Luby Law Days
Luby Law Days (Slovak: Lubyho právnické dni, Latin: Dies Luby iurisprudentiae) is an international legal scientific conference organized in Slovakia in September biennially since 1990. It is named after the Slovak lawyer, Štefan Luby.[1][2] The 16th Luby Law Days took place in September 2023.[3]
The main organisers are Štefan Luby Foundation and the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava.[3] The first years were organised by the Faculty of Law of the Comenius University.[2] In addition to them, the Slovak Academy of Sciences[2] and the Slovak Bar Association have been involved in the organisation of some years.[1][3]
The main initiators of the conference and the founders of the Štefan Luby Foundation that organizes the conference, were the legal theorist Jozef Prusák,[4] the legal romanist Peter Blaho, the professor of civil law Ján Lazar and the professor of labour law, Helena Barancová.[5][6]
Since 2002, the Luby Law Days has been held at the Smolenice Castle.[2][3] The papers presented at the conference mainly concern the field of private law and are usually published in book form.[3] The conference is regularly attended by prominent lawyers from the countries of the Visegrád Group, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe.[2][3] The participants are usually professors and lecturers of private law, but also practitioners or notaries.[7]
According to some lawyers, the conference is "unique in Central and Eastern Europe" in its category.[4]
Nr. | Year | Subject | Locality |
1st | 1990 | Slovak: Sloboda, právo a bezprávie, lit. 'Freedom, Law and Injustice' | Trenčianske Teplice |
2nd | 1992 | Slovak: Slušnosť v práve, lit. 'Equity in Law' | Trenčianske Teplice |
3rd | 1994 | Slovak: Zmluvný a zodpovednostný systém v súkromnom práve, lit. 'Contractual and Liability System in Private Law' | Trenčianske Teplice |
4th | 1996 | Slovak: Duševné vlastníctvo v procese transformácie právneho systému, lit. 'Intellectual Property in the Process of Transformation of the Legal System' | Bratislava |
5th | 1998 | Slovak: K návrhu slovenského občianskeho zákonníka, lit. 'On the Proposal of the Slovak Civil Code' | Bratislava |
6th | 2000 | Slovak: Zákaz zneužitia práva, lit. 'Prohibition of Abuse of Rights' | Omšenie |
7th | 2002 | Slovak: Zabezpečenie pohľadávok a ich uspokojenie, lit. 'Securing and Satisfying Claims' | Smolenice |
8th | 2004 | Slovak: Kodifikácia, europeizácia a harmonizácia súkromného práva, lit. 'Codification, Europeanization and Harmonization of Private Law'
German: Kodifikation, Europäisierung und Harmonisierung des Privatrechts |
Smolenice |
9th | 2007 | Slovak: Základné zásady súkromného práva v zjednotenej Európe, lit. 'Basic Principles of Private Law in United Europe'
German: Fundamentale Grundsätze des Privatrechts in vereinigten Europa |
Smolenice |
10th | 2009 | Slovak: Reforma súkromného práva v strednej a východnej Európe, lit. 'Reform of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe'
German: Die Reform des Privatrechts in Mittel- und Osteuropa |
Smolenice |
11th | 2013 | Slovak: Ochrana slabšej strany v súkromnom práve, lit. 'Protection of the Weaker Party in Private Law'
German: Rechtsschutz des schwächeren Subjekts im Privatrecht |
Smolenice |
12th | 2015 | Damages as a Remedy in Private Law
(Slovak: Náhrada škody ako prostriedok nápravy v súkromnom práve) |
Smolenice |
13th | 2017 | Social Function of Law and Growing Wealth Inequality
(Slovak: Sociálna funkcia práva a narastajúca majetková nerovnosť) |
Smolenice |
14th | 2019 | Ad hoc Legislation in Private Law
(Slovak: Ad hoc legislatíva v súkromnom práve) |
Smolenice |
15th | 2021 | Loss of Life and Its Compensation In Private Law
(Slovak: Ujma zo straty ľudského života a jej náhrada v súkromnom práve) |
Smolenice |
16th | 2023 | A Human In Law
(Slovak: Človek v práve) |
Smolenice |
17th | 2025
(announced) |
Technological Developments and Private Law | Smolenice |
[edit]- ^ a b Detvai, Štefan (2002). "Slovenská advokátska komora spoluorganizátorom VII. Lubyho právnických dní". Bulletin slovenskej advokácie. 1: 101. ISSN 1335-1079.
- ^ a b c d e "Lubyho právnické dni sa zaoberajú ad hoc legislatívou". Bratislava: Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky. Retrieved 2023-10-24.
- ^ a b c d e f g "Lubyho právnické dni". Trnava: Právnická fakulta Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave. Retrieved 2023-10-24.
- ^ a b Návrat, Matúš; Škreko, Anton (2004). "VIII. Lubyho právnické dni - kodifikácia, europeizácia a harmonizácia súkromného práva". Justičná revue. 56 (12). Bratislava: Právnický ústav Ministerstva spravodlivosti Slovenskej republiky: 1431. ISSN 1335-6461.
- ^ Adamova, Zuzana; Kosnacova, Marianna (2004). "Viii. Dies Luby Iurisprudentiae - Harmonisation, Codification And Europeanisation Of Private Law - Conference organised by the Stefan Luby Foundation in co-operation with the Law Faculty of the University of Trnava - Smolenice (Slovak Republic), 16 – 17 September 2004". Uniform Law Review. 9 (3): 585–588. doi:10.1093/ulr/9.3.585. ISSN 1124-3694.
- ^ Grófiková, Zuzana; Dorič, Pavol (2021). "Ujma zo straty ľudského života a jej náhrada v súkromnom práve". Ars Notaria. 24 (4). Bratislava: Notárska komora Slovenskej republiky: 23–25. ISSN 1335-2229.
- ^ Grófiková, Zuzana (2002). "Správa z vedeckej konferencie VII. Lubyho právnických dní". Ars Notaria. 4: 11–12. ISSN 1335-6461.
- ^ "XVII. Lubyho právnické dni: Technologický pokrok a súkromné právo" [XVII. Luby Law Days: Technological developments and private law]. Trnava: Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Law. Retrieved 2024-12-04.
External links
[edit]- Luby Law Days on the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava in Trnava web page