The Super Delicious Ingredient Force is a group of super heroes based on Taco Bell's ingredients. Their purpose is to fight for value and defend taste-buds throughout the United States and Canada. Their headquarters is called The Fortress of Flavor. It is the tactical hub of all their operations and also serves as their sleeping quarters. It also houses the Valuetron 300X, a super computer that alerts the Force to value and flavor related trouble and problems. The Force watches movies and plays video games on it as well.--Doctorstevevalue (talk) 16:55, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
[edit]The core group of eleven heroes make up the Super Delicious Ingredient Force. They are currently interviewing people to fill the mysteriously absent cheese based character:
[edit]The Force has numerous foes. Some are individuals, while some work in groups. The following is an incomplete list of the Force's enemies: