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Paul Wiita


Paul Joseph Wiita is an extragalactic astrophysicist who specializes in active galaxies and fluid dynamics. He will retire from his professorship at The College of New Jersey in 2019, where he has received emeritus status. This means that if he wishes to commute from his California home to check out a book from the R. Barbara Gitenstein Library, they will not frisk him at the door. After retirement, Wiita plans to become a wholesale supplier for West Coast hardware store chains. According to him,[1] he will use the assorted screws, nails, and cordless table saws already in his foot to launch the new business venture.

Paul J. Wiita
BornFebruary, 1953
The Bronx, Virgo Super Cluster
DisappearedTuesdays 2:30 - 5:00 PM
The Oasis of Scientific Inquiry
Other namesPauli
Pauli Dubs
Pablito Wiito
Lil Chungus
EducationB.S., The Cooper Union
M.A., Princeton University
PhD, Princeton University
Known forQuick Wit
Notable workArun Wiita
Height6 ft 4 in (without Interstellar Moon Loafers)
Could' play professional basketball" (with them)
Opponent(s)Ronald Reagan
Neil deGrasse Tyson
TCNJ Records and Registration
SpouseBrinda Umberkoman
ChildrenArun Wiita
Neil Wiita

Early Life and Education


Paul Wiita was born in February 1953 in The Bronx, New York City. As a child, he was a fan of the Popeye cartoons and enjoyed emulating the sailor man. But rather than eat a can of spinach, the young Wiita would down a can of lukewarm Blue Moon to gain super strength. He spent the glory days of his youth in New York and completed his undergraduate degree at The Cooper Union, where he holds the record for highest ever GPA among all Cooper Union students, breaking the glass ceiling and graduating with a whopping 4.2 GPA. He attended Princeton University for graduate school where he studied under Joey Wheeler who coined the phrase "black whole" and revitalized the field of general relativity.

Scientific Achievements


Wiita is well-known for publishing the "Pauli Exclusion Principle", which bears his name.

During his time at the University of Pennsylvania, he developed, alongside Bohdan Paczyński, the highly-cited Paczyński–Wiita potential, used in university physics courses worldwide to weigh a student's intelligence against Wiita's and determine their aptitude for physics. Upon accepting his position at The College of New Jersey, Wiita began employing the Paczyński–Wiita potential to approximate the academic efficacy of his students in his infamous Classical Mechanics course. Paul Wiita also independently developed the "Wiita potential" (derivation left as an exercise for the Wikireader), which approximates the gravitational potential between the names "Paczyński" and "Wiita" orbiting around the hyphen in "Paczyński–Wiita potential."

The Apollo 11 Federal Astronaut Kosherity E-board (F.A.K.E.). Note President Johnson, second from the left.

His rigorous analytical work on the notorious two-body problem of married professionals was influential in several areas of theoretical mechanics. Before joining The College of New Jersey's Physics department, Wiita would carpool daily from his New Jersey home to Georgia State University, where he served as Professor of Physics and Astronomy for 24 years. This was the closest work that he could find to his wife's job in the Garden State, as they both held scarce, highly glamorous positions. Following in the footsteps of the great Chandrasekhar, Wiita spent his lengthy travel time working out (with pencil and paper) the upper limit on interstate highway traffic that his commute could handle while keeping the round trip under 24 hours. Due to the limited computational resources in the carpool sedan, he never gave a proper treatment to the three-body problem, one of the few sore spots of his career. Needless to say, Paul Wiita is a firm monogamist.

Ronald Wilson Reagan in his Saturday morning radio show puppet costume

Apollo 11


Wiita helped coordinate the physical logistics during the filming of the first American moon landing and is among the many powerful men responsible for faking the Apollo 11 mission. He was asked by President Johnson to be the first man to "step on the moon" during filming, but declined due to a time conflict with one of his research meetings.

Health and Hobbies


Paul Wiita faced a life threatening medical crisis after being coerced to run a 6-1/2 minute mile in exchange for an A in physical education at The Cooper Union, which he claims was "the hardest A [he has] ever earned."[1] According to him, his health and his impressive mile splits have been deteriorating ever since.

Wiita is not a man of faith, but he does feel that the mantra "publish or perish" has spiritual significance. If he were to continue producing research papers at his current output rate, Wiita estimates[1] that he could survive for at least another 150 years.

His hobbies include actively opposing the American healthcare system, actively opposing Reaganomics (more broadly, trickle-down economics), reminiscing about his days playing squash, and squash (sport).

Nintendo Wii

Nintendo's revolutionary gaming console, named after Paul Wiita

Although Paul Wiita has never played a video game in his life and views them as a "waste of time",[1] he is the namesake of the Nintendo Wii. During the development of the critical and commercial hit Super Mario Galaxy, which was in production while Nintendo was putting the finishing touches on their newest console, the creative team hired the renowned Wiita to assist in developing the physics of the game. From the moment he started working on the game up until its completion the developers were blown away by Wiita's intelligence, work ethic, diligence, good-natured sense of humor, political leanings, etc. In the interest of scientific accuracy, he argued for the game's title to be "Super Mario Radio-loud Active Galactic Nucleus", but Nintendo executives were afraid this name would alienate consumers. As penance and a way to honor his contributions, Nintendo, who at the time could not figure out what to call their much-anticipated console, decided to name the device after Wiita and thus strengthen his legacy.

