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User:Gabecharles772/Evaluate an Article

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which article are you evaluating?


Athenian Revolution you have chosen this article to evaluate?


(Briefly explain why you chose it, why it matters, and what your preliminary impression of it was.)

My group chose this article because it seemed very interesting based on the learnings from class and how we are able to connect the history with our actual assignments that we do. This matters because we have to connect this history with the potential history that we may have lived through or things that have shaped our country and ways of life to be the way they are today. Overall the impression of the article was great knowledgable and allowed me to learn more about the Athenian Revolution overall and how they took the steps to being great in Europe.

Evaluate the article


(Compose a detailed evaluation of the article here, considering each of the key aspects listed above. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what a useful Wikipedia article evaluation looks like.)

Overall this article was extremely informative and had a great amount of background knowledge that adds great depth to this article. The articles strengths are the detailed history and steps that it took for this revolution to be very organized and ran well for a long time in the day and age. The article allowed me to follow along well with the people and leaders that the revolution had in the process. I feel the article can improve on substance and major events that the revolution went through besides one battle and some democracy choices that were this would allow readers like myself to stay engaged and increase the learning opportunities from this article. I do feel that this article is developed very well and hits a lot the learning standpoints you would want to know when reading about the Athenian Revolution the details and information is very thorough throughout the article. This article had no discussion on it, but it was rated as a start-class article and had some topics, but only covered them in low importance. Wikipedia speaks on this topic from a very more narrow view of the topic as in class we have more hands on sources from the times that we can read and learn from that was directly tied into these topics and the revolution.