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This article has been protected to stop a reversion war. Please see the dispute resolution process; if you disagree with the protection of this article, please contact me or see Requests for page protection. Note that disagreement amongst editors is the reason the article is protected, and should not be used as an argument for unprotection. // Pathoschild (admin / talk) 23:47, 16 February 2006 (UTC)

The claim that AICP is a CULT is simply refutable by 2 points.

1) Everything they say wheather anybody likes it or not has a proof from the scholars before them

2) The fact that most claims defaming them are either lies or simply true yet the writer's ignorance think it's not.

example of the first, AICP fought in 82 against Israel during the invasion of Lebanon. So they are not linked to zionism it's just baseless.

Example of the second the "dead walk out of their graves". They simply beleive it's not impossible, and any claim it is, is refuted by Hadith Al-Israa: Didn't the Prophet meat with the Prophets before him and performed prayer with them as their Imam? Weren't all the Prophets passed away by then?except Issa and Al-Khader. So Allah is capable of every thing and there is no proof that it's impossible to happen. Plus the Ibn Omar Hadith when he met the burning man.

We confess that lots of currents try to defame AICP. But thoes currents and sects have their issues. 4 examples I'm sure anyone defaming AICP can be linked to one of these groups.

1-Wahhabies. Less than 2 million followers, with lot's of resources. mostly divided among themselves, some are Bin-Ladinests and some are Oil Rich Arab buisness men who live mostly in London and sometimes own an MTV-like Satelite stations, and the inbetweens. These have Wrong beleifs and innovations, Ranging from: "If a Muslim lives in the USA and works without trying to blow stuff up killing innocents. He is no longer a Muslim and Killing him thus is OK" to "If some one said O Muhammad, He committed blasphemy or it's forbidden" to Tashbeeh.

2-Ekhwan: Call themselves the muslim brotherhood or Al Jamma'a Al Islamia(the group of Islam) or other. These prooved to be polymorphic. their 1st founder intended it to be a resistance movement against British occupation to Egypt (Hassan Al Banna) but due to an organizational glitch, the resistant cells fell under the influece of ignorant power-players with more ambition than piety. The Imam denounced what they were doing in his last days, and he was assassinated before he could fix what happened. Came an ex-communist called Sayyed Qutub who put the guide lines to a Social model of a Terrorist. With claims like "There is No Islam these days. The entire Humanity has commited blasphemy, and the leaders of the Islamic world are not applying the Laws of Islam thus anyone who doesn't revolt is a Kafir" in short he claimed that the situation is now the same as it was before Prophet Muhammad came. One student was very influenced by this man, He was in Colledge when Sayyed Qutub was executed for his crimes, His name is Ayman Athawahiri. Bin Laden's right hand.

Of course they are polymorphic because despite their real founder claimed it's blasphemy even to work in any governmental Job. His followers now Enter Elections. and win it for 2 reasons: People have a Passion for slogans like "Islam is the solution" and "Vote for Islam" and the corrup nature of other alternatives

3-Hizbuttahrir: AKA the party of Liberation. Mostly found in European countries like Denmark and England. Their founder is a Clocksmith who read a few books and claimed himself to be a Khalifah. He live in Beirut and he appointed his sons as Sultans of Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. Obviously no body took him seriously, but for various reasons he got some support from English Intelligence (mostly political reasons) He was seen comming out of the british embassy carrying a bag of money, when asked about it he claimed "we Asked them to become Muslims, they refused so we asked them for Jizzya"(Jizzia is a Tax collected from Non-Muslims in Islamic Rule). They have similar beleif to Ekhwan the claim anyone who doesn't have Pledged Allegence to a Khalifa Dies a non-Muslim. Also weird Jurespedance rulings like a Man is not allowed to look in the face of a woman marrigable to him(not his mother, sister,...) Yet he can kiss her in the face. (Islamically He can look anywoman in the face(not lustfully) and can't kiss a woman Marrigeable to him)

4-Variouse Pseudo-Sufis. These are the one's who give sufis a bad name among some Muslims. they are Mostly based around an imposter who claimes to be vary pious and of a High rank. Examples are: Rajabis(followers Of rajab Deeb, a Syrian imposter) and Qubursis (refuted by Samir Al Kadi in detail at AICP[1] )

Well said. Crono 17:01, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP IS a CULT which hides behind the mainstream Sunnis to seek LEGITIMACY & RECRUITMENT = Take it or Don't take it

Habashies / Al-Ahbash / Ahbash / AICP / TIES / ACL

The Ahbash / Al-Ahbash / Habashies, officially known as the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP), or Jam'iyyat al-Mashari' al-Khayriyya al-Islamiyya which also operates under Jammat Ahl Sunnah in the US and other parts of the world, is one of the most controversial Muslim sect among all the Muslim sects / groups.

On their official web-site, www.aicp.org, they claim to be "The Resounding Voice of Moderation," a claim which is propogated by anti-Islam writers like Daniel Pipes and Jeff Jacoby (See Zionist Connection) on their behalf. However, their critics, a group of Islamic Researchers which includes researchers and scholars like Dr. Muzzamil Siddiqui and Dr. Ahmad Sakr .etc, point out that "They hold strange deviant views that have never been expressed by any Muslim sect, group or movement. They declared that intermingling between men and women is permissible without any restrictions, and that Muslim leaders are not true believers and that it is permissible to cooperate with non-believers."

They further point out that "several Muslim authorities warned against such a sect including: the Islamic Research Academy at Al-Azhar, the General Authority for Research, Fatwas and the Islamic call and guidance in Saudi Arabia, the Higher Council for Fatwas in Northern America" despite claims made by some of the followers of Ahbash / Al-Ahbash / Habashies group that they are supported by Al-Azhar.

All over the world, they use the signboards / slogans of Ahl As Sunnah wal Jamaat on their centers and materials of propaganda. They call themselves "authentic" Sunnis and they call authentic mainstream Sunnis "Kaafirs."

Further, to misguide the mainstream Sunni Muslims, new Muslims and Muslim youth, they are creating web-sites all over the world wide web, running their web-sites as "authentic" mainstream Sunni Muslims and linking on all the Free Forums / Encyclopedias like WikiPedia by using Islamic sounding domain names like:

(Please, read this article,Internet in a Sectarian Islamic Context - http://www.isim.nl/files/Review_15/Review_15-50.pdf - to find out how Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP are using the web to hide their agenda and promote their beliefs by posing as "authentic" mainstream Sunnis.)

Since they are not part of Islamic Jurisprudence council, they have formed their own "high" council to issue Fatwas in Australia:

"At the surface, Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP seems to adhere to the Shafi`i School of Jurisprudence, and to Imam Al-Ash`ari’s School in terms of creed. However, at the deep level, their main agenda is to corrupt and misquide the Muslim creed and incite sedition amongst the Muslims by marketing, preaching and disseminating their own twisted beliefs."

Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP have divided the word of Allah into two categories: First, word which is not sound or letter. Second, which is the pronounced and written word, which says the word of Allah, but it is in reality composed by Gabrael. And that Allah - the Exalted speaks in everlasting words which have no beginning or end, and are not composed of continuing letters or annunciations which are separated or combined. They believe it to be a self discussion in which God talked within Himself, because in their opinion the words of God are not a language, a letter, or a sound. Moreover:

a). Concerning creed, they follow the condemned school of Irja'. It is well known that the Islamic creed held by the Prophet’s Companions and their successors states that faith is a matter of declaring in words, believing in the heart and all this must be reflected in action for belief without practice and submission to Shari`ah has no place in Islam. However, according to them it is not necessary that faith be reflected in action and hence a person remains a believer even if he neglects all the pillars of Islam,

b). Such a sect consider it permissible to seek the help of the dead besides instead of that of Allah and this is clearly considered in the Qur'an and Sunnah as ascribing partners to Allah. They urge people to do so claiming that the dead get out from their graves to fulfill the requests of those who call upon them and then get back to the graves. Allah Almighty says: “They worship beside Allah that which neither hurteth them nor profiteth them, and they say: These are our intercessors with Allah.” (Yunus: 18), c). They consider that the Qur'an is not the words of Allah but that of Gabriel,

d). They claim to follow the Shafi`i School in respect to fiqh and belief. However, they are, in fact, very far from the principles of the School of Imam ash-Shafi`i,

e). They claim that Allah has created the universe and sent the Messengers to humans for no purpose or wisdom and whoever attributes any of Allah's actions to the Divine Wisdom is a mushrik.

According to one Fatwa (Religious Decree) issued by Islamonline.net, "they usually do not express their true views and intentions in the books or any of the publications that they issue. Even the books issued by their leader is quite ordinary and do not contain any of their aberrant views which is, in fact, part of their plan to deceive people and attract more followers. However, many of their followers repent and revert to the true path when they learn the truth about such sect."

Consequently, they conclude with the following points:

1- The Ahbash group is a stray group that is not considered among main stream Muslims and they have to revert to the true path of the Companions and their successors, both in belief and in action.

2- It is not permissible to follow the fatwas of such sect.

3- They are not trustworthy and people must be warned against their dangerous corrupt views. Moreover, Muslims should advise the followers of such sect to revert to the true path." (Source: "Al-Ahbash: Evolution and Beliefs" - IslamOnLine.net - June 07, 2003)


- Faces of American Islam[:Muslim Immigration]

by Daniel Pipes and Khalid Dur?n

Policy Review

August/September 2002

- American Muslims vs. American Jews

by Daniel Pipes


May 1999

- Needed: Muslims against Terror[ - and Not Salam Al-Marayati]

by Daniel Pipes


July 16, 1999

- Hear The Voices of Muslim Moderation

Boston Globe | January 6, 2000

by Jeff Jacoby

- Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

features Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP)

- Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC)

Islam perverted: The Islamists have got it wrong

by Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi


"The Habashies Weighted On The Scales the Sharee'ah"

"Al-Ahbash - Their History and Beliefs"

"Die al-Habash - gewaltfreie Islamisten?" (German)


"Habashis and the Issue of the Qiblah"

- Al-Ahbash: Their History and Their Beliefs

by Z. Alzamil

- Al-Ahbash's Friends and their enemies

by Z. Alzamil

  • allaahuakbar.net/habashis/alhabashis_friends_and_ enemies.htm

- Internet in a Sectarian Islamic Context


by A. Nizar Hamzeh and R. Hrair Dekmejian

International Journal of Middle East Studies 28 (1996), 217-229


"Al-Ahbash: Evolution and Beliefs"

"Casting Aspersions on Erudite Scholars"

"Differences among the Companions: Islamic Approach"


- The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) in North America and Europe

- Islamic Charity Projects Association (ICPA) in Australia

- Italian Muslim Assembly (AMI) in Italy


Schools (International)

The Islamic Education School (T.I.E.S.)- Anaheim, California, USA

The Islamic Education School (T.I.E.S.)- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

The Islamic Education School (T.I.E.S.)- Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Al-Furqan Islamic Foundation - Bellevue, Washington, USA

An-Nur Islamic School - Revere, Massachusetts, USA

Al Amanah College, Bankstown & Liverpool Campuses, AUSTRALIA

Al-Hidayah School, New Westminster, British Columbia, CANADA

Cultural Academy of Laval - Academie Culturelle de Laval (ACL), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA


- Anaheim, California, USA

- Houston, Texas, USA

- Memphis, Tennessee, USA

- Miami, Florida, USA

- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

- Philadelphia, PA, USA

- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada



'THE CALL OF KNOWLEDGE' (Paltalk - Arabic Chatroom)

'THE LIGHT OF ISLAM' (Paltalk - English Chatroom)


You failed to state that these are known Whahabie websites. And that there is no official authority of sunni islam in saudi arabia. Also, could you state the ijaza ofthe men who have made 'fatwas' agaisnt us? Before one is allowed to give religious fatwas, he must be given ijaza by the shiekh who taught him, and even in some cases, he msut have a solid chain of sheikhs leading up to the propeht sallalahu alayahi wa salaam, please, you must state the qualifications of those that give fatwas, so as not to confuse people or tricking them into thing such and such person is a valid mujatahid or mufti. -cronodevir

Are these web-sites owned by "Wahabis" or Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP?

