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User:Bancroft643/Books/The History of the American Civil War

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The History of the American Civil War


From April 12, 1861 - April 9, 1865

A Prelude to War
U.S. state
Slave and free states
Deep South
Plantations in the American South
Slavery in the United States
African American
List of historical unrecognized states and dependencies
United States presidential election, 1860
History of the United States Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln
American Civil War
Upland South
Confederate government of Missouri
Confederate government of Kentucky
Shadow government
Union (American Civil War)
Battle of Fort Sumter
Charleston, South Carolina
United Kingdom and the American Civil War
France in the American Civil War
Jefferson Davis
Confederate States Constitution
South Carolina in the American Civil War
Mississippi in the American Civil War
Florida in the American Civil War
Alabama in the American Civil War
Georgia in the American Civil War
Louisiana in the American Civil War
Texas in the American Civil War
Virginia in the American Civil War
Arkansas in the American Civil War
Tennessee in the American Civil War
North Carolina in the American Civil War
President Lincoln's 75,000 volunteers
Missouri in the American Civil War
Kentucky in the American Civil War
Five Civilized Tribes
Confederate Arizona
Maryland in the American Civil War
History of Delaware
Restored Government of Virginia
West Virginia in the American Civil War
Union blockade
Emancipation Proclamation
Sherman's March to the Sea
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
Reconstruction Era
Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Origins of the American Civil War
Timeline of events leading to the American Civil War
Secession in the United States
Roger B. Taney
William Lowndes Yancey
Stephen A. Douglas
James M. McPherson
Drew Gilpin Faust
States' rights
Emory M. Thomas
Cornerstone Speech
Alexander H. Stephens
Provisional Confederate States Congress
Montgomery, Alabama
Sam Houston
Whig Party (United States)
John Bell (Tennessee politician)
William Henry Gist
Charleston, South Carolina in the American Civil War
Andrew Gordon Magrath
James Chesnut, Jr.
James Henry Hammond
John Belton O'Neall
Charlotte, North Carolina
Dahlonega, Georgia
New Orleans
Fort Sumter
United States Constitution
Missouri Constitutional Convention (1861–63)
St. Louis Arsenal
Missouri General Assembly
Missouri secession
Wheeling Convention
Wheeling, West Virginia
East Tennessee
Army of Northern Virginia
New Mexico Territory in the American Civil War
Indian Territory in the American Civil War
Mesilla, New Mexico
Tucson, Arizona
New Mexico Territory
Lewis Owings
First Battle of Mesilla
34th parallel north
Marcus H. MacWillie
New Mexico Campaign
Indian Territory
Congress of the Confederate States
Elias Cornelius Boudinot
Samuel Benton Callahan
Cherokee Nation (19th century)
History of Montgomery, Alabama
Alabama State Capitol
Milledgeville, Georgia
Virginia State Capitol
Richmond in the American Civil War
Henry S. Foote
Overland Campaign
Danville, Virginia
William Gannaway Brownlow
Andrew Johnson
History of West Virginia
William H. Seward
Charles Francis Adams, Sr.
