- Antidesma bunius
- Apocynaceae
- Apple
- Apricot
- Apéritif and digestif
- Aquilegia caerulea
- Araceae
- Arachis
- Archirhodomyrtus beckleri
- Arctium
- Arctium lappa
- Arctostaphylos
- Areca nut
- Arecaceae
- Aristotelia chilensis
- Armenian cucumber
- Aronia
- Artemisia (genus)
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artemisia tridentata
- Artocarpus camansi
- Artocarpus hypargyreus
- Artocarpus integer
- Artocarpus lacucha
- Artocarpus odoratissimus
- Asafoetida
- Asarum
- Asarum europaeum
- Asclepias
- Asimina triloba
- Aster (genus)
- Asteraceae
- Atemoya
- Atlantic Giant
- Atropa belladonna
- Atropine
- Austromyrtus dulcis
- Averrhoa bilimbi
- Avicennia germinans
- Avocado
- Axel Erlandson
- Azadirachta indica
- Azalea
- Azoychka
- Azuki bean
- Açaí palm
- Babaco
- Baccaurea ramiflora
- Backhousia citriodora
- Backhousia myrtifolia
- Bactris gasipaes
- Balete tree
- Balmville Tree
- Banana
- Banana pepper
- Banyan
- Bartek (tree)
- Basil
- Bean
- Bearberry
- Beaumont-Hamel Newfoundland Memorial
- Beefsteak tomato
- Beer
- Bell pepper
- Bellis perennis
- Berberidaceae
- Berberis
- Berry
- Better Boy
- Betula papyrifera
- Betulaceae
- Big Max
- Big Rainbow
- Bilberry
- Billardiera cymosa
- Billardiera longiflora
- Billardiera scandens
- Bitter orange
- Bitterroot
- Blaby Special
- Black bean
- Black cardamom
- Black Krim
- Black pepper
- Black-eyed pea
- Blackberry
- Blackcurrant
- Blood orange
- Blue spruce
- Blueberry
- Bluebonnet (plant)
- Bodhi Tree
- Boesenbergia rotunda
- Boldo
- Bombacaceae
- Boquila
- Borage
- Borassus
- Borassus flabellifer
- Bouea macrophylla
- Boysenberry
- Brandy
- Brandywine (tomato)
- Brassica juncea
- Brassica nigra
- Brazilian cherry
- Breadfruit
- Bromeliaceae
- Brosimum alicastrum
- Buchanania arborescens
- Buchanania obovata
- Buddha's hand
- Bunchosia argentea
- Bunium persicum
- Bur
- Burke and Wills expedition
- Burseraceae
- Bush tomato
- Butia capitata
- Butternut squash
- Byrsonima crassifolia
- Cactus
- Caesalpinioideae
- Caesarsboom
- Cajanus
- Calabash
- Calamintha nepeta
- Calamondin
- Calochortus nuttallii
- Camellia japonica
- Campari tomato
- Canarium
- Canarium ovatum
- Canary melon
- Canavalia
- Canavalia gladiata
- Canella
- Cannabaceae
- Cantaloupe
- Capparis mitchellii
- Caprifoliaceae
- Capsella bursa-pastoris
- Capsicum
- Carambola
- Caraway
- Caricaceae
- Carissa carandas
- Carissa spinarum
- Carpobrotus glaucescens
- Carpobrotus rossii
- Carrot
- Caryocar brasiliense
- Caryocaraceae
- Cashew
- Cassytha melantha
- Castilleja linariifolia
- Castor oil
- Castor oil plant
- Cayenne pepper
- Cedars of God
- Cedrus libani
- Ceiba pentandra
- Celery
- Celtis
- Centaurea cyanus
- Ceratonia siliqua
- Cerbera odollam
- Cercis canadensis
- Cereus repandus
- Chaenomeles
- Changi Tree
- Chankiri Tree
- Charter Oak
- Chayote
- Cherimoya
- Cherokee purple
- Cherry
- Cherry tomato
- Chervil
- Chestnut
- Chickpea
- Chicory
- Chili pepper
- Chinese mulberry
- Chives
- Choerospondias axillaris
