Main public logs
This is a combined display of all logs except the patrol, review, tag and thanks logs:
- Who performed the action – enter their name without prefix under "Performer".
- The page or user affected by an action – enter the page or user name (prefixed with "User:") under "Target".
- 06:57, 30 March 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Mamintb.PNG (Reverted to earlier revision)
- 06:53, 30 March 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Mamintb.PNG (Reverted to earlier revision)
- 06:53, 30 March 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Mamintb.PNG (Reverted to earlier revision)
- 06:45, 30 March 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Mamintb.PNG (Reverted to earlier revision)
- 03:09, 10 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Nearg.PNG (I used the British 2003 Collins World atlas (llistrated edition) to create this visual reprientation of N.E. Africa's variouse religiouse groups.)
- 04:51, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Scandinaviax2.PNG (I created this map of Scandinavia my self from information in the 2003 British edition of the Collins world atlas (illustrated edition). )
- 03:52, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Earg.PNG (It's an update on the previose edition.)
- 03:48, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Earg.PNG (I created this map as a visual reprisentaton of East Arfica's religions. Source- The 2003 British edition of the Colins world Atlas (illatrated edition).)
- 03:41, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Grnqx2.png (Follow the retreating Greenland ice-shelf/ice-cap since 1978. Sources maps of Greenland in the following U.K. atlases- Collins student world atlas- 2005, Collins world atlas (illistrated edition)- 2005, Philips modern school atlas- 1994, Reader's digest)
- 03:36, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:HIV Epidemx3.png (I modified GrCampbell's existing Wikipedia H.I.V. map of the same name (less the "x3" at the end of it). There was no colouring where Azerbaijan was! Azerbaijan was done in white, so blanked out, and there fore appeared to be part of the sea! I added the)
- 03:29, 9 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:HIV Epidemx2.PNG (An update of it's predicesor.)
- 14:03, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Warg.PNG (It is a tyopless update of it's predcesor of the same name.)
- 13:57, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Warg.PNG (I drew the map my self as a visual reprisentation of the main religions in East Africa. My Source was the 2003 U.K. Collins World atlas (illistrated version).)
- 13:36, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006 Mk-2.PNG (I copied the information of off the Wikipedia page 'list of rail accidents' on November 21st, 2006. It is an attempt to illustrate the incidents by nationality, between the first listed accident in 1815 and January 1st, 2007 . I used the usual, blank PNG)
- 13:17, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (I created it as a visule reprisentation of the information on the English language Wikipeaias's List of railway desasters artical as of January 1st, 2007. I tidyed up the new varient. I used Wikipedia's blalank map of the world. Sorces- Wikipedia, B.B.C.,)
- 04:37, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Scandinavia.PNG (I created this map of Scandinavia my self from information in the 2003 English edition of the Colling word atlas (illistrated edition).~~~~)
- 04:06, 7 January 2007 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (It is a visual summery of the axidents shown on the Railways disarters page of the English language Wikipedia as of January the 1st 2007. I created it my self of of the exsisting Wikipedia blank word map. My sorces are- The English Wikipedia, The B.B.C.,)
- 08:37, 30 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:HIV Epidemx2.PNG (Reverted to earlier revision)
- 08:37, 30 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:HIV Epidemx2.PNG (Updated the reviose version of my map. Azerbijan is now coloured for 0.1%.)
- 02:34, 30 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (It's the last atempt at updating this map. The period of time is the sameas in the origonal, but I found out the Iraqie and Bangladeshie stow-away insodents were hoaxes. Eritea had a newly biult line acording to the Collins World Atlas (illastrated editio)
- 12:43, 29 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (It is a replacement for my previose map on the 'Railway desaters' page of Wikipedia. Updated to remove Bengalie and Iraqie hoxes and added Eretrea's new line.)
- 12:41, 29 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (It is a replacement for my previose map on the 'Railway desaters' page of Wikipedia. Updated to remove Brngalie and Iraqie hoxes and added Eretrea's new line.)
- 04:58, 26 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Grnq.PNG (Following the retreating Greenland ice-shelf/ice-cap since 1978. My sources are maps of Greenland in the following U.K. atlases- Collins student world atlas- 2005, Collins world atlas (illustrated edition)- 2005, Cillins universaty atlas- 2000, Philips m)
- 04:30, 26 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Grnq.PNG (Following the retreating Greenland ice-shelf/ice-cap since 1978. Sorces maps of Greenland in the following U.K. atlases- Collins student world atlas- 2005, Collins world atlas (illistrated edition)- 2005, Philips modern school atlas- 1994, Reader's dig)
- 03:50, 21 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Massdeportations.PNG (This all in 1 map was created by me to replace original map of the same name, which was taken by somebody else from the Smithsonian institute against it's copyright licensing law. My Sources are- The "Mass deportations", "Ghettos" and "Major concentration)
- 06:01, 20 December 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:Massdeportation 2.PNG (This map was created by me to replace origonal map of the same name, which was taken by sombody else from the Smithsonian institute against it's coppyright licencing law. Sorces- The "Mass deportations" and "Major concentration camps" maps from the Smit)
- 03:49, 22 November 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:GRD 1950-2006.PNG (I coppyed theinformation of of the Wikipedia page 'list of rail accidents' on November 21st, 2006. It is an atempt to illistrate the incidents brtween 1950 and 2006 by nationalaty I used the usual, blank PNG map of of Wikipedia.)
- 14:24, 18 November 2006 Homer slips. talk contribs uploaded File:HIV Epidemx2.PNG (I modifyed GrCampbell's exsisting Wikipeadia H.I.V. map of the same name (less the "x2" at the end of it). There was no colouring ware Azerbijan was! Azerabijan was done in white, so blanked out, and there fore apeared to be part of the sea! I added the c)
- 21:03, 23 October 2006 User account Homer slips. talk contribs was created