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This article lists political parties in Sweden.

Political parties


Parties represented in the Riksdag and/or European Parliament


Write something here about the 4%-rule.

Party Abbr. Leader Ideology Political position EP group MPs MEPs Municipality Region
Swedish Social Democratic Party
Socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet
S/SAP Magdalena Andersson Social democracy
Democratic socialism
Centre-left S&D
107 / 349
5 / 21
3,771 / 12,614
Sweden Democrats
SD Jimmie Åkesson Right-wing to far-right ECR
73 / 349
3 / 21
2,091 / 12,614
Moderate Party
Moderata samlingspartiet
M Ulf Kristersson Liberal conservatism Centre-right EPP
68 / 349
4 / 21
2,584 / 12,614
Left Party
V Nooshi Dadgostar Left-wing The Left
24 / 349
2 / 21
811 / 12,614
Centre Party
C Muharrem Demirok Liberalism
Agrarianism (Nordic)
Centre to centre-right Renew
24 / 349
2 / 21
1,213 / 12,614
Christian Democrats
KD Ebba Busch Centre-right to right-wing EPP
19 / 349
1 / 21
755 / 12,614
Green Party
Miljöpartiet de Gröna
MP Daniel Helldén
Amanda Lind
Centre-left Greens/EFA
18 / 349
3 / 21
309 / 12,614
L Johan Pehrson Centre-right Renew
16 / 349
1 / 21
509 / 12,614

Parties without representation in the Riksdag and/or European Parliament


This is a list of parties that participated in the 2022 Riksdag election but without representation in the Riksdag. The criteria is if they are registered with the Election Authority and/or got over 1000 votes

Party Abbr. Leader Ideology Political position EP group 2022 election vote share Municipality Region
Nuance Party
Partiet Nyans
PNy Mikail Yüksel Muslim interests Syncretic FPP 28,352
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Alternative for Sweden
Alternativ för Sverige
AfS Gustav Kasselstrand Far-right ESN 16,646
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Citizens' Coalition
Medborgerlig samling
MED Daniel Sonesson Conservatism Right-wing None 12,882
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Pirate Party
PP Katarina Stensson Pirate politics Syncretic Greens/EFA 9,135
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Human Rights and Democracy [sv]
MoD - Mänskliga rättigheter och Demokrati
MoD Andreas Sidkvist Anti-vaccination[1] Syncretic None 6,077
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Christian Values Party
Kristna Värdepartiet
KRVP Mats Selander Right-wing None 5,983
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Button Pressers
Kn Ulf Bejerstrand Direct democracy[2] Syncretic None 5,493
3 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Feminist Initiative
Feministiskt initiativ
FI Agnes Lundgren
Luis Lineo
Feminism Left-wing S&D 3,157
5 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Independent Rural Party
Landsbygdspartiet oberoende
LPo Benneth Thyr Syncretic None 2,215
27 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Direct Democrats
DD None Direct democracy Syncretic None 1,755
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Climate Alliance
Gudrun Schyman Enviromentalism Left-wing None 1,702
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
ENH Adrian Kraft Left-wing None 1,356
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720
Communist Party of Sweden
Sveriges kommunistiska parti
SKP Andreas Sörensen Marxism-Leninism Far-left None 1,181
0 / 12,614
0 / 1,720

Defunct parties


Riksdag of the Estates during the Age of Liberty


Bicameral Riksdag (1867–1970)


The following lists parties that were represented in the bicameral Riksdag (1867–1970)

First chamber


Second chamber


Unicameral Riksdag (1971–)


The following lists defunct parties that were represented from 1971 onwards in the Riksdag and/or the European Parliament.


  1. ^ The party went bankrupt in 1995. Following the bankruptcy former members formed the Communist Party of Sweden (1995–).


  1. ^ Bouvin, Emma (2022-02-27). ""Vad är det för fel på folk, eller är det fel på mig?"". Dagens Nyheter. Retrieved 26 October 2024.
  2. ^ https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/forshaga-forst-ut-politiska-vildar-blir-knapptryckare