All the above domain names, owned and / or run by Habashies / AICP / Al-Ahbash, tell us about the Hedious agenda of Habashies / AICP / Al-Ahbash to blend-in among the mainstream Sunnis. ANF If someone dares to disagree with them either that individual is a "Wahabi" or "Kaafir."

The good news IS that this is NOT AICP / Habashies / Al-Ahbash platform. It is about what Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies or mainstream Sunnis are saying about THEMSELVES. It is about NEUTRAL / ACADEMIC POINT OF VIEW.

Tearlach is NOT a spokesperson for Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies nor for the mainstream Sunnis. He / She IS a NEUTRAL party.

Source: http://www.whyislam.org/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5001


A Smear Campaign...

Like I said anyone trying to defame AICP Can be Linked to one of the above mentioned currents. For instance the one who said they Allow male female intermingiling is Ekhwan. they beleive that men and women sitting in the same room is not allowed.

THe claims about a connection between their creed and Murjeaa is madeby a wahhaby named Abdurrahman Dimashkiyyah. He has a false beleive that mere sinful actions will make a person blasphemous. so when we say a man remains a muslim even if he didn't pray -out of laziness- Although he'll probably suffer for that in Hell in the afterlife, Dimashkiyyah claims he is not a faithful anymore. Murjiaa on the other hand say that faith is all it takes for a person not to enter Hell, a big difference.

I'll Ask the Reader to look at this claim by McKhan:

According to one Fatwa (Religious Decree) issued by Islamonline.net, "they usually do not express their true views and intentions in the books or any of the publications that they issue. Even the books issued by their leader is quite ordinary and do not contain any of their aberrant views which is, in fact, part of their plan to deceive people and attract more followers. However, many of their followers repent and revert to the true path when they learn the truth about such sect."

How can anyone defend himself from such a ridiculuse bable. It's like when some Ignorants say that Sept. 11 is made by CIA and Bin Laden lives in the White house(beleive me I heard this theory). Mckhan simply is commisioned to conduct a smear campaign in the web against them, thats all. --Advisor 10:14, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Even the NON-Muslim ACADEMICS say that Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are waging a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign against the mainstream Muslims and they have proven it over and over again...

Internet in a Sectarian Islamic Context

by THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)

The Lebanon-based al-Ahbash movement advocates a radical neo-traditionalist version of Sunni Islam. Although numerically modest, it has established branches in several Western countries, where it continues the campaign it started in the Middle East against the Salafi trend. The movement uses the Internet innovatively and demonstrates that the strategic use of web-based interactive communication tools does not necessarily lead to the reinforcement of a culture of dialogue; on the contrary they can also serve as a means to achieve virtual ideological hegemony.

The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) was founded in Beirut in 1982 by a group of Sunni ulama who, together with their followers, were nicknamed “al-Ahbash” (The Ethiopians) after their Ethiopian-born spiritual leader, the scholar and Sufi Shaykh Abdallah al-Harari al-Habashi. Since its inception, the AICP has been backed by the Syrian regime, which considers its strong commitment to traditional non-political Sunni principles and its insistently anti-Salafi stance as a means to counter the rise of political Islam in Lebanon. However, this radical neotraditionalist ideology and the paranoid worldview it implies are not exclusively linked to the particular context of Lebanon but constitute a vehicle for an organization that has become transnational by establishing branches in France, Germany, the United States, Australia, and even the Ukraine.

As a global but numerically marginal network made up of small groups, often facing hostility of other Sunni communities, the Ahbash have been quick to take advantage of the Internet. The English speaking—i.e. global-oriented—official website of the AICP (www.aicp.org) is dedicated to conventional uses but is rather innovative from a technological point of view. Since the web makes religious material available worldwide at very low cost, the AICP’s website provides a wide range of exoteric and esoteric contents through written as well as audio resources, among which is a radio station broadcasting from the Beirut headquarters of the movement and daily interactive religious lessons. A look at the website’s Guest Book shows that visitors using this material to improve their Islamic knowledge are not necessarily members of the AICP and sometimes live in regions where the association is not formally present (South Asia, Turkey, Nigeria, and Mindanao). Therefore, one may conclude that the website leads to an extension of the AICP’s ideological sphere of influence. However, we need to be somewhat more cautious than Olivier Roy who asserts that, thanks to the Internet, “one directly joins the Sufi neo-brotherhood [among which is al-Ahbash]” and “one can learn the thought of the Shaykh through its discourse and no longer [have to be] in [direct] contact with him.” [1] As far as Sufism informs the content of thissie, we would suggest that this kind of electronic material is basically more of a showcase for the brotherhood or an aid for the ritual-mystical practices of geographically isolated members. Indeed, visiting a website does not replace the master-disciple relationship, which remains an essential part of Sufism, including that of the Ahbash. Strikingly, Shaykh Abdallah is only surreptitiously referred to on the AICP’s websites since, to use Michael Gilsenan’s words,2 the management of the physical absence of the founding saint—who is more than 80 years old and can only travel abroad occasionally to meet his disciples—is still carried out orally by his deputies.

The second function of the Internet for the Ahbash is to improve the global cohesion of the movement by weaving links between grass roots members of the different branches worldwide, all the more so since these branches are established in highly “connected” countries. Of course, such links are not really useful with regard to close and sizeable communities as in Lebanon or France, but they are of invaluable help for isolated individuals living in Australia or North America. It is certainly not a coincidence that the Ahbash’s website was the first in the Islamic cyberspace to provide 24-hour voice chat groups in different languages.

Ideological spider webs

At first sight, devices such as live interactive lessons or voice chat groups seem to encourage debates within the movement, but, on the contrary, close examination reveals that these instruments are primarily used by the leadership to increase its ideological control on their followers and to attract new devotees. Similarly, if one checks the AICP’s unofficial e-forums (www.talkaboutislam.com), one discovers that they function as ideological spider webs. Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors.


  • [1]. Olivier Roy, L’Islam mondialisé (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2002), 127.
  • [2]. Michael Gilsenan, Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt: an Essay in the Sociology of Religion (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973).

Source: http://www.isim.nl/files/Review_15/Review_15-50.pdf


IF Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are in fact mainstream Sunnis and they don't have any MAJOR conflict with mainsteam Sunnis then why on the earth they need to invest, market and disseminate their favorite scholar's teaching in the name of Islam by using "Islamic" sounded web-sites like:

  • Why can't they simply corroborate with already established mainstream Sunni web-sites like IslamOnline.net .etc?
  • Why do they need to build their own centers in the West and around the globe?
  • Why do they need to innovate, market and disseminate their favorite scholar's "teachings" in the name of Islam using such hedious methods and tactics? After all, don't Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP claim to be Sunni Muslims? IF THEY TRULY ARE THEN WHY DON'T MAINSTREAM SUNNI MUSLIMS ACCEPT THEM AS THEIR OWN?
  • Why would mainstream Sunni Muslim Scholars issue several Islamic Decrees (FATWAs) to warn people against them?
  • Why don't Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP pray in the same direction as the mainstream Sunnis in North America? Is it about truly scientific reasons or to promote SEDITION?

and so on and so forth......

(Hint: You may always use major search engines like Google and Yahoo for research. You might be amazed to find out that there are SO MANY web-sites and material out there which have REFUTED all the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies CLAIMS and BELIEFS .etc by quoting and using AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' own material. This page, for which you are waging your "Jihad" at - to sanitize and rescue Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, is just, as they say, a drop in the ocean.


In answer to the questions

Ekhwan and mainstream sunnis are not the same. All the views that Mckhan is reflecting is by the Muslim Brotherhood party.

1)Islamonline is NOT a mainstream sunni website, it's fatwas come from Dr. Youssef Al Qurdawi who was once imprisoned in Egypt for his involment in Ekhwan/Muslim brotherhood movement. Besides I don't think they'll allow them to express a point that Dr. Qardawi by claiming the Prophet used to make mistakes in matters of releigion has commited blasphemy(belieing Quraan and common sense), and thus is no longer a muslim until he repends and utter the testemonials of faith(shahadatan).(among other grave mistakes he needs to address)

2)"Their own centers" is not very fair, it's not like they ask for ID if you want to enter a mosque. besides they are Muslims with a Message to bring people back into moderation and to spread the word of Islam. And why Hizbuttahrir and Qubursi followers do that? and why the so called "Islamic council" headed by Dr. Qardawi does that? this question could be asked to hundreds of groups.

3) Most Sunnis accept them and the ones who doesn't usually is because of fanatism and smear campaigns like the one conducted here. Al-Azhar accepted them. The Na^imiyyah university, the Qarawiyin university in Morocco, Nizamiyyah Rizwiyyah in Pakistan, azZiyadah in Jakarta (Indonesia) also. Non biased writers commended them too.

4)Like I said before any "Decree" issued can be linked to one of the 4 main groups I talked about, and not to mainstream Sunni like Mckhan said.

5)baseless claim. Made by Ekhwan who were refuted in debate hundreds of times. and a sign of defeat.

6)for Hundreds of years Muslims in North America prayed to the right direction. Enter some Ekhwan/Muslim brotherhood flowers they told people: "you and your ancestors were all wrong" and they made them pray to a direction that points North. their original direction was correct. It's the new direction that is wrong, and it's the Ekhwan that promoted sedition.

Note that only one website is the official website of aicp others are made by AICP followers(individuals usually, sometimes groups) and some issues their may n ot reflect the vision of AICP itself.

McKhan is NOT a "Wahabi" nor he belongs to "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood," "Hizbutahrir" - or - ANY Islamist group. He is a mainstream Sunni whose family has been mainstream Sunni for centuries....

I have read all of the "contributions" and under the id of Advisor + other by the agents of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP.

Indeed, / Muslim Sunni / Cronodevir / Crono as well as his buddies and and Advisor belong to a CULT called Al-Ahbash / Habashies / Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) which hides its agenda and beliefs to blend-in among mainstream Sunnis to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

As a matter of fact, / Muslim Sunni / Cronodevir / Crono is the webmaster of Sunna.info and Qiblah.us (Both of the web-sites are part of a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign against the mainstream Sunni Muslims to seek legitimacy and recruitment) and other web-sites - and - promotes his CULT by incorporating hidden links to Islam-related web-sites. In other words, he is NOT only violating the WikiPedia guidelines by promoting AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies but also corrupting the integrity of the WikiPedia Islam-related pages / content by incorporating AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' beliefs. / Muslim Sunni / Cronodevir / Crono is NOT a mainstream Sunni and YET, he is using the id "Muslim Sunni" to decieve people.