Cosmos Controversy


During his time at Princeton University, Paul Wiita shared an adjunct office with Twitter user and astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Due to differing opinions regarding the position of the desk in their office, Tyson and Wiita quickly became rivals. Tyson, who wanted the desk oriented 30 degrees azimuthally from the vector pointing from a point on the door's hinge to Polaris at midday, could not reconcile with Wiita, who could not acquiesce any angle greater than 15 degrees. After some heated debate, Tyson acquiesced Wiita's chosen desk alignment (14.7 degrees). However, some historians believe that Tyson held a grudge after this disgraceful defeat. Astronomers are still debating the optimal desk orientation, though experimental interior decorators in Chile are making massive pioneering strides in this area.

When Carl Sagan was set to pass down the mantle of Cosmos host, Wiita was the top candidate for the role. However, the show's filming sessions were to take place every Tuesday from 2:30 - 5:00 PM, so due to a time conflict with his research meetings, Wiita could not accept the role. The honor was then given to the next-in-line candidate, Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some flat-Earthers believe that Tyson sabotaged the network's filming schedule to coincide with Wiita's perennial meeting time and thwarted his blossoming television career as an act of vengeance.

Exploration of the Early United States of America


During his years as a tribal tour guide (known by his people as "Sacagawiita") he was most famous for leading explorers and cartographers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark along a nationwide excursion to visit each observatory acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. He was known for his extreme endurance during the trek through uncharted territory, scaling mountains in mere femtoseconds with his holy Wiita Walking StaffTM and his Interstellar Moon LoafersTM.

TCNJ Science Complex, Wiita's final professional digs

Contributions at The College of New Jersey


Paul Wiita served as the chair of the physics department at The College of New Jersey from August 2010 - May 2019. Fellow faculty members and students agree that Wiita set the department standards for humility and concise, straight-to-the-point emails.

From the moment Wiita starting working at TCNJ he gained a hatred for Records and Registration and their software PAWS. He swore to end their reign of terror and avenge all the poor students who suffered from its terrible design and illogical algorithms. In 2014 he kept to his promise when he snapped his fingers and wiped out half the incompetent staff members of the office. Although quite the feat, today R&R still has a tight grip on the TCNJ community that not even the great Paul Wiita could fully abolish.

His single most significant accomplishment at the College came when he successfully taught the entire student body the distance between the Earth and the Sun as well as its significance in everyday life (this is considered common knowledge in his eyes). As a way to honor Wiita after he leaves TCNJ, the physics department has decided to enforce a new policy where on Tuesdays from 2:30 - 5:00 PM (Wiita's standard research time) there will be no classes, no office hours, no eating, no talking, no breathing, etc. Previously, only Raymond J. Pfeiffer had received this distinguished honor, though no one seems to remember the agreed-upon hours of reflection.



Paul Wiita married the wonderful Brinda Umberkoman in 1978. The couple have approximately one and a half sons, Arun and Neil: Arun is a MD-PhD at the University of California, San Francisco, with "at least twice the combined intellect" of Paul and Brinda, and Neil is a graphic designer based in New York City with "around half the intellect" of either parent, but "still 10 times smarter than the average person[1]".

Wiita's grandkids, Kiet and Marco, have inherited the massive intellect and sharp wit that made Wiita the successful astrophysicist and squash player that he is. At the ripe age of 6, Marco is a high-profile 3D printer technician at his local kindergarten, responsible for teaching his peers how to print 3D models of deoxyribonucleic acid and Fortnite miniature figurines. Kiet reportedly[1] took just over 730 days since birth to find a cure for cancer, but will not make the cure public until the American government makes him president and does all of his homework for the rest of his life.

Political Beliefs


Wiita is a classical Marxist, but he moonlights as an anarcho-communist on the weekends.

He is a strong advocate of the coming techno-revolution, and he believes that joining the proletariat with high performance computing is the next logical step in the advancement of American politics. Near the end of his tenure at The College of New Jersey, Wiita and his research associates staged a coup to seize the means of relativistic jet simulation production from the school's ELSA HPC cluster. However, the wicked Wiita's chaotic dark magic was no match for High Chancellor Shawn Sivvy's lawfully good email update system. Sivvy delivered his final blow to the uprising when he parted the sea of ELSA's air conditioning coolant fluid and barred Wiita from the promised land of instantaneous queue times.



Paul Wiita has been honored with his very own Wikipedia page.


  1. ^ a b c d e f Paul J. Wiita (the man himself)

Selected Works


1. “Mechanisms for Inducing Synchronous Rotation and Small Eccentricities in Close Binary

Systems”, W.H. Press, P.J. Wiita, & L.L. Smarr, Astrophys. J. Letters, 202, L135–137 (1975)

2. “Mass–Angular Momentum Regimes for Certain Instabilities of a Compact, Rotating Stellar

Core”, P.J. Wiita & W.H. Press, Astrophys. J., 208, 525–533 (1976)

3. “Twin Beam Models for Double Radio Sources: I. Steady State Configurations”,

P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 221, 41–50 (1978)

4. “Twin Beam Models for Double Radio Sources: II. Dynamical Calculations”,

P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 221, 436–448 (1978)

5. “Neutron Beams in Active Galactic Nuclei”, D. Eichler & P.J. Wiita,

Nature, 274, 38–39 (1978)

6. “On the Flow of Special Relativistic Fluids through Channels”,

P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 54, 407–415 (1978)

7. “Self-Gravitating Accretion Disks with Realistic Equations of State and Opacities”,

M. Kozlowski, P.J. Wiita & B. Paczyński, Acta Astronomica, 29, 157–176 (1979)

8. “Star and Planetary System Formation in Collapsing, Viscous, Rotating Clouds”,

P.J. Wiita, D.N. Schramm & E.M.D. Symbalisty,

Proc. Xth Lunar & Planetary Sci. Conf., 2, 1849–1865 (1979)

9. “Soliton Solutions and their Stability for the Flow of Relativistic Fluids through Channels”,