- Chrysobalanaceae
- Chrysobalanus icaco
- Chrysophyllum cainito
- Chêne chapelle
- Cicely
- Cicer
- Cinnamomum burmannii
- Cinnamomum cassia
- Cinnamomum tamala
- Cinnamon
- Citron
- Citrus
- Citrus australasica
- Citrus glauca
- Citrus gracilis
- Citrus japonica 'Margarita'
- Citrus limetta
- Citrus unshiu
- Clausena lansium
- Clementine
- Climacteric (botany)
- Clove
- Clover
- Clusiaceae
- Coastal sage scrub
- Coccoloba diversifolia
- Coco de Mer
- Coconut
- Coffea
- Cold Hardy Citrus
- Combretaceae
- Common fig
- Concord (grape)
- Conium
- Cooking oil
- Coreopsis
- Coriander
- Corinth
- Cornaceae
- Cornus florida
- Cornus mas
- Corylus americana
- Cotton
- Cowpea
- Crambe
- Cranberry
- Crataegus
- Crataegus aestivalis
- Crataegus monogyna
- Crescentia
- Cryptocarya alba
- Cryptomeria
- Cubeb
- Cucumber
- Cucumber (disambiguation)
- Cucumber tree
- Cucumis metuliferus
- Cucurbita
- Cucurbita moschata
- Cucurbita palmata
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cudweed
- Cumin
- Cunoniaceae
- Cupressus macrocarpa
- Cupuaçu
- Curcuma zedoaria
- Curry tree
- Custard apple
- Cyamopsis
- Cymbopogon
- Cymbopogon citratus
- Cymbopogon flexuosus
- Cyperus
- Cypress
- Cypripedium reginae
- Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
- Dacryodes edulis
- Damson
- Date palm
- Date-plum
- Datil pepper
- Datura
- Datura stramonium
- Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree
- Davidsonia
- Davidsonia pruriens
- Decaisnea
- Delonix regia
- Delphinium
- Dewberry
- Diamond Tree
- Dill
- Dillenia indica
- Dilleniaceae
- Dinaric calcareous block fir forest
- Diospyros blancoi
- Diospyros digyna
- Diospyros humilis
- Diospyros kaki
- Diospyros texana
- Diospyros virginiana
- Diploglottis campbellii
- Disease resistance in fruit and vegetables
- Domesticated plants of Mesoamerica
- Donar's Oak
- Dovyalis caffra
- Dovyalis hebecarpa
- Dracaena draco
- Dry tree
- Duffie Oak
- Durian
- Dysphania ambrosioides
- Early Girl
- Eating
- Ebenaceae
- Eggplant
- Eisenhower Tree
- El Grande (tree)
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elaeagnus multiflora
- Elaeis
- Elaeocarpaceae
- Elephant apple
- Elsholtzia ciliata
- Emancipation Oak
- Empetrum
- Empetrum nigrum
- Epigaea repens
- Epilobium
- Equisetum
- Ericaceae
- Eriogonum jamesii
- Eryngium foetidum
- Erythrina
- Erythrina herbacea
- Eschscholzia californica
- Etlingera elatior
- Eucalyptus coolabah
- Eucalyptus diversicolor
- Eucalyptus dives
- Eucalyptus grandis
- Eucalyptus marginata
- Eucalyptus olida
- Eucalyptus regnans
- Eucalyptus staigeriana
- Eugenia involucrata
- Eugenia luschnathiana
- Eugenia reinwardtiana
- Eugenia stipitata
- Eugenia uniflora
- Euonymus atropurpureus
- Euonymus europaeus
- Euphorbiaceae
- Eupomatia laurina
- European Pear
- Eutrochium
- Exocarpos cupressiformis
- Fabaceae
- Fagaceae
- Fennel
- Fenugreek
- Fermentation in winemaking
- Ficus
- Ficus aurea
- Ficus coronata
- Ficus platypoda
- Ficus racemosa
- Ficus religiosa