It is quite obvious that the agents of Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies are trying to "link" me either to "Wahabis" or "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood" or "Hizbuttahrir" or "Kaafirs" because I am exposing the Al-Ahbsh / Habashies / AICP, a CULT which hides behind the mainstream Sunnis like myself in order to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

I have dealt with these agents of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP for quite sometime now. And when they cannot find anything else they resort to personal attacks by calling the the other party to be member of either "Wahabis" or "Ekhwar/Muslim Brotherhood" or "Hizbuttahrir" or "Kaafir" or anything else which will rock their boat.

In other words, they try to use "politically correct" and "mainstream" language to divert the criticism. Fortunately, it doesn't work as the World Wide Web has plenty of material available to refute and expose the claims of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP.

In my case, as I have repeated consistently, I am a maisntream Sunni and my family have been mainstream Sunni for centuries even before the "birth" of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP or its "Sheikh." Therefore, I am NOT part of - nor - I belong to "Wahabis," "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood," "Hizbuttahrir," or any other "Islamist" group. I have interacted with the CULT of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP and researched them fully. I ONLY quote either INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL or ACADEMIC sources.

As far as the "argument" is concerned that "Al-Ahbash fought the Israelis" then Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP should stand corrected as The Lebansese fought against the Israli invasion not merely the Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP. Besides, It has been reported quite widely that Al-Ahbash "movement" started in Lebanon in 1982.

There is also a zionist connection. Since when Daniel Pipes, Jeff Jacoby .etc have joined the list of "non-bias" writers?

As I pointed out earlier on this very page, It is NOT about "Qurdawi" or IslamOnline.net and it has NOTHING to do with "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood" or "Hisbuttahrir" .etc. - It is about the group of mainstream Sunni scholars who issued that decree, which includes but NOT limited to, other mainstream Sunni Scholars like Dr. Ahmad H. Sakr (founding member and president of the Muslim Students Association of the U.S.A and Canada - AND - the Islamic Society of North America (or ISNA), Al-Azhar grauduated Shari`ah Researchers and Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi (former President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). NOW, If Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are NOT ready to accept them as mainstream Sunni scholars. That is their problem. By NOT accepting mainstream Sunni scholars, they are simply PROVING the FACT that Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are NOT part of mainstream Sunnis and hold deviant beliefs and agenda contrary to the mainstream Sunni beliefs.

Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies have not only their own centers here in the West and around the globe but also they use the signboards of mainstream Sunnis' "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah" though it has been proven time and time again, NOT only by the mainstream Sunni Shcolars but also by the NON-Muslim academics, that Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies are a CULT which use hedious tactics to seek legitimacy and recruitment. The point is that WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BUILD THEIR OWN CENTERS, IF THEY ARE PART OF MAINSTREAM "SUNNIS"? WHY CAN'T THEY PRAY IN OTHER MAINSTREAM SUNNI MOSQUES?

Once again, it should be noted that all who oppose or expose the AICP / Al-Ahbash / AICP are either "Wahabis" or "Kaafir" or part of "Hizbuttahrir" or "Ikhwan" or some other type of "fantics" in the eyes of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP. This mentality of the AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies proves the arrogance and self-rigteousness of the AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies, a CULT which hides behind the mainstream Sunnis, Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah to propogate their agenda and beliefs to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

This argument that "for Hundreds of years Muslims in North America prayed to the right direction" is quite luducrious as the America is only 200 years old. And the claim that Muslims have been praying in the "wrong" direction and ONLY Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP knew to pray in the "right" direction is way off the line. It is NOT about the direction of the Al-Qiblah nor it is about the scietific reason. It is about using it to promote SEDITION. It is a FACT which I have learned first hand by interacting with Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies along-with other things. Most of the Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP even don't know the scientific reasons. One of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' Italian outlet have been using the research of a mainstream Sunni writer to justify their claim.

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are waging a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign against the mainstream Muslims and they have proven it over and over again by using the same hedious and dirty tricks.

According to an INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL research paper published on the AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies by The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM), "The Lebanon-based al-Ahbash movement advocates a radical neo-traditionalist version of Sunni Islam. Although numerically modest, it has established branches in several Western countries, where it continues the campaign it started in the Middle East against the Salafi trend. The movement uses the Internet innovatively and demonstrates that the strategic use of web-based interactive communication tools does not necessarily lead to the reinforcement of a culture of dialogue; on the contrary they can also serve as a means to achieve virtual ideological hegemony."

AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies's agents lurk around WikiPedia Islam/Muslim-related pages like Islam, Qibla, Sunni Islam, Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab .etc to incorporate / place / promote hidden links to Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's sponsored Islamic/Sunnis/Muslim sounding web-sites like:

to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Above-mentioned research paper further points-out, "Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion."

Anybody who opposes them is either "Wahabi," "Kaafir" or "non-Muslim" or belong to an "Islamist" group.

The bottom line is Tearlach's version meets the WikiPedia guidelines as the agents of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP insists on their own POV. And I know they will keep coming back to modify, sanitize, recruit and / or rescue Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP.


It's the actions of Mckhan that and his words that expose his ideology. Not the actions of his Parents

First, Don't you VANDALIZE this page by REMVOING my comments... You are VIOLATING the WikiPedia guidelines... and Don't you DARE to bring my family into this... By doing so, you are NOT only proving that you are a member of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP who love to use dirty, nasty and hedious tricks to justify their agenda and belifes but also you are VIOLATING the WikiPedia guidelines of CIVILITY.

I didn't remove your comments. You kept Mentioning your parents. I'm only saying, if your parents are good muslims this doesn't mean their son(you) is. Advisor 11:14, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

I didn't mention my parents but my family. And DITTO! on your statement, if your parents are good muslims this doesn't mean their son(you) is. There is a difference. I find it quite perverted, twisted, vicious, hedious and way off the LOGIC and CIVILITY to that you tried to "link" me to "Hizbutahrir", "Wahabis" , "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood" DELIBRATELY using "politically correct" lingo. McKhan

Mckhan keeps on assuring that he is a "Mainstream sunni" and that all others are not. Maybe he has other understanding to this term but my understanding is that a mainstream sunni is a Sunni Muslim that abides with the path of Sunni Scholars before them. Now he asked before and I answered. How about I dare him:

I Advisor Dare Mckhan to bring up ONE issue that AICP didn't abide by the words of great trustworthy Scholars before them. Like the 4: Shafii, Abou Hanifa, Malik and Ibnu Hanbal

McKhan DARES to AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies, the CULT to...
*Take off the signboards and the label of Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah because they are NOT mainstream Sunnis but follow a perverted, ludicruous "Sheikh"... (Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP have been EXPOSED so many times here in North America as well as in Australia and around the globe that they simply don't have self-respect...) Then I will see how many mainstream Sunnis will walk-into their "Musallas"... Indeed, AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies is a CULT which hides it true colors behind the slogan and signboards of Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah to SEEK legitmacy and recruitment McKhan

He replied to me that "how can it be Hundreds of years, when America is 200 years old". Newsflash Mckhan: Colombus reached America in 1492 in the gregorian counter(Ignoring reports and recent traces that muslims reached there before him) Besides 200 years is hundreds.

Go and learn the history FIRST. I was refering to the American Democracy.... Otherwise, America has been for CENTURIES like rest of the world... McKhan
And whats that has to do with the Muslims in North America? --Advisor 11:14, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

It's the ones who turned the qibla 90 degrees in the past few years are the ones who are wrong. this article by Muhammad Afzal Khan(not an AICP member) explains.

Exactly, I, McKhan, pointed out that in the above lines that Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's Italian outlet stole that article to justify their claim.... AND thats all they are capable of... And just to let you know that I know who Muhammad Afzal Khan was... and I know why did he write that article... He CERTAINLY didn't that write article that it could be used by the CULT of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP.... McKhan

As for AICP formed in 82 it's members were in Lebanon way before and their Sheikh was there since the 1950s.

As for Daniel Pipes: I wouldn't recommend anyone to read their articles but if anyone did he'll find out all he did was mention them as a non-violent group. also he'd see that he mentioned others that AICP don't agree with.

And if it's not about Islamonline why did he mention it?

It has NOTHING to do with "IslamOnLine.net".... It is ALL about DIFFERENTIATING between the CULT of AICP / Habashies / Al-Ahbash and mainstream Sunni Muslim like myself... McKhan

And shouldn't both sides of the discussion agree that a certain accadimitian is non-biased? why should we take Mckhan's word for it?

The GOOD NEWS is that IT IS NOT AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' or mainstream Sunnis' platform. McKhan

And why is Mckhan seeing it as wrong that we express our POV in Wikipedia? We try to bring proof to anything we say, not like he said. And it should be part of the quest to acheive a npov

Because WikiPedia is an ENCYCLOPEDIA which aspires to maintain Neutral Point of View (NPOV). It is NOT a MARKETING FLYER for the AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies or Sunnis.... Go and READ the WikiPedia Nuetral Point of View (NPOV) guidelines... McKhan

As for some policy of putting booklets on the web w/o referencing them, usually these are not oppinions or ficticious storys. It's facts, and the authors/compilers of thoes do not sign. Anyone feel free to do so too. and if anyone can refute what they say(using islamically Authentic proofs) step forward (without breaking the rules of the site, and by using a polite language with no prejudice/name calling like what's happening here)

And since They claim to be Sunnis at first and then start to expose what he called "non sunni beleifs". I'll ask All sunni readers here to Join AICP and wait, I assure you as I know them very well, nothing is said in behind doors that is not said in public.

To me, it is ALL ABOUT DIFFERENTIATING between the CULT of AICP / Habashies / Al-Ahbash - and - mainstream Sunni Muslims. I am glad the more agents of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies comes out and declare their beliefs, the more that DIFFERENCE becomes EXPOSED. McKhan

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's agents are resorting to personal attacks, as usual... WikiPedia is an ENCYCLOPEDIA which aspires to maintain the Neutral Point of View (NPOV)...

You think that it IS a religious "discussion" and I am here to "prove" something. As I already mentioned, to me, it is all about DIFFERENTIATING between mainstream Sunnis and the CULT of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies. And so far, you are helping me to corroborate that DIFFERENCE by establishing the fact that you know nothing about mainstream Sunnis' beliefs. In my humble and logical point of view, Denying the totality of the Quran and calling it mere the conversation of Gabriel and / or twisting its meaning is THE BIGGEST SIN in Islam. Go and Figure. You are more than welcome to Ask a mainstream Sunni scholar for any sort of "evidence" or "prrof."