I. Lerche & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 68, 207–219 (1980)

10. “Self-Similar Solutions and their Stability for the Flow of Relativisitc Fluids through

Channels”, I. Lerche & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. & Space Sci., 68, 475–485 (1980)

11. “Thick Accretion Disks and Supercritical Luminosities”, B. Paczyński & P.J. Wiita,

Astron. & Astrophys., 88, 23–31 (1980); reprinted as one of the 40 most cited papers in

the first 40 years of A&A: 500, 203–211 (2009)

12. “Beam Models for Radio Sources: III. Offset Sources and Single Jets”,

P.J. Wiita & M.J. Siah, Astrophys. J., 243, 710–715 (1981)

13. “Some Biochemical and Behavioral (Sensation-Seeking) Correlates in Healthy Adults”,

B. Umberkoman-Wiita, W. Vogel & P.J. Wiita,

Res. Comm. Psycho. Psychi. Behav., 6, 303–316 (1981)

14. “Rotation and Luminosity Variations in Post-Main Sequence Stars”,

P.J. Wiita, J. Astrophys. Astron., 2, 387–403 (1981)

15. “Physical Properties of Thick, Supercritical Accretion Disks”,

P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 256, 666–680 (1982)

16. “Nuclear Jets in Cygnus A”,

D.J. Saikia & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 200, 83–89 (1982)

17. “Magnetic Fields and Accretion Disks Around Black Holes”,

N. Dadhich & P.J. Wiita, J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen., 15, 2645–2653 (1982)

18. “Relativistic Beams, Thick Accretion Disks and Active Galactic Nuclei”,

P.J. Wiita, V.K. Kapahi & D.J. Saikia, Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 10, 304–308 (1982)

19. “Beam Models for Radio Sources: IV. Improved Collimation of Jets”,

M.J. Siah & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 270, 427–433 (1983)

20. “The Luminosity of Particle Beams from Thick Accretion Discs”, R. Narayan,

R. Nityananda & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 205, 1103–1116 (1983)

21. “Magnetic Fields and Accretion Disks Around Kerr Black Holes”, P.J. Wiita, C.V.

Vishveshwara, M.J. Siah & B.R. Iyer, J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen., 16, 2077–2086 (1983)

22. “Local Stability of Thick Accretion Disks. I. Basic Equations and Parallel Perturbations in

the Negligible Viscosity Case”,

M.A. Abramowicz, M. Livio, T. Piran & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 279, 367–383 (1984)

23. “Active Galactic Nuclei: Observations and Fundamental Interpretations”,

P.J. Wiita, Physics Reports, 123, 117–213 (1985)

24. “Accretion onto Kerr Black Holes in the Presence of Dipole Magnetic Fields”,

B.R. Iyer, C.V. Vishveshwara, P.J. Wiita & J.J. Goldstein, Pramana, 25, 135–148 (1985)

25. “Beam Models for Radio Sources: V. Collimation in More Realistic Galactic Potentials”,

P.J. Wiita & M.J. Siah, Astrophys. J., 300, 605–612 (1986)

26. “An Oscillating Jet in the Nearby Radio Galaxy 1759+211”,

D.J. Saikia, P.J. Wiita & T.J. Cornwell, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 224, 53–60 (1987)

27. “Neutrino Emission by the Pair, Plasma, and Photo Processes in the Weinberg-Salam

Model”, P.J. Schinder, D.N. Schramm, P.J. Wiita, S.H. Margolis & D.L. Tubbs,

Astrophys. J., 313, 531–542 (1987)

28. “Beam Models for Radio Sources: VI. Evolution of Magnetized Jets in Power Law

Potentials”, M.J. Siah & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 313, 623–628 (1987)

29. “The Expansion and Cosmological Evolution of Powerful Radio Sources”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 226, 531–542 (1987)

30. “Beams Crossing a Galactic Halo–Intergalactic Medium Interface and the Size of Extragalactic Radio Sources”, A. Rosen & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 330, 16–25 (1988)

31. “Hot Gaseous Coronae of Early-Type Galaxies and their Radio Luminosity Function”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Nature, 333, 49–51 (1988)

32. “The Formation, Numbers and Radio Output of Giant Radio Galaxies”, Gopal-Krishna,

P.J. Wiita & L. Saripalli, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 239, 173–182 (1989)

33. “Expanding Hydrodynamical Jets Crossing a Galactic Halo/Intergalactic Medium

Interface”, P.J. Wiita, A. Rosen & M.L. Norman, Astrophys. J., 350, 545–560 (1990)

34. “On Spectral Ageing in Lobes of Radio Sources”,

P.J. Wiita & Gopal-Krishna, Astrophys. J., 353, 476–479 (1990)

35. “Multiple Shocks in Hotspots as the Source of the Spectral Index - Radio Luminosity

Correlation in Extended Extragalactic Radio Sources”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 236, 305–310 (1990)

36. “Synchrotron Aging in Radio Sources: I. Spatial Variations in Radio Lobes”,

M.J. Siah & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 363, 411–414 (1990)

37. “Coherent Plasma Processes and the Continuum of Active Galactic Nuclei”,

V. Krishan & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 246, 597–607 (1990)

38. “Statistical Analysis of Power-Size-Redshift Distributions of Extragalactic Jets”,

A. Rosen & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 371, 501–509 (1991)

39. “Gaseous Halos of Elliptical Galaxies, the Cosmic Evolution of their Radio Sizes and the

Phenomenon of Compact Steep Spectrum Sources”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 373, 325–335 (1991)

40. “Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamical Jets Crossing a Galactic Halo / Intracluster

Medium Interface”, P.J. Wiita & M.L. Norman, Astrophys. J., 385, 478–490 (1992)

41. “Standing Shocks in Accretion Disks and the Spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei”

S.K. Chakrabarti & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 387, L21–L24 (1992)

42. “Swinging Jets and the Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 259, 109–117 (1992)

43. “Accretion Disk Models for Optical and Ultraviolet Microvariability in Active Galactic

Nuclei”, A.V. Mangalam & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 406, 420–429 (1993)

44. “Optical Microvariability and Radio Quiet QSOs”,

Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, & B. Altieri, Astron. & Astrophys., 271, 89–92 (1993)

45. “Effects of Spiral Shocks on Disk Emission Lines”,

S.K. Chakrabarti & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 271, 216–218 (1993)

46. “1226+216: A Wide-Angle-Tailed Quasar?”

