Nuenen near Eindhoven, BSc in physics I grew up on the island of Curacao and had a lot of time to snorkel and scuba-dive in the 50's and 60's. We were a shell collecting family and that made us all marine biology experts. Living in the Netherlands since '71 I couldn't understand that anyone would dive in these murky cold waters of the north sea but I've always kept dreaming of it. I was in an Underwater Hockey team at Twente university my employer then. Working for Eindhoven University I've kept up my condition by using the 25 m swimming pool to apnea-dive to the other side; my record was 22 times in 30 minutes. I always use my bicycle to commute (about 5.5 km). I've recently started scuba-diving training and I'm now at PADI rescue level. I love to take pictures when diving and snorkeling. I'm broadly interested in science and technology My education is comparable to BSc in physics (Dutch ing.). I have many interests, but lately, I've had some special subject: Ketogenic Diet. Vitamin D, My own technology to clean up plastic from the oceans, How to use turbopumps for separating Helium from Tritium in milliseconds in future Nuclear Fusion Reactors, Making Arduino projects to measure/record low pressure. Use a starting motor's Bendix to drive a punch. I never get bored I do have a few interesting photos, for example, a shot of two trumpetfish in a mating mood! Bonaire October 27-th 2015! Nobody seems to realize that the yellow color of the male is only temporary and that he uses it to signal to the females what his mood is. I have a hard time getting this photo with info in the appropriate wikipedia page. I had to quit last year with my efforts, but I hope to get it right now.