2 points: what is Denying the totality of the Quraan? and when did anyone said it's the conversation of Jibril? And when did the AICP twist it's meaning? how can this be true if they beleive in the Hadith that says what means if anyone says his Oppinion in a meaning of a verse, he will be punished in the judgment day? you are not talking about the AICP I know. What kind of a conversation is this if you Just throw accusations without reference. --Advisor 12:02, 6 March 2006 (UTC)
Indeed, I am talking about Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies. AND I am NOT going to baby-sit anybody for any reference. Go and figure. As far as I am concerned, to me, it is all about DIFFERENTIATING between the CULT of Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies and the mainstream Sunnis. If you want "reference" then ask a mainstream Sunni scholar. But Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's agents wouldn't do that. Because Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies are so schizophrenicin and cultish in their mentality that in their mind every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs is either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign." In other words, all the mainstream Sunni Muslims are "wrong" or "Kaafir" altogether - but - whatever Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are saying or preaching is "Islamic" or "Muslim." If this is NOT a CULT then what else it is. The bottom-line and the burning question is that if Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are so unique and proud of their "scholar" then why don't they be simply proud of it by DEMONSTRATING that CLEARLY and CATEGORICALLY on their "Musallahs" that this center / material belongs to Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP. Why do they need buy domain names and put on the signboards and hide behind "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah." Is it about recruitment or legitimacy or the fear they will be exposed? Or is it about hedious tactics practiced by the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, to borrow words from THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)'s THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) report which tells us "Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors" ? McKhan
You didn't answer my question. In Courts the burden of the evidence is on the prosecuter. if Mckhan was a prosecuter He'd ask the defence to bring evidence his client is guilty and then refute it. I will not fall into this stupid trap. No references, No case. And as for the THOMAS PIERRET Article well I'm a moderator at talkaboutislam and I don't think this is always true. Yes people like Mckhan will be banned in a short while but that's because his goal is not discusion. Just defamation. but if a visitor searches he'll find lots of discussions with Pseudo-Salafis, Aeithists, Hizbuttahrir and others.

From the very start, you have been intentionally IGNORING, like rest of the agents / followers and sympthaizers of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies, all the sources which are provided through out this very page - and - on the various search engines like Google and Yahoo about Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP. You INSIST, like rest of the agents / followers and sympthaizers of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies, that ONLY the AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' endorsed sources are "authentic," "truthful" and rest of the sources are either "Wahabi" sources or "they follow their scholars blindly." You even criticized the NEUTRAL / ACADEMIC sources quoted by Tearlach. These are old AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' tactics which they have used and continue to use over and over again in their defense. If you think that group of mainstream Sunni scholars issued their FATWA - or - in Australia, 36 Muslims organizations issued their statement (Representatives of 36 Muslim organisations have signed a decree which rejects al-Ahbash, also known as the Islamic Charitable Projects Association. The decree describes al-Ahbash of holding "deviant and perverse views" and taking part in "extremist and fanatical" behaviour. The statement is signed by key Islamic leaders, including Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Ameer Ali and the imam (leader) of Sydney's Lakemba Mosque, Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly. "The behaviour and practices of the Ahbash are based on creating division and hatred amongst people," the statement said. "This does not serve the interest of the Muslim community and is directly at odds with the general policies of Australia's multicultural society.") without any shred of evidence or knowledge then I am sorry but you are way off the sanity and rationality line. You insist someone to baby-sit you. Nobody is going to do that. Let me remind you that to me, It is all about DIFFERENTIATING between mainstream Sunnis - and - the cult of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP - and - that WikiPedia is a platform which aspires to maintain NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW. And, therefore, Tearlach's version so far remains to be meeting the WikiPedia NPOV Guidelines. McKhan

We are not ignoreing what you call proof, the simple fact is, they arn't proofs. Period. Crono 23:57, 4 March 2006 (UTC) Oh, and that isn't my ip adress, and my name was nevver muslim sunni, and i'm not advisor either [[[User:Cronodevir|Crono]] 23:57, 4 March 2006 (UTC)]

Oh, Really? Lets your own "footprints," "language," "date-and-time-stamps," "WikiPedia-target-Pages" and "semantics" tell the story which can be found here and here and here. McKhan

Mckhan is OBVIOUSLY commisioned to conduct a smear campaign.

and how can wikipedia reach a NPOV if some are not allowed to write their thoughts? you keep saying I'm violating wikipedia's guidelines by just typing. And then you Link to the Islamist website Islamonline which I know it's background. claiming it's mainstream sunnis that write there. KNOWING that a Fatwa was issued there a while back said it's not blasphemy to call the Prophet a "Jeefah" (an Arabic term used describing dead animals) because the man who does that has a so called "good intention"

This is not a discussion anymore. Mckhan pointed to 36 groups of "Mainstream Sunnis" he said. Before he wanted us to Join Mainstream sunnis. Which of the 36? The notion that he beleives all different groups "Mainstream Sunnis" EXCEPT Ahbash reflects a blind hatred. --Advisor 12:02, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

And calling every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs - either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign" is not "blind hate"? I really find it quite perverted, twisted, vicious, hedious and way off the LOGIC and CIVILITY to castigate every that person who criticize or expose the Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP, which have been done way too many times all around the world, by calling him / her "Wahabi", "Kaafir" or the member of "Hizbutahrir" "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood" or any other Islamist organization. Tearlach's version continue to meet the WikiPedia guidelines as the agents insist on the POV. McKhan

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are THE ONES who are waging a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign against the mainstream Muslims to seek legitimacy and recruitmen....

Internet in a Sectarian Islamic Context

by THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)

The Lebanon-based al-Ahbash movement advocates a radical neo-traditionalist version of Sunni Islam. Although numerically modest, it has established branches in several Western countries, where it continues the campaign it started in the Middle East against the Salafi trend. The movement uses the Internet innovatively and demonstrates that the strategic use of web-based interactive communication tools does not necessarily lead to the reinforcement of a culture of dialogue; on the contrary they can also serve as a means to achieve virtual ideological hegemony.

The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects (AICP) was founded in Beirut in 1982 by a group of Sunni ulama who, together with their followers, were nicknamed “al-Ahbash” (The Ethiopians) after their Ethiopian-born spiritual leader, the scholar and Sufi Shaykh Abdallah al-Harari al-Habashi. Since its inception, the AICP has been backed by the Syrian regime, which considers its strong commitment to traditional non-political Sunni principles and its insistently anti-Salafi stance as a means to counter the rise of political Islam in Lebanon. However, this radical neotraditionalist ideology and the paranoid worldview it implies are not exclusively linked to the particular context of Lebanon but constitute a vehicle for an organization that has become transnational by establishing branches in France, Germany, the United States, Australia, and even the Ukraine.

As a global but numerically marginal network made up of small groups, often facing hostility of other Sunni communities, the Ahbash have been quick to take advantage of the Internet. The English speaking—i.e. global-oriented—official website of the AICP (www.aicp.org) is dedicated to conventional uses but is rather innovative from a technological point of view. Since the web makes religious material available worldwide at very low cost, the AICP’s website provides a wide range of exoteric and esoteric contents through written as well as audio resources, among which is a radio station broadcasting from the Beirut headquarters of the movement and daily interactive religious lessons. A look at the website’s Guest Book shows that visitors using this material to improve their Islamic knowledge are not necessarily members of the AICP and sometimes live in regions where the association is not formally present (South Asia, Turkey, Nigeria, and Mindanao). Therefore, one may conclude that the website leads to an extension of the AICP’s ideological sphere of influence. However, we need to be somewhat more cautious than Olivier Roy who asserts that, thanks to the Internet, “one directly joins the Sufi neo-brotherhood [among which is al-Ahbash]” and “one can learn the thought of the Shaykh through its discourse and no longer [have to be] in [direct] contact with him.” [1] As far as Sufism informs the content of thissie, we would suggest that this kind of electronic material is basically more of a showcase for the brotherhood or an aid for the ritual-mystical practices of geographically isolated members. Indeed, visiting a website does not replace the master-disciple relationship, which remains an essential part of Sufism, including that of the Ahbash. Strikingly, Shaykh Abdallah is only surreptitiously referred to on the AICP’s websites since, to use Michael Gilsenan’s words,2 the management of the physical absence of the founding saint—who is more than 80 years old and can only travel abroad occasionally to meet his disciples—is still carried out orally by his deputies.

The second function of the Internet for the Ahbash is to improve the global cohesion of the movement by weaving links between grass roots members of the different branches worldwide, all the more so since these branches are established in highly “connected” countries. Of course, such links are not really useful with regard to close and sizeable communities as in Lebanon or France, but they are of invaluable help for isolated individuals living in Australia or North America. It is certainly not a coincidence that the Ahbash’s website was the first in the Islamic cyberspace to provide 24-hour voice chat groups in different languages.

Ideological spider webs

At first sight, devices such as live interactive lessons or voice chat groups seem to encourage debates within the movement, but, on the contrary, close examination reveals that these instruments are primarily used by the leadership to increase its ideological control on their followers and to attract new devotees. Similarly, if one checks the AICP’s unofficial e-forums (www.talkaboutislam.com), one discovers that they function as ideological spider webs. Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors.


  • [1]. Olivier Roy, L’Islam mondialisé (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 2002), 127.
  • [2]. Michael Gilsenan, Saint and Sufi in Modern Egypt: an Essay in the Sociology of Religion (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973).

Source: http://www.isim.nl/files/Review_15/Review_15-50.pdf


Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP is a CULT which hides behind the mainstream Sunni Muslims to seek legitimacy and recruitment. And yet their agents have got the audacity to call all those people who expose them either "Wahabis", "Kaafirs" or member of "Hizbutahrir" , "Ekhwan/Muslim Brotherhood" or any other Islamist organization.

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are waging a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign using "Islamic" sounded web-sites like:

AICP / Al-Ahbash / AICP's agents lurk around WikiPedia and other similar projects' Islam-related pages to incorporate their hidden links and material to deieve people.

(Hint: You may always use major search engines like Google and Yahoo for research. You might be amazed to find out that there are SO MANY web-sites and material out there which have REFUTED all the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies CLAIMS and BELIEFS .etc by quoting and using AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' own material. This page, for which you are waging your "Jihad" at - to sanitize and rescue Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, is just, as they say, a drop in the ocean.

Tearlach's version remains to meet the WikiPedia NPOV guidelines as Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP insists to have their POV and they are using and abusing and twisting the WikiPedia guidelines to its full extent.



I see no good faith discussion here, just accusations. I'm unprotecting and, be warned, I'm not in a mood to stand for any nonsense. --Tony Sidaway 19:03, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

If Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are really proud of themselves then they SHOULD put "Jamat Al-Ahbash" on their "Musallahs" and other propaganda material. And stop hiding behind mainstream Sunni Muslims' "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah"

Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies are so schizophrenicin and cultish in their mentality that in their mind every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs is either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign." In other words, all the mainstream Sunni Muslims are "wrong" or "Kaafir" altogether - but - whatever Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are saying or preaching is "Islamic" or "Muslim." If this is NOT a CULT then what else it is. The bottom-line and the burning question is that if Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are so unique and proud of their "scholar" then why don't they be simply proud of it by DEMONSTRATING that CLEARLY and CATEGORICALLY on their "Musallahs" that this center / material belongs to Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP. Why do they need buy domain names and put on the signboards and hide behind "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah." Is it about recruitment or legitimacy or the fear they will be exposed? Or is it about hedious tactics practiced by the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, to borrow words from THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)'s THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) report which tells us "Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors" ?

Moreoever, Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP keeps recycling the same "objections" over and over again. All of their "objections" have been DISCUSSED on this very page. The sources, INDEPENDENT, NEUTRAL and ACADEMIC, are right THERE on that page.