D.J. Saikia, P.J. Wiita, & T.W.B. Muxlow, Astron. J., 105, 1658–1665 (1993)

47. “Spiral Shocks in Accretion Disks as a Contributor to Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei”,

S.K. Chakrabarti & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 411, 602–609 (1993)

48. “A Search for Intra-Night Optical Variability in Radio Quiet QSOs”, Gopal-Krishna,

R. Sagar, & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 262, 963–969 (1993)

49. “Reconciling the Magnetic Field Structures Seen in Variable Active Galactic Nuclei with

the Unified Scheme”, Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Nature, 363, 142–144 (1993)

50. “Testing the Mechanisms for Optical Microvariability of Powerful Active Galactic Nuclei”,

Gopal-Krishna, R. Sagar, P.J. Wiita, Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 21, 165–169 (1993)

51. “Near-Infrared and Optical Imaging of the Gravitational Lens Candidate Q2345+007”,

Gopal-Krishna, M. Yates, P.J. Wiita, A. Smette, A. Pati, & B. Altieri,

Astron. & Astrophys., 280, 360–364 (1993)

52. “Long-Term Hydrodynamical Simulations of Extragalactic Radio Jets”,

J.S. Hooda, A.V. Mangalam, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 423, 116–130 (1994)

53. “Plasma Mechanisms for Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei”,

V. Krishan & P.J. Wiita Astrophys. J., 423, 172–179 (1994)

54. “Simultaneous Synchrotron and Adiabatic Effects in Multiply-Shocked Jets in Extended

Extragalactic Radio Sources”, I.E. Ekejiuba, P.J. Wiita, & R. Frazin

Astrophys. J., 434, 503–508 (1994)

55. “Variable Emission Lines as Evidence of Spiral Shocks in Accretion Disks around Active

Galactic Nuclei”, S.K. Chakrabarti, & P.J. Wiita Astrophys. J., 434, 518–522 (1994)

56. “Intra-Night Optical Variability in Optically-Selected QSOs”, Gopal-Krishna, R. Sagar, &

P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 274, 701–710 (1995)

57. “Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources and Unification Schemes”,

D.J. Saikia, S. Jeyakumar, P.J. Wiita, H.S. Sanghera & R.E. Spencer

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 276, 1215–1223 (1995)

58. “Disk Luminosity and Angular Momentum for Accreting, Weak–Field Neutron Stars in the

‘Slow’ Rotation Approximation”, B. Datta, A.V. Thampan, & P.J. Wiita,

J. Astrophys. Astron., 16, 357–374 (1995)

59. “Intra-night Optical Monitoring of Optically Selected Bright Quasars”, R. Sagar,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 281, 1267–1276 (1996)

60. “On the Origin of Correlated Radio–Optical Asymmetries in Double Radio Sources”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 467, 191–196 (1996)

61. “The Linear Sizes of Quasars and Radio Galaxies in the Unified Scheme”,

Gopal-Krishna, V.K. Kulkarni, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 463, L1–L4 (1996)

62. “Three-Dimensional Simulations of Extragalactic Jets Crossing ISM/ICM Interfaces”,

J.S. Hooda & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 470, 211–221 (1996)

63. “Energy-dependent Polarization Variability as a Black Hole Signature”,

G. Bao, P.J. Wiita, & P. Hadrava, Physical Review Letters, 77, 12–15 (1996)

64. “Weak Headed Quasars”,

Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, & J.S. Hooda, Astron. & Astrophys., 316, L13–L16 (1996)

65. “The Flux Ratio of a Jet to its Counterjet Revisited”,

G. Bao & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 485, 136–142 (1997)

66. “Polarization Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray Binaries”,

G. Bao, P. Hadrava, P.J. Wiita, & Y. Xiong, Astrophys. J., 487, 142–152 (1997)

67. “On the Variability Coherence Observed in Black Hole Candidates at Different X-Ray

Energies”, M.A. Abramowicz, G. Bao, S. Larsson & P.J. Wiita,

Astrophys. J., 489, 819–821 (1997)

68. “Instabilities in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Astrophysical Jets Crossing Angled

Interfaces”, J.S. Hooda & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 493, 81–90 + Plates 5–7 (1998)

69. “General Relativistic Effects on the Spectrum Reflected by Accretion Disks around Black

Holes”, G. Bao, P.J. Wiita, & P. Hadrava, Astrophys. J., 504, 58–63 (1998)

70. “X-ray Variability of an Illuminated Irregular Accretion Disk around a Black Hole”,

G. Bao & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 519, 80–88 (1999)

71. “Superdisks in Radio Galaxies”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 529, 189–200 (2000)

72. “Extragalatic Jets Colliding with Massive Clouds”,

Z. Wang, P.J. Wiita, & J.S. Hooda, Astrophys. J., 534, 201–212 (2000)

73. “Effect of Beam-Plasma Instabilities on Accretion Disk Flares”,

V. Krishan, P.J. Wiita, & S. Ramadurai, Astron. & Astrophys., 356, 373–376 (2000)

74. “Rapid Optical Variability in Radio Quiet QSOs”, Gopal-Krishna, A.C. Gupta, R. Sagar,