Law of war
Supreme Court of the United States
Void (law)
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
Second French Empire
King Cotton
British Raj
James Murray Mason
John Slidell
Diplomatic recognition
Trent Affair
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell
Napoleon III
Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Battle of Antietam
Blockade runners of the American Civil War
Pope Pius IX
Pope Pius IX and the United States
Ambrose Dudley Mann
Holy See
Arthur Fremantle
Justus Scheibert
Charles Frédéric Girard
John Arthur Roebuck
E. Merton Coulter
French invasion of Russia
First Battle of Bull Run
Gettysburg Campaign
David Dixon Porter
Military of the Confederate States of America
Confederate States Army
Confederate States Navy
Confederate States Marine Corps
United States Army
United States Navy
Mexican–American War
Leonidas Polk
United States Military Academy
The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina
Virginia Military Institute
Drewry's Bluff
Glossary of vexillology
Enrollment Act
Macon, Georgia
Twenty Negro Law
Gabriel J. Rains
Gideon Johnson Pillow
James Buchanan
Star of the West
Francis Wilkinson Pickens
Battle of Big Bethel
Battle of Wilson's Creek
George B. McClellan
Cheat Mountain
Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Memphis
Battle of New Orleans
George Trenholm
Ironclad warship
CSS Virginia
Josiah Tattnall III
USS Atlanta (1861)
Stephen Mallory
Peninsula Campaign
Second Battle of Bull Run
Ambrose Burnside
Battle of Fredericksburg
Braxton Bragg
Allan Nevins
High water mark
William W. Loring
Charleston, West Virginia
Battle of Stones River
Battle of Chancellorsville
Siege of Vicksburg
Siege of Port Hudson
Morgan's Raid
New York City draft riots
Battle of Gettysburg
Chattanooga Campaign
Siege of Petersburg
CSS Albemarle
Battle of Mobile Bay
Battle of Nashville
Carolinas Campaign
Fort Fisher
Second Battle of Charleston Harbor
Hampton Roads Conference
Battle of Wilmington
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park
Japanese ironclad Kōtetsu
Guerrilla warfare
Amnesty Act
Texas v. White
United States Reports
Frank Lawrence Owsley
Joseph E. Brown
Pendleton Murrah
Zebulon Baird Vance
George Washington
Edward A. Pollard
Flags of the Confederate States of America
Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves
Commerce Clause
Public works
General Welfare clause
Protective tariff
Necessary and Proper Clause
Supremacy Clause
President of the Confederate States of America
Confederate States presidential election, 1861
Line-item veto
United States Congress
Robert Toombs
Confederate States Secretary of State
Robert M. T. Hunter
Judah P. Benjamin
Confederate States Secretary of the Treasury
Christopher Memminger
John Henninger Reagan
Confederate States Secretary of War
LeRoy Pope Walker
George W. Randolph
James Seddon
John C. Breckinridge
Confederate States Secretary of the Navy
Postage stamps and postal history of the Confederate States
Confederate States Attorney General
Thomas Bragg
Thomas H. Watts
George Davis (politician)
Harper's Weekly
Howell Cobb
First Confederate Congress
Second Confederate Congress
Robert Woodward Barnwell
Burton Allen Holder
Robert McDonald Jones
Thomas S. Bocock
Josiah Abigail Patterson Campbell
Jesse J. Finley
Henry R. Jackson
Asa Biggs
Front line
William Giles Jones
Benjamin Franklin Perry
West Hughes Humphreys
James Dandridge Halyburton
Edwin Warren Moïse
Alexander Mosby Clayton
John White Brockenbrough
Fort Monroe
City Point, Virginia
Mark E. Neely, Jr.
Economy of the Confederate States of America
Bell I. Wiley
Work ethic
Naval stores
Confederate railroads in the American Civil War
Track gauge
Confederate States dollar
Edward C. Elmore
Government debt
Charlotte Mint
Dahlonega Mint
New Orleans Mint
Natchez, Mississippi
Flag of the United States
Mississippi River
Trans-Mississippi Theater of the American Civil War
Guadalupe Peak
Humid subtropical climate
Semi-arid climate
Desert climate
1860 United States Census
County seat
Washington, D.C., in the American Civil War
Alexandria, Virginia
Louisville, Kentucky, in the American Civil War
St. Louis in the American Civil War
Richmond, Virginia
Mobile, Alabama
Memphis, Tennessee
Savannah, Georgia
Petersburg, Virginia
Nashville, Tennessee
Norfolk, Virginia
Augusta, Georgia
Columbus, Georgia
Wilmington, North Carolina
Atlanta in the American Civil War
History of Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans in the American Civil War
Wilmington, North Carolina in the American Civil War
General officers in the Confederate States Army
Patrick Cleburne
P. G. T. Beauregard
John Brown Gordon
Henry Heth
Daniel Harvey Hill
Samuel Cooper (general)
Edward Johnson (general)
Albert Sidney Johnston
Joseph B. Kershaw
Joseph E. Johnston
Edmund Kirby Smith
Fitzhugh Lee
George Washington Custis Lee
Simon Bolivar Buckner
Jubal Early
William Mahone
George Pickett
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Wade Hampton III
Camille Armand Jules Marie, Prince de Polignac
Sterling Price
Stephen Dodson Ramseur
William J. Hardee
A. P. Hill
Theophilus H. Holmes
