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Calm and Collected Hopefully the nom de plume is reflected in my contributions...

I'm a politics graduate from the UK, and my primary interests on Wikipedia are political philosophy, political history and whatever I happen to be reading about at the moment (usually one of the former).

I'm based in the UK, but have spent significant time in China, Palestine, France, Sweden and Iran. I like to think that this helps me avoid the parochial British view of the world but I'm probably wrong.

Studying politics, and meeting journalists, has made me rather sceptical about the value of what our TV and print media have to say about current affairs, particularly anything taking place abroad. That includes The Guardian (for all it's faults, my normal paper) and the dear old BBC. I get most of my news and analysis online, but also spend a lot of time reading books and academic journals, and talking to the multitude of friends I've made in political fields. Truth be told, I tend to think that this too lends some authority to my views; an opinion I'm sure I will be disabused of here.