P.J. Wiita, U.S. Chaubey, & C.S. Stalin, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 314, 815–825 (2000)

75. “Models of Accretion Disk Fluctuations through Self-Organized Criticality including

Relativistic Effects”,

Y. Xiong, P.J. Wiita, & G. Bao, Pub. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 1097–1107 (2000)

76. “Extragalactic Radio Sources with Hybrid Morphology: Implications for the Fanaroff-Riley

Dichotomy”, Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 363, 507–516 (2000)

77. “The Fanaroff-Riley Transition and the Optical Luminosity of the Host Elliptical Galaxy”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 373, 100–105 (2001)

78. “Are the Hotspots of Radio Galaxies the Sites of in-situ Acceleration of Relativistic Particles?”, Gopal-Krishna, P. Subramanian, P.J. Wiita, & P. Becker,

Astron. & Astrophys., 377, 827–834 (2001)

79. “Was the Cosmic Web of Protogalactic Material Permeated by Lobes of Radio Galaxies

during the Quasar Era?”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 560, L115–118 (2001)

80. “The Spectral Components of SS 433”, D.R. Gies, M.V. McSwain, R.L. Riddle,

Z. Wang, P.J. Wiita & D.W. Wingert, Astrophys. J., 566, 1069–1083 (2002)

81. “On the Ejection Mechanism of Bullets in SS 433”, S.K. Chakrabarti, P. Goldoni,

P.J. Wiita, A. Nandi, S. Das, Astrophys. J. Letters, 576, L45–48 (2002)

82. “Wind Accretion and State Transitions in Cygnus X-1”, D.R. Gies, C.T. Bolton,

J.R. Thomson, W. Huang, M.V. McSwain, R.L. Riddle, Z. Wang, P.J. Wiita, D.W. Wingert,

B. Csak, & L.L. Kiss, Astrophys. J., 583, 424–436 (2003)

83. “Microflares in Accretion Disks”,

V. Krishan, S. Ramadurai, & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys., 398, 819–823 (2003)

84. “Symmetry Parameters of CSSs: Evidence of Fuelling?”, D.J. Saikia, S.K. Jeyakumar,

F. Mantovani, C.J. Salter, R.E. Spencer, P. Thomasson & P.J. Wiita,

Pub. Astr. Soc. Australia, 20, 50–56 (2003)

85. “Clear Evidence for Intranight Optical Variability in Radio-Quiet Quasars”, Gopal-Krishna,

C.S. Stalin, R. Sagar & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 586, L25–L28 (2003)

86. “The Origin of X-shaped Radio Galaxies: Clues from the Z-Symmetric Secondary Lobes”,

Gopal-Krishna, P.L. Biermann, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 594, L103–L106 (2003)

87. “Radio Emission and the Optical Isophotal Twist of Radio-Loud Ellipticals”, GopalKrishna, A.R. Dhakulkar, P.J. Wiita, & S. Dhurde, Astron. & Astrophys., 410, 139–141 (2003)

88. “Did Radio Galaxies Play a Role in the Evolution of the Universe?”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 31, 215–221 (2003)

89. “The N Enrichment and Supernova Ejection of the Runaway Microquasar LS 5039”,

M.V. McSwain, D.R. Gies, W. Huang, P.J. Wiita, D.W. Wingert, & L. Kaper,

Astrophys. J., 600, 927–938 (2004)

90. “Intranight Optical Variability of Blazars”, R. Sagar, C.S. Stalin, Gopal-Krishna, &

P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 348, 176–186 (2004)

91. “Brightness Suppresion of Relativistic Radio Jets of Quasars: The Role of the Lower

Electron Energy Cut-off”, Gopal-Krishna, P.L. Biermann, & P.J. Wiita,

Astrophys. J. Letters, 603, L9–L12 (2004)

92. “Intranight Optical Variability of Radio Quiet and Radio Lobe Dominated Quasars”,

C.S. Stalin, Gopal-Krishna, R. Sagar, & P.J. Wiita,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 350, 175–188 (2004)

93. “Optical Variability Properties of High Luminosity AGN Classes”, C.S. Stalin,

Gopal-Krishna, R. Sagar, & P.J. Wiita, J. Astrophys. Astron., 25, 1–56 (2004)

94. “Dependence of General Relativistic Accretion on Black Hole Spin”, P. Barai, T.K. Das,

& P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 613, L49–L52 (2004); erratum, 640, L107 (2006)

95. “Do Mildly Superluminal VLBI Knots Exclude Ultrarelativistic Blazar Jets?”,

Gopal-Krishna, S. Dhurde, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 615, L81–L84 (2004)

96. “Expansion of Radio Galaxies in a Cosmologically Evolving Medium: Possible

Implications for the Cosmic Star-Formation History”, P. Barai, Gopal-Krishna,

M.A. Osterman, & P.J. Wiita, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 32, 385–391 (2004)

97. “Intra-night Optical Variability of BL Lacs, Radio-Quiet Quasars & Radio-Loud Quasars”,

C.S. Stalin, A.C. Gupta, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, & R. Sagar,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 356, 607–614 (2005)

98. “Jet Propagation and the Asymmetries of Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources”, S.K.