Why? Because their ultimate goal is to HABASHANIZIE this page and other pages on the WikiPedia and similar projects to DMINISH the DIFFERENCE between mainstream Sunnis and Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Fairly and impartially speaking, Tearlach has given AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies quite favorable POV on WikiPedia:

  • a). by not calling them a CULT but merely a "sect"
  • b). by providing an external link to Al-Ahbash / Habashies' arch web-site and to another contrary link
  • c). by quoting their BOGUS and OXYMORONIC claim that AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies advocates pluralism, and opposition to political activism and violence (There is ample material available over the internet to refute both claims)


  • d). by quoting AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' FRADULENT slogan from their own web-site, "the resounding voice of moderation" (What kind of "the voice of moderation" is this which castigates every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs as either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign.")

AND yet Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP have got the audacity to claim that Tearlach's version is NOT good / favorable enough for the Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP ?

As I pointed out earlier that their ultimate goal IS to sanitize Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies to hide their agenda to blend-in among mainstream Sunni Muslims on each and every platfrom to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Thats why their agents pop-up after every few weeks to rant and rave and complain about this page - and - simply IGNORE all the TANGIBLE / NEUTRAL / INDEPENDENT / ACADEMIC sources because they don't "represent" the - DESIRED - AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' "POV." Indeed, they don't appreicate the fact that if I will write that page according to my wishes, that page will NOT be somewhat NEUTRAL like the way it is NOW and same goes for them. AND I have repeatedly mentioned on this very page that - when two parties don't see each other eye to eye then only an INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL party can do the job. Tearlach's version doesn't only serve the purpose but also meets the WikiPedia guidelines. Once again, let me remind you that it is an ENCYCLOPEDIA which aspires to maintain NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW. It is NOT mainstream Sunnis' or Habashies' platform.


The way I see it:

1) in the issue of identity of Al Ahbash: Mckhan is supposed to bring evidence for his claim that they do not belong to Ahlussunnah, All he was capable of was 1)quoting the artile linke in the wiki main article about 2 things, the first is the claim of the writer that we beleive Quraan is the word of Jibril not of Allah, while I know for a fact that this is viewed by them as by all Muslims as Blasphemy. This is not the case dispute with Mushabbiha here, It's wheather the Attribute of Allah "speach" Resembles the that of the speach of creation. The Mushabiha said it's speach resembles that of humans (letters Language sound) while the Mou'tazillah(a sect that disapeared in name now) said that Allah doesn't have this Attribute. Both views are non-Islamic and it doesn't reflect the path of true sunnis. The next is his claim Ahbash twist the meaning of Quraan, actually this is not true, but in the article I can see that he is talking about Ta'aweel. In this case I'll put infront of our non-wahabi brothers and sisters the following explenation:

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, Who does not resemble the creation. To Him belong the endowments and the befitting perfections and commendations. I ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and to protect his nation from that which he feared for it.

Allah said in the Qur'an: Surat Al-^Imran, ayah 7 means: [Allah is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muhkamatayat, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayat which are mutashabihat.] So, know firmly, that the Qur'an contains two types of ayat: Muhkamat ayat and Mutashabihat ayat.

Muhkamat ayat:

These are the ayat that have only one meaning according to the rules of the Arabic language or else the meaning of the ayah is clearly known. Examples of this type of ayat are: the saying of Allah, ta^ala:

Suratash-Shura,ayah 11 means: [There is nothing like Him] and His saying, ta^ala:

Suratal-Ikhlas, ayah 4 means: [There is nothing which is equal to Him], and His saying, ta^ala:

SuratMaryam,ayah 65 means: [Do you know of anything which is similar to Him? There is none.]

These are the ayat that can have many meanings according to the rules of the Arabic language. Assigning meanings to these ayat requires thorough thinking so that acceptable meanings are given to them.

According to the rules of the Arabic language, these ayat are mutashabihat; so they can have many meanings. If meanings are assigned to them, this must be done in a manner that complies with the language and the Religion, and does not contradict the ayat that are muhkamat. Surely the ayat of the Qur'an do not contradict one another. Likewise, the ahadith (sayings of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam,) do not contradict one another, and they do not contradict the ayat of the Qur'an.

Wahhabies don't care and insist that the explain the verses of Quraan in a way they contradict other verses.

The methodology of the true Salaf in adressing this issue was: The Salaf were the scholars who lived during the first three centuries after the Hijrah of the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. For the most part, this methodology consisted of giving general explanations, since the scholars of the Salaf believed that these ayat have meanings befitting to the perfection of Allah. Rather than saying what these meanings are, they referred these mutashabihatayat to the muhkamatayat. A good example is the saying of Imam ash-Shafi^iyy: which means: "I believe in what Allah revealed according to the meaning that Allah willed, and in what the Messenger of Allah conveyed according to the meaning that the Messenger of Allah willed." In other words, the proper befitting meanings are not according to the sensuous and physical meanings that delusions would lead to--such as places, shapes, limbs, movements, sitting, colors, directions, smiling, laughter, or any other meanings which are not permissible to be attributed to Allah.

Furthermore, the Arabs during these three centuries spoke the Arabic language with a natural disposition and great eloquence. Their understanding of its meanings was so sharp that they did not need to attribute specific meanings to the mutashabihat ayat. Instead, they understood that these ayat have meanings that befit Allah, and that it is impossible that they would have sensuous and physical meanings that do not befit Allah.

Nevertheless, it is well known that some of the scholars of the Salaf did attribute specific meanings to mutashabihat ayat. In his Sahih, in the chapter Tafsirul-Qur'an (the explanation of the Qur'an,) Imam al-Bukhariyy attributed a specific meaning to the term "illa wajhahu" in Surat al­Qasas, ayah 88. He said, "illa mulkahu," i.e., he said that word "wajh"--which is an attribute of Allah--means "Mulk" or "Dominion."

Methodology of Khalaf:

The Khalaf were the scholars who lived after the first three centuries. For the most part, this methodology consisted of giving specific meanings to the mutashabihatayat. The scholars of the Khalaf lived at a time when the people started to lose their natural disposition for the Arabic language. Seeing that the people had become weaker in the language, the scholars of the Khalaf feared that those with perversity in their hearts would read meanings into the mutashabihatayat that do not befit Allah. They feared what is mentioned in SuratAl ^Imran, ayah 7. Allah said:

[Those who have perversity in their hearts, they follow the mutashabihat ayat seeking discord and searching for unbefitting meanings based on their delusions.] In order to protect the creed of Islam, the scholars of the Khalaf followed the example of those scholars among the Salaf who chose to give specific meanings to the mutashabihat ayat. Referring them to the muhkamatayat, they gave specific meanings to the mutashabihatayat in compliance with the language and the Religion. They gave correct, acceptable meanings to the mutashabihatayat. Allah said: Ayah 7 in Surat Al-^Imran means: [No one knows their true meanings except Allah and those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion. The latter say, "We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord" and none will understand the message except men of comprehension."] In relation to this ayah, Ibn ^Abbas said: "I am one of those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion." It is well known that Ibn ^Abbas is generally regarded as being foremost among the Companions in the explanation of the meanings of the ayat of the Qur'an.

Among those who have perversity in their hearts are the mushabbihah, those who liken Allah to His creation. The followers of Ibn Taymiyah and Muhammad Ibn ^Abdil­Wahhab are among the group of the mushabbihah. They falsely claim that it is prohibited to assign specific meanings to the mutashabihatayat and especially those that pertain to the attributes of Allah. Moreover, they innovated a devilish rule that assigning specific meanings to these ayat would lead to canceling these attributes of Allah. This claim of theirs leads to interpretations of the ayat of the Qur'an that contradict one another and interpretations of the ahadith of the Prophet that contradict one another and contradict the ayat of the Qur'an. Furthermore, their claim accuses the Islamic scholars among the Salaf and the Khalaf of blasphemy for denying the attributes of Allah. This would include: Ibn ^Abbas, Sufyan ath­Thawriyy, Mujahid, Sa^id Ibn Jubayr, Malik, Ahmad, al­Bukhariyy, an-Nawawiyy, Ibn Rajab al­Hanbaliyy, Ibn-ul-Jawziyy, Ibn Hajar, al­Bayhaqiyy, Abu Fadl at-Tamimiyy, ^Abdul-Qahir al-Baghdadiyy, the linguist and scholar of hadithMurtada az-Zabidiyy, and others.

Foremost, by this claim of theirs they are contradicting the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam. Al-Bukhariyy related that the Prophet made a du^a' (a supplication) for Ibn ^Abbas. The Prophet said:

<<O Allah, teach him the Knowledge of Hadith and the explanation of the Qur'an.>>

In the chapter, Tafsiral­Qur'an, (Explanation of the meaning of the Qur'an), Imam al-Bukhariyy says that the term wajhahu in Suratal­Qasas,ayah 88, means "His Dominion." However, those mushabbihah who liken Allah to the creation say, "We do not interpret, but rather we go by the literal meaning," and hence (they say) wajhahu means "His face."

Ibn Hajar al-^Asqalaniyy, in his book, Al­Fath (an explanation of the meaning of Sahih al­Bukhariyy), Volume 6, page 39-40, said: " ..... in reference to al-Bukhariyy's saying that the attribute of Allah, ad-dahik, means 'mercy,' it is closer to say that it means 'acceptance of deeds.' Yet, the mushabbihah insist on taking the literal meaning, and they say that Allah smiles, or laughs.

The scholars of the Salaf explained the term saq by 'hardship,' and the ayah to mean 'a day of anguish and hardship.' This explanation is known to have been given by Ibn ^Abbas, Mujahid, Ibrahim an Nakh^iyy, Qatadah, Sa^id Ibn Jubayr, and a multiple of scholars. Both Imam al-Fakhr ar­Raziyy in his Explanation of the Qur'an, Volume 30, page 94 and Imam al-Bayhaqiyy in his books, Al-'Asma' was­Sifat, (page 245) and Fath-al-Bari, (Volume 13, page 428) related this explanation from Ibn ^Abbas. Ibn Qulayb also related that about Sa^id Ibn Jubayr who took his knowledge from ^Abdullah Ibn ^Abbas and Ibn ^Umar. Yet, the mushabbihah insist on taking the literal meaning and attribute 'the shin' to Allah, by saying saq literally means 'shin.' Imam Mujahid, the student of Ibn ^Abbas, said that the word wajh means 'qiblah,' i.e., the direction of prayers during the voluntary prayers while traveling and riding on an animal. Yet, the mushabbihah insist on taking the literal meaning; they say the term, wajh, means 'face.'

Similarly, if ayah 12 in Suratat-Tahrim: was taken literally, it would mean that Allah blew part of His Soul into ^Isa (Jesus.).) However, the scholars said that this ayah means: [Allah ordered Jibril to blow into ^Isa the soul which is honorable to Allah.

An Example of the ill beleif of Wahhabies. Is a small debate between a Sunni Scholar and a Scholar in Wahhabi relegion when the wahhabi said that Ta'aweel is forbiden and all verses are to explained without considering it a metaphore. the sunni replied with a verse that if it is not taken as there is a metaphore would mean "anyone in this world is blind will be blind in the afterlife and more misguided" while it actually means "any one in this world is blind from the truth....". The wahhabi thought for a second(Ironically he WAS blind) and said: "except this one". This shows how misguided they are.