- Ficus sycomorus
- Filé powder
- Flacourtia indica
- Flacourtiaceae
- Flax
- Flora of the Alps
- Flora of the Chatham Islands
- Florina pepper
- Flower
- Flowering plant
- Flying ointment
- Food
- Food storage
- Forage (honey bee)
- Forest swastika
- Forestry
- Fortified wine
- Fortingall Yew
- Fourth of July (tomato variety)
- Fragaria
- Fragaria vesca
- Fruit
- Fruit preserves
- Gac
- Gaillardia pulchella
- Galia melon
- Galium aparine
- Galium odoratum
- Garcinia
- Garcinia dulcis
- Garcinia gardneriana
- Garcinia indica
- Garcinia madruno
- Garcinia morella
- Garcinia prainiana
- Garden peach tomato
- Garlic
- Gaultheria hispida
- Gaultheria shallon
- Gelsemium sempervirens
- Gem squash
- General Sherman (tree)
- Genipa americana
- Germination
- Gernikako Arbola
- Geum urbanum
- Giant granadilla
- Ginger
- Ginkgo
- Ginkgo biloba
- Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park
- Glossary of botanical terms
- Glossary of plant morphology
- Glycine (plant)
- Gnaphalium
- Gnetum gnemon
- Goji
- Golden apple
- Gomortega
- Gooseberry
- Gossypium
- Grains of Selim
- Granit oak
- Grape
- Grape seed extract
- Grape seed oil
- Grape tomato
- Grapefruit
- Grass
- Green bean
- Green Zebra
- Greengage
- Grewia asiatica
- Grewia retusifolia
- Grizzly Giant
- Grumichama
- Guar
- Guarana
- Guava
- Guilty Chinese Scholartree
- Gymnosperm
- Halesia
- Hancornia speciosa
- Hardy kiwi
- Hawaiian hibiscus
- Hazelnut
- Hedera
- Helianthus
- Helianthus angustifolius
- Helianthus annuus
- Helianthus anomalus
- Helianthus bolanderi
- Helianthus californicus
- Helianthus ciliaris
- Helianthus cusickii
- Helianthus debilis
- Helianthus decapetalus
- Helianthus deserticola
- Helianthus divaricatus
- Helianthus giganteus
- Helianthus gracilentus
- Helianthus grosseserratus
- Helianthus maximiliani
- Helianthus microcephalus
- Helianthus niveus
- Helianthus nuttallii
- Helianthus occidentalis
- Helianthus paradoxus
- Helianthus pauciflorus
- Helianthus petiolaris
- Helianthus schweinitzii
- Helianthus × laetiflorus
- Heracleum persicum
- Herbaceous plant
- Herbivore
- Heteromeles
- Hibiscus tilliaceus
- Hillbilly (tomato)
- Hippophae
- Hippophae rhamnoides
- Hog plum
- Holly
- Honeydew (melon)
- Honeysuckle
- Hooker Oak
- Horseradish
- Houttuynia
- Hovenia dulcis
- Huckleberry
- Hydrangea quercifolia
- Hymenaea courbaril
- Hyoscyamine
- Hypericum perforatum
- Hyssopus officinalis
- Ilama (fruit)
- Ilex opaca
- Illicium verum
- Indian fig
- Inga edulis
- Intsia bijuga
- Iris (plant)
- Iris giganticaerulea
- Iris lacustris
- Iroquois
- Irvingia gabonensis
- Jabuticaba
- Jackfruit
- Jalapeño
- Jasmine
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Jimbu
- Job's Tears
- Jojoba
- Jubilee (tomato)
- Judean date palm
- Juglandaceae
- Juglans nigra
- Jujube
- Juniper
- Juniper berry
- Kabocha
- Kabosu
- Kaempferia galanga
- Kaffir lime
- Kalmia latifolia
- Key lime
- Kidney bean
- Kiwifruit
- Kongeegen
- Krascheninnikovia lanata
- Kumato
- Kumquat