Jeyakumar, P.J. Wiita, D.J. Saikia, & J.S. Hooda, Astron. & Astrophys., 432, 823–833 (2005)

99. “Multiband Optical Monitoring of the Blazars S5 0716+714 and BL Lacertae”,

C.S. Stalin, Gopal-Krishna, R. Sagar, P.J. Wiita, V. Mohan & A.K. Pandey,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 366, 1337–1345 (2006)

100. “Bulk Motion of Ultrarelativistic Conical Blazar Jets”, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita &

S. Dhurde, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 369, 1287–1292 (2006)

101. “Testing Models of the Individual and Cosmological Evolutions of Powerful Radio

Galaxies”, P. Barai & P.J. Wiita Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 372, 381–400 (2006)

102. “Relativistic Jet Interactions with Dense Clouds”,

E. Choi, P.J. Wiita, & D. Ryu,

Astrophys. J., 655, 769–780 (2007)

103. “Testing Models of Radio Galaxy Evolution and the Cosmological Impact of FR II Radio

Galaxies”, P. Barai & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 658, 217–231 (2007)

104. “Influence of the Jet Opening Angle on the Derived Kinematical Parameters of Blazar

Jets having Uniform and Stratified Bulk Motion”, Gopal-Krishna, S. Dhurde, P. Sircar, &

P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 377, 446–452 (2007)

105. “Superdisks in Radio Galaxies: Jet–Wind Interactions”,

Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, & S. Joshi, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 380, 703–711 (2007)

106. “Stellar Disruption by Supermassive Black Holes and the Quasar Radio Loudness


Gopal-Krishna, A. Mangalam, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Letters, 680, L13–L16 (2008)

107. “Superdisks in Radio Galaxies: The Role of Galaxy Mergers”,

Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, New Astronomy, 14, 51–58 (2009)

108. “Periodic Oscillations in the Intra-Day Optical Light Curves of the Blazar S5 0716+714”,

A.C. Gupta, A.K. Srivastava, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J., 690, 216–223 (2009)

109. “Radio Properties of Low-Redshift Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei”,

S.E. Rafter, D.M. Crenshaw, & P.J. Wiita, Astron. J., 137, 42–52 (2009)

110. “An Explicit Scheme for Incorporating Ambipolar Diffusion in a Magnetohydrodynamics

Code”, E. Choi, J. Kim, & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Supplement, 181, 413–420, (2009)

111. “A Multifrequency Study of Possible Relic Lobes in Giant Radio Sources”, S. Godambe,

C. Konar, D.J. Saikia, & P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 396, 860–869 (2009)

112. “Nearly Periodic Fluctuations in the Long Term X-ray Light Curves of the Blazars AO

0235+164 and 1ES 2321+419”,

B. Rani, P.J. Wiita, & A.C. Gupta, Astrophys. J., 696, 2170–2178 (2009)

113. “The Changing Interstellar Medium of Massive Elliptical Galaxies and Cosmic Evolution

of Radio Galaxies and Quasars”, A. Mangalam, Gopal-Krishna, & P.J. Wiita,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 397, 2216–2224 (2009)

114. “A ∼4.6 h Quasi-Periodic Oscillation in PKS 2155−304?”, P. Lachowicz, A.C. Gupta,

H. Gaur & P.J. Wiita, Astron. & Astrophys. (Letters), 506, L17–L20 (2009)

115. “Galaxy Shells and the Structure of Radio Galaxies: Clues from Centaurus A (NGC

5128)”, Gopal-Krishna & P.J. Wiita, New Astronomy, 15, 96–101 (2010)

116. “Optical Variability of Radio-Intermediate Quasars”,

A. Goyal, Gopal-Krishna, S. Joshi, R. Sagar, P.J. Wiita, G.C. Anupama & D.K. Sahu,

Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc., 401. 2622–2634 (2010)

117. “Probing Spectral Properties of Radio-Quiet Quasars Searched for Optical

Microvariability”, H. Chand, P.J. Wiita & A.C. Gupta,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 402, 1059–1071 (2010)

118. “Short-Term Flux and Colour Variations in Low-Energy Peaked Blazars”,

B. Rani, A.C. Gupta, A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, E. Semkov, P.J. Wiita, E. Ovcharov, B.

Mihov, S. Boeva, S. Peneva, B. Spasov, S. Tsvetkova, K. Stojanov & A. Valcheva,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 404, 1992–2017 (2010)

119. “Detection of Intra-day Variability Timescales of Four High Energy Peaked Blazars with

XMM-Newton”, H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, P. Lachowicz, & P.J. Wiita,

Astrophys. J., 718, 279–291 (2010)

120. “Quasi-periodic Oscillations of ∼15 Minutes in the Optical Light Curve of the BL Lac S5

0716+714”, B. Rani, A.C. Gupta, U.C. Joshi, S. Ganesh, & P.J. Wiita,

Astrophys. J. (Letters), 719, L119–L122 (2010)

121. “Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Rays from Centaurus A: Jet Interaction with Gaseous

Shells”, Gopal-Krishna, P.L. Biermann, V. de Souza & P.J. Wiita,

Astrophys. J. (Letters), 720, L155–L158 (2010)

122. “A Multidimensional Relativistic Hydrodynamics Code with a General Equation of State”,

E. Choi & P.J. Wiita, Astrophys. J. Supplement Ser., 191, 113–123 (2010)

123. “Radio Properties of Low Redshift Broad Line Active Galatic Nuclei Including Extended

Radio Sources”, S.E. Rafter, D.M. Crenshaw & P.J. Wiita,

Astron. J., 141, Issue 3, article id. 85 (2011)

124. “Optical Microvariability Properties in BALQSOs”, R. Joshi, H. Chand, A.C. Gupta, &

P.J. Wiita, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 412, 2717–2728 (2011)

125. “Correlations of Quasar Optical Spectra with Radio Morphology”,

A. Kimball, Z. Ivezic, P.J. Wiita, & D.P. Schneider,

Astron. J., 141, issue 6, article id. 182 (2011); erratum 142, 143 (2011)

126. “Optical Intraday Variability Studies of 10 Low Energy Peaked Blazars”,

B. Rani, A.C. Gupta, U.C. Joshi, S. Ganesh, & P.J. Wiita,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 413, 2157–2172 (2011)

127. “Rapid Optical Variability of TeV Blazars”, Gopal-Krishna, A. Goyal, S. Joshi, C.

