Republic of Cascadia Repoblik de Kaskédia (Cascadian) | |
Capital and largest city | Seattle |
Official languages | Cascadian |
National language | Pacific Northwest English, Spanish, Cantonese, Chinook Wawa, multiple First Nations languages |
Demonym(s) | Cascadian |
Government | Unitary presidential constitutional republic |
Area | |
• Total | 1,384,588 km2 (534,592 sq mi) |
Population | |
• 2014 estimate | 15,638,140 |
• 2010 census | 15,105,870 |
GDP (PPP) | 2014 estimate |
• Total | US$825 billion estimate [1] [2] [3] |
• Per capita | $53,600 estimate |
GDP (nominal) | 2013 estimate |
• Per capita | $40,217 (2006)[4] (8th) |
HDI | 0.914 very high |
Drives on | Right |
ISO 3166 code | KA |
Internet TLD | .ka |
^ a. *Statistics are compiled from US and Canadian census records by combining information from the states of Washington, Oregon and the province of British Columbia. If the entire Cascadian bioregion was taken into account, GDP and population would be much higher. Many values use exchange rates, which may vary |
Cascadia is a republic in North America.
[edit]- Zero → Ťubre
- One → Singe
- Two → Doub
- Three → Tripŕe
- Four → Quadre
- Five → Sinku
- Six → Pěnsutl
- Seven → Héputlel
- Eight → Óctok
- Nine → Nønu
- Ten → Décup
- Eleven → Undécup
[edit]- Afghanistan → Afxaņia
- Albania → Albeńia
- Algeria → Aljër
- Antigua and Barbuda → Andijue ét Barbudè
- Argentina → Arjentiea
- Armenia → Hãyia
- Australia → Avdraliá
- Austria → Avdŕia
- Azerbaijan → Åzerbeićan
- Belgium → Belijia
- Belize → Belise
- Benin → Bąinein
- Bosnia and Herzgovina → Zbosnia ét Hersejowina
- Botswana → Rơbotşvan
- Brazil → Brasillia
- Brunei → Brűðnei
- Bulgaria → Bouljêreia
- Burkina Faso → Barcime Faco
- Burundi → Baroundy
- Cambodia → Čmeria
- Cameroon → Kameroun
- Canada → Kanadæ
- Cape Verde → Çaped Wardo
- Cascadia → Kaskédia
- Central African Republic → Mĕdral Afriken Repoblik
- Chad → Čed
- Chile → Čili
- China → Siniâ
- Columbia → Kalombié
- Comoros → Kamorus
- Democratic Republic of the Congo → Dęmarkosik Repoblik de ti Qōnjũ
- Republic of the Congo → Repoblik de ti Qōnjũ
- Costa Rica → Kosté Rico
- Croatia → Qorvetiē
- Cuba → Kuba
- Cyprus → Kiprusiå
- Czech Republic → Ċseč Repoblik
- Denmark → Dānia
- Djibouti → Sibàti
- Dominica → Homenika
- Dominican Republic → Homeniken Repoblik
- Eastern Timor → Deĝhien Tymar
- Ecuador → Ekatór
- Egypt → Ēpiptoş
- England → Onŋlia
- El Salvador → Āl Selvedar
- Equatorial Guinea → Ekuadorel Gviné
- Eritrea → Ēritreia
- Estonia → Ēstainstan
- Ethiopia → Ĕþiŏpia
- Micronesia → Minónejia
- Fiji → Ḟịgia
- Finland → Fìŋia
- France → Ḟrēnia
- Gabon → Jaboné
- The Gambia → Ti Ģaṁbia
- Georgia → Çaqädia
- Germany → Jermênia
- Ghana → Ğania
- Greece → Grēkia
- Grenada → Grınadia
- Guatemala → Guætmola
- Guinea → Gwina
- Guinea-Bissau → Gwina-Bażau
- Guyana → Gwaỹa
- Haiti → Jaity
- Honduras → Råndurazé
- Hungary → Aunĝaria
- Iceland → Içlandia
- India → Ìnjia
- Indonesia → Ìnðonejia
- Iran → Eraŋ
- Iraq → Erac
- Ireland → Iréia
- Israel → Jeźêlia
- Italy → Idéland
- Ivory Coast → Šoak de Iwerá
- Jamaica → Jéjeiqia
- Japan → Hakénia
- Jordan → Xorðānia
- Kazakhstan → Xažaxia
- Kenya → Çénia
- Kiribati → Ŝiribétia
- North Korea → Wedien Xuréia
- South Korea → Safien Xuréia
Some words
[edit]- Zoo → Zũparç
- Bus → Ťrić
- Grandfather → Pěpiŗ
- Grandmother → Tątir
- Fellow → Aəĉŕ
- Flower → Kaděŕ
- Of → De
- Subdivision → Śebdivizãn
- The → Ti
- Is → Ize
- Good → Bět
- Language → Tonĝe
- Download → Jasrüské
Cities (sorted by population)
[edit]- Tokyo → Þojió
- São Paulo → Śo Fulo
- Shanghai → Šanjeo
- Jakarta → Haqartè
- Seoul → Şeöl
Cascadian person names (for surnames, they end with -én). If Cascadia became independent, every single Cascadian would rename their names/surnames.
[edit]- Jadén (F)
- Arčën (M)
- Kabíno (F)
- Şidó (F)
- Ǫðovik (M)
- Jiśikà (M)
- Statél (M)
- Éstaká (M)
- Táñí (M)
- Kridoñik (F)
- Éđikará (M)
- Épokek (M)
- Péoekõp (M)
- Riko (F)
- Osirók (M)
- Şaderok (F)
- Kalió (F)
- Steño (F)
- M = Male
- F = Female
Punctuation differences between English and Cascadian
[edit]- Commas and Fullstop’s usage is swapped (the fullstop (.) is used as comma, and comma (,) is used as fullstop.
- This also swapped the keyboard keys on Cascadian keyboards
- As such, the ordered list .s have replaced to :s (like 1:, 2:, 3:, etc. instead of 1., 2., 3., etc.)
- Also swapped colons (: → ;, ; → :), and : is colon and ; is semi-colon
- A upside-down ? mark (¿) is used at the start of the word (example: ¿word?).
Also on ! mark (an upside down version of ! (¡) used at start of the word (example: ¡word!) New quotation marks on Cascadian alphabet have replaced “word” to “word„.
Other differences:
[edit]- New keyboard keys are added too since Cascadian alphabet has more letters
- Pronunciation in Cascadian language is very, very different than in English as language pronunciations vary by language, and the language has so much diacritical letters.
[edit]Cascadia has changed languages through history (Spanish in 18th century when Cascadia was in New Spain, then changed to English when Cascadia was a British dominion, and ultimately partitioned by Canada and US to present day). It is likely if Cascadia become independent it will create a new language.
[edit]- ^ "U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)".
- ^ "U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)".
- ^ "Economic Accounts - BC Stats".
- ^ Cite error: The named reference
was invoked but never defined (see the help page).