- Kunzea pomifera
- Lablab
- Laburnum
- Lagarostrobos
- Lagenaria
- Lamb's quarters
- Lamiaceae
- Lansium parasiticum
- Larch
- Lardizabala
- Lardizabalaceae
- Lasioglossum malachurum
- Lathyrus
- Lathyrus sativus
- Lathyrus tuberosus
- Lauraceae
- Laurus nobilis
- Lavandula
- Lawn
- Legume
- Lemon
- Lemon basil
- Lens (genus)
- Lentil
- Leonurus cardiaca
- Leptotes bicolor
- Leucaena
- Leucophyllum
- Leucophyllum frutescens
- Liberty Tree
- Lillian's Yellow (tomato)
- Lime (fruit)
- Limequat
- Limnophila aromatica
- Limonia acidissima
- Linden Oak
- Linseed oil
- Lippia
- Liquorice
- Liriodendron
- List of Abies of Denmark
- List of Abuta species
- List of Acacia species
- List of Acer species
- List of Agave species
- List of Aiphanes species
- List of Albizia species
- List of Allium species
- List of Aloe species
- List of Anthurium species
- List of Arecaceae genera
- List of Attalea species
- List of Australian floral emblems
- List of Australian herbs and spices
- List of Baeckea species
- List of beneficial weeds
- List of Brachyscome species
- List of brackish aquarium plant species
- List of Campanula species
- List of Canadian plants by family
- List of Canna species
- List of Carex species
- List of carnivorous plants
- List of companion plants
- List of constant species in the British National Vegetation Classification
- List of cranesbill species
- List of crop plants pollinated by bees
- List of Croton species
- List of cucumber varieties
- List of culinary fruits
- List of culinary herbs and spices
- List of culinary nuts
- List of culinary vegetables
- List of Dacian plant names
- List of domesticated plants
- List of Drosera species
- List of Durio species
- List of edible flowers
- List of edible seeds
- List of endangered flora of Brazil
- List of garden plants
- List of honey plants
- List of honeydew sources
- List of inedible fruits
- List of plants by common name
- List of plants in the Bible
- List of plants of Atlantic Forest vegetation of Brazil
- List of plants of Caatinga vegetation of Brazil
- List of plants of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil
- List of plants of Pantanal vegetation of Brazil
- List of plants of the Amazon rainforest
- List of plants poisonous to equines
- List of poisonous plants
- List of pumpkin varieties
- List of rare species in the British National Vegetation Classification
- List of species on Caroline Island
- List of species used in bonsai
- List of tomato cultivars
- List of trees
- List of U.S. state flowers
- List of U.S. state trees
- List of world's largest seeds
- Lists of trees
- Live Oak
- Locoweed
- Loganberry
- Lone Pine (tree)
- Long pepper
- Longan
- Loquat
- Lovage
- Luffa
- Luna (tree)
- Lupinus
- Lupinus albus
- Lupinus mutabilis
- Lychee
- Lycium
- Lycium barbarum
- Macadamia
- Maclura pomifera
- Maclura tricuspidata
- Macropiper excelsum
- Macrotyloma uniflorum
- Magnolia
- Magnolia grandiflora
- Mahlab
- Mahonia aquifolium
- Maize
- Major Oak