2) the artile which the link lead to. Has a big fat lie that will blow it's integrity to dust. The claim that in Lebanon the Ahbash consider the qiblah is towards the north. Lebanon is a few thousands Kilometers North of Mecca, obviously if they said Mecca is to the north, NOONE will follow them and they'd be less than a Hundred. since they are in tens of thousnads, and noone ever claimed the rotate direction of prayer 180 Degrees and here's a proof that Mckhan's intentions are NOT disscusion Just defamation:

3) Mckhan Claimed Ahbash promoted sedition by asking North American Muslims to Pray to South east. Yet when confronted with Mr. Khans Article about the issue he aknowledged it and claimed AlAhbash stole it. NOW if someone copied it w/o giving him credit then it's unethical and should be corrected. BUT Mckhan admits the man is Not AICP and apparently he beleives he was right in concluding that Qiblah is to the South East. Which means Mckhan thinks that by showing to the people where the Qiblah is preventing them from praying to the WRONG direction (also building mosques and burrying the dead) and doing the good thing of Ordering the Obligatory and Forbidding the Unlawful(Amr Bil Ma'aruf wa Nahi 3an Munkar) they are promoting sedition. So According to Mckhan:"Being wrong is right and being right is wrong". May Allah Guide him.

Next like I said before, in courts the burden of the proof is on the prosecutor so Mckhan should bring proof for his claims. This is not Babysitting this how debate goes, I assumed what he said about the issues he brought after I dared Him. are from the article from the Link. Thus I replied accordingly. but I won't do it again. and like I said, this article's integrity is shattered.

Authenticity of the Glorious Qur'an

Question: While doing some research, I found that there was some sites saying that there are grammar changes in the Qur'an. Is this true? Thank you!

I do not understand what you mean. Language comes first and the grammar comes later. The Qur'an sets the standard for grammar and style, for as recognized by the highest authorities of the Arabic language from the time of its revelation, the Qur'an is unsurpassed in style and expression; it is the ultimate measure of grammar and style in the language.

Therefore, it is axiomatic among the scholars, that the Qur'an that sets the standard for Arabic grammar and style, and not the other way around.

If, therefore, some eccentric minds have 'discovered' lately that the Qur'an 'breaks the grammar rules', it is due to sickness in their minds. Their agenda definitely is to cast doubts in the minds of the people about the Inimitable Book. So take care who you learn your religion from, for as scholars have taught us: "This knowledge is religion; so you must take care who you learn it from!"

May Allah help us all to remain steadfast on sound faith-ameen.

Source: http://www.islamonline.net/livefatwa/english/Browse.asp?hGuestID=yr7KBp&hSession=Recent


Authenticity of the Glorious Qur'an

  • Title of Fatwa: Authenticity of the Glorious Qur'an
  • Date of Reply: 05/Aug/2003
  • Topic Of Fatwa: Sciences of the Qur’an
  • Question of Fatwa: Dear scholars, As-Salaam Alaykum Waramatullah Wabarakatuh! As we hear many claims spread by non-Muslims questioning the authenticity of the Glorious Qur’an, would you kindly help us refute such false claim?
  • Name of Mufti: A Group of Islamic Researchers

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother, thanks for contacting us. We pray to Almighty Allah to strengthen our faith and guide us to what pleases Him, He is Oft-Forgiving and Most Merciful!

As regard your question, we’d like to cite for you the following:

“The Holy Qur'an was presented to the people of Arabia by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. It was presented in parts over a period of 23 years of his prophetic life. The book presents itself as the word of Allah and the Holy Prophet also presented it as such.

The Muslims believe that the Holy Qur'an, being the revealed word of Allah, is the cornerstone of their faith. They get their philosophy, beliefs and laws from this book it is the basic source of the Islamic faith. It is the Word of Allah revealed to His Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him, who read it out before the world loud and clear. Not only did he recite it to the people of Arabia, he also made elaborate arrangements to ensure that its contents be preserved and his Companions should learn it by heart and should also write it down. The Holy Prophet's stress on the supremacy of the Book of Allah, over all other sources of knowledge, was unequivocal and categorical.

The Holy Qur'an has reached us through Tawatur:

The Holy Qur'an has reached us through the process of Tawatur (historical continuity and perpetuation achieved through transfer from generation-to-generation) When we say that the Qur'an has reached us through Tawatur, we imply that so many people in every generation conveyed it to the next and so on that there can be no doubt about its authenticity. It was not transmitted by a few persons in one generation to a few persons in the next. It was handed over by the entire generation to the next generation. The Generation of the Companions witnessed the revelation and compilation of the Holy Qur'an during the life of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and then handed it over to the next generation and so on.

Its certainty has far exceeded the need for any debate. In the presence of established history, we would not accept any individual reports and rumors to the contrary. For instances a report in one of the history books that claims that Akbar the Great never ruled in India, would not be considered by us. The fact that Akbar the Great ruled over India for half a century is so established, that any odd report to the contrary would be simply ignored. So is the case of the Holy Qur'an. Since it has achieved the status of Tawatur, no odd report would affect its credibility.

When generations and generations of people without interruption hold the Qur'an as the one and only version of the divine guidance received from the Holy Prophet, such reports would not infringe upon its authenticity. The evidence for the Qur'an is so overwhelming, involving millions of people, that it would simply override any odd reports that may be found anywhere.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from http://www.sunnahonline.com/ilm/quran/0005.htm

In the light of the above, dear brother, it’s clear that all what non-Muslims say or fabricate against the Glorious Qur’an is totally groundless, for the authenticity of the Qur’an is not only upheld by Muslims but confirmed by non-Muslims as well, as will be clarified in the following:

“Attesting to the Qur'an’s authenticity, in his best-seller book The Bible, The Qur’an and Science the French researcher, historian, scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille writes:

"Thanks to its undisputed authenticity, the text of the Qur’an holds a UNIQUE Place among the books of Revelation, shared neither by the Old nor the New Testament. In the first two sections of this work (meaning his book), a review was made of the alterations undergone by the Old Testament and the Gospels before they were handed down to us in the form we know today. The same is not true for the Qur’an for the simple reason it was written down at the time of the Prophet; we shall see how it came to be written, i.e. the process involved . . .. As the Revelation progressed, the Prophet and the believers following him recited the text by heart, and it was written down by the scribes in his following. It therefore starts off with two elements of authenticity that the Gospels do not possess." Professor Hitte also writes: "Biblical text has been subjected to editorial and amendatory treatment, but not the Qur’anic ... In its phonetic and graphic reproduction, as well as in its linguistic form, the Qur’anic text is identical with its celestial original. "

The Qur’an is unique in consistency, harmony, intelligence and rationality:

The Qur’an is the book without inconsistencies; one part of its text, (or doctrine) does not clash with the other. In fact, it sets the absence of contradiction, irrationality, and incoherence, as one of the criteria for checking the authenticity of any divine revelation. It states "Do they not ponder the Qur’an (with care)? Had this book been from anybody but Allah, you would have found much inconsistencies.” (Surat An-Nisa:82).

Because contradictions and inconsistencies call for the negation of one part, which is in conflict with the other and this automatically invalidates portions of the book. In turn that makes it difficult for a man to remain true to any one value, thereby creating mental conflict, emotional and spiritual instability. "Skip some, follow some," “pick and choose" and "no absolutes" become the pattern. And these exercise an extremely damaging influence upon a truth-conscious, rational man with regard to belief in Allah and with regard to the credibility of the book itself. And it leads to dilemmas where sincere minds become "disjointed" and "disenchanted," eventually steering them away from the book or turn them into hypocrites.

Dr. Maurice Bucaille, who had absolutely no reason to favor one book, especially that of Islam, over the others (if anything, as human nature is, he would only favor the books of his own religion, but not the Qur’an) attests to the Qura’nic claim in his book. "The Quran ... is not only free from contradictions in its narrations, the sign of various human manipulations to be found in the Gospels, but provides a quality of its own for those who examine it objectively and in the light of science i.e. its complete agreement with modern scientific data.”

The Book may be great but what is its impact on the people, you might ask. If no impact it has any significance. How true! The Qur’an is unique in terms of its Blitzing Impact, also.

There have been many other religious books and revelations before the Qur’an. But of these, only the Holy Qur’an had the most electrifying impact upon the people. Its lightning-like rapidity, in a short few decades, reached the hearts and minds of the masses of several continents, transforming the lives of idolaters, alcoholics, exploiters, abusers, perverts, into men and women of pristine monotheism, of highest virtue and piety. Call it what you may - the most sensational spiritual revolution, or the spiritual blitzkrieg, the revolution of which the mankind had never witnessed before. To this very day, no other religion comes even close to matching Qur’an's record of the spectacular impact on lives of masses.”

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from http://www.iica.org/invitation/the_glor.html

Source: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503545016

Advisor is the moderator of "TalkAboutOfIslam.com" a pseudo-forefront of AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies... Once again, If Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are really proud of themselves then they SHOULD put "Jamat Al-Ahbash" on their "Musallahs" and other propaganda material. And stop hiding behind mainstream Sunni Muslims' "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah"

Advisor / "TalkAboutIslam" is the moderator of "TalkAboutOfIslam.com" and thats what an IDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL writer THOMAS PIERRET from (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) has to say: At first sight, devices such as live interactive lessons or voice chat groups seem to encourage debates within the movement, but, on the contrary, close examination reveals that these instruments are primarily used by the leadership to increase its ideological control on their followers and to attract new devotees. Similarly, if one checks the AICP’s unofficial e-forums (www.talkaboutislam.com), one discovers that they function as ideological spider webs. Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors.

(Source: http://www.isim.nl/files/Review_15/Review_15-50.pdf)

A Moderator not THE Moderator, and I can't see the link with what we are disscussing here... --Advisor 14:49, 8 March 2006 (UTC)

Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies are so schizophrenic and cultish in their mentality that in their mind every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs is either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign." In other words, all the mainstream Sunni Muslims are "wrong" or "Kaafir" altogether - but - whatever Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are saying or preaching is "Islamic" or "Muslim." If this is NOT a CULT then what else it is. The bottom-line and the burning question is that if Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are so unique and proud of their "scholar" then why don't they be simply proud of it by DEMONSTRATING that CLEARLY and CATEGORICALLY on their "Musallahs" that this center / material belongs to Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP. Why do they need buy domain names and put on the signboards and hide behind "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah." Is it about recruitment or legitimacy or the fear they will be exposed? Or is it about hedious tactics practiced by the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, to borrow words from THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)'s THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) report which tells us "Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors" ?

Moreoever, Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP keeps recycling the same "objections" over and over again. All of their "objections" have been DISCUSSED on this very page. The sources, INDEPENDENT, NEUTRAL and ACADEMIC, are right THERE on that page.

Why? Because their ultimate goal is to HABASHANIZIE this page and other pages on the WikiPedia and similar projects to DMINISH the DIFFERENCE between mainstream Sunnis and Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Fairly and impartially speaking, Tearlach has given AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies quite favorable POV on WikiPedia:

  • a). by not calling them a CULT but merely a "sect"
  • b). by providing an external link to Al-Ahbash / Habashies' arch web-site and to another contrary link
  • c). by quoting their BOGUS and OXYMORONIC claim that AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies advocates pluralism, and opposition to political activism and violence (There is ample material available over the internet to refute both claims)


  • d). by quoting AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' FRADULENT slogan from their own web-site, "the resounding voice of moderation" (What kind of "the voice of moderation" is this which castigates every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs as either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign.")