Karthick, R. Sagar, P.J. Wiita, G.C. Anupama, & D.K. Sahu,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 416, 101–117 (2011)

128. “Spectral Energy Distribution Variation in BL Lacs and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars”,

B. Rani, A.C. Gupta, R. Bachev, A. Strigchev, E. Semkov, F. D’Ammando, P.J. Wiita, M.A.

Gurwell, E. Ovcharov, B. Mihov, S. Boeva, & S. Paneva,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 417, 1881–1890 (2011)

129. “Multiwavelength Variability of the Blazars Mrk 421 and 3C 454.3 in the High State”,

H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, & P.J. Wiita, Astron. J., 143, issue 1, article id. 23, 8pp. (2012)

130. “On the Origin of X-Shaped Radio Galaxies”, Gopal-Krishna, P.L. Biermann,

L.A. Gergely, & P.J. Wiita, Research in Astron. & Astrophys., 12, 127—146 (2012)

131. “Probing Spectral Properties of Radio-Quiet Quasars Searched for Optical

Microvariability”, R. Joshi, H. Chand, P.J. Wiita, A.C. Gupta, & R. Srianand,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 419, 3433–3446 (2012)

132. “Quasi-simultaneous Two Band Optical Intra-day Variability of Blazars 1ES 1959+650

and 1ES 2344+514”, H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, E. Semkov,

P.J. Wiita, S. Peneva, S. Boeva, N. Kacharov, B. Mihov, & E. Ovcharov,

Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 420, 3147–3162 (2012)

133. “Radio Continuum Emission and HI Gas Accretion in the NGC 5903/5898 Compact

Group of Early-type Galaxies”, Gopal-Krishna, M. Mhaskey, P.J. Wiita, S.K. Sirothia,

N.G. Kantharia, & C.H. Ishwara-Chandra,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 423, 1053--1059 (2012)

134. “Intranight-Optical Variability of Core Dominated Quasars: the Role of Optical

Polarization”, A. Goyal, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, S. Joshi, R. Sagar, G.C. Anupama &

D.K. Sahu, Astron. Astrophys., 544, id.A37, 28 pp. (2012)

135. “Optical Intraday Variability of BL Lac S5 0716+714”, A.C. Gupta, T.P. Krichbaum,

P.J Wiita, B. Rani, K. Sokolovsky, A. Mangalam, P. Mohan, I. Agudo, U. Bach, R. Bachev, &

22 other authors, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 425, 1357 -- 1370 (2012)

136. “Optical Flux and Spectral Variability of Blazars”, H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, A. Strigachev,

R. Bachev, E. Semkov, P.J. Wiita, S. Peneva, S. Boeva, L. Slavcheva-Mihova, B. Mihov,

G. Latev, & U.S. Pandey, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 425, 3002 -- 3023 (2012)

137. “Discovery of Giant Fossil Radio Lobes Straddling The Classic Double Radio Galaxy

3C452”, S.K. Sirothia, Gopal-Krishna, & P.J. Wiita

Astrophys. J. (Letters), 765, Issue 1, article id. L11, 5 pp. (2013)

138. “Kepler Photometry of Four Radio-Loud Active Galactic Nuclei in 2010-2012”,

A.E. Wehrle, P.J. Wiita, S.C. Unwin, P. DiLorenzo, M. Revalski, D. Silano, & D. Sprague

Astrophys. J., 773, article id. 89, 13 pp. (2013)

139. “Improved Characterization and Intra-night Optical Variabiity of Prominent AGN

Classes”, A. Goyal, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, C.S. Stalin & R. Sagar

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 435, 1300--1312 (2013);

and VizieR Online Data Catalog, 2014yCat..74351300G

140. “On the Photometric Error Calibration for the `Differential Light Curves’ of Point-like

Active Galactic Nuclei”, A. Goyal, M. Mhaskey, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, C.S. Stalin &

R. Sagar, J. Astrophys. Astron., 34, 273-296 (2013)

141. “Global Cellular Response to Chemotherapy-Induced Apoptosis”, A.P. Wiita, E. Ziv,

P.J. Wiita, A. Urisman, O. Julien, A.L. Burlingame, J.S. Weissman, & J.A. Wells

eLife, 2:e01236, DOI: 10.7554.eLife.01236, 28 pp. (2013)

142. “Supermassive Black Hole Mergers as Dual Sources for Electromagnetic Flares in the

Jet Emission and Gravitational Waves”,

M. Tapai, L.A. Gergely, Z. Keresztes, P.J. Wiita, Gopal-Krishna, & P.L. Biermann

Astron. Nach., 334, 1024—1031 (2013)

143. “Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Spins from Observations of Active Galaxy

Jets”, E. Kun, P.J. Wiita, L.A. Gergely, Z. Keresztes, Gopal-Krishna & P.L Biermann

Astron. Nach., 334, 1032—1036 (2013)

144. “Anti-Correlated Optical Flux and Polarization Variability in BL Lac”,

H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, P.J. Wiita, M. Uemura, R. Itoh, & M. Sasada

Astrophys. J. Lett., 781, L4—L9 (2014)

145. “Investigating the Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei Using Combined Multi-Quarter