- Malpighia emarginata
- Malpighiaceae
- Malus
- Malus angustifolia
- Malva
- Malvaceae
- Mammea americana
- Manchineel
- Mandarin orange
- Mango
- Manilkara kauki
- Manilkara zapota
- Manoao
- Marjoram
- Marsdenia australis
- Mastic (plant resin)
- Matt's Wild Cherry
- Melastoma affine
- Melastomataceae
- Melia azedarach
- Meliaceae
- Melicoccus bijugatus
- Melissa officinalis
- Melliferous flower
- Melodorum leichhardtii
- Melon ball
- Mentha
- Mentha aquatica
- Mentha arvensis
- Mentha asiatica
- Mentha australis
- Mentha canadensis
- Mentha cervina
- Mentha citrata
- Mentha crispata
- Mentha dahurica
- Mentha diemenica
- Mentha laxiflora
- Mentha longifolia
- Mentha pulegium
- Mentha requienii
- Mentha sachalinensis
- Mentha satureioides
- Mentha suaveolens
- Mentha vagans
- Mercer Oak
- Merlin's Oak
- Mespilus germanica
- Mesquite
- Mimusops elengi
- Mingo Oak
- Mississippi Petrified Forest
- Mistletoe
- Mock strawberry
- Momordica charantia
- Monstera
- Monstera deliciosa
- Moon tree
- Moraceae
- Moreton Bay Fig Tree (Santa Barbara, California)
- Morinda
- Morinda citrifolia
- Mortgage Lifter
- Morus (plant)
- Morus alba
- Morus nigra
- Morus rubra
- Mother of the Forest
- Mr. Stripey
- Mung bean
- Musaceae
- Muscadine
- Muskmelon
- Mustard plant
- Mustard seed
- Myosotis alpestris
- Myrciaria dubia
- Myrciaria floribunda
- Myrica rubra
- Myricaceae
- Myrtaceae
- Nageia
- National Christmas Tree (United States)
- Native American ethnobotany
- Nectar source
- Nepeta cataria
- Nephelium hypoleucum
- Nephelium xerospermoides
- Niagara (grape)
- Northern American nectar sources for honey bees
- Nut (fruit)
- Nutmeg
- Oak
- Ocimum tenuiflorum
- Olacaceae
- Olallieberry
- Old Jarrah Tree
- Olive
- Onion
- Opuntia
- Orange (fruit)
- Orchidaceae
- Oregano
- Oroblanco
- Orris root
- Owenia acidula
- Oxalidaceae
- Pachycereus pringlei
- Pandanus
- Pangium edule
- Papaver somniferum
- Papaya
- Parajubaea torallyi
- Parinari nonda
- Parkia biglobosa
- Parkinsonia florida
- Parsley
- Passiflora
- Passiflora capsularis
- Passiflora edulis
- Passiflora incarnata
- Passiflora ligularis
- Passifloraceae
- Pasture
- Pattypan squash
- Pea
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pear tomato
- Pecan
- Peltophorum pterocarpum
- Peony
- Peppermint
- Perennial plant
- Perilla
- Perilla frutescens
- Perovskia
- Perovskia atriplicifolia
- Perryville Tree engravings
- Persian lime
- Persicaria hydropiper
- Persicaria odorata
- Petrified Forest National Park
- Petrified forest of Lesbos
- Phaseolus
- Phaseolus acutifolius
- Phaseolus coccineus
- Phaseolus lunatus
- Phaseolus vulgaris
- Philadelphus lewisii
- Phlomis
- Phlomis fruticosa
- Phoradendron leucarpum
- Phyllanthaceae
- Phyllanthus acidus
- Phyllanthus emblica
- Physalis minima
- Physalis peruviana
- Picea abies
- Picea glauca
- Picea sitchensis
- Pickled cucumber
- Pigeon pea
- Pimenta haitiensis
- Pimenta jamaicensis
- Pimenta obscura
- Pimenta racemosa
- Pine
- Pine of Tsar Dušan
- Pineapple
