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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Things about me

  • Live in Norway
  • Currently attending uni
  • Born in 1987
  • Am in possession of a dvd collection that weighs more than me.

Things I like

  • TV. Addicted.
  • Movies.
  • Books
  • Comics, (X-Men, in particular)
  • Fanfic
  • Learning about wiki. No, seriously, I find coding fun. I read a massive book on html when i was 13 and have had a turbulent on again off again relationship to all sorts of coding for web sites ever since, and I always want to learn more.
  • Photography. I don't practise it in any way, but I like looking at it.
  • Writing

Things I get the urge to edit

  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Unknown/norwegian actors or musicians
  • Pages about fanfic

I try to be as objective as I can when I write, and as I am still learning I cross reference other pages before saving. Learned the basics of wikipedia through work as I maintained the infonet for a period of time.

Pages I have added


Pages I have edited