Thomas L. Rosser
J. E. B. Stuart
John Bell Hood
Earl Van Dorn
Stonewall Jackson
John A. Wharton
Stephen D. Lee
Edward Porter Alexander
James Longstreet
Francis Cockrell
Clement A. Evans
John Hunt Morgan
Alexander P. Stewart
William N. Pendleton
Richard Taylor (general)
Stand Watie
Zachary Taylor
Joseph Wheeler
Lawrence Sullivan Ross
John S. Mosby
Vice President of the United States
Franklin Buchanan
Raphael Semmes
History of the Southern United States
Confederate Patent Office
Great Seal of the Confederate States of America
Confederate war finance
List of treaties of the Confederate States of America
American Civil War prison camps
Conclusion of the American Civil War
Confederate Army of Kentucky
Army of Tennessee
List of American Civil War generals
Uniforms of the Confederate States military forces
Bahamas in the American Civil War
Confederate colonies
Golden Circle (proposed country)
Confederate States Lighthouse Bureau
List of ships of the Confederate States Navy
List of ships captured in the 19th century
List of Confederate arms manufacturers
List of Confederate arsenals and armories
Commemoration of the American Civil War
Commemoration of the American Civil War on postage stamps
List of monuments and memorials of the Confederate States of America
National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus
Bibliography of the American Civil War
Deo Vindice
God Save the South
The Bonnie Blue Flag
Dixie (song)
De facto
English language
Presidential system
Non-partisan democracy
Battle of Appomattox Court House
List of countries and dependencies by area
List of countries and dependencies by population
Southern States Confederate Currency
United States
New Imperialism
Slavery in the colonial United States
Human trafficking in the United States
British North America
Thirteen Colonies
Free people of color
Northern United States
Cotton gin
Southern United States
Mason–Dixon line
Atlantic slave trade
Territories of the United States
British Empire
French colonial empire
Confederate States of America
Chesapeake Bay
Indentured servant
Jamestown, Virginia
Ira Berlin
Anthony Johnson (colonist)
John Punch (slave)
John Casor
Northampton County, Virginia
English law
Elizabeth Key Grinstead
Partus sequitur ventrem
Slave codes
Native Americans in the United States
Louis XIV of France
Code Noir
Gens de couleur
History of slavery in Louisiana
White people
English American
Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America
Slave rebellion
James Oglethorpe
Scottish people
Darien, Georgia
Province of South Carolina
Privy Council of the United Kingdom
Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
Province of Georgia
Slavery at common law
Somerset v Stewart
William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield
Abolitionism in the United Kingdom
George III of the United Kingdom
American Revolution
Central Africa
Kongo people
Bight of Bonny
Igbo people
Tikar people
Ibibio people
Bamileke people
Bubi people
Sierra Leone
Mende people
Temne people
Senegambia Confederation
Mandinka people
Fula people
Wolof people
Gold Coast (region)
Akan people
Fon people
Ivory Coast
Mandé peoples
Kru people
Bight of Benin
Yoruba people
Ewe people
Mahi people
East Africa
Makua people
Malagasy people
John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore
Royal governor
Earl of Dartmouth
Dunmore's Proclamation
Martial law
Patriot (American Revolution)
British Armed Forces
Nova Scotia
An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery
Quock Walker
James Madison
Slave Trade Act of 1794
New York City
Freedom suit
Racial segregation in the United States
Pennsylvania Abolition Society
New York Manumission Society
Congress of the Confederation
Northwest Ordinance
Ohio River
Thomas Jefferson
Midwestern United States
War of 1812
The Carolinas
Georgia (U.S. state)
Middle Passage
Peter Kolchin
Interregional slave trade
Louisville, Kentucky
French Louisiana
Louisiana Purchase
Andrew Jackson
Treatment of slaves in the United States
Black church
Nat Turner
North Carolina
William Wells Brown
Civil code
Lawrence M. Friedman
John Wayles
Betty Hemings
Sally Hemings
Mary Boykin Chesnut
Fanny Kemble
Robert Fogel
Abolition of slavery timeline
List of abolitionists
West Africa Squadron
Webster–Ashburton Treaty
Africa Squadron
Peculiar institution
American Colonization Society
Abolitionism in the United States
Henry Clay
William Lloyd Garrison
John Brown (abolitionist)
USS Perry (1843)
Royal Navy
Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda
Black Refugee (War of 1812)
Corps of Colonial Marines
Tangier, Virginia
Pierce Butler
South Carolina
Treaty of Ghent
Alexander I of Russia
United Society
First Great Awakening
Eastman Johnson
History of Methodism in the United States
Baptists in the United States
American Presbyterianism
Spiritual (music)
Vision (spirituality)
Nat Turner's slave rebellion
Southampton County, Virginia
Stanley Engerman
Time on the Cross
Three-Fifths Compromise
Fugitive slave laws
Underground Railroad
Oberlin, Ohio
Republican Party (United States)
Slave Power
Democratic Party (United States)
Washington, D.C.