- Pink peppercorn
- Pinto bean
- Pinus aristata
- Pinus edulis
- Pinus heldreichii
- Pinus longaeva
- Pinus monophylla
- Pinus palustris
- Pinus ponderosa
- Pinus resinosa
- Pinus strobus
- Pinus taeda
- Piper borbonense
- Pistachio
- Pistacia lentiscus
- Pisum
- Pitaya
- Pithecellobium dulce
- Pittosporaceae
- Planchonia careya
- Plant
- Plant pathology
- Plant reproductive morphology
- Plant sap
- Plant stem
- Plantago
- Platanus
- Platanus occidentalis
- Platanus orientalis
- Platonia
- Plectranthus amboinicus
- Pleiogynium timorense
- Plum
- Plum tomato
- Podocarpaceae
- Podocarpus elatus
- Podophyllum
- Pollen source
- Pollination
- Polygonaceae
- Pomegranate
- Pomelo
- Poppy
- Populus
- Populus deltoides
- Populus sect. Aigeiros
- Populus tremuloides
- Potato
- Pouteria australis
- Pouteria caimito
- Pouteria campechiana
- Pouteria lucuma
- Pouteria sapota
- Privet
- Prometheus (tree)
- Proteaceae
- Prunus americana
- Prunus armeniaca
- Prunus avium
- Prunus cerasus
- Prunus maritima
- Prunus serotina
- Prunus spinosa
- Prunus virginiana
- Pseudocydonia
- Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii
- Pseudowintera
- Pseudowintera colorata
- Psidium cattleianum
- Psidium friedrichsthalianum
- Psidium guajava
- Psidium rufum
- Pulasan
- Pulsatilla
- Pumpkin
- Punica
- Purple mangosteen
- Purslane
- Pyrus calleryana
- Quararibea cordata
- Quassia amara
- Queen Elizabeth Oak
- Quercus agrifolia
- Quercus alba
- Quercus coccinea
- Quercus macrocarpa
- Quercus robur
- Quercus rubra
- Quercus virginiana
- Quince
- Radish
- Raisin
- Rambutan
- Raspberry
- Red Forest
- Red kuri squash
- Regional honeys
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhaphiolepis
- Rhododendron
- Rhododendron macrophyllum
- Rhubarb
- Ribes
- Rollinia
- Rollinia deliciosa
- Roma tomato
- Rootstock
- Rosa 'Oklahoma'
- Rosa arkansana
- Rosa laevigata
- Rosaceae
- Rose
- Rose hip
- Rosemary
- Rowan
- Royal Oak
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus
- Rubus chamaemorus
- Rubus glaucus
- Rubus moluccanus
- Rubus parviflorus
- Rubus parvifolius
- Rubus probus
- Rubus rosifolius
- Rubus spectabilis
- Rubus strigosus
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Rumex
- Ruta graveolens
- Rutaceae
- Sabal palmetto
- Sacred tree at Uppsala
- Safflower
- Saffron
- Saguaro
- Saigon Cinnamon
- Salak
- Salep
- Salix nigra
- Salvia
- Salvia officinalis
- Salvia sclarea
- Sambucus
- Sambucus canadensis
- Sambucus racemosa
- San Marzano tomato
- Sandoricum koetjape
- Sanguinaria
- Sanguisorba minor
- Santalaceae
- Santalum acuminatum
- Santalum lanceolatum
- Santorini (tomato)
- Sapindaceae
- Sapindus
- Sapotaceae
- Sassafras
- Schinus
- Schinus molle
- Schinus terebinthifolius
- Sclerocarya birrea
- Scopolamine
- Securigera varia
- Seed
- Seed library
- Seed predation
- Seed saving
- Seedling
- Sequoia sempervirens
- Sequoiadendron giganteum
- Serenoa
- Shipova
- Shiso
- Sicana odorifera
- Sichuan pepper
- Sideroxylon foetidissimum
- Silphium