Kepler Data”, M. Revalski, D. Nowak, P.J. Wiita, A.E. Wehrle, & S.C. Unwin

Astrophys. J., 785, article id. 60, 10 pp. (2014)

146. “Extragalactic Radio Sources with Sharply Inverted Spectra at Metre Wavelengths”,

Gopal-Krishna, S.K. Sirothia, M. Mhaskey, P. Ranadive, P.J. Wiita, A. Goyal, N.G. Kantharia,

& C.H. Ishwara-Chandra, Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 443, 2824—2829 (2014)

147. “Spectral Energy Distributions of the BL Lac PKS 2155-306 with XMM-Netwon”,

J. Bhagwan, A.C. Gupta, I.E. Papadakis & P.J. Wiita,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 444, 3647—3656 (2014)

148. “Black Hole Spin Dependence of General Relativistic Multi-Transonic Accretion Close to

the Horizon”, T.K. Das, S. Nag, S. Hegde, S. Bhattacharya, I. Maity, B. Czerny, P. Barai,

P.J. Wiita, V. Karas, & T. Naskar, New Astronomy, 37, 81—104 (2015)

149. “Modeling the Emission from Turbulent Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei”

V. Calafut & P.J. Wiita, J. Astrophys. Astron., 36, 255—268 (2015)

150. “Multi-Band Variability in the Blazar 3C 273 with XMM-Newton”,

N. Kalita, A.C. Gupta, P.J. Wiita, J. Bhagwan, & K. Duorah,

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 451, 1356—1365 (2015)

151. “Multiband Optical-NIR Variability of Blazars on Diverse Time-Scales”,

A. Agarwal, A.C. Gupta, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, P.J. Wiita, M. Boettcher,

S. Boeva, H. Gaur, M.F. Gu, S. Peneva, S. Ibryamov, & U.S. Pandey

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 451, 3882—3897 (2015)

152. “Frequency Dependent Core Shifts and Parameter Estimation for the Blazar 3C 454.3”,

P. Mohan, A. Agarwal, A. Mangalam, A.C. Gupta, P.J. Wiita, A.E. Volvach, M.F. Aller,

H.D. Aller, M.F. Gu, A. Lahteenmaki, M. Tornikoski, & L.N. Volvach

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc., 452, 2004—2017 (2015)

153. “Optical and Radio Variability of BL Lacertae”

H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, P.J. Wiita, A.E. Volvach,

M.-F. Gu, A. Agarwal, I. Agudo, M.F. Aller, H.D. Aller, O.M. Kutanidze, S.O. Kurtanidze,

A. Lahteenmaki, S. Peneva, M.G. Nikolashvili, L.A. Sigua, M. Tornikoski, & L.N. Volvach

Astron. & Astrophys. 582, id.A103, 9pp. (2015)

154. “Nature of Intranight Optical Variability of BL Lacertae”

H. Gaur, A.C. Gupta, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, M. Boettcher, P.J. Wiita,

J.A. de Diego, M. Gu, H. Guo, R. Joshi, B. Mihov, N. Palma, S. Peneva, A. Rajasingam,

& L. Slavcheva-Mihova Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc, 452, 4263—4273 (2015)

155. “Multi-band Optical Variability of the Blazar S5 0716+714 in Outburst State During

2014-2015”, A. Agarwal, A.C. Gupta, R. Bachev, A. Strigachev, E. Semkov, P.J. Wiita,

J.H. Fan, U.S. Pandey, S. Boeva, B. Spassov

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc, 455, 680—690 (2016)

156. “Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei from Propagating Turbulent Relativistic Jets”,

M. Pollack, D. Pauls, & P.J. Wiita Astrophys. J. 820, id. 12, 12pp. (2016)

157. “Flux and Spectral Variability of the Blazar PKS 2155-306 with XMM-Newton: Evidence

of Particle Acceleration and Synchrotron Cooling”,

J. Bhagwan, A.C. Gupta, I.E. Papadakis, & P.J. Wiita New Astronomy 44, 21—28 (2016)

158. “Multi-band Optical Variability of Three TeV Blazars on Diverse Timescales”,

A.C. Gupta, A. Agarwal, J. Bhagwan, A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, E. Semkov, H. Gaur,

G. Damljanovic, O. Vince, & P.J. Wiita

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc, 458, 1127—1137 (2016)

159. “Multiband Optical Variability of the Blazar OJ 287 During its Outbursts in 2015-2016”,

A.C. Gupta, A. Agarwal, A. Mishra, H. Gaur, P.J. Wiita, M.F. Gu, O.M. Kurtanidze,

G. Damljanovic, M. Uemura, E. Semkov, A. Strigachev, R. Bachev, O. Vince, Z. Zhang,

B. Vallarroel, P. Kushwaha, A. Pandey, T. Abe, R. Chanishvili, R.A. Chigladze, J.H. Fan,

J. Hirochi, R. Itoh, Y. Kanda, M. Kawabata, G.N. Kimridze, S.O Kurtanidze, G. Latev,

R.V. Munoz Dimitrova, T. Nakaoka, M.G. Nikolashvili, K. Shiki, L.A. Sigua, & B. Spassov

Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc, 465, 4423—4433 (2017)

160. “Energy Conservation: A Theory of L2 Ultimate Attainment”,

Z.-H. Han, G. Bao, & P.J. Wiita,

International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, in press (2017)

161. “Multi-wavelength Variability Study of the Classical BL Lac Object PKS 0735+178 on

Timescales Ranging from Decades to Minutes”, A. Goyal, L. Stawarz, M. Ostrowski, V.

Larionov, Gopal-Krishna, P.J. Wiita, S. Joshi & G.C. Joshi

Astrophys. J., in press (2017)