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Section A


This is what a major section looks like. Create a bulleted list:

  • cats
  • elephants
  • burritos

And a numbered list:

  1. dolphins
  2. sharks
  3. staples

Subsection B


This is what a subsection looks like. Bold this text. Italicize this text. Include an external web link in this sentence. Include an internal wikilink in this sentence.

Subsection C


This is what the smallest section header looks like.

Once you figure it out, it's easy to sign your name for Talk pages: Charbooth (talk) 01:03, 11 March 2014 (UTC)

Article Draft


Begin drafting your own wikipedia article section here, and create 2-3 reference links to items you have found during your research process thus far as well as at least one internal wikilink. Add any references you like. For example: This article is about political polarization.[1]. So is this one.[2] When you write a statement that still needs a reference, you can mark it like this.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Babones, S., & Pelizzo, R. (2005). Constitutional Breakdown in Economically Stressed Polarized Pluralist Party Systems. Conference Papers -- Southern Political Science Association, 1-18. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=18604081&site=ehost-live&scope=site
  2. ^ Pelizzo, R., & Babones, S. (2007). THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLARIZED PLURALISM. Party Politics, 13(1), 53-67.