- Siraitia grosvenorii
- Sisal
- Sisters Olive Trees of Noah
- Smyrnium olusatrum
- Soil
- Solanaceae
- Solanum
- Solanum centrale
- Solanum muricatum
- Solanum pimpinellifolium
- Solanum quitoense
- Solanum sessiliflorum
- Solidago gigantea
- Sorbus
- Sorbus domestica
- Sorrel
- Soursop
- Soybean
- Spaghetti squash
- Spearmint
- Spermatophyte
- Spondias dulcis
- Spondias mombin
- Spondias purpurea
- Stelechocarpus burahol
- Stellaria media
- Stelmužė Oak
- Sterculiaceae
- Strangler fig
- Strawberry
- Strychnos nux-vomica
- Strychnos spinosa
- Subshrub
- Sugar-apple
- Sultana (grape)
- Summer savory
- Summer squash
- Super Sweet 100
- Synsepalum dulcificum
- Syringa vulgaris
- Syzygium
- Syzygium anisatum
- Syzygium aqueum
- Syzygium australe
- Syzygium cumini
- Syzygium fibrosum
- Syzygium jambos
- Syzygium luehmannii
- Syzygium malaccense
- Syzygium suborbiculare
- Tagetes minuta
- Talisia esculenta
- Tamarillo
- Tamarind
- Tanacetum balsamita
- Tangerine
- Tangor
- Taraxacum officinale
- Tarragon
- Tasmannia
- Tasmannia lanceolata
- Tasmannia stipitata
- Taxaceae
- Taxodium ascendens
- Taxodium distichum
- Taxodium mucronatum
- Taxonomy of Croton
- Taxus
- Taxus baccata
- Tayberry
- Tea tree oil
- Tecoma stans
- Tembusu
- Terminalia carpentariae
- Terminalia catappa
- Terminalia ferdinandiana
- Tetradymia canescens
- Thai basil
- The Big Oak
- The Big Tree, Rockport
- The Joshua Tree
- The Old Gum Tree
- Thimmamma Marrimanu
- Thyme
- Thymus serpyllum
- Tickseed
- Tilia
- Tilia cordata
- Tiliaceae
- Tithonia rotundifolia
- Tobacco
- Tomaccio (tomato)
- Tomato
- Trade and use of saffron
- Trap crop
- Traveller (tomato)
- Treaty of Greenville
- Tree of Hippocrates
- Tree of Knowledge (Australia)
- Tree of Life, Bahrain
- Trifolium pratense
- Trigonella
- Trillium
- Trillium grandiflorum
- Tromboncino (squash)
- True plantains
- Tsuga canadensis
- Tsuga heterophylla
- Turban squash
- Turmeric
- Twilight sleep
- Ugni molinae
- Ulmus americana
- Ulmus procera
- Urtica dioica
- Vaccinium
- Vaccinium floribundum
- Vaccinium vitis-idaea
- Vampire pumpkins and watermelons
- Vangueria madagascariensis
- Vanilla
- Vegetable
- Velvet bean
- Velvet tamarind
- Verbascum
- Viburnum
- Viburnum lentago
- Vicia
- Vicia faba
- Vigna
- Vigna aconitifolia
- Vigna mungo
- Vigna subterranea
- Vigna umbellata
- Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis
- Vinegar
- Viola (plant)
- Viola sororia
- Vitaceae
- Vitex agnus-castus
- Vitis
- Walnut
- Wasabi
- Watercress
- Watermelon
- Watermelon (disambiguation)
- Watermelon seed oil
- Wattleseed
- Weed
- Western white pine
- Whale oil
- White mustard
- White sapote
- Wine
- Winged bean
- Winter melon
- Winter savory
- Winteraceae
- Wintergreen
- Wisteria
- Wollemia
- Wye Oak
- Ximenia americana
- Yellow crookneck squash
- Yellow summer squash
- Yerba buena
- Youngberry
- Yucca
- Yucca brevifolia
- Za'atar
- Zakynthos
- Zante currant
- Zanthoxylum
- Zanthoxylum clava-herculis
- Ziziphus mauritiana
- Zucchini