Ali Ghaffarianhoseini (PhD, MSc & B.Arch. Hons), is the Head of Department of Built Environment Engineering, and an Appointed Leading Researcher at the School of Future Environments, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, as well as, a Professional Architectural Engineer/Designer (NZIA Academic Member - 24326) holding PhD and MSc degrees in Architectural Studies and B.Arch. (Hons) in Architecture Engineering. He is a Founding Co-Director of Responsive + Green Urban Built Environment Lab, New Zealand ( and AUT’s Architectural Engineering (AE) Lab. Ali is also a Green Star Accredited Professional – Design & As Built (GSAP - 16415) by New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC). At AUT, Ali was formerly involved as a Programme Leader [BE (Hons) Architectural Engineering], and Industry Engagement Coordinator [BE (Hons) Architectural Engineering + BE (Hons) Construction Engineering]. He is the winner of AUT’s Best Research Team Award (2019 – Faculty of Design & Creative Technologies). With approximately 15 years of postgraduate academic research/teaching experience and architectural design/engineering practice, he has always been regarded as a high achiever.
In conjunction with teaching architecture/construction design-engineering courses, he is an active researcher focusing on Integrated BIM, AR/VR, Design Cognition & Computing; Building Automation Systems, Smart Homes & Intelligent Buildings, Sustainable Design Developments, Green Buildings and Integrated Design Studies.
His scholarly standing (Citations: 3452, h-index: 24, i10-index: 34), represents significant contribution to the academic circle highlighting his merit even in built environment engineering subject areas broader than the architectural research per se. He has been diligently engaged in various international research collaborations with world-class academicians from Australia, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, UK, USA, etc., and has achieved well-recognized international innovation awards plus scholarship of 120+ international level patent; journal articles; books/book chapters; conference papers etc. His research contribution resulted in publication of many highly read and cited papers in high impact factor international journals namely Building and Environment, Cities, Applied Energy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Sustainable Cities & Society, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Intelligent Buildings International, Architectural Science Review, etc. for many of which he is a regular reviewer. He is also the sole invited representative of AUT University @ NBEWG to promote incorporation of BIM in the context of Design/Engineering academic curriculum.
Throughout his academic career, he has developed, moderated, reviewed and contributed to accreditation of various academic programs & contents concerning architecture and the built environment engineering as a whole along with developing & facilitating special research, teaching and testing laboratories plus mentoring several young academicians and active involvement in student recruitment expos.
He has graduated 6 and currently supervises 11 PhD candidates (4 supervision + 4 co-supervision + 3 supervision mentoring) besides supervising 3 and graduating 82 Master’s students. Ali has coordinated oral defense examination of more than 200 Master’s students as well as evaluating PhD and Master’s theses, as external examiner and adjudicator, for university of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, Massey University, Deakin University and many others.
Ali has also been the organizer/key member of scientific/technical committees for 60+ prestigious international academic conferences such as Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (ConVR), Architectural Science Association (ASA) formerly known as ANZAScA (Australian and New Zealand Architectural Science Association), CIB World Building Congress (WBCIB), Australasian Building Simulation (AIRAH), Green Cities, Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Sustainable Development of Energy, Water And Environmental Systems (SDEWES), Automation, Control & Robotics Engineering (CACRE), Sustainable Built Environment (SBE), Advanced Building Skins, etc. in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, New Zealand, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Switzerland, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA).