- ... that the red-cheeked salamander, which is distasteful to predators, is mimicked by the harmless imitator salamander?
- ... that the Black Salamander may defend itself by biting a western garter snake attacking it?
- ... that the Carpathian newt sometimes hybridises with the smooth newt?
- ... that the female Black Mountain Salamander broods her eggs?
- ...that the Eastern Newt changes its skin colour from bright red to olive green when it becomes an adult, and is known as the red eft before adulthood?
- ... that the largest amphibian in the world is the Chinese giant salamander (pictured)?
- ... that the clouded salamander stayed at home in Oregon while the wandering salamander travelled by bark from California to Vancouver Island?
- ... that the Pyrenean brook salamander sometimes lives entirely underground in caves?
- ...that the Iberian Ribbed Newt's ability to keep live sperm in its cloaca for up to 5 months was a reason it was chosen to be flown into space?
- ... that the golden thorius, with a total length of 57 millimetres (2.2 in), is one of the largest species of Mexican pigmy salamanders?