27 BC: Gaius Octavianus becomes sole ruler of Rome and as Augustus the first emperor.
395: After the death of emperor Theodosius I, the Roman Empire is partitioned in the (Eastern) Roman Empire and the (Western) Roman Empire.Malta becomes part of the Western part of the Empire.
1943: The German and Italian forces in North Africa, Tunisia are defeated, followed by the invasion of Italy by the United States and the United Kingdom. After a coup d'état Italy declares war on Germany and Nazi Germany invades Italy, which brings and end to the attacks on Malta.
1946: The new constitution stipulates a parliament elected in free multi-party elections on a universal suffrage and a government responsible to the parliament.
1958: The constitution is suspended and Malta is placed under direct colonial administration.
1962: The 1946 constitution is more or less restored, leading to a parliament elected in free multi-party elections and a government responsible to the parliament.
1974: Malta becomes a republic with a parliament, the House of Representatives, elected in free multi-party elections, a president elected by the parliament and a government responsible to the parliament.