AND yet Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP have got the audacity to claim that Tearlach's version is NOT good / favorable enough for the Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP ?

As I pointed out earlier that their ultimate goal IS to sanitize Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies to hide their agenda to blend-in among mainstream Sunni Muslims on each and every platfrom to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Thats why their agents pop-up after every few weeks to rant and rave and complain about this page - and - simply IGNORE all the TANGIBLE / NEUTRAL / INDEPENDENT / ACADEMIC sources because they don't "represent" the - DESIRED - AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' "POV." Indeed, they don't appreicate the fact that if I will write that page according to my wishes, that page will NOT be somewhat NEUTRAL like the way it is NOW and same goes for them. AND I have repeatedly mentioned on this very page that - when two parties don't see each other eye to eye then only an INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL party can do the job. Tearlach's version doesn't only serve the purpose but also meets the WikiPedia guidelines. Once again, let me remind you that it is an ENCYCLOPEDIA which aspires to maintain NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW. It is NOT mainstream Sunnis' or Habashies' platform.


To SummerizeThe Situation

  • 1) I have tried to be very objective in this discussion, all Mckhan did was bring up 2 types of "exposings" as he called it
First he claimed that we call all who oppose AICP, they call him "Kaafir" "Wahabi", "Ekhwan". Thats simply not true. But all thoes who critisize them can be linked to one of the 4 groups I mentioned above. Thus I didn't judge Mckhan by his "Opposition" to AICP but by his links to Islamonline and Islamweb Articles and by his claim that AICP Twist the meanings of Quraan(Refuted Above) which is a claim by a certain wahhabi who was debated in Australia and was refuted by AICP. there are excerpts from a book he wrote a while back.
AICP Actions as a Group: Islamonline, Islamweb all are websites that don't stamp the term Ekhwan or Wahhabi on there frontpage so why should they stamp Habashies on theirs? does Mckhan want Islam to become CULTs? AICP beleives they are on the right path and they are YET to be refuted. All the opposition can do is spread articles around the Web w/o debate(full of lies like I said earlier) so people like Mckhan Steer away from Ahbash. instead of signing in on TalkaboutIslam.com and disscusing what he thinks is wrong about what we do.
  • 2)Mckhan Answered my dare, and although he didn't bring up references, I refuted him since I'm familiar with what the infamouse article says. Still waiting for answer(this time I'll consider any article w/o references as null).
  • 3)It's up to the neutral reader to determine if we are a cult. or a group of MUSLIM SUNNIs trying to protect the nation from going ASTRY or EXTREME. Not for Mckhan or his damaged Islamonline pseudo-scholars. (I mentioned earlier some of their weird fatwas)

The bottom-line and the burning question is.....

The bottom-line and the burning question is that if Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP are so unique and proud of their "scholar" then why don't they be simply proud of it by DEMONSTRATING that CLEARLY and CATEGORICALLY on their "Musallahs" that this center / material belongs to Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP. Why do they need buy domain names and put on the signboards and hide behind "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah." Is it about recruitment or legitimacy or the fear they will be exposed? Or is it about hedious tactics practiced by the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies, to borrow words from THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)'s THOMAS PIERRET (The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World (ISIM) report which tells us "Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors" ?

Moreoever, Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP keeps recycling the same "objections" over and over again. All of their "objections" have been DISCUSSED on this very page. The sources, INDEPENDENT, NEUTRAL and ACADEMIC, are right THERE on that page.

Why? Because their ultimate goal is to HABASHANIZIE this page and other pages on the WikiPedia and similar projects to DMINISH the DIFFERENCE between mainstream Sunnis and Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Fairly and impartially speaking, Tearlach has given AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies quite favorable POV on WikiPedia:

  • a). by not calling them a CULT but merely a "sect"
  • b). by providing an external link to Al-Ahbash / Habashies' arch web-site and to another contrary link
  • c). by quoting their BOGUS and OXYMORONIC claim that AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies advocates pluralism, and opposition to political activism and violence (There is ample material available over the internet to refute both claims)


  • d). by quoting AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' FRADULENT slogan from their own web-site, "the resounding voice of moderation" (What kind of "the voice of moderation" is this which castigates every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs as either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign.")

AND yet Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP have got the audacity to claim that Tearlach's version is NOT good / favorable enough for the Habashies / Al-Ahbash / AICP ?

As I pointed out earlier that their ultimate goal IS to sanitize Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies to hide their agenda to blend-in among mainstream Sunni Muslims on each and every platfrom to seek legitimacy and recruitment.

Thats why their agents pop-up after every few weeks to rant and rave and complain about this page - and - simply IGNORE all the TANGIBLE / NEUTRAL / INDEPENDENT / ACADEMIC sources because they don't "represent" the - DESIRED - AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' "POV." Indeed, they don't appreicate the fact that if I will write that page according to my wishes, that page will NOT be somewhat NEUTRAL like the way it is NOW and same goes for them. AND I have repeatedly mentioned on this very page that - when two parties don't see each other eye to eye then only an INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL party can do the job. Tearlach's version doesn't only serve the purpose but also meets the WikiPedia guidelines. Once again, let me remind you that it is an ENCYCLOPEDIA which aspires to maintain NEUTRAL POINT OF VIEW. It is NOT mainstream Sunnis' or Habashies' platform.


The Real Strategy of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP

At first sight, devices such as live interactive lessons or voice chat groups seem to encourage debates within the movement, but, on the contrary, close examination reveals that these instruments are primarily used by the leadership to increase its ideological control on their followers and to attract new devotees. Similarly, if one checks the AICP’s unofficial e-forums (www.talkaboutislam.com), one discovers that they function as ideological spider webs. Nothing points to the fact that these websites, which only present themselves as being “Islamic,” are actually part of the Ahbash’s cyber network. For instance, they are not related to the official websites by any hypertext link. Therefore, the random visitor is normally unaware that he or she is exposed to a set of selected opinions through carefully controlled debates. Firstly, zealous participants frequently post chapters of books edited in Lebanon by the AICP, but without any reference to the author or the editor. Secondly, veteran members answer questions concerning fiqh (jurisprudence) and reprimand novices whose religious knowledge is considered “deviant.” Thirdly, a team of regulators supervise the discussions and are in charge of censoring the Ahbash who are too keen to use takfir (excommunication) —since such a stance is considered a mark of extremism by most of the Sunnis—but above all of eliminating most of the messages posted by participants of Salafi persuasion. Ideological hegemony is thus achieved by the creation of a neo-traditionalist virtual space in which they assess very critically the ideas of leading Islamic personalities such as Amr Khalid, Khalid al-Jundi and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In the same way they reduce the Wahhabi doctrine to a mere “heresy” in line with the Ottoman scholarly tradition of which they consider themselves to be the inheritors.

(Source: http://www.isim.nl/files/Review_15/Review_15-50.pdf)

I'll try to stop Mckhan from circling around the issues

ONE QUESTION:Since you claim they are not, What do you think Should Ahbash/AICP do to Become a part of Ahlussunna Wal Jamaa?? --Advisor 09:07, 9 March 2006 (UTC)

An example of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP / ICPA's strategy to divide the mainstream Muslims and promote sedition

ICPA-AFIC connection: Pathetically Flawed

by Dawood Yusuf

The MCR alleged that the Liverpool-based Muslim organisation, the ‘Australian Islamic House’, has ‘affiliation with some people, with some ideas, terrorist linkage’; and the Bangladesh Islamic Centre had ‘ties with Libya’.

In what could only be seen as a sinister move, the national Muslim organisation in Australia went to great lengths to recognise and legitimise a fringe group that, in the past fewyears, had been a source of divisionand confusion in the Muslim community of New South Wales.

In its October issue of the Muslim News newspaper, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils(AFIC) ran two articles, titled NewSouth Wales Muslims Form NewState Council and Children’sCarnival 2000. On the surface, theyseemed unconnected. But at a closerlook, these two articles revealed thatthey were crafted to demonstratewhat were the official tactical lines ofAFIC.

In the article titled Children’s Carnival 2000, nothing seemed unusual. AFIC was simply promoting an organisation, the Islamic Charity Projects Association (ICPA), which represented the ‘Sydney Arabic com-munity’ in an annual carnival. But was it? The Muslim News is the official mouthpiece of AFIC. In the last two years AFIC had been struggling to impose itself as the leader of the Australian Muslim community. The repeated sackings of its members such as Bilal Cleland and Zakariah Mathews (to name just a few), sus-pension of a state member council (Islamic Council of NSW) and alle-gations by its former Treasurer (Mr Iqbal Tahir) of misappropriation of funds and mismanagement were blunders of AFIC presented asachievements.

AFIC got away with all them. In a letter, the former Treasurer Mr Iqbal Tahir outlined this reasons for resigning from AFIC saying that in his 20 years of involvement withAFIC, he had never come across such contemptuous treatment of the AFIC Constitution and its Federal Council. The business of the AFIC hadn’tbeen that good!.

It would be sheer naiveté to think that, as an organisation with the only Muslim newspaper, the AFIC was unaware of the nature of this particular local organisation. AFIC just as many others knew very well the nature of the ICPA.

The issue that obviously had triggered AFIC and the Muslim News to promote the ICPA was the dispute between a handful of officials of AFIC and the chairman of the Islamic Council of New South Wales. As it has been suggested, the dispute should not have led the AFIC and the Muslim News to promote such a deviant group as the ICPA and to publish an article about their activ-ities.

The Muslim leaders could have sought a retraction. But whether the AFIC would allow it to be published in the next issue the Muslim News is just another matter. The point that needs to be made is about the disruptive and dangerous ICPA-AFIC connection.

The ICPA is a group that is also known as the Ahbash, or Habashies who are a deviant misguided sect much similar to the Qadianis. It is part of a wider circuit, with bases in various parts of the world. For an indepth look at the group, their teachings and their beliefs, readers may refer to an article written in the 5th issue of the Nida’ul Islam magazine (October-November 1994).

The Australian-based ICPA came out of oblivion, following the allocation of temporary or Special Event radio licences by the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA). Through their Muslim Community Radio (MCR), the ICPA began to broadcast in English and Arabic their twisted religious messages and political agenda.

The group had successfully made a case of representing Muslims in NSW to the ABA until in 1996 when the Islamic Council of NSW (ICNSW) representing twenty Muslim organisations and mosques, decided to apply for these temporary or Special Event licences. Since then,the ABA had been thrown into somekind of uncertainty or confusion as to which organisation — the ICPA or the ICNSW —to allocate the licences. And on the other hand, the two organisations had been locked in a bitter struggle to secure temporary or Special Event licences, especially during Ramadan season.

The struggle came to a head in recent months when the ABA decided to allocate three permanent Sydney-wide Community Broadcasting Licences. Under the ABA guidelines, aspirant groups would make a written submission, followed by a hearing whereby applicants would be given the opportunity to make their case orally to an ABA panel.

Both the ICNSW and the ICPA made their submissions for a permanent licence and both claimed to representthe same target groups — the Muslimc ommunities of NSW. It was at this point that the ICPA who had applied for its MCR service went on a severe attack against the Muslims of NSW. From the transcripts of the hearings, it was clear that the MCR was targeting the very communities it claimed torepresent, especially those who are affiliated with the ICNSW. The MCR alleged that the Liverpool-based Muslim organisation, the ‘Australian Islamic House’, has ‘affiliation with some people, with some ideas, terrorist linkage’; and the Bangladesh Islamic Centre had ‘ties with Libya’.