Compromise of 1850
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas–Nebraska Act
Kansas Territory
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Dred Scott
St. Louis
Missouri Compromise
United States nationality law
Chief Justice of the United States
United States Senate
Popular sovereignty
Constitutional Union Party (United States)
Electoral College (United States)
Ordinance of Secession
Western United States
Benjamin Butler (politician)
Contraband (American Civil War)
Union Army
United States Colored Troops
Grand Contraband Camp, Virginia
Confiscation Act of 1861
Copperhead (politics)
Border states (American Civil War)
War Democrats
Total war
Simon Cameron
John C. Frémont
David Hunter
War Governors' Conference
Hampton Roads
American Missionary Association
Battle of Fort Pillow
Arizona Organic Act
Arizona Territory
Francis Bicknell Carpenter
West Virginia
Robert Roswell Palmer
Economic history
Robert E. Wright
Compromise of 1877
Involuntary servitude
Douglas A. Blackmon
Pulitzer Prize
Slavery by Another Name
Convict lease
African-American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954)
Penal labor in the United States
Education during the Slave Period
Education of freed people during the Civil War
Normal school
Hampton University
Historically black colleges and universities
W. E. B. Du Bois
Booker T. Washington
Julius Rosenwald
George Eastman
Henry Huttleston Rogers
Andrew Carnegie
Virginia General Assembly
Kingdom of England
United States House of Representatives
Founding Fathers of the United States
Alexis de Tocqueville
Democracy in America
John C. Calhoun
George Fitzhugh
Slavery among Native Americans in the United States
Slavery among the indigenous peoples of the Americas
European colonization of the Americas
The Californias
Alta California
Vagrancy (people)
Haida people
Prisoner of war
Pacific Northwest
Yurok people
Pawnee people
Klamath people
Cherokee freedmen controversy
Fugitive slaves in the United States
Black Seminoles
Tribe (Native American)
Canton, Oklahoma
Free negro
Social class
Louisiana (New France)
Louisiana (New Spain)
John Hope Franklin
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
James Oakes (historian)
Barbary pirates
Barbary slave trade
First Barbary War
Second Barbary War
Joshua John Ward
Georgetown, South Carolina
Brookgreen Gardens
Historiography of the United States
John Wesley Blassingame
The Slave Community
Eugene Genovese
Herbert Gutman
Abraham Lincoln and slavery
American slave court cases
The Bondwoman's Narrative
Polly Berry
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
Representation of slavery in European art
Reparations for slavery debate in the United States
Slave breeding in the United States
Slave health on plantations in the United States
Cotton Plantation Record and Account Book
Slave insurance in the United States
Slave narrative
Contemporary slavery
The Slave Route Project
Slave ship
Female slavery in the United States
Slavery and religion
Unfree labour
Forced migration
Forty acres and a mule
Slavery in the British and French Caribbean
Slavery in Canada
Slavery in Africa
Slavery in the British Virgin Islands
Slavery in Haiti
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
Slavery in the British Isles
Slavery in the Spanish New World colonies
Slavery on the Barbary Coast
Slave Trade Act
Sojourner Truth
Stolen Childhood
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
Industrial slave
Hush harbor
History of slavery
International Slavery Museum
Triangular trade
List of plantations
List of slave owners
List of slaves
List of U.S. states by historical population
Lucy Delaney
Maroon (people)
United States National Slavery Museum
Wage slavery
White guilt
North Carolina v. Mann
Old Slave Mart
Whitney Plantation Historic District
York (explorer)
History of slavery in Alabama
History of slavery in Alaska
History of slavery in California
History of slavery in Connecticut
History of slavery in Georgia (U.S. state)
History of slavery in Illinois
History of slavery in Indiana
History of slavery in Kansas
History of slavery in Maryland
History of slavery in Massachusetts
History of slavery in Missouri
History of slavery in Nebraska
History of slavery in New Jersey
History of slavery in New York
History of slavery in Pennsylvania
History of Rhode Island
History of slavery in Texas
History of slavery in Virginia
History of slavery in West Virginia