User:Adam Carr/My archive of original cartographic contributions
This page is an archive of original cartography contributed by me to Wikipedia since September 2003, roughly in order of contribution. The maps are much larger than they appear here - click on them to see the larger version. All these maps are in the public domain and may be used for any purpose. Attribution would be nice but is not necessary.
The Curzon Line and territorial changes to Poland, 1945
Port Phillip area
Territorial losses of Thailand
Electoral divisions: New South Wales
Electoral divisions: Sydney area
Electoral divisions: Victoria
Electoral divisions: Queensland
Electoral divisions: Brisbane area
Electoral divisions: Western Australia
Electoral divisions: South Australia
Electoral divisions: Tasmania and Territories
Administrative units of the Russian Federation
Tsunami affected provinces
Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia, 1600-1795
Expansion of Prussia 1807-1871
Prussia in the German Empire 1871-1918
Germany's territorial losses 1919-1945
South Thailand
Unter den Linden, Berlin
The Oder-Neisse Line
Greek boundary changes
France under German occupation
Central Bangkok