In addition, the ICPA claimed in their MCR application that they had the support of various mosques and communities including Turkish and Shi’ites. The six major Turkish communities in NSW subsequently had denied that there was any connection, let alone support, to the MCR application. At a meeting on 2 September 2000, these Turkish societies resolved to ‘reconfirm’ their support to the application of the ICNSW. Some smaller and less established societies have also written directly to the ABA, outlining how they were ‘misled’ by the MCR. It was doubtful before, as it is now, whether the ICPA and their MCR service —targeting primarily the Arabic community of Lebanese descent — had the support of the wider Muslim community. The MCR’s spokesperson Mr Mehioeven boasted at the hearings that one of the members of the Islamic Egyptian Society had ‘supplied’ them with the minutes of the ICNSW, which was attached to a bulk of other damning documents to oppose the application of the ICNSW. The same Islamic Egyptian Society is now AFIC’s leading organisation — together with the Islamic Society of Manly-Warringah — of the newly formed ‘Supreme Islamic Council of New South Wales’.

In the same October issue of the Muslim News, AFIC reported how a new state council had been formed (supposedly) following ‘the damning judgement of the Supreme Court of NSW in January 2000’. Almost every Muslim in NSW, obviously, viewed the whole recent court issue of ICNSW/AFIC as an embarrassment and a waste of financial resources. Based on AFIC’s own admission, it would seem some of the leading opponents of ICNSW had actually acted on what a Supreme Court Judgehad said and went on to create the so-called ‘Supreme Islamic Council of NSW’. It’s more likely that it was just another pathetic attempt of AFIC — particularly after it had failed in its takeover attempt of the ICNSW — at justifying its creation of a rival state council.

The ‘Supreme Islamic Council of NSW’ had since contacted the ABA with a lengthy submission — predictably damning to the radio licence application of the ICNSW — stating that it would now represent the Muslims of NSW and would seek recognition of AFIC as the local statecouncil. The submission also arguedthat the ICNSW had refused membership to fifteen Muslim organisations.

On 07 December 2000, the ICNSW wrote to the ABA rejecting the claim. It argued that it had yet to see any evidence to substantiate the ICNSW’s denial of membership to fifteen Muslim organisations.

The letter also stated that all the Imams (clergy) of all established Mosques and Mussalas in NSW (except for the Islamic Charity Projects Association) have given their official support to the Council’s application for a permanent licence and that the Imams have also spoken strongly against fragmenting the Muslim community by creating a rival state council.

“At a meeting of the Federal Councils of the Australian Federation of Islamic Council (AFIC) on Sunday 19 November 2000, the so-called Supreme Islamic Council of NSW has been rejected unanimously by all other state Islamic Councils”, said the letter.

The AFIC’s strategy to promote the ICPA through the Muslim News was to deliberately bring to naught any prospects for the ICNSW to secure apermanent licence. AFIC was promoting the activities of the ICPA, representing the Sydney Arabic community, to cause maximum damageand to bring humiliation to the Muslim Arabic leaders.

The ICPA-AFIC connection had only worsened the state of uncertainty or confusion of the ABA on the issue of representation of Muslims in NSW, not to mention how effective this connection had been to disrupt and divide the NSW Muslim community. The AFIC’s strategy to create a rival state council and to promote the ICPA is pathetically flawed.

The only conclusion that the ABA, or anyone for that matter, could reach from the ICPA-AFIC connection is that the organisation of the Muslim community in NSW is in shambles and that it is immature — politically. In this respect, the ABA would have no choice but to exclude the possibility of allocating a permanent licence to either one of the two applicants that were targeting the Muslim community audience. It would probably take a long time before such an opportunity to come.

Through the October issue of the Muslim News, AFIC had two articles, seemingly unconnected, inflicting serious damage to the very people whom they claimed to represent. They had cost the Muslim community dearly. Only time will tell as to what extent the ICPA-AFIC connection will impact on the community. A monitoring mechanism and an action plan must be developed to ensure that this dangerous and disruptive connection is put to an end. The easiest way to this is to remove those responsible for it and make them accountable.

Source: ICPA-AFIC connection: Pathetically Flawed - by Dawood Yusuf - NIDA'UL ISLAM - ISSUE 2, VOLUME 7, DECEMBER/JANUARY 2000/2001

I'll try to stop Mckhan from circling around the issues

ONE QUESTION:Since you claim they are not, What do you think Should Ahbash/AICP do to Become a part of Ahlussunna Wal Jamaa?? --Advisor 09:07, 9 March 2006 (UTC)

Tearlach's version continue to meet the WikiPedia NPOV guidelines as the agents of Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies continue to make attempts to Habashanize the WikiPedia pages...

Having known the fact that the agents / sympathizers of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP will continue:

  • to make attempts to Habashanize this page and other WikiPedia / similar projects' Islam-related pages by twisting WikiPedia and others' guidelines to the maximum extent and by incorporating hidden links to wage a blatant and hegemonic smear campaign using "Islamic" sounded web-sites like:
  • to castigate / shun / discard / ignore / discredit / "refute" any criticism / evidence by any individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which exposes the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs - as either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear / defemation compaign"
  • to use "politically correct" language / jargon / ebonics / verbage / semantics to their benefit and pursue their agenda and beliefs against the other party
  • to purse their "divide and conquer" strategy by trying to DIMINISH / LESSEN and ultimately REMOVE the FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE (S), demonstrated / presented / preached by themselves on this very page and by practicing their hedious, vicious, contemptuous and dangerous tactics elsewhere on the web and in their material and Musallahs, between mainstream Sunnis and Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP to seek legitimacy, recruitment and hegemonic superiority of their beliefs and agenda,


  • to ignore / discredit all the INDEPENDENT, NEUTRAL and ACADEMIC sources and material which doesn't follow the tag-line of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP,

I would like to take the liberty to recapitulate the core points of content of this page as per following:

Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's Objections: "an interpretation of Islam combining elements of Sunni and Shi'a theology with Sufism"[2] ? + "anti-Salafi, and with Sufi and other beliefs seen as heretical"[3] ?

NPOV / Tearlach's Response: It was an attempt to summarise and merge the descriptions at the three cited sources: their own promotional website; a critical description; and what appears to be a fairly balanced and properly-sourced paper in an academic journal. It incorporated other academic sources such as Internet in a Sectarian Islamic Context. Tearlach 15:50, 26 October 2005 (UTC) + Read NPOV. I chose those links because they represent a spread of views: one well-referenced and (as far as I can tell neutral) academic article; one from the official AICP site, which is completely uncritical of Al-Ahbash; and one fairly representative of what its critics say about it. Tearlach 02:15, 9 September 2005 (UTC)

Morever, fairly and impartially speaking, Tearlach has given AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies quite favorable POV on WikiPedia:

  • a). by not calling them a CULT but merely a "sect"
  • b). by providing an external link to Al-Ahbash / Habashies' arch web-site and to another contrary link
  • c). by quoting their BOGUS and OXYMORONIC claim that AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies advocates pluralism, and opposition to political activism and violence (There is ample material available over the internet to refute both claims)


  • d). by quoting AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' FRADULENT slogan from their own web-site, "the resounding voice of moderation" (What kind of "the voice of moderation" is this which castigates every that individual / web-site / organization / outlet - which - expose the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies' agenda and beliefs as either "Wahabi", "Kaafir", "non-Muslim", "Islamist" or part of a "smear compaign.")

Indeed, Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP don't appreicate the fact that if I will write that page according to my wishes, that page will NOT be somewhat NEUTRAL like the way it is NOW and same goes for them. AND I have repeatedly mentioned on this very page that - when two parties don't see each other eye to eye then only an INDEPENDENT / NEUTRAL party can do the job.

It would be nice if Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP leave mainstream Sunnis alone and be proud of themselves by clearly and categorically identifying / declaring themselves as "Jamat Al-Ahbash" rather than "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah." Alas! Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP will not do that as it will be an asthama to their strategy of seeking recruitment and legitimacy under the guise of "Jamat Ahl Wa Sunnah."

And last but not the least, lets not forget that WikiPedia is NOT a religious, AICP / Habashies / Al-Ahbash's or mainstream Muslims' platform. WikiPedia is an encyclopedia which aspries to follow the Neutral Point of View (NPVO). Consequently, Tearlach's version meets the WikiPedia guidelines as the agents of Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP insists on their own POV. And I know they will keep coming back to modify, sanitize, recruit and / or rescue Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP.

Further Reading:

You may always use major search engines like Google and Yahoo for research. You might be amazed to find out that there are SO MANY web-sites and material out there which have REFUTED all the Al-Ahbash / AICP / Habashies CLAIMS and BELIEFS .etc by quoting and using AICP / Al-Ahbash / Habashies' own material. This page, for which Al-Ahbash / Habashies / AICP's agents are waging their "Jihad" at - to sanitize and rescue themselves, is just, as they say, a drop in the ocean.


I'll try to stop Mckhan from circling around the issues

ONE QUESTION:Since you claim they are not, What do you think Should Ahbash/AICP do to Become a part of Ahlussunna Wal Jamaa?? Anybody else who still agree with Mckhan may answer. --Advisor 09:07, 9 March 2006 (UTC)

I won't mind putting Jamat Al-Habash as my title if you don't mind putting Jamatul Ahl-Tashbih Al-Taktheeb as your title. Crono 21:08, 13 March 2006 (UTC)

Discussions with Wahhabies will not lead to anything

‎Discussion with mckhan (Wahhabie sect follower) wont be fruitful, he would start his ‎copy paste rally issues like he did earlier, such Religious epithet are not allowed in ‎wikipedia, mckhan please stop your defamation against Sunni Muslims.

Al-Ahbash are pushing the envelope on WikiPedia to seek legitimacy and recruitment and pursue their agenda...

As I predicted on this very page, Al-Ahbash / Habashies' agents are back to promote themselves. Their main web-site aicp.org has got links to all their sister web-sites and YET they would rather REMOVE a crucial link (castigating it as a "Wahabi" link) and post ALL the links to their web-sites. Furthermore, they always seek special treatment by putting their links on the top of others' links. The truth of the matter IS that all these following links should be listed on that page:

And last but NOT the least, "Muslim_sunni" has proved one more time that he is using WikiPedia as well as other similar projects as link-farms to promote his group's agenda which hegemonously and blantantly seek legitimacy and recruitment under the guise of mainstream Sunnis - though - they delibrately DENY the TOTALITY of the Quran.


Wahhabism & Terrorism

Ahbash are Sunnis , Since 1980 They warned against The Threat of The Wahhabies Deviated Sect , They warned people against There Terrorists Methods , There lies and there History .

Association of Islamic Charitable Projects Leader Was Assassinated in 1995 Sheikh Nizar al Halabiyy By The Wahhabies , Lebanese Government Executed 3 of them .

Since Then Wahhabies have been attacking by all way The Association of Islamic Charitable Projects also known as Ahbash , They are not affraid of that word , Wahhabies are affraid to be called Wahhabies since its now worldwide know that Wahhabies == Terrorism so they deny it .

Background On The Tribulations Of The Wahhabis


Full Reference list of the deviant sayings of the wahabies

Wahhabism Deviations from